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This is a story entry for the Writing Contest.
The 10 participating writers will remain anonymous until 20 November.
For more information on the contest timeline, visit this post.

Related Work & Context: Sequel to Culinary Arts & Culinary Arts 2: Electric Boogaloo


Sarah was oddly chipper today. She couldn't quite pinpoint why. She hadn't been too happy about losing contact with her former experiment a month ago, but that didn't dampen her mood. Not with today's plans. Today was the start of her next venture in the culinary arts.

"Ready to start?" Sarah looked up to see her new test subject: Mason. He was the perfect specimen. Although at that moment, the scientific reasoning behind 'why' never crossed her mind. She was just too excited to see what Mason had created.

"I already started prepping the batter for the brownies." Sarah's heart fluttered with anticipation. She licked her lips, knowing every "special" ingredient she added to the mix would be going straight to his stomach.

Her own stomach began to rumble as she stared at the chocolatey goop. It was odd: it never reacted like that before with her prior subject. In fact, most of her demeanor felt off. She shrugged it off, figuring it was about time all this food made her hungry.

She placed her hand on her stomach after feeling another rumble, That's when her eyes went wide.  Her once flat abs were replaced with a soft, basketball sized orb of dough. She instantly became mortified.

"Sounds like someone's hungry?" Mason chimed in, seeing Sarah holding her oversized stomach. "...good thing I need you to 'taste' this before I put it in the oven."

The moment Sarah heard Mason say "taste", her complete attention was drawn back to the bowl of batter. She licked her lips, forgetting about her belly. "Sure, Mason." Without hesitation, she picked up the bowl, and placed the rim against her lips, as thick, chocolatey batter began to slide down her throat.


Sarah was oddly chipper today. She couldn't quite pinpoint why. She hadn't been too happy about losing contact with her former experiment a month ago, but that didn't dampen her mood. Not with today's plans. Today was the start of her next venture in the culinary arts.

"Wait..." she thought. "Didn't I..."

"Ready to start?" Sarah lost her thought after hearing Mason. Must just be too excited about him. After-all, he was the perfect specimen.

"But... why?"

It bugged her: why couldn't she remember what made him 'perfect'. She didn't even remember creating anything for male subjects. Was she really just "too excited"?

"I already started prepping for the chicken alfredo." Sarah's heart fluttered from hearing the meal for today, seeing the thick white sauce bubbling over the stove.

"Why... does this seem so... familiar?" Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that they'd already made this meal before.

Before another thought crossed her mind, her stomach rumbled deeply from the scent wafting by. She winced at how strong the pang was. She swore she ate earlier. Multiple times, even. Yet it felt like she hadn't eaten in days.

Her hand shot to her her stomach from another pang. That's when her eyes went wide. Her once flat abs were replaced with a large orb of fat. She instantly became mortified, feeling like she'd had this realization before.

"Sounds like someone's hun..." before Mason could get the words out, Sarah rushed out to the nearest bathroom.

Sarah wasn't an idiot. Something was wrong. And she had a good idea what was happening.

"But how!?" It was the only thing running through her mind as she tried running down the hallway.

It was the first time she noticed how much heavier she was. Even her breathing was heavier than she remembered. She was moving faster than her body could handle. By the time she made it, she was sweating profusely; completely out of breath.

It took a minute to recover as she gripped the counter tightly to hold herself up. She kept her head down, knowing she wasn't ready to see what she had become. Once she gathered enough courage, she slowly lifted her eyes.

What greeted her was the fattest version of her she'd ever seen. She immediately grabbed her belly again with trembling hands. She couldn't believe how big everything looked. Her former C-cups had blown up to heavy E's. She turned to her side, seeing how fat her ass had grown. Her eyes moved back to her belly, seeing how far it truly stuck out. Almost as though as she was at full term.

Something finally snapped back in her head. She finally remember the other day. Supervising Mason, making brownies, and drinking every last drop of the batter he'd prepared.

