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This is a story entry for the Writing Contest.
The 10 participating writers will remain anonymous until 20 November.
For more information on the contest timeline, visit this post.

Related Work & Context: Sequel to Clause II - Female Version


It had been fourteen years since Diana had given birth to her first set of quintuplets in Mr. Maroon’s office and procured her inheritance. Since then, she had held to her aunt’s insane parameters necessary to inherit her wealth. Year after year, she had given birth to litter after litter of children, her body long since given up to be nothing more than a swollen baby factory.

After her first set of multiples her body seemed forever altered. Over the years she never conceived less than four at once, and a few years bearing as many as eight! Two months ago, she had been grateful to only give birth to sextuplets drawing her total number of children up to eighty-five.

The absolute insanity of that number of children having exited her body had Diana feeling lightheaded, but now there was a light at the end of the tunnel! One more pregnancy, just one more, and she would be free to live the rest of her life however she wanted.

She’d already had enough money for nurses, nannies, homeschooling, and boarding school for each child she’d forced out of her aching body so once the last few were shoved into the world she looked forward to whatever surgeries were needed to return her to the body she had long ago said goodbye to.

Diana could hardly fucking wait.

Diana couldn’t seem to get below 300lbs anymore and she had long since stopped trying. Her full-term-belly-sized breasts hung off her barely obscuring the twin-sized pudge of fat that was her gut, and her hips and thighs were fat enough to put the thickest of tree trunks to shame.

Heaving her body up took gargantuan effort, but today it was worth it as she sank into a chair beside Dr. Reed in front of Maroon’s desk to sign some clerical papers to acknowledge her entry into the last year of her aunt’s stipulations.

Scribbling her name down, Diana shoved the papers back to him with satisfaction only to find him looking at her with an apologetic expression.

“What is it?” she asked, barely keeping herself from snapping. She could tell whatever was coming was not going to be good.

Maroon grimaced then said, “I’m afraid there is one more Clause to fulfill, ma’am.”

Diana’s face heated with rage. “I have fulfilled every Clause required of me!”

“Except one. Ms. Hardington wanted Clause III to be withheld from you until the final year of the fifteen. It was part of her stipulations.”

Dr. Reed tried to keep the fear from her eyes as she glanced back and forth between Diana and Maroon.

Diana forced a hard breath through her nose then grit out, “What is her final stipulation, then?”

Maroon picked up the paper and cleared his throat and Diana felt the other shoe drop. “By the end of the fifteen-year period, my great-niece Diana should have given birth to at least 100 children naturally and at term, otherwise all inheritance is forfeit.”

Diana felt her blood run cold and her ears started ringing. Talking continued around her but she couldn’t distinguish any words. One hundred. ONE HUNDRED. Her aunt was truly insane!! How on earth could she carry and give birth to the fifteen babies needed to keep her inheritance!? She had already put her body through so much, but this last stipulation was absolutely impossible! And her aunt had saved this information so late that there was no way to space out such an impossible request. Her body could not take it, she knew it, she –

“Diana,” Dr. Reed’s voice finally broke through the fog. “Diana!”

Diana’s eyes found hers and she was surprised to find Dr. Reed squeezing her hand. “I will take care of everything. You can do this.”

Diana couldn’t even nod. She just let herself be led away to Dr. Reed’s office never leaving the shock-induced haze of Maroon’s revelation. Leaning back on the examining table as she had countless times before, she didn’t bother to listen as Dr. Reed prattled on about the new fertility formula she’d been working on and how it was sure to help her. She took the injection without wincing, then, for the fifteenth year in a row, she was inseminated.

She had already come too far.

She couldn’t stop now.


It had only been two weeks, but Diana knew she was pregnant. Nausea roiled in her gut and though you couldn’t tell from the thick layer of fat covering her belly, she felt utterly bloated. Diana could only hope that signs this early meant that Dr. Reed’s new formula had worked. She had given up too much for it not to.

As she sat in Reed’s office waiting for the test results to come back she rubbed her swollen gut and managed not to groan at the thought of how big she would be if she managed to carry all fifteen babies. And how if she didn’t manage it all of these years of agony would be for nothing.

“Pregnant!” Reed cried with barely restrained joy as she entered the room and patted Diana’s giant gut. “And your hormone levels are off the charts! I really think we did it!”

Diana just clutched her swollen belly and thought of the millions that awaited her.


By the time she was three months gone, Diana looked like she was about to drop triplets. She waddled heavily from room to room and was nearly always eating. They were going to find out today how many babies they had managed to cram into her huge womb, but Diana knew it had to be at least ten. Her body nearly shook with the need to feed the brood that was growing inside of her.

Flopping back onto the exam table with a loud CREAK! Diana pulled up her dress to reveal her engorged womb. Reed slathered nearly a tube and a half of gel over her belly and booted up the sonogram machine.

And Diana just held her breath as Reed counted.

“One, two, three, four,-“

Please, please, please!

“-eight, nine, ten, eleven,-“

So close! So close!

“-thirteen, fourteen, fifteen! We did it!”

Diana released the breath she was holding in a whoosh of relief but froze again as Reed continued.

“But that’s not all!” she beamed at Diana. “Look! Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen! You’ve got eighteen babies in that big belly! Isn’t that magnificent?!”

Diana just slumped back onto the examining table and groaned.

Of fucking course she did.


