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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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In just a couple of weeks, the café was transformed. Sarah brought in bigger tables, brighter colors, and softer edges. The environment as a whole became bubblier, yet still cozy.

Sarah started hiring as well. There were several new servers, all of them visibly pregnant. Each woman seemed puzzled but pleased to have gotten the job so easily, especially given their conditions.

“Of course, of course, we’re a family company,” Sarah would say when the new-hires brought it up. “We love babies,” she told them, patting her own jutting midsection.

Everyone was intrigued, particularly the original employees, who Sarah was kind enough not to fire despite them being neither pregnant nor busty.

“Holy shit,” Mia muttered behind the counter one afternoon as she gazed at her phone.

Logan raised an eyebrow. Mia passed him her phone and Logan quickly scanned the email. It was a message from Sarah, sent out to all the café workers.

I am happy to announce the offering of several new performance-based bonuses available to all café employees:

What followed was a comprehensive list of truly generous bonuses based on belly measurements, breast size, and weight gain. Logan was stunned.

“Dang, maybe it’s time for me to get knocked up,” Mia said as she patted her flat stomach. “With bonuses like that, who the hell needs college?

Logan gulped. He just hoped that corporate didn’t find out about this.


Sarah kept pestering him about hiring a “dairy producer.” Eventually Logan had no choice but to cave.

He was most familiar with Mia. She seemed pretty laid-back, and least liable to slap him across the face for asking.

“Seriously?” she said after Logan had given the proposal in one hasty breath. She adjusted her glasses.

“Well, I understand if you have no interest-” Logan started, ready to flee.

“I could try it out, I guess?” Mia grabbed the contract out of his hands, appraising it with furrowed brows.

Logan blinked at her. Clearly she hadn’t understood what he’d asked. “Right, so…why don’t you take some time to look over the paperwork?”

“No, it’s okay, I’m in.” She whipped out a pen and signed her name at the bottom of the agreement.

Logan continued to stare at her. Mia was a tomboy and a stoner, presently wearing overalls and a baseball cap, her short curly hair bobbing around her ears.

“Right…so…I’ll make the arrangements for the drugs?” He expected her to be taken aback at any moment.

“Yeah, I’ll take them. Boob milk,” Mia snorted.

“Okay…” Logan slowly backed away. There was no way this could all be so easy. No fucking way.

And yet somehow, it was.


And while Mia got started on the drug regimen to become a “producer,” the new waitresses were slowly getting accustomed to the increasingly clingy “uniforms” that Sarah was setting them up with. Well, if the Tooters franchise could do it…

Logan found himself increasingly amazed (and alarmed) by what employers could get away with, granted they got permissions in writing. Sarah was just taking charge and changing everything around.

She kept emphasizing on “Oharo’s vision” while she made Logan and Kat take on various roles at the café, from bookkeeping, to serving customers, and even maintenance work. She wanted them to understand the business and operations intimately, at every level. Logan supposed it made sense. He didn’t like it, but he didn’t fight it either.

Instead, he stood back and enjoyed the constant bickering between Kat and Sarah.

“You have to eat something,” Sarah insisted.

Kat was flustered and irritated. She had just consumed two bagels not an hour ago, but to Sarah, it might as well have been air. “You know your authority here only extends to work-related stuff,” Kat said icily. Even then, she was gazing at Sarah’s waistline with that daunted look, as though she was afraid she was becoming her.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” Sarah responded with a sinister smile. “We both know I own you.”

Kat capitulated, because it was true. She began to eat from the samples tray clutched right in her arms, chomping angrily on pastries with as much venom as she could incorporate. Logan watched indulgently.

Kat was suffering the indignity of a waitress uniform, this one a tight white romper which she had fought Sarah tooth and nail against (and lost). And through that tight material, Logan could see how much Kat was growing every day.

God, Kat was really putting on weight. Logan silently rooted for Sarah every time she pressured Kat to eat more. His heart would race whenever he gazed at Kat. He got turned on just thinking about the things to come at the rate Kat was swelling up. She already looked as though she was six months along.