She remembered how fat she was then; it was no where near how fat she was now. It didn't make sense: there was no way she could gain this much in only a day. Knowing this only infuriated her more...

Sarah stormed back to the classroom; again out of breath. Mason had no time to react as Sarah grabbed him by the collar, shoving him against the cabinets. Her belly kept him pinned as she came closer and closer to choking him out.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Her eyes drilled to the back of Mason's skull.

Mason didn't look concerned at all. He just smirked.

"Wow... it happened again. Well... nothing we can't fix". Mason's hand went to touch her belly. As soon as it made contact, Sarah's knees buckled. The most intense wave of pleasure surged through her body, causing her to let go of Mason. He chuckled as he strolled back to the pot.

Sarah slumped to the ground. She still couldn't believe how sensitive her belly had become from just his touch. She tried to process more of what was happening, but the waft of creamy Alfredo hit her nose.

"Good thing I already had a pot cooling before you got here." Mason approached with a large pot of the thickest, buttery smelling sauce Sarah had seen. She knew there was no way it was just parmesan and butter. She had to keep that creamy garbage away from her.

However, her eyes betrayed her, staying glued to the sauce.

"I wasn't expecting you to 'wake up' so soon. I thought I adjusted the dosage enough to keep you 'sedated'." Mason began repeatedly scooping sauce out of the pot, letting it drizzle back down. As hard as she tried, Sarah couldn't keep from licking her lips. Her belly gurgled from hunger. "Luckily, all the other 'fun bits' seem to still be working." He teased the ladle towards Sarah's quivering lips, watching her resolve slowly crumble away. He stares, letting the ladle just sit there, dripping alfredo off of it's sides. "Well... what are you waiting for? 'Eat'."

Suddenly, Sarah's appetite surged. She couldn't stop herself as she grabbed the neck of the ladle and sucked it dry. Once clean, her heavy body lunged for the pot. Its weight didn't phase her as she brought the goop to her lips and began to drink. Sauce drizzled down the corners of her mouth as she guzzled it like chugging a beer. As she drank, she felt her stomach stretch further and further out.

Mason kneeled down, placing a hand on her belly. She could only moan as her body refused to put down the half emptied pot. "Looks like it's doing its job..." Sarah barely noticed him patting her gut as she felt herself fade away. Her eyes glazed over as she let herself drift away with the creamy white sauce...


Sarah felt... odd today. She couldn't quite pinpoint why. It ruined her mood quite a bit. It didn't help that she'd been feeling sluggish all day. All she wanted right now was a nap, even if it was during her bio-chem lab.

Before her eyes closed shut, she felt a sharp pang hit her stomach for the third time that day. It was enough to snap her back to reality, and loud enough to alert her nearby classmates. She panned the room in hopes that no one heard, only for herself to notice something. She didn't recognize a single person in her class. It was weird; it'd been a whole semester, and not one person looked familiar.

Sarah lost her train of thought as the professor dismissed the class. She knew where she was headed next, but wasn't sure why she was so excited. She couldn't help but think of Amy as she packed up. In haste, she tried to quickly lift herself out of her seat; finding it more difficult than usual. She didn't remember these desks being so small.

Once she unstuck herself, she stood; knees buckling almost immediately. Her entire body felt heavy. Why? Was she sick? Maybe hungry?

As if on queue, another pang struck her from deep within her gut. She tried to calm her gut, only to find that her flat stomach wasn't there anymore. A massive globe of fat sat there. Her eyes shot down, only to meet the largest pair of tits she'd seen since Amy's. Beyond them peeked the large curve of her belly, barley covered by her shirt.

In that moment, everything from the last couple days flooded back to Sarah. Her mind was spinning, but one emotion stood above the rest: Rage.

Sarah grabbed her bag and attempted to run out of class. The impact of her first steps with the extra weight made her knees buckle instantly. She cried out in pain, alerting the professor immediately. Before he could get to her, Sarah managed to start her stuttered waddle out of the classroom.

