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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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The following day, Sarah was wearing a dark gray sweater dress when she walked in. It wasn’t egregiously tight but it was certainly clingy. She rubbed her belly proudly, as though pleased with her growth, happy that she looked as though she could’ve been due with triplets even though she was only six months along. Her skin was flushed and dewy, looking lovely and healthy as she smiled around at Logan and his staring colleagues.

“Ike, this is Sarah,” Logan introduced her in a neutral tone. Ike had decided to meet them on-site at the café that morning, the venue warm and cozy yet depressingly empty for a coffee shop in the city center at rush hour. “She just flew in last night.”

“You flew here?” said Ike incredulously, his eyes pinned to Sarah’s bulging midsection. “As in, you were allowed on a plane?”

Ike winced as Logan roughly elbowed him in the ribs. Ike didn’t have the best track record with female colleagues (as he had been informed many times over by the weary guys in Human Resources).

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” said Sarah pleasantly.

“I mean—oof,” Ike suffered another blow. “I…I trust Logan has been welcoming?” he managed.

Sarah’s smile grew broader. “Of course. Logan is a true gentleman. After my flight, he took me out to dinner. There was so much food, I’m certain he was trying to make me pop.”

Logan felt his face heat up.

“And Katlyn, it’s good to see you again,” Sarah added.

Kat had been standing frozen up to that moment, arms folded where she was leaning again the counter. She blinked out of her reverie. “Hi.” Kat contorted her lips into some approximation of a welcoming expression. Then she shot Logan a disbelieving look, lips mouthing ‘what the fuck?’

“Well, uh, it’s nice to meet you,” said Ike, belatedly shaking Sarah’s hand. “I hope you can help turn this place around.”

“That’s why I’m here,” said Sarah, the corner of her mouth now pulling downward as she looked around at the venue. “It’s quite…emptier than I expected.”

Logan gave a pained laugh.

“I’ll leave you guys to it,” said Ike as he frowned at his watch. “About to be late for a meeting with Connors. Kat, I’ll give you a call later about that Bernstein contract.” With a final nod, Ike walked to the door and stepped out into the bustling city streets. Leaving Kat and Logan alone, with Sarah.


The single North American store of the OHO’s franchise looked nothing like the ones it was supposed to be modeled after. Admittedly, it was warm and tasteful, with small tables and outlets to foster work on laptops. The place was functional, without much theme or draw. Generic, in a way. Two aproned employees wandered aimlessly, wiping down already-pristine surfaces.

“This is certainly…different,” Sarah noted as she accepted a frothy tea from the barista behind the counter. “I mean…it doesn’t match the franchise aesthetics. At all.”

“We wanted to try something new,” Kat pitched with that tense smile. The three of them were still standing by the front counter, Logan and Kat both in suits. They looked overdressed to be working on-site at the café today. Rather, they looked like patrons, here to grab quick coffees before they headed to the office.

Sarah took a sip of her drink then twisted her face, the taste proving an unpleasant surprise. “This isn't human dairy,” she said.

“Human what?” said the barista, her curly hair bouncing.

“Mia, give us a minute,” snapped Logan.

Mia shrugged and sauntered off towards the back rooms as she pulled out her phone.

“This is nothing like Mr. Oharo’s vision,” breathed Sarah, looking scandalized. “Not the look; not the taste or ingredients. You just took his name and slapped it on a restaurant then filled it up with your factory-made cakes.” She pointed at the counter display that revealed piles of Goop’ms in addition to some other popular Boddims pastries. “This — this doesn’t work. None of this is right. It wasn’t the deal. I will have to report this back to Mr. Oharo.”

“No!” Logan blurted, startling the two women. He took a breath, gathering his composure. “I mean…” He and Kat already had corporate breathing down their necks. The last thing he needed was for Oharo to shut the whole thing down. “Fuck, Sarah. Give us a chance. We look to you for guidance. Just tell us what you want—we’ll do it.