Of course, she had nothing on Sarah. Sarah was wearing a tube dress that was tight and formfitting, truly showing off as much of her body as it could. Logan didn’t know how she could act so casually content when she was just so massive, her belly huge and round, wider than the rest of her. She looked as though she was pregnant with quads, her belly shuddering visibly at times.

Logan saw the occasional twitches and grimaces that crossed her lips, but for the most part, Sarah plastered her face with an easy smile. She sipped her milkshakes, and winked when she caught Logan staring. After which he would (arduously) tear his eyes away.

Her boobs were getting bigger. They had to be Ds by now. Logan wondered if that was deliberate, what with her dipping into those lactation supplements so casually, like she thought it was candy.

Sarah’s free hand reached down to rub her lower belly. It couldn’t have been comfortable, so packed and full. She must have been truly exhausted.

Yet she acted as though she didn’t have a care in the world, and somehow it just made her hotter.


Later that day, Logan went into one of the back rooms to pick up some extra coffee sleeves, and he saw something he didn’t think he was supposed to have seen.

Kat was in the room, but she had not noticed him, probably because her eyes were squeezed shut, her face twisted in discomfort. She was gripping a shelf adjacent to him with one hand, her other hand clutching her rounded abdomen as she breathed in heavy puffs.

“No…nrrghhh…” she grunted as her face reddened, starting to sweat with the strain of-

Her belly was growing!

Logan saw it immediately, Kat’s stomach shifting outward while growing rounder, her uniform becoming tighter, then straining as diamonds of flesh became exposed between the buttons.

The growth spurt only lasted a couple of seconds, with Kat gasping for breath as she desperately rubbed the swell. She was pouring sweat now, cheeks flushed bright red. She opened her eyes to gaze down at her swollen body in clear horror.

“H-hey,” Logan managed.

Kat’s looked up, startled. “What the fuck?” she snapped at noticing him standing there.

“You okay?” Logan said.

Kat quickly grabbed a waist apron off a shelf, tying it around her to cover where she had outgrown her buttons. “Fuck you,” Kat growled as she shoved past him, leaving the room.

Logan gripped the wall, feeling breathless and dazed.

Oh god, it was just like in Asia! It – it was happening!


It took Logan a while to compose himself. Even after going to the bathroom for some deeply needed relief, then splashing his face with some cool water, he felt as though he was barely holding it together.

It took all his effort not to drink Kat in. She was behind the counter trying to make a latte with clumsy hands and an unnerved expression. Sarah idly observed the café and sipped her latest milkshake, seeming all too pleased with the progress.

“Whatever you’re doing is working,” Logan noted quietly as he stood beside Sarah. He too looked around at all the workers, and actual customers. The café now had a decent amount of regulars, and the number was growing every day. On first visit, most customers were shocked by the set up. But a certain amount of them came back a second time, with intrigue, and then a third time, finally with purpose. As though they had accepted in themselves what they liked about the place.

The employees were delighted. The servers enjoyed having a community of other mothers-to-be, and they liked having a pregnant boss in Sarah whom they could relate to in their conditions. They liked the sheer fact that they were hired at all, just months before they would have to take maternity leave. And they especially liked the idea of the big monetary bonuses Sarah was offering out in exchange for — of all things — big bellies.

“Of course,” Sarah said contentedly. She was truly a madwoman. The place was honestly starting to resemble the original branch in Asia.

Logan allowed his gaze to continue to wander. Three of the employees were clutching clipboards while giggling amongst themselves. There was Mia, who had a pencil tucked behind her ear. She was wearing a loose collared shirt and an apron. As she was the main barista and not pregnant, Logan supposed she was exempt from tight clothes. The other two young women, in contrast, were both in their third trimesters. Mia was petting one of their bellies while murmuring something. The recipient threw back her head in hearty laughter.

For something that felt so wrong, the scene was oddly…nice. Innocent. Logan threw a glance at Kat, who was practically smoldering in her ill mood while wiping some plates dry.