"We still need to talk about your grades this semester, Sarah!" He managed to shout out before she was out of earshot. Sarah wondered what he meant by that, being the perfectionist she was. However, her anger quickly drowned out her concern as she trekked towards the test kitchen

She was already exhausted by the halfway point. Her oversized belly and breasts wobbled furiously as she tried to keep her balance, waddling down the hallway. She caught herself in some of the reflections of mirrors and windows as she walked. She wanted to cry on the spot from how huge she looked up front. She even saw why it was so hard to get out of her seat, seeing how far back her ass sat behind her now. No wonder her classmates couldn't stop staring.

She wanted to stop and take a breather, but she couldn't. Not because she needed to get to the man that put her in this situation asap. The reason was more embarrassing to admit. The scent of food wafted down the hallway. She knew where it was coming from. And she hated how excited it made her feel.

She finally made it, bursting through the door, only to find what appeared to be a mini buffet set up in the back. Smells of ribs, fried chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and other various sides engulfed the room. Had she not been enraged, she would've went straight to the food. Instead, her eyes landed on her true target.

Mason was checking on whatever was inside the oven. Hearing the ruckus, he looked over and smiled. "Hey! Just in time for...."

As tired as she was, it didn't stop her from moving the fastest she'd moved all day; pinning him against the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!" This time she held his arms down, keeping them away from her belly. The only problem was, her fat gut also had Mason pinned. It helped keep him in place, but even just touching him like this was causing her to squirm.

Sarah waited for a response, but all Mason did was stare at her. He didn't even look phased at the situation. His happy demeanor shifted to another smug smirk.

"You snappeed back sooner than planned again..." It caught Sarah off guard how menacing he sounded. "You even remembered your own weaknesses this time." He mentioned, looking down at her belly. "I wonder how much you really remember now...?"

Sarah couldn't help but look nervous from that comment. She was supposed to be the one 10 steps ahead of her prey, not the other way around. Now here was this jackass, enjoying his time pinned between a fat girl and an oven.

"First off: yes, you've been a great help towards my culinary journey. I'm sooooo happy that you've been willing to test EACH and EVERY dish I made for you." Her grip tightened from hearing him. "Wait until you hear the next part." His smirk grew wider. "You probably guessed on your way over. But unlike You and Amy, You did consent to me impregnating you. Said it would be perfectly fine for this experiment. "Sarah's hands dug into Mason's arms, causing him to wince. How did he know about Amy? And why would Sarah EVER agree to this.

She hoped what Mason said wasn't true, but there was too much evidence. Even the current flutters in her belly queued her in on the multiples she was clearly carrying. "It did take a couple months to make sure you were prepped to carry as many as you do now. Completely worth it, in my opinion." Sarah was confused. What did he mean by 'Months'?

Mason showed a face full of glee from her reaction. "Oh right... at least those drugs did a good job. Let me ask you: How long do you think it's been?"

Sarah looked puzzled. What kind of question was that. It only had been a couple days.... maybe weeks... since she started tutoring Mason. Although, now that he mentioned it, Sarah still didn't know how she'd gotten this big so fast. Nothing she had given to Amy had led to her missing gaps of time.

"Still confused, huh?" Sarah could tell Mason was enjoying her struggle mentally.

"10 months. 3 weeks. 2 days."

Sarah broke. Her hands went limp as Mason freely walked around her. Did she hear him correctly? What did he mean by 'months'? There's no way that 'Months' had passed, yet alone 10. Right?! But if that was true... that would mean...

"...you're wondering how you're still in school if 10 months have passed, huh?" Sarah looked up at Mason, already standing next to her meal. "Pfft... of course You of all people would be more concerned with that than with what was growing inside of you.." Mason just looked over, disappointed that his highly intelligent subject still couldn't put everything together. "It's pretty simple, actually.

"I had you flunk out of your classes last year."

Sarah could only see red as she heard those words. She immediately went to attack Mason, only to be met with another deep pang in her stomach. She almost fell to the ground, catching herself with the countertop nearby.

