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Note: This is simply a female version of Bad Roommate.

Summary: Violet’s roommate secretly doses her with experimental drugs, causing Violet’s stomach to progressively transform into a giant breast. Violet is oblivious and horrified as to what is happening to her body. In the meantime, her roommate secretly documents the transformation. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, belly-breast, and more.

Previous Chapter


Alex groaned awake against the firm kiss pressing her lips.

It was one way to start the day.

She breathed heavily as she pulled Milton closer, his large, calloused hand sliding to dip under the hem of Alex’s T-shirt. Milton cupped Alex’s chest, rubbing and squeezing the mounds there as Alex grunted, arching her back. They were so sensitive, so full. Milton was always rubbing and squeezing; wanting to feel them. Trying to stimulate them, make them grow. Milton’s face dipped down, lips closing in on Alex’s upper right nipple. Alex gasped, fingers gripping Milton’s hair, pulling him closer, as Alex fidgeted and groaned and Milton drank.

Just another typical morning.


That afternoon, Alex donned some leggings and a baggy T-shirt.

After all four of her E-cup breasts had been drained of milk, Alex had managed to bind the lower ones with some athletic bandages. It was uncomfortable and didn’t entirely hide them, but it certainly decreased their visibility. With the binds, coupled with an oversized hoodie, Alex was inconspicuous. No one paid attention to her. The trade-off was the pain and discomfort of being bound so tightly, which would only get worse as time passed and a new batch of milk steadily came in. But Alex had at least a couple of hours before that.

She wandered through the clothing store, picking up items she thought would fit her. She chose practical stuff. Baggy shirts and sweaters; things she could go out in. Then she also picked out things that were the opposite. Clothing that was a little…showier. Things that Milton would like. It was funny and weird, but also embarrassing. Sometimes Alex felt as though she was living a double-life.

It wasn’t a bad thing. Things were…good. Alex was comfortable, and happy, and Milton was always very generous. Alex glanced down at the bracelet peeking out under her sleeve. Another gift from Milton. It had to be worth twenty grand, at least. Just selling it would be more than enough to…

Sometimes Alex thought about leaving. Not imminently, but, in the future…maybe. She just didn’t feel as though she had much purpose these days. What she and Milton had was fun, for sure. They always had a great time together. All the fucking, groping, sucking, and spending. Milton liked spending money. He liked the club — he was one of the owners, it turned out. And Milton loved showing Alex off at the back room. Those were the things that Alex’s life had been simplified to. It was uncomplicated.

Their relationship didn’t seem to really transcend the fucking, groping, sucking, spending, and showing off. And Alex didn’t know whether or not that was a problem, but it certainly was something to…consider. On those occasions when she wasn’t completely immersed in social media, binge-watching a TV series, halfway through a box of chocolates, or recovering from a good and thorough fucking.

A couple of shopping bags in hand, Alex walked out of the mall, wincing slightly at the increased tightness of the binds. She walked up to her luxury SUV. Another gift from Milton. With all these gifts, and a generous allowance, Alex thought she might be getting close to where she needed to be financially to — to do something. Something different. If she wanted to. Which she wasn’t sure of, yet. But at least she had the option. She could move away, and figure her life out, even get her own place. Because at that moment, Alex had to admit that she felt a little lost.

She had stopped going to her classes entirely, having all but dropped out of college. It wasn’t as though her grades had been any good, not with everything going on. She wondered if she would ever go back, or if there was even any need to. Some people believed that college was just some elaborate scam. There were other ways to make money.

Alex made a stop at her apartment. Though she didn’t use it much anymore, the lease was paid to the end of the year. Sometimes Alex would stop by to check in on things, or pick up some of her belongings. She hadn’t exactly moved out, not completely. All of Violet’s stuff was still there as well. It didn’t look as though Violet had ever been back. With still no sign of her after several weeks, Alex wasn’t sure if she should have done something — inquired with Violet’s family, or the college, or something.

