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Summary: Cara, a 20-year-old college student, had the wildest night of her life. Unbeknownst to her, she has been impregnated by an alien species. The alien grows and feeds off of arousal, so any time she get aroused, the alien grows. The alien has a 12-month gestation period and Cara must try her best to abstain from any sexual activities or anything that arouses her. The amount of arousal will affect size of the alien offspring, but it will still take 12-months until birth. Idea submitted by Jacob.
Contains: Female: belly expansion, alien pregnancy, breast expansion, stuffing, lactation, and more.

Previous Chapter


Cara’s car was towed.

This was such a mess.

By the time she had ordered a taxi, a small crowd of spectators had formed, most of them college students like she was. They sipped drinks while staring, sometimes giggling nervously or chattering amongst themselves. They were treating her as though she was an animal at the zoo!

“I mean, she’s huge!” laughed some girl too loudly. Of course, intoxication didn’t lend itself to subtlety.

Not one person treated Cara like a person or offered sympathy to her situation.

At least some guy shuffled over, looking immensely weirded out. “Hi ma’am, do you need help or something? I mean, er…”

“Ma’am!?” cried Cara, ready to deck the guy even though she doubted her hands could reach him past her belly – not without her losing her balance, at least. “I’m twenty!”

The guy stammered indecipherably, his cheeks reddening.

Luckily for him, her taxi chose that moment to arrive. Cara angrily wrenched the back door open and tried to shove herself inside.

The driver looked baffled when he saw her. He immediately leaned over to adjust the passenger’s seat forward, bending it to make space. The spectators inched closer, watching Cara struggle into the car.

She slammed the door shut with a huff, red and trembling between her anger and exhaustion. She knew she had pushed her body too far that day. Sure, getting into a girl fight, breaking up another girl fight, going shopping, then being fingered by one’s girlfriend all seemed like a lightweight day for your typical college student, but Cara had to accept her new and substantial weight as well as the limitations of her condition. She needed to rest now.

She slumped back in her seat, hands wandering.

She rubbed and rubbed, exploring her belly, while feebly trying not to turn herself on. Because she couldn’t stop. She was big and full, packed with this alien as it pulsated inside her. Lurched and squeezed more of itself into her. She had to stop thinking about it, had to get her head out of the gutter. God, she was just so stuffed. Cara gazed out the window, hoping for a distraction.

It was almost like an addiction, she mused, as her fingers continued to massage her taut flesh. She knew she was pushing things, but it was so hard to stop. Especially when Amber was involved. Just thinking about Amber pushed her right to the edge.

The car stopped. Cara looked out the window, at her apartment building.

With a sigh, she opened the door. The driver was staring at her through the rearview mirror, his expression uneasy.

Cara hauled herself up with a grunt of effort. She waddled to her building, dizzy and panting. Her hands cupped the underside of her swell, as though this could lift any of the weight off her body.

When Cara got to her apartment, she was surprised to see that Jessica was conscious and present, and even wearing clothes for once: some shorts and a tank top. The blonde was in the kitchen area, presently feasting greedily on a…roll of raw cookie dough?

It was certainly a digression from her green smoothies and fruit salads. Cara waddled further inside. Maybe she could make it to her room, unnoticed…

“Oh. You’re back,” came Jessica’s disgruntled voice.

Cara paused. “Yeah, um…sorry about…”

“What? Yeah, I’m fine,” Jessica said. She took another large bite out of the cookie dough. “I guess I got overwhelmed and just passed out. The police looked me over and said I was fine. I didn’t press charges, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Jessica just looked fatigued with the whole thing. Cara could relate. This conflict was exhausting.

“And now I’m stress-eating,” Jessica went on bitterly, then continued to gnaw on the cookie dough, looking as though she wanted to cram the whole half of the roll remaining into her mouth.

“Right. I’m just going to…” Cara trailed off as she made her way to her room. She sighed in relief as she closed the door and got onto her bed, sinking in and closing her eyes. She was that sort of tired that made you grin into your sheets, that made one’s bed feel like pure heaven. Too weary to dwell on her worries, Cara hummed as she fell asleep.


Cara was grateful that most of her classes allowed her to attend lectures online while submitting coursework through the college website. The few occasions that she did have to go to college in-person, everyone gawked at her in astonishment. All her friends avoided her, ducking behind their books so not to meet her eyes. If they wondered how she had become so outrageously pregnant in just a matter of weeks, they did not inquire.

Navigation was a struggle. With her car impounded and unable to accommodate her to boot, Cara had no choice but to take taxis everywhere, or get rides with Amber. School desks no longer fit her, and neither did most chairs. She found herself repeating the mortifying process of requesting special accommodation, until she almost got used to it.

While it was easy enough to waddle to campus once a week or so and ease her ass down in an extra-supportive seat, Cara’s job actually required a bit of motion.