In the meantime, Mason pulled what ended up being mac and cheese out of the oven . "You were so drugged up and hypnotized, that you willingly did anything I wanted you to. With some persuading, I was able to have you retake your bio and culinary classes one more year.

Sarah wanted to scream. How could this psychopath do this to her. How could someone take almost a year of her life away like that.

"Well, as much as I enjoy seeing you try and comprehend everything; it's well past your meal time. Don't want you to get too... 'hungry'... over there."

Sarah suddenly felt a surge of pain hit deep in her gut, causing her to finally crumple to the floor. She'd already felt like she was starving, but now everything in her body craved food. Even then, she still managed to fight it off as she laid there, cradling her belly.

"Looks like that's a strong, yes. Let's get you back up and..."

"Why...?" Sarah weakly interrupted. She needed to interrupt. She already felt herself slipping into a zombified state. 'Hungry': it had to be a trigger word Mason trained her body to respond to. Her mind was being clouded by the desire to feast. To fill her gut. To satisfy the empty feeling that her belly couldn't get away from.

Mason squatted, looking down at her encumbered state. "You want to know why?" Mason's smirk suddenly changed; replaced with a manacling glare straight into Sarah's eyes.

"You experimented on my girlfriend, you bitch. That's why."

Sarah's eyes went wide hearing Mason's words. Before she could even react, Mason spoke: "Now, EAT!"

Sarah's mind snapped. She was still present, but every urge to fight Mason vanished. She knew 'Eat' had to be another trigger, but she didn't care. All she wanted now was the food that Mason prepared.

She somehow managed to get herself off the ground with ease, as her hunger carried her over to the table. In seconds, her hand dug straight into the large bowl of mashed potatoes as the other grabbed the gravy boat. She shoved the mash into her hungry mouth and chased it down with the beige goop, repeatedly alternating between each. She switched over to the platter of ribs and the green bean casserole. Once again, she alternated hands, grabbing beans with one, and ripping meat from bone with the other.

"Wooooow... even when you're still 'here', you're still just as ravenous." Mason was back to smirking as he saw his experiment tear through the entire meal he'd prepared. "Maybe I should keep you lucid once in a while. Wanted to wait until you hit your tenth month, but this surprisingly worked out quite well... for me that is!" He let out a hearty laugh as Sarah continued to feast.

She heard every word, even as he alluded to how long she'd be staying in her gravid state. But right now, the only thing her body wanted was to consume. There was no will power left to fight it. She did her best to track everything that was happening to her, physically and consciously. Even now, she could tell that the fuller she got, the less self-control she had. Habituals, she thought. The tightening of her belly caused a surge of pleasure throughout her body. Definitely libido enhancers. The constant hunger without hindering her capacity. The perfect blend of hunger enhancers with sedatives that target the digestive system.

It was weird knowing almost exactly what was happening to herself and not have any urgency to stop it. Even now, as her chest finally started to tingle after building up pressure throughout her meal; she knew it was her own formula to increase milk production consuming high-caloric foods.

"Would ya look at that..." Mason took notice of the damp spots forming on Sarah's bloated breasts. He walked over and grabbed one of them, squeezing hard enough for her to moan with a mouth full of food. The pressure was strong enough to cause a quick stream of milk to shoot through her shirt. Sarah could feel her face get red with embarrassment. This sadistic fuck was really enjoying this.

"Looks like even your tits are awake. You usually don't squirt like this until after your meal." He squeezed again as Sarah continued to shove food into her mouth. Sarah's mind was melting from the mix of pain in her gut and pleasure from Mason's touch.

Mason's hand slid down to the exposed part of Sarah's belly. "It's nice to see you actually enjoy how much your body has changed. How much this massive gut of yours enjoys my touch." He ran his hand against her flesh as she moaned through her bites.