“It seems clear that you never had any intention of following Mr. Oharo’s vision,” said Sarah. “I can try to fix things, but that doesn’t stop you from rolling back any changes as soon as I leave.”

“But we’re desperate,” Kat noted. “Like, really fucking desperate. What we're doing obviously isn’t working. At this point, I’m willing to try anything. If we don’t start getting sales, we’re both gonna be out of jobs by the end of the month.”

It was true. Logan nodded, ashamed of what a failure this project had become. “Give us a chance,” he entreated. “If you call Oharo, he’ll shut us down. But corporate will shut the café down anyway. That’s obvious. We’re hemorrhaging money, and there’s nothing optimistic about our projections. This whole thing is a damn mess. Maybe your being here is pointless, and if so, I apologize for wasting your time. But while you’re here, at least give this place one more chance. Hell, take charge. Call the shots. Clearly me and Kat don’t know a damn thing about running a café.”

Sarah was silent for a while, her face thoughtful as her right hand idly stroked the jutting curve of her abdomen. “I’d be in charge?” she said after a moment. Like most people, she found the idea intriguing. “Completely?”

Logan gave a faux-bow. “I am your humble servant.”

With another forced smile and a slight nod, Kat acquiesced.

“Okay then…” Sarah said, looking uncertain, but maybe a little excited as well. “Okay, we can give it a try. Maybe we can get things back on track.”

Logan breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t optimistic, but at least he had bought himself some time. One last attempt to salvage this.

“Now firstly…” said Sarah. “Katlyn, what are you wearing?”

Kat blinked. “Pardon?”

“Mr. Oharo really favored you, Katlyn. He was counting on you. So for you to put his name on your restaurant and show up like this…” She motioned towards Kat’s ensemble.

Kat was wearing a loose pantsuit with a big sweater pulled over it. And clutching a briefcase. It was a bit sloppy, to be honest.

“This is how I always dress,” Kat lied.

Gone were the cute office dresses, tight pencil skirts, and those 4-inch heels she would threaten to stomp Logan’s dick with.

“Maybe that’s how you’re allowed to dress at the office, but now we are at a café. We want to draw people in, not scare them off. You must dress nicely from now on, or perhaps I can help you find something suitable.” Sarah really was taking to the managerial role.

“And Logan, can you take off your blazer? Kat, put down the briefcase and get rid of that ugly sweater,” Sarah went on.

Willingly, Logan pulled his blazer off, leaving just his button-down shirt that traced his lightly muscled torso. In contrast, Kat hesitated.

Then slowly, grudgingly, Kat put down her briefcase. As Sarah continued to give that scrunched-nose look of distaste, Kat reluctantly pulled off her sweater.

“And the jacket,” insisted Sarah.

Logan wondered how Kat was even able to breathe underneath all those layers. With tense fingers, Kat unbuttoned her blazer. Her eyes kept darting to the door as though she thought someone from corporate would spontaneously pop in at just that moment.

And then it was there. The bump, sticking out in Kat’s blouse, making it entirely clear that she was pregnant. She looked as though she was five months along even though Logan knew that she wasn’t nearly that far in. He found himself transfixed by the little swell.

“It’s better, but still not good,” Sarah grumbled. “Wear a skirt or a dress tomorrow. Or just something cute. I can’t have you walking around here looking like a slob.”

Kat looked apoplectic. Logan braced himself for a tirade, but it didn’t come.

“Of course,” said Kat with venom.

Sarah huffed, still clearly dissatisfied. She turned to the counter and picked up a menu to idly flip through pages. “I suppose it’s a start.”


Sarah’s reserved persona was rapidly melting away. She appeared to quite enjoy giving orders. She met with the three young baristas to critique their smiles, their dress, and even their postures. But this behavior wouldn’t have been unusual to her. Sarah had been a waitress herself, and Oharo’s directives had impacted her at a truly personal level.

