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Summary: Cara, a 20-year-old college student, had the wildest night of her life. Unbeknownst to her, she has been impregnated by an alien species. The alien grows and feeds off of arousal, so any time she get aroused, the alien grows. The alien has a 12-month gestation period and Cara must try her best to abstain from any sexual activities or anything that arouses her. The amount of arousal will affect size of the alien offspring, but it will still take 12-months until birth. Idea submitted by Jacob.
Contains: Female: belly expansion, alien pregnancy, breast expansion, stuffing, lactation, and more.

Previous Chapter


“God, your tits,” Amber murmured as they touched and kissed. The torn seam in Cara’s dress was only extending, the fabric trying to peel away from Cara's body.

Amber slid one of the straps off Cara’s shoulder as she kissed the soft skin there. In consequence, even more of Cara’s cleavage heaved against the neckline, her breasts round and plump, her nipples aching for attention.

“I mean, I’ve seen big ones before,” Amber breathed, pressing against Cara’s skin. “But yours — they’re so fucking full and round. Not even sagging. Shit, they look like implants.

“I take offense to that,” Cara laughed. She had thought about getting implants a couple years ago but had never liked the hard look of them on celebrities. “Mine are…um…squishy.”

She winced as Amber tested that claim. They both chuckled and kissed, getting immersed in each other’s bodies. “Your tits are insane,” Amber muttered, pushing the other strap off Cara’s shoulder.

“Hmmm,” Cara mused. It was probably the one thing about her transformation that she didn’t mind too much. Her breasts had to have surged to Es, maybe larger. She was also accumulating a good deal of fat in her ass lately. It was certainly interesting, albeit secondary to the rapid growth of her belly.

Now the top of her dress was being shoved down low enough that her plump breasts popped free, making Cara pant heavily. They were so sensitive lately. Cara’s mind was spinning as Amber kissed down her cleavage to finally close her lips around one of Cara’s swollen pink nipples.

Cara groaned and cursed as she pulled Amber closer. She struggled to breathe, the pleasure potent and dizzying. Yet, she tried to bear it. Her body was hot and her stomach felt as though it was pulsing. Fuck, she couldn’t believe how sensitive her chest had gotten. “Christ,” she choked out as Amber continued to suck and tease her tingling nipples.

“Grow for me,” Amber breathed huskily, her lips tickling Cara’s plump skin.

“Ngghhhhh,” Cara moaned. She could feel pressure cumulating inside of her, but tried to resist, to struggle, to fight it.

“Do it,” Amber ordered as she traced Cara’s areola with her tongue. “Let go, Cheeky. Grow for me, baby.” Her hand slid low, deep between Cara’s thighs. “I wanna see you huge, Cara. I want you to pop out of this dress. I wanna see your belly blow.”

“Errrrgghhh!” It was too much! Tension exploded inside her, Cara’s body surging against the pressure. Her belly tightened and trembled as it started to push forward. Cara helplessly clutched the mound as it got fuller and wider, even wider than she was. “Mmmgghhh!” she whined, thighs spreading as her belly demanded more space, and heaved her breasts higher. Some of it began to push out beneath the tight mini-dress she was still crammed into.

The spurt lasted less than a minute, but Cara was left sweat-drenched and gasping, slumped back on the cushions, stunned by the increased weight pressed against her body. She was massive. She looked like she could be due with quads by now.

Cara struggled to catch her breath as she stared down at herself, rather mystified. “Fuck,” she choked out, blinking back the tears that had formed that the corners of her eyes during the episode. Her hands compulsively rubbed over her abdomen and the squirming movements within. She had transcended what anyone would interpret to be a normal pregnancy. She was just fucking massive.

“Oh, fuck,” Amber whispered. She had been sitting there, staring. But she slowly crept forward again, a smile tugging at her lips. She carefully slid up Cara’s dress, under which Cara’s belly was already protruding. With the movement, the remaining seams tore, the dress snapping away from her. All that remained were torn rags, and a stretched band of fabric at the chest, Cara’s breasts protruding over it.

Her breasts looked even bigger now, heaving and jiggling as Cara struggled to catch her breath.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Amber murmured, leaning in to press her lips all along Cara’s swollen belly. She cupped it reverently with her hands and kissed it some more. “God, you’re so big. How big are you gonna get?

