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Note: This is a story-prompt for Zee(mired). It is based on a plotline submitted previously by Smidgeon.

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Jack was standing frozen with a canister of iced tea mix in his hands. He had forgotten what he was doing, largely because he couldn’t take his eyes off of Kathleen’s writhing form on the couch. “Errrggghhh…” Kathleen grunted as she reddened with tension. A yelp escaped her throat as her belly bounced forward in another spurt of growth. She squirmed, rubbing it desperately, huffing and puffing as she begged the babies to calm down. “Oh goddd…” she moaned as she spread herself wider, arching harder as her abdomen heaved almost threateningly. It shivered and popped out another inch. Finally, the episode seemed to end. Kathleen slumped back, gasping for breath. The huge mound sat heavily in her lap, practically seeming to dwarf her by then.

Jack was hardly cognizant of how long he was staring. He snapped out of his reverie when he heard a knock on the door. “That m-must be J-Jade,” he stammered, even though it made no sense to him as he said it. Why would Jade knock on the door of her own home? Nevertheless, Jack was happy for the distraction. He made his way to the door while urging himself to breathe, in and out.

Kathleen’s response was a whimper. She was sweat-drenched and exhausted, her only movements being the odd twitches and shivers of her immense midsection.

“Paul,” said Jack in surprise as he opened the door to his neighbor.

“Hey, just wanted to return your power drill,” Paul responded, holding up the tool in question.

“Right,” Jack managed, still decidedly frazzled from recent events. He reached out to take the drill, but rather than handing it over, Paul brushed past Jack to let himself inside.

“Can I get a drink? I’m famished,” said Paul as he lowered the drill to the kitchen counter, his hand now free to scratch his ass.

“Of course, dear,” Kathleen gasped out.

Both Jack and Paul’s eyes darted to the couch, Paul finally taking notice of the massive woman sprawled there, practically pinned down by her own belly.

Jack started, “No Kathleen, it’s fine—”

“Can’t be rude,” Kathleen cut him off. Flustered and breathless as she was, there would be no compromises when it came to her neighborly hospitality. Kathleen braced her hands against the arm of the couch, her legs shuffling and trembling as her feet pressed into the floor. She grunted and struggled against her own weight. The scene was so surreal, neither man could tear his eyes away.

Somehow Kathleen heaved herself up with a roar, back arched as her belly popped forward. The thin fabric of her dress was pulled even tighter. Damp with sweat, the material was rendered nearly transparent. Her stomach had to be the size of a beach ball by then. Kathleen moaned as she clutched what she could of it with her hands. Then slowly, arduously, she shuffled forward at a heavy waddle, grunting and groaning as she made her way to the kitchen area.

Paul and Jack stumbled back, if just to avoid Kathleen’s momentous abdomen slamming into them. Jack bit his lip, throwing a glance at Paul who stood there frozen, his jaw hanging slack.

They watched as Kathleen went about the kitchen, hissing curses whenever her belly knocked into things. She put on the kettle and somehow managed to make two cups of coffee. Her face was red and contorted from the sheer effort of moving, one of her hands now clutching her lower back. “Oh!” she cried when her belly knocked against the drawer from which he had been attempting to get some spoons. But finally, in no time, she had completed her task. “Here boys,” she said as she offered them the two mugs of coffee, her abdomen shuddering at erratic intervals.

Paul stood there frozen, a rather telling bulge stretching out the front of his pants. Kathleen glanced down at it and blushed. “Well someone’s in a good mood,” she joked.

Paul snapped out of it, stammering indecipherably as he tried to cover himself up. “N-no — I didn’t m-mean—”

“Not to worry, dear. Now, do you take cream, or do you prefer your coffee…ohhh…” she trailed off in a breathy groan, her eyes going wide as her cheeks went redder.

Her plump, honeydew-sized breasts bounced then shivered as Kathleen’s face scrunched and she struggled to keep hold of the full coffee mugs in her hands. “Errghhh…” she grunted, pushing her chest out by impulse. Jack could see the dress getting tighter against her, the V-neck pulling lower, as more of her cleavage heaved over the neckline, each mound expanding steadily.

Her breasts were getting bigger and fuller, rounder and fatter, even her nipples seeming to distend and thicken as Kathleen whined from the sensitivity of them rubbing into the fabric. “Nnnghhh…goddd…ohhhh….”

The dress dampened abruptly with twin pools of moisture, the material now truly and entirely transparent as it was rapidly soaked through, and fluid started to drip off of it.


Jack gawked in complete astonishment. Paul produced an odd squeaking noise, then bolted. He practically thrust himself out the door.

Kathleen had finally managed to safely lower the coffee mugs, her hands instead moving to cup her huge tits, squishing into them so that even more milk splattered free, some of it even splashing into the beverages. “Oh god,” she groaned as yet more of her flesh strained her neckline. She looked close to tearing right out of her dress. “S-sorry, I guess I have a f-full tank.”

“Excuse me,” Jack managed, hoarsely, before he hurried off to the bathroom.



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