That day, she was wearing a waist apron that was tied at that little space between her swollen breasts and the sharp jut of her belly, the only space on her torso that the straps could negotiate. The apron lay across her abdomen, looking so small and not even coming close to covering it. Her swollen ass bulged out behind her in the leggings she had crammed it into, and her breasts sat high on her chest, shelved by her belly, looking so round and perky, so plump and bouncy. They were welcoming tits: fat, warm, and pleasant. Her cleavage was generous, her shirt was tight, and her neckline was deep. Customers ogled her shamelessly.

“Can I take your order?” Cara said sweetly to the latest patron standing there frozen and gawking at her dimensions.

The guy sputtered as her smile broadened.

She was getting used to all the attention and the corresponding awkwardness of those around her. It almost wasn’t so bad anymore if she kept optimistic, instead of anguishing as she had before.

Later in her shift, Cara waddled into the little supply room to get some extra cups. Belatedly, she noticed that Greg was already there.

“Oh!” Greg squeaked as her belly bumped into him, cornering him by a shelf.

“Oh, sorry,” Cara said as she shifted and Greg edged away, but they kept going in the same direction and ending up pressed against each other. Finally, they managed to get a couple inches between them, Cara holding her breath and sucking in her stomach as if this would make her a tiny bit smaller. Greg peeled himself off the wall and fled.

Cara released the breath she had been holding, gasping and blushing as she wearily grabbed the cups.

When she got back behind the counter, Greg just looked spooked, and avoided eye contact with her. Nothing new.

Her other coworkers had also stopped being amused as the days passed and Cara continued to be relentlessly huge. Sometimes they got a flash of skin, or a hint of lurching when her belly pressed into them, as it tended to. What they thought was a girl playing a prank was now Cara being authentically, impossibly, tremendously pregnant.

At least no one asked her to explain herself. Better that they ignored her, for how much that would achieve.

Seeing a customer, Cara waddled over to the register, her right hand absently cupping the tension at the base of her spine. She arched her back, trying to stretch a little, her belly pressing into the edge of the bar. “Can I take your order?” Cara asked politely.

“Oh, I’m just w-waiting for my Americano,” the customer said, his eyes trailing up and down her fertile body.

“Right.” Cara glanced down the counter and saw the beverage in question waiting to be handed off to the customer. “JT?” She read the initials scrawled across the receipt beside it.

“Y-yeah, that’s me.”

Cara went over to grab the cup, wincing slightly as she held it carefully in front of her. Her nipples were really aching today. She went back to the register where the customer was waiting. He’d already paid, according to the receipt.

Before handing him the drink, she asked, “Did you want any cream or…ohhhh…”

Her nipples tensed, but more so tingled as she twisted her face against the strange and building sensation. She was almost grateful that her hands were occupied, or she might have touched herself unthinkingly.

“I’m sorry I…” Cara was breathless, her face flushing, her breasts feeling hot and full, tight and heavy. She gritted her teeth as they tingled more, and tightened visibly as they heaved while her nipples puffed and distended. Getting just huge as they bulged prominently in her too-tight shirt, and finally she got to the point that she couldn’t contain it anymore.

“Nghhhh…” Cara moaned as her top dampened, milk gushing so hard that her shirt actually started dripping; dripping milk right into the beverage she was holding.

The customer stared at her, aghast.

“Oh my god,” Cara stammered as she lowered the drink. “Oh god, I — sorry!” She turned and waddled for the restroom in the back, trying to clutch her chest, but this just made her whimper. Not that all her colleagues hadn’t already seen that she was leaking, their jaws hanging as she left a trail of milk on the floor behind her.


“… And then I just…” Cara trailed off, her face red as she fumbled with the piece of clothing she was supposed to be putting on. She was just grateful that she didn’t have to look Amber in the face as she recounted the story.

“No way,” Amber said from the other side of the door.

Cara’s blush deepened, if that was even possible. “Didn’t you notice how huge they look today?” She motioned roughly at her boobs even though Amber couldn’t see her. The mounds wobbled, causing Cara to wince. “Oh…”

Cara leaned on the wall. She was presently in the bathroom of Amber’s apartment, changing her clothes.

“Well yeah, I just didn’t realize you were lactating already.”

“What do you mean by already?” Cara snapped.

“I mean, wasn’t it kind of obvious that you were…”

It was an odd conversation to be having with one’s girlfriend. Cara’s mind was still spinning.

“It was humiliating. I was just, like, splattering milk everywhere. Eugh. I’m just glad it finally stopped.” There was a long pause and Cara took the opportunity to squeeze her legs into the stockings.

“That’s unbelievably hot,” Amber said.

“Ew, no,” Cara protested.

