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Happy NNN!

Still have lots to post this month. New chapter of Bad Roommate will be out soon, followed by Shark, some gender-swapped chapters, and some prompts.

Would love to test out some sort of roleplay/round-robin type story writing as a patron reward in the coming months, would just have to figure out how to implement that sort of thing.

CONTEST SUBMISSIONS DUE 30 SEPTEMBER. So far I only have 3 submissions, so it looks like all 3 of them are making some money. 😂

I think my health has improved enough that I may add an additional story every month to my writing routine again. Out of curiosity, would you all prefer an additional multi-chaptered story, or would you be interested in trying out a monthly single-chaptered (one-shot) story that might be somewhat longer. Of course, I'd be making the final decision, just curious of your thoughts.





Still working on mine, should have “Kim’s Last Day” ready by next weekend. :3

Ryan Caday

The last round Robin thing was fun, but I'd suggest limiting the themes or at least the gender. Got messy pretty fast last time with everyone trying to insert their favorite stuff, might help focus it a little more.