Diana had hit month five and she had no fucking idea how she was supposed to make it to term. Midway through month four she had been bedbound and now in month five she was as big as she had been while carrying her biggest previous litter of octuplets. She was enormous, red faced and sweating, a mere accessory to the heaving mass that was her womb. Perched on her knees and leaning against her belly as her gargantuan tits leaked endlessly over the globe of her children, all she could do was moan and sleep and eat.

She had an IV in each arm but it still was never enough. Her stomach was eternally growling, craving endless fuel to grow the EIGHTEEN babies stuffed inside her quaking uterus. She could not believe how full she felt, how completely consumed she was by the pressure and stretching of her aching skin over the giant mound of babies attached to her.

But all she could do was breath and bear it as she stuffed more and more food down her gullet to the furnace of her voracious womb.



Reed ran into Diana’s room at the sound of her groans and immediately began rubbing her giant belly in the hopes of calming the thrashing babies inside.

“Reeeeeeeddddd,” Diana whined as her belly pulsed and twitched as the children inside her squirmed for release.

“Just breathe, Diana. Just breathe, they’ll quiet soon.”

Diana just continued to moan and whine as the pressure in her belly grew and grew. She looked like she had swallowed a Smart Car. Seven months gone and comfort and sleep were a thing of the past. Diana only existed to breathe and feed the swollen mass before her. Slumped on her knees against her heaving womb she groaned again as she felt the pressure spike again.


Beneath her hands, Reed felt Diana’s belly tremble and shake as her quaking belly heaved forward, growing before her eyes. Inch after inch it swelled as the eighteen weighty fetuses inside stretched their mother so far it was a miracle she didn’t burst. Her tits gushed with milk, and her ass fattened as her hips widened even further.

“GGGYYYYYAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” Diana screamed at last as the growth stopped and the pressure lightened.

Feeling herself falling into unconsciousness Diana’s last glance past her leaking tits showed Reed not even attempting to restrain her smile anymore.


“I….can’t…I…UUUUNNNGGGHHH….I…can’t! Reed….please!!” Diana gasped out in between spikes of pain and pressure. She had not taken a full breath in months under the heft of her weighty body and the exhaustion of merely existing in this state was nearly too much to bear.

She had almost made it. Twelve hours left and she would be due. She could finally deliver the eighteen babies that had taken over the last nine months or her life. She could finally be free of her aunt and her fucking stipulations. She was so close!

“You’re almost there, Diana! You can do this!” Reed soothed, rubbing the aching womb before her. “Just a little while longer!”

There were barely words to describe the magnitude of Diana’s state now. Her belly could have housed a sedan with room to spare. Each breast could have held a set of octuplets. Two women of Reed’s size could curl up comfortably in just one of her ass cheeks. The mammoth size of her body was spread across a series of mattress on the floor as her body had long since outgrown any bed that could hold her. Numerous machine nodes were strapped to her belly and beeped at her brood’s coming arrival. An IV was in each arm and a feeding tube lowered down from the ceiling for her to gorge on when a craving struck her.

She was nothing but a womb now. And her babies were ready to come.

Diana had been fighting the pressure on her cervix for weeks, but tonight it was becoming excruciating. Her belly pulsed and quaked as she tried to deny the contractions that were desperate to come as her babies thrashed and churned inside of her to be free. Sweat poured down her body and she grunted and groaned and whined as her belly heaved.


“Diana, don’t make me sedate you! Try to hold on!”


Diana felt the first of her brood try to ram its head through her cervix as Reed jammed a needle into one of her fat thighs.

With a last moaning whine, darkness took her.



Oh god, don’t make me wake up!


Head lolling, Diana dragged herself to consciousness at Reed’s call. She was beside Diana’s heaving body and wiping the sweat from her forehead.

“It’s time Diana, you have to wake up! You have to start pushing before the babies are in distress.”

“What if…I’m…in fucking….distress?” Diana groaned as all the sensations of her quaking, baby-swollen body returned to her.

But then she screamed as the enormity that was her belly contracted against the litter inside her.

“Push, Diana, PUSH!” Reed cried.

The baby that had been shoving against her cervix before she’d passed out now forced its way into her birth canal and Diana felt tears stream down her face as it spread her wide. After the amount of food shoved into her body the last nine months it would be a miracle if this child was under twenty pounds.

Diana screeched as it eeked down her birth canal and finally began to press against her lips as it crowned. Her gargantuan belly pulsed and tensed trying to force the first of her final litter free of her aching womb and sweat poured off her straining body.


At last Diana felt the gigantic head pop free and she moaned in relief and dread.

“C’mon, Diana! One more big push and the first one is free!”

Mashing her hands down on what she could reach of her heaving womb, Diana slowly, achingly, forced out the first of her brood, gasping and groaning as she felt it leave her at last.

Diana was so big now that she could barely see anything outside her mammoth tits and enormous womb, but as she felt the second of her litter begin force its way into her birth canal, she knew she couldn’t give up now.

Fuck her aunt and her twisted stipulations.

Diana was getting what was hers no matter the cost.

And with another scream, she bore down again.



I love how she started out as a cute small woman who was inclined towards the opposite sex and loathed the idea of having children. But then winds as a massive fattened baby factory and barely even a person. Just a womb and belly to pump out babies and eat. When describing her birth set up I just imagined a woman leaning against a monstrous pregnant belly sucking down on a feeding tube and then reluctantly giving birth to her massive brood


This was amazing!


"Now, then... *shuffles folders meaningfully*... about Clause 23..." ;) Excellent massive pregnancy progression here. Kudos!