“Your boobs are full of milk. And they’re just gonna get fuller, I mean, you said it yourself. They’re getting huge. Even after you released some, they just got —”

“Shut up!” Cara retorted. She was grateful when Amber obliged, so Cara turned her attention back to the new, dry clothes. “This is what you bought at that maternity store, huh?”

“Yeah. You like it?”


“Let me see.”

“Just need a second,” Cara said, fumbling some more.

There was another pause before Amber asked, “So how’s your roommate?” There was a snarky edge to her voice.


“She still bothering you?” Amber asked immediately.

“No. Conveniently, she isn’t. She’s just been eating like a pig lately. I think she’s even putting on some weight.” Cara chuckled. “Maybe she’s traumatized from you going after her with that baseball bat.”

Amber started laughing as well. “That’s fucking hilarious.”

“Yeah, she’s like a bottomless pit. I mean, I thought I was bad.” Cara’s nipples were still so tender. She was trying not to touch them, which made this tricky. Finally, she finished getting dressed and came out of the bathroom.

Apparently maternity lingerie was a thing. Not that this piece fit her any more than anything else at the store, but Cara had done her best to make it work. It was a gift, after all. It was a semitransparent chemise with spaghetti straps, and it didn’t nearly accommodate her belly. It just sort of lay upon the top of the swell. It came with a thong, garter, and stockings, all of which showed off her round hips and her plump bubble of an ass. She must have had the fattest ass on campus by now.

“This is ridiculous,” Cara said, feeling breathless and whalish.

But Amber was staring intently, biting her lip. “You look great,” she said hoarsely.

“Oh,” Cara said, blushing. She gulped, then offered a smile, feeling oddly nervous because of the way Amber was looking at her. “So shall we…?”

Amber snapped out of her reverie. She looked off, thoughtfully. “My neighbor has a pool.”

It was so arbitrary, Cara frowned. “Amber, it’s after midnight.”

Amber raised her eyebrows. “Even better.”

“Are you insane?”

“Obviously.” Amber grinned as she leered, looking so cute and mischievous.

And unsurprisingly, Cara couldn’t resist her. “Should I get changed, or…?”

Both girls giggled as Amber wrapped the bedsheet around Cara. Then Amber took her by the hand, and they were off.


It wasn’t exactly a neighbor’s pool. It was several buildings down. Cara was exhausted and just hoped it was worth the walk over.

It was a modest, in-ground pool. Self-made, and probably illegal. But it looked nice, the water glowing blue in the underground lighting.

“It’s not too deep,” Amber said as she doffed her robe, revealing the tiniest of tiny bikinis. She offered her hand, helping Cara to shuffle down the steps and into the water.

Face-to-face wasn’t practical. They adjusted and twisted, so that Cara’s back was to Amber’s chest as Amber held her, whispering and touching. Her fingers wandered to Cara’s nipples, as though to squeeze.

“Not yet,” Cara pleaded, grabbing Amber’s arm. She sighed as Amber’s hands drifted down again.

Cara arched her neck and groaned as Amber touched her and whispered, kissing her throat while rubbing her belly, her fingers wandering lower still, until Cara’s heart was pounding, her breathing thinning.

It was dizzyingly exhausting, euphoric, wonderful, and insane. This whole thing was insane. Cara choked out a whimper, her hands again reaching for Amber, reaching for something to grab. She tried to hold on.

“Is it happening?” Amber asked huskily.

Cara gave a frantic, jerky nod. She could feel it inside her, body tense and tight, muscles clenching. Clenching and pushing. It was a big one. “Errghhhh… Amberr!”

The pressure burst, and Cara would have wailed out had Amber not covered her mouth, Cara’s belly rolling and puffing. Pushing and straining, inching forward as it got fuller, the baby growing inside of her. Stretching her body as she struggled to bear it.

She didn’t know how long the growth spurt lasted, but she was dazed as she came back to herself, slumped and panting, Amber holding her as tight as she could. The cool water actually helped. Cara could feel how much heavier she had gotten, and feel the tingling of new strain on her skin.

Cara just whimpered. “Oh god, oh god,” she sobbed.

“You’re all right. You did great,” Amber assured, kissing her nape. She stroked Cara’s belly soothingly.

Cara grunted as her stomach lurched, visibly rising and shuddering. “Nrrgghh…” she arched, nipples seeping, her face scrunched and red.

“Shhhh…” Amber urged as they took their time, and Cara tried to get her body to relax.

Cara’s own hands quivered as they stroked over her mass. It was just so huge. Feeling physically and emotionally drained, she leaned back on Amber. Not wanting to get out of the pool. Not wanting to find out how heavy her belly felt now, and how far it extended.

Next Chapter 



"...her face scrunched and red." I'm not usually into expansion, but when it comes with this kind of discomfort and exertion it's hot.


Thanks! 😆 No one's ever told me that they're not into expansion on this page. 🧐


Let's hope Cara gets milked like the cow she is, soon.