He then decided to lift the remaining part of her shirt over her belly and breasts, revealing the massive gut that Sarah was now carrying. Her tits were stuffed into a bra at least two sizes too small for her now. It didn't help that it was now soaked as milk began to trickle from underneath it, down her belly.

"Look at how big you made yourself." Sarah hadn't noticed the board behind the table. What she subconsciously thought was a whiteboard was revealed by Mason to be a large mirror for her to see herself in. "You're such a fertile little piggy now." Mason stepped closer to her, lifting her gut up and dropping it right on the table. Sarah felt heat and pleasure from the weight of the drop, almost feeling something she hadn't felt in a long time deep within.

"...or maybe more of a cow at this point." Now pressed into her back, he somehow managed to get both arms around her mass, grabbing at each tit and massaging them underneath her bra. Sarah could feel milk spurt from each tug as she tried to continue eating. She could even feel something hard press against her ass as Mason held onto her. What was worse was she liked it.

Sarah finally felt herself fading again, just like last time. She must have just reached her limit. It was too addictive: from seeing herself stuff her face, to getting groped by the creep behind her. Even now her body wanted everything happening to her. She even swore she could hear Mason try to keep her lucid for longer, but even that was failing to reach her.

The last thing she could remember was the excitement she hated feeling as Mason had his way with her while she continued to stuff her face full of his food...


Sarah was oddly excited today. For once, she knew exactly why.

She wasn't sure how long it had been; but from the way her body was struggling to waddle up to the campus that weekend, she knew it had to be close to over with.

As she reached for the door, her belly lurched in a way she'd been too familiar with the last couple of lucid days. Flashbacks to Amy in Spanish class flooded her head during each lurch. She still struggled with the best way to get her arm around her now laughably sized breasts as she tried to grab what she could of her belly for support.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the window mid recovery, seeing how ridiculous she looked now. She still wasn't sure how she managed to get that shirt over her tits, each now well past the size of what a normal full term pregnancy looked like. As for her belly, there was no denying its size. Calling it a boulder was an understatement. Amy didn't even come close to this size. Sarah was surprised she could still walk at this point. Guessing Mason drugged her with something for that as well.

Once she recovered, she made her slow stroll down the relatively empty campus. She couldn't believe she never noticed the stares prior to today; even now, the few people wondering the halls made it obvious which parts of her they were looking at.

She'd already smelled the delicious aroma down the hallway before she entered the dim lit room. Her belly rumbled, both from the scent as well as the constant downward pressure from inside her. Mason, with the biggest smile she'd seen on him, stood near the large kettle filled with the source of the smell.

"Hey, babe!" It was still strange to hear him call her that. She still didn't know exactly when it started. Or why he started. She just knew her heart fluttered anytime she heard it now. Definitely more hypnotism.

He made his way to the front of the classroom. "I'm surprised; usually takes you a lot longer to get here nowadays. Was the smell that good?" It'd been like this for weeks... or months... she still wasn't sure. She anticipated feeling flustered and embarrassed from his words. She then braced herself as he place his hand at the side of her exposed belly. The sharp pang of pleasure made her weak, but she managed to stay standing this time.

"You 'Hungry'?" Mason asked in anticipation.

Within minutes, Sarah was naked, sitting on two of the largest chairs that could fit her massive ass, and strapped to a feeding tube, chugging on the super-fluid Mason created. She still couldn't handle how much her belly filled her lap, extending past her knees. Her breasts had no choice but to spill off each side of her massive gut. It almost looked like she had three overdue bellies on her.

Mason stopped wasting his time with cooked meals. Instead, he made a concentrated mixture of every drug he'd put into her food since day one. To him, Sarah knew what was happening now; her body didn't care what it consumed at this point.

Gallon after gallon of the goop continued filling her gut. Sarah enjoyed every moment as it slid down her throat. She enjoyed the amount of pressure that filled her belly as it expand. She enjoyed the milk flooding from her exposed tits as more goop entered her body. She even enjoy the strong contractions wracking her insides the entire time.

