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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Janet didn’t know why, but she kept drinking. It wasn’t as though she had better options. She still couldn’t close the top of her blouse. And she was still ravenous and desperate to consume as much as she could of her milk.

Maybe she could wait this out. John was now fiddling with something on a shelf against the wall. Perhaps he had no intention of lingering in the office. More likely, he would check his watch then head off to his next meeting.

Janet kept sucking, trying not to groan or hum as her belly tightened yet she indulgently filled herself more. She couldn’t stop. It felt like a physical dependency. Each breast was close to the size of a basketball. The mounds were wider than the rest of her torso, practically taking over.

And as she drank, she could feel her belly getting fuller and tighter, her face flushed and sweaty, brows furrowed with strain. She arched and fidgeted as she could feel her abdomen inching outwards, tensing and shifting under the pressure of its contents. As she sat there suckling herself, her belly was steadily advancing. She went from looking as though she was nine months pregnant, to ten months, to past due with twins, and she was still growing.

“Hmmm…” John was now flipping through a book as he idly tapped his foot.

The lower buttons of Janet’s blouse that had been left closed were now straining, which only proved to worsen Janet’s dilemma. She knew she had to stop drinking. Her breasts weren’t shrinking, at least not tangibly. Meanwhile her belly was outgrowing her top.

And yet she couldn’t stop, even then. The milk was just too good, too pure and delicious. Her hunger for it was positively relentless.

“Nrrghh…” Her belly tightened another notch, the folds in her blouse pinching against her as diamonds of flesh formed between her buttons.

The room seemed to still, John motionless and silent. He had heardher.

Crap. Janet knew she had to get it together. So mutely, she continued to suckle, her face twisting as the strain increased in her belly. She managed to contain the grunts trying to erupt from her throat. Her face reddened more as her abdomen shuddered.

The blouse burst open with several audible pops! Buttons flung into the wall and clattered to the floor.

Fuck! Janet thought, finally pulling off her nipple as she heard John’s feet rapidly marching towards her.

“What in the world…” John muttered as he rolled the desk chair aside and got a full view of Janet. He stared, open-mouth, looking utterly shocked.

“Sir, I c-can explain,” Janet started even though she knew she couldn’t. Her arms clumsily attempted to hug the huge mounds wobbling on her chest.

“Out,” John managed, the shade of his face steadily going from red to puce. “Get out! You’re fired!” he exclaimed

“B-but s-sir…” Janet pleaded, humiliated.

“Security!” John shouted. He clumsily grabbed the phone on his desk and started violently pressing buttons.

Janet had no choice. She had to crawl out — it was awkward and tight, but she managed — then she heaved herself to her feet, hands grasping and tugging fruitlessly at the sides of her blouse which couldn’t nearly contain her her huge breasts and massively round belly.

Her head down, she shuffled out of John’s office, trying her best to cover what she could of her body. But there was just so much of her now.

Everyone was staring. Even Mary had frozen midway through a conversation with another colleague, her eyes bulging. People gawked as Janet waddled by, struggling to balance a massive pregnant-looking belly, and the biggest breasts any of them had ever seen, mounds bouncing and jiggling with the laborious movements of Janet’s body.

Janet groaned, her right hand sliding down to cradle her belly as she suffered an ache of tension, the mound practically throbbing.

“Jesus Christ,”someone whispered as Janet trudged her way to the exit door.

Another person stumbled back, dropping papers and nearly falling down as Janet brushed past them.

Janet felt dizzy and dehydrated. Thirsty, just terribly thirsty, even then. She was panting heavily, flushed and sweaty, as she finally pushed her way outside. In the parking lot, people shrieked or ogled her. One woman gripped onto her car, looking like she might faint.

Janet made her way over to her vehicle as quickly as she could manage. Gasping, she unlocked the door, shoving herself inside as it was a tight squeeze now. She had to push her seat back enough that she was no longer shoved up against the steering wheel.

In this position, her belly was perched on her lap, shelving her breasts and shoving them higher so that they squashed against her chin. Taking a deep breath, Janet started the car, praying that she didn’t get pulled over.



"shoving herself inside" is great. Everything is a struggle for this milk factory.