Alex grabbed a couple pairs of her shoes as well as her spare laptop charger. As she walked through the kitchen, she noticed that one of the cabinets had been left open. She caught a glimpse of Violet’s coffee canister, the one Alex had drugged. The thing that had started this all. Alex found herself briefly staring, before she managed to tear her eyes away. Lightly shaking her head, she walked towards the front door, turned off the lights, and left.


Alex pulled some of her hair out of her eyes. She studied her reflection in her bedroom mirror.

Her club outfits were getting racier. She was constantly trying to one-up herself; make Milton blush. Alex just did it for her own amusement, but it really turned Milton on. And that turned Alex on. That night, Alex was wearing a formfitting black mesh shirt, her two black strapless bras visible beneath it. Her leather skirt had always looked good and fit her perfectly, but today she’d had to struggle with the button a while just to get it closed.

Alex frowned as she turned sideways to study her profile. She had gained weight. Her hands clasped her rounded belly. She didn’t think it was too noticeable. Honestly, people would only notice the four tits stacked in her chest, but Alex was still feeling self-conscious. She used to be lean and slender, now she was just…fat. In the torso, at least.

Well, Milton never complained. He was more of an enabler, always supplying Alex with fattening foods and drinks, always encouraging her to pig out. Maybe he thought it would make Alex’s tits bigger. It was funny how obsessed Milton was. The other day, Alex had been looking for a spare key, and had found a bottle of pills in the back of Milton’s sock drawer. A quick glance at the label had rendered Alex stunned. It was a lactation supplement for nursing mothers who couldn’t produce enough breast milk.

Alex’s first thought was that Milton was drugging her in secret. But upon further study of the bottle, Alex had realized that it wasn’t even open. Alex didn’t know what to think. Should she bring it up with him?

The revelation had left a lot on Alex’s mind; a lot to process. But she found more times than not, she avoided decisions. Then again, her inaction usually just led to decisions being made for her. Life was happening, and Alex was just…going with the flow of things. Numb, and…lost.

“You look great.”

Alex gasped as strong arms wrapped around her from behind. She hadn’t even heard Milton enter the apartment.

“You have something on your mind,” Milton muttered into the side of her neck.

“Yeah, just…figuring out what I’m doing with my life,” Alex admitted with a shrug.

“You’re taking it easy. Having fun,” Milton murmured back, now kissing her shoulder. “Isn’t this fun?”

“Mmmm,” Alex agreed, eyes closing.

“Why is society so obsessed with productivity? Why not just indulge?”

Alex was breathing heavily as Milton’s hands slid up to cup her lower breasts.

“You save me a snack?” he asked.

“I…uh…just pumped,” Alex responded breathily. Her face twitched as he squeezed her nipple. “Aren’t we going out?”

“Yeah,” Milton responded. Then his hands relaxed, and slid away. Alex turned to face him. “Wanted to talk.”

Alex raised her eyebrows. “Go for it.”

Milton walked over to the dresser, and opened the…the sock drawer. He reached to the back and pulled out the bottle of pills Alex had discovered there a few days earlier. He handed it over to Alex to examine.

Alex pretended to study the label. “A…lactation supplement?” she said, trying to appear surprised.

“I don’t want to pressure you. Just wanted to try something new. Embrace your uniqueness. What do you think? Could be fun.”

Alex swallowed. “I, uh…” She didn’t know how to respond. She hadn’t actually entertained the thought of it. But she wanted Milton to be happy. Because Milton made herhappy. “Yeah.” Alex nodded. “We could try it out.”

“Yeah?” Milton’s face broke with excitement.

“Yeah, why not?” Alex said as he pulled her close, her four breasts pressing between them. Milton kissed her thoroughly, then took her hand and guided her to the kitchen.