Cara felt herself shiver at the thought, heat shooting to her groin and making her breathless. But she tried to regain control of herself. “Stop it, I c-can’t handle another growth spurt,” she managed. “Feel like I’m gonna pass out.”

She cupped Amber’s face, drawing the other woman up so their eyes were level. Cara accepted the soft, sweet kiss that Amber planted on her lips.

“Fuck, look what you did to me,” Cara murmured between kisses. “You’re turning me into a blimp.”

Fuck, Cara,” Amber breathed as she fingered herself.

But both knew they had to stop. So, they cuddled up close and relaxed for a while, Cara listening to Amber’s panting. Amber’s free hand started to stroke Cara’s belly. Cara closed her eyes and tried not to get overcome by the pleasant sensation. There was a sense of possessiveness there – Amber admiring and stroking, as though proud of herself. Proud of what she had done to Cara.

Cara just swallowed and tried to think about things less pleasant and stimulating than that moment, on the couch, with Amber.


The two giggled hysterically as they fashioned a sheet into some crude toga for Cara.

Amber drove her home, and Cara was so fatigued that she was hardly cognizant of dragging herself to her apartment, struggling to her bedroom, and sinking down on her side against her soft bed.

She fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


The next morning, Cara just wasn’t fitting into anything.

Her latest attempt: a pink shirt that looked almost child-sized in its tininess. Had she really fit into this only a few weeks earlier?

All of her clothing now looked like this. Implausibly tiny. Cara pulled the shirt over her head, grimacing as it compressed her chest. She managed to stretch it over her breasts, but it barely covered anything else. Her huge belly protruded out bare beneath the hem.

She shook her head at the result, but it was the best she could do. Cara got on some jeans shorts that had always been baggy on her. Now they were skintight as she struggled to drag them up her ass. Her backside must have grown more than she had realized.

“Fuck,” Cara hissed as she fumbled with the zipper and button, but it didn’t come anywhere near closing. Instead, her fly was left hanging open.

Now breathless, Cara waddled over to the mirror. She stared at how prominently her nipples were bulging in the stretched shirt fabric. Admittedly, the fabric was thin, and she wasn’t wearing a bra; she didn’t have one that could fit. Consequently, her nipples looked unnaturally large, bulging out so distinctly it was practically obscene.

Cara turned to her side, studying her profile, gawking not just at the hugeness of her belly, but at her booty as well. At how fat and plump her ass had gotten, looking cosmetically enhanced. It was just so plump, so round.

It still puzzled her that Amber was so into this. Cara was a freak, as far as she could tell. But something about her evolving dimensions was just so…enticing, both to Amber and herself. Cara just didn’t get it. She tore her gaze away from the mirror, feeling yet more winded. She rubbed her abdomen at the latest pang of hunger. She had been putting it off, but she really did need a snack.

Hoping that Jessica had already gone to class, Cara opened her bedroom door to waddle out into the living room.

Her hopes were unfounded.

“Oh my gosh!” Jessica shrieked, pointing at Cara like she was some insidious monster. Jessica was wearing just a bandeau and thong, her slim, tan body on full display. She was leaning against the counter in the kitchenette, midway through feeding a guy a spoon of ice cream.

The guy was some generic, muscular jock-type wearing nothing but a tiny pair of briefs. Cara found herself staring at the scene. It should not have been surprising; this was commonplace in college life. It wasn’t long ago that Cara had partaken in such salacious deeds.

Nevertheless, Cara found herself frozen in both embarrassment and envy. But mostly the former.

“Ew, what the fuck? OH MY GOD JUST EWWW YOU FREAK!” Jessica screamed, looking ready to start throwing things, like Cara was a bug or an alien. Well, wasn’t Cara an alien? She had an alien inside of her, at least.

“Shut up, shut up!” Cara cried, wanting to strangle the other girl.

“Whaaaa?” was all the jock guy said, his mouth hanging open as he stared at Cara’s orb.

And in all the shouting, the unthinkable happened. Cara’s face twisted as she felt a sharp ache in both of her nipples. Her shirt seemed to tighten a bit, then suddenly: wetness.