Logan was in the back printing out the financial records. It wasn’t pretty. It actually felt very odd to be giving Sarah, an outsider, this level of information. But then, it had been his idea to give Sarah operational control of the café. Hopefully in the few weeks that she was there, she didn’t blow the whole thing up.

Putting the papers together in a file folder, Logan went to find Sarah. He had shown her to a little room that served as a shared office. It wasn’t much in terms of space, but it managed to fit a desk and a couple of chairs as well as that cactus Mia had brought in for no conceivable reason.

As Logan approached, he could see that the door was partly open. He stopped short at hearing Sarah talking on the phone but then peeked inside.

Sarah was changing. She had pulled on one of the café aprons, but then drawn her dress high, perhaps to adjust her sheer stockings. This revealed the lower half of her belly, as well as a thong-clad backside that left Logan salivating. It was far rounder than he had realized. She really had filled out in the weeks since Logan had seen her in Asia. Sarah was huffing and cupping her lower belly as she spoke. Her phone lay on her desk, the device on speakerphone.

“Yeah, it’s so new, it’s weird,” she was mumbling, sounding so different without her air of professionalism. “I don’t know if I like it here. I guess, yeah.”

“Make the most out of it,” said whoever Sarah was talking to. A woman, maybe a friend. “How’s the food?”

“It’s good. Heavy. God, my back was killing me yesterday.”

The person on the call said something else. A question. It was a little staticy and thus indecipherable to Logan, from his distance. It sounded like gibberish.

“Yes, I’m eating. Trying. I really need that bonus.”


“You have no idea,” Sarah responded. “I’m a fucking blimp.” She arched, rubbing her belly. “Ahh…the babies…oh, I’m gonna get bigger than Kim, aren’t I? Everyone’s saying it. They’re saying I’m way bigger than she was at six months. God, this has to be a record or something. Fuck, I’m so tight. I just keep growing and growing.

Logan choked on a bit of air. He covered his mouth, but it was too late. He took a step back, wondering if he should flee.

The door opened wider, and there stood Sarah. She hadn’t even bothered to pull her dress down. Logan’s jaw was hanging.

“Do you need something?” asked Sarah only after they had been staring at each other for what felt like a minute.

“I…er…” It took Logan a moment to recall who he was and what he was there for. He blinked a few times then managed to raise up the folder. Yes, the folder gave him purpose. The folder made this interaction…slightly less wrong.

“Oh.” Sarah snapped her garters in place despite the awkwardness of her huge belly being in the way. Finally, thankfully, she tugged her dress down over her huge belly and her full, rounded hips. “Thanks,” she said as she took the folder from him.

“Sure,” Logan managed.

“You know what else you could do for me?” said Sarah huskily.

Logan stepped closer. God, she was sexy. The things he wanted to do to her. Hell, if he was getting sacked anyway, he might as well go out with a bang.

“We need to implement Human Dairy as quickly as possible,” she said briskly, completely pulling Logan out of the nosedive his libido was on. “Maybe you can talk to some of the baristas. If none of them are interested, we need to start doing interviews.”

“Wait. What?” Logan lightly shook himself.

“I found a whole cabinet full of the pills they’ve been sending here. Just piling up, unused.” Sarah held up one of the aforementioned pill bottles, shaking it for emphasis. “If we want to make this right, we have to follow the protocols. Human Dairy is a key ingredient in all our offerings, so we have to get on top of this right away.”

“Right…uh…” Logan was frazzled. But from what he could put together, what she was asking was ludicrous. Who in their right mind would agree to being a cow for a coffee shop?

“This is really important, Logan,” Sarah went on. Now she was pulling the cover off the pill bottle and poking around inside. She withdrew a little white pill and idly stuck it into her mouth. Eating it like candy. She sucked the residue off the tip of her finger. “Mmmm.”

Logan opened and closed his mouth but could produce no words.

“Thanks for the reports.” She held up the folder. “Now get started with recruiting someone. We need that milk started asap.

With that, Sarah shut the door in his face. Logan gripped the wall.

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