Mason had made a big deal about today. She knew he wanted to push her one last time before his 'babe' couldn't hold them in anymore. Sarah had the same problem with Amy; the labor delaying agents had lost their effectiveness. She guessed that Mason probably replaced them with inducers for today.

As the last gallon of goop filled her gullet, a flood of fluid released from beneath her.

"Right on schedule, Babe!" Mason looked excited to finally see his results. Sarah grabbed at her belly. Pain and pleasure hit her core as Mason helped her to the ground. He wanted her on all fours, but between the size of her boobs and belly, her back had to do.

Sarah struggled to breathe between all the extra mass on top of her and the crowning she could already feel between her legs. Mason just kneeled there, rubbing her swollen gut. "I can already tell they're going to be 'HUGE'!" Sarah could feel her body get excited at hearing the word; another of many she found out about within the last couple months. "I can't beleive you almost made it a WHOLE YEAR, Babe!" He slapped her already strained gut, causing her to wince as the first baby moved further down.

She could feel herself want to scream for the first time in months. Not just because of the pain, but from her actual anger. Funny enough, knowing that alone caused her to grin through her struggle. She knew she just had to make it through this.

Another contraction hit her hard. She managed to grab Mason's arm, squeezing harder than she'd ever squeezed someone before. He too winced in pain, as he finally got a taste of her wrath. His anger didn't last for long as he finally saw the baby's head make it through. "I SEE IT, BABE! YOU'VE GOTTA PUSH NOW! PUUUUSH!!!!"

Still under some of Mason's commands, she immediately started to push. It took her every ounce of strength to finally get one of the largest babies she'd ever seen out of her. She was too tired to even react as Mason struggled to lift the child into his arms. As he cleaned them off, Sarah could already feel the pressure of the second baby pushing against her. She knew how draining the next couple hours would be, but she needed to hold on, just until it was over.


Sarah laid there, exhausted and drenched in sweat and milk.


She counted 11 children that came out of her. She wanted to be angrier, but she had to admit: Mason's experiment was a success. At least more successful than hers was with Amy.

"Babe... you were great." Sarah was almost taken aback; Mason almost looked like an actual caring person.

"Can't wait to see how much longer we can go your next time around." Sarah was too tired to put energy towards his comments. Besides, she still needed to save her remaining strength.


Mason left the room, grabbing the last of the strollers from the other classroom. He knew how giddy he must still look to his experiment. That fat cow finally made up for all the years he lost with Amy. It wasn't his fault that he became addicted to how big Amy was getting. Or how she clearly looked pregnant after months of us dating.

Sarah... if it wasn't for her, Amy's gravid body wouldn't have broken ties with him.

Luckily, Sarah did a great job filling that gap in his life. Who knew the hypnosis from his throw away Psych class would work so well with her. He was even surprised she still hadn't figured out that she was the one who created all the formulas and drugs to pump into herself.

Oh well, she didn't need to know now, he thought as he returned. He approched an kneeled next to her, staring at his accoplishment.

"Babe, you still there.... OW!"

He was confused at what just happened, but when his eyes finally drifted towards the source of his pain, a syringe stuck out of his arm. Attached to it was Sarah, slowly plunging its contents into him until it was empty. He was so shocked at what just happened; he didn't have time to react, before finally fading off into darkness...


Sarah, with her remaining strength, got back up for the second time after birthing those brats. She knew she'd be lighter now that 11 children weren't weighing her down, but didn't account for the muscle mass she'd built up from carrying them.

It was the first time Sarah could actually smirk, herself; knowing what was to come for the arrogant idiot laying there fast asleep.

"Hmm... I think I'll call him... Macy."

For now, she knew how hungry those oversized brats must be now. She took one of them out of it's cradle, sat down at her seat, and let her first newborn eat as she continued planning her next expirement.



I wonder if something like this will happen to Sammy from piglets


Great story; enjoyed the groundhog and revenge elements.


I loved it how even when she knew what was happening she was so heavily influenced that she couldn't stop herself if she tried