She looked at herself, stunned to see growing patches of moisture dampening her top. It took her brain a moment to process it. Fluid was coming…out of her. She was lactating.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Jessica cried again, pointing at Cara as though she had just murdered someone.

It was chaos and Cara couldn’t take anymore. Relinquishing her plans to get something to eat, Cara grabbed her keys off the counter, and aimed herself for the door.

Minutes later, she was fumbling to open her car, her vision obscured by emotion as she dry-sobbed, but she wouldn’t succumb to tears. Not over fucking Jessica.

Cara started to shift into her car, but just ended up yelping in pain and nearly falling onto the pavement. People were staring at her, slowing down their walking paces as they ogled her very-advanced pregnancy, her fat tits, her huge nipples, and her wet shirt.

Cara drew a deep breath, trying her best to gather her bearings. She grunted and struggled as she leaned down, adjusting her seat. She pushed back as far as it would go, then raised the steering wheel up.

It was a tight squeeze, but she just barely managed to fit into the drivers seat. She closed the door, gasping for breath. With a shaking hand, she stuck her key into the ignition.

Cara felt dizzy from hunger. She prioritized that, driving directly to a fast food restaurant. In the meantime, she distractedly tried to dry her shirt off with the portable hairdryer she kept in her glove box.

When she got to the drive-through window, she ordered a ton of food, ignoring the odd looks the restaurant employees were throwing through the window. It took only a couple of minutes before Cara was handed two dozen cheeseburgers in grease-dripping paper bags.

She drove on and struggled not to cry, hyperventilating at times. She allowed the food to numb her until her breathing evened out. She couldn’t believe how deeply she hated Jessica at that moment. To think, they had been friends only a couple of weeks earlier.

I’m losing my shit, Cara texted Amber when she was at a stoplight. You want to meet up?

Amber responded within seconds, texting an address not far from there. Cara sighed in relief. Though they hardly knew each other, Amber was proving to be incredibly supportive and reliable. Amber wasn’t sure how she would have gotten through this whole dilemma without her.

Cara put the address into the GPS on her phone and resumed driving. Five minutes later, she was parked in front of a nondescript townhouse. Cara fidgeted a little, not certain if she should go up to it and knock. Deciding against that, she grabbed another cheeseburger, eating viciously and angrily. She swore, she could just kill Jessica. With her free hand, Cara speed-dialed Amber’s number.

“Hey Cheeky,” Amber answered brightly.

“I’m downstairs,” Cara said stiffly.

“What’s wrong?”

Cara inhaled deeply. “It’s a mess,” she managed. “My roommate’s a fucking psycho. I can’t even fit into my pants. And my tits are…” She trailed off, feeling her cheeks reddening.

“Are what?” Amber said.

Cara didn’t respond. She didn’t want to get into it. At least her shirt had dried off by now. Maybe she could just pretend that it had never happened.

“I’m on my way down,” Amber said.

Cara nodded gratefully even though Amber couldn't see her. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, feeling better and safer now that Amber was coming. Amber had that mystical way of making everything better.

Cara was startled slightly when she heard a tapping on the car window. She looked up to see Amber grinning and brandishing a piece of fabric.

“Sweatpants, to the rescue,” Amber said. “I snagged them from my friend. And trust me, she has a big ass.”

Cara rolled her eyes despite the smile spreading over her face. She unlocked the car doors.

Amber didn’t move to get into the passenger seat, instead eyeing the way Cara was wedged behind the steering wheel.

“Want me to drive?” Amber asked.

Cara gave her a rude hand gesture, both of them laughing. Nevertheless, Cara opened her door, feeling admittedly grateful as she squeezed her body out from behind the steering wheel. Amber helped her over to the passenger side, which now needed some adjusting too.

Cara had a decent amount of space between her belly and the dashboard on this side…but she wondered if that would change in the coming days.

Amber got into the driver’s seat, adjusting the seat forward so that she could comfortably reach the steering wheel. She gave Cara an amused look. “Where to?”

“Anywhere,” Cara huffed as she gazed out the window. At that point, it didn’t matter.

Next Chapter



Nice one Amber, turning Cara into a helpless baby factory but also being nice to her. Let's hope she gets a mouthful of milk for her troubles.

Joshua S

I need it all! This is incredible!