They found a leftover cupcake from when they ordered in desert the night before. Alex rolled her eyes at the corniness of Milton turning this into some impromptu celebration. She watched on in amusement as he peeled the protective plastic wrap off the lid of the supplement bottle, then opened it, and plucked out a large capsule. With careful fingers, he twisted the capsule apart so that he could pour its contents — a dusty white powder —directly onto the cupcake. Against the chocolate icing, it looked like powdered sugar.

Giving Milton a smile, Alex lifted the cupcake and took a large bite. She ate it slowly and indulgently, licking her lips clean, then her fingers.

Milton watched with rapt attention. “Ready to head out?” he asked, licking his own lips.

“Let me grab my jacket.”

Milton rolled his eyes. “That frumpy thing?”

“You know these babies are for your eyes only. Well, you and your little buddies in the back room.”

“Appreciated,” Milton said cheekily.


A couple days later, Alex was grimacing through a campaign in Mythical Dragon Realm, but her growing discomfort could no longer be ignored. “Sorry guys, I…uh…pee break,” she said into her mic, quickly disconnecting from the game and the onslaught of complaints from her teammates. Alex shoved her controller aside as she looked down at her chest, breathing heavily. “Fuck,” she breathed, grunting and fidgeting as her hands grabbed hold of the bottom of her tank top. “God, I think I’m full already.” She had just pumped that afternoon, but each breast already felt bloated full and hot, now pressing into her worn tank top that seemed to have shrunk since she had put it on a couple hours earlier.

Alex just tried to breathe through it. She didn’t usually pump any time after midday. Milton preferred that Alex wait till he got home around five-thirty. Milton loved to drain Alex personally.

Through her wincing face, Alex threw a glance at the clock on the far side of the living room. Just one hour, she told herself. Well, an hour and a half. In the meantime, she needed to distract herself. Might as well get dressed. Alex frowned down at her appearance. She was wearing just a tank and shorts, her stomach protruding somewhat under the hem of the shirt. She had spent the whole day parked on the couch in front of her video game, lost to the world around her. It was becoming the norm. Alex shook her head, mildly disgusted with herself. As she stood, her face contorted again, one of her hands unconsciously shooting down to cup belly. Her breasts felt so tight, nipples aching. It was taking a good amount of effort just not to squirt. Alex panted as she gingerly made her way to the bedroom, mildly irritated by how uncomfortable everything was at that moment.

Yet it still amazed her what the human body was capable of. She could produce a lot of milk these days. And, like, it was food. Actual sustenance. Other mammals could live off what her body made. It was kind of amazing and also kind of unfortunate that she wasn’t doing something more productive with this unique…skill she had. She should probably look into selling it or donating it, or having it studied, or something. Alex wasn’t sure, she didn’t know much about this stuff. But her body was constantly generating more, pouring it out, kind of just wasting it. And it was a lot. A lot of food and a lot of work. She always felt overheated and breathless, her body constantly working, desperate to make more and more of it.

Alex sighed as she pulled a clean shirt over her head. Nothing fancy, just something that was crisp and ironed, with no holes or pink stains from the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches she’d been eating earlier.

She jerked up a pair of jeans, her rounded belly jiggling somewhat with her movements. Alex wasn’t surprised when she found herself struggling with the button, though this time, she just couldn’t get the sides to connect. She fumbled and strained, and tried to suck in her stomach. She grunted and reddened, really trying to squeeze herself into the pants.

Alex had been wearing sweatpants all week, and she saw the looks Milton gave her. It annoyed him even more when Alex walked around wearing leggings and T-shirts. He was just so posh and prim, and Alex felt like an offensive slob lately. “Grr…dammit…” Alex muttered breathlessly as she leaned on the wall, completely frustrated, but refusing to give up. She tried to compress herself, pack herself in, get the stupid button to close, when she felt a popping sensation that made her gasp and drop the pants.

Alex clutched her stomach, cupping her navel that – fuck – it was protruding. Her normally inwards bellybutton had become an outie somehow. Alex hugged herself, completely stunned and shaken. “Oh god.” There was no way Milton wouldn’t notice this. That something was changing.

Next Chapter 


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