“Mia, Toni, Lucy – can I talk to you for a minute? In the back?” Sarah called to them.

The place wasn’t too busy, with another waitress already attending to the latest customers who had entered.

“You’re welcome to join us,” Sarah added to Logan with that coy smile of hers. She led the four of them to the back, where there was a little break room. They gathered around Sarah, Mia plopping into a seat as she pulled off her apron.

“You guys have been doing great so far,” Sarah told the girls as she beamed. “And you all look wonderful.”

“Well, I have nothing on tubby here,” Lucy joked as she lightly nudged Toni in the arm with her elbow.

Both girls tittered, Toni swatting at Lucy.

“Mia, seeing any progress?” Sarah inquired.

“Yeah, they’re definitely growing,” Mia said as she cupped her chest, which did appear more plump than Logan had ever remembered it being. She had always seemed flat-chested in her loose clothing, but now she had evident C-cups protruding from her chest. “Feels so weird.”

“Have you been trying with the pumps?”

“Yep, every night,” Mia nodded. “Nothing yet.”

“Make sure to keep massaging them every day,” Sarah instructed.

This was all just surreal. Logan felt dizzy.

“Toni, how are you doing?” Sarah now asked the redhead. Toni was heavily pregnant, almost at term, despite her belly being significantly smaller than Sarah’s was.

“Alive,” Toni said, causing Mia and Lucy to giggle. Toni rubbed circles on her belly with a weary grin. “Only one more week. This kid’s almost ready to be born.” That was right. Toni had only been employed at the café for a couple of weeks and her due date was almost upon them.

Toni didn’t qualify for paid leave given how briefly she had been employed at the café, though she would be taking some unpaid time off, which would ultimately leave the café down an employee for at least a month. What a trade-off. Logan was again reminded of what a nonsensical business model Sarah had implemented since taking over.

“Oh, that’s so exciting!” Sarah said with ostensible joy, her hands clapping together. But then her face fell, just a little. “Darn. It would just be a shame for you to miss out on the next bonus. It’s a big one. And you’re so close, just a couple more inches.”

“Oh?” Toni blinked.

“Well actually…you haven’t been measured today. Why don’t we check? Just for the heck of it?”

“Yeah,” Toni agreed, a little thrown off, but looking interested.

Often, Sarah tried to disguise her demands for weight gain, body measurements, and heavy pregnancies with themes of “female empowerment” and body positivity. She was hiring visibly pregnant women, which was practically saintly in recruiting culture. She was supportive of people with substantial weights and plump, womanly bodies, unlike those other employers who would much rather discriminate against such individuals. Or so was the narrative.

“Oh you’re so close,” Sarah pouted after she wrapped the measuring tape around Toni’s distended midsection. “Well…you still have a week, right? Who knows, maybe baby might have a little growth spurt.” She lightly chuckled as she pet Toni’s bump.

“Yeah…who knows?” Toni said, her mind clearly working as she bit her bottom lip. “Can you remind me...how much is that bonus, exactly?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. Right now you should just focus on bringing your beautiful baby into the world – and in just one week! Oh, I’m so happy for you. Can’t wait to meet my little ones!”

But now Toni was looking at Lucy, who was rapidly scrolling through her phone. It seemed that Lucy had found what she was looking for: the bonus figures. She looked at Toni with wide eyes.

Five grand, if Logan recalled.

Lucy’s hand absently cupped her own belly. She would be next to have her baby after Toni, as she was almost eight months along.

“Yeah, happy…” Toni said, clearly lost in her thoughts. At twenty-five, she could certainly use the money.

Five thousand dollars was actually on the low end. The bonuses only went up from there, Logan mused.

“I really have to go through those employee emails again,” Mia mentioned, also becoming absorbed in her phone. Sarah had set something into motion.

“I have an idea! We should throw you a baby shower! Oh, that would be so much fun!” Sarah said, cheerful as ever.

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