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Note: This is a story-prompt for Heathen.

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Dear Mr. Stevens,

We regret to inform you that gynecomastia surgery is not covered under your current…

Jake crumpled the letter in his fist. It was the third time his insurance had rejected him on this, even despite several appeals. But they refused to cover the surgery, and Jake couldn’t afford it on his own.

He dropped his elbows against his kitchen table, putting his face in his hands.

His issue seemed to have developed out of nowhere three months ago. It was probably that new diet he had tried out. The one he had seen online. Low-meat, high dairy. It was just another dumb, fad thing like keto and the carnivore diet. Just something to try out. But clearly something had gone wrong. Maybe preservatives or hormones — he should have gone organic. Hell, he shouldn’t have done the stupid diet at all. Because now he was stuck with these fucking — he didn’t even like to think it — but he had grown manboobs.

It was ruining his career! Jake was an up-and-coming bodybuilder and had won his last two contests. But since his recent, mortifying, affliction, he had dropped out of competing, and had even stopped going to the gym. The self-consciousness was crippling. Lately, most of his days were spent in his apartment with a hoodie strewn over him. The one friend Jake had confided in had told him that it wasn’t even noticeable. But to Jake, it was glaring. Especially when he made his living being shirtless. In his reclusiveness, his gains had rapidly melted away, until one day Jake found himself looking in the mirror at a slim, unremarkable guy. Even Jake could hardly believe that he had been a star bodybuilder just a couple of months earlier.

This couldn’t go on. Jake was miserable.

He needed to get out, and start living his life again. At least if he could go to the gym and work out, there might be hope for him. Maybe he could make progress smoothing out the moobs naturally.

The first order of business was actually getting himself to go. Jake wasn’t too proud to admit that he needed help getting past that emotional blockade.

One of his gaming friends online —GetDatAhz referred him to a hypnotherapist that supposedly “worked miracles.”

Thanks man, Jake wrote in the chat box on his laptop. Insurance rejected me again. At this point, I’m willing to try anything.

No prob, man, GetDatAhz responded. Let me know how it goes.

His online friends were among the few people Jake interacted with these days, self-conscious as he had become. But he didn’t think he could have gotten through this without them.

Heaving a sigh, he picked up his cell phone to make an appointment.


“So my understanding is that you’re here to work on your insecurity regarding this issue.”

The hypnotherapist’s office was different from other medical offices Jake had been to. There was a desk and chairs, but also bamboo flooring, a beanbag, a chaise lounge, some yoga mats, some shelves with books but also various trinkets, and far too many plants. Everything was bright and clean, and there was some faint, melodious humming music coming from somewhere. It might have even been comforting were Jake not so on edge.

“I think you and I both know what the first step is,” said Dr. Geller, the hypnotherapist. “Show me, Jake. Show me what has been plaguing you.”

It was true. And it made sense. Jake did a compulsive glance around, as though expecting some voyeur to be pressed up against the fourth-story window. But it was just the two of them. And so, he swallowed his nerves, and pulled off his hoodie.

The budding little — little breast things protruded gently against his T-shirt. By Jake’s estimate, they were A-cups. “I can’t live like this anymore,” he said weakly, face hot. “I want to get back to the gym. I’m tired of being scared of going out.” He almost cringed as he looked at his slim arm, which used to be thick and corded with rigid muscle.

“That is the first step, Jake,” said Dr. Geller. She was a pretty woman, her voice calm and soothing. “It is time for our first session. Please take these herbs. They will help you relax.” She pushed a dish with three pill capsules across her desk, along with a glass of water.

Jake hesitated, but reached out and gathered them in his hand.

He took the pills in one gulp. This was the first time in a long time that he had felt any sort of hopefulness.

After that, things fell really tranquil. Her voice. The temperature. The softness of the seat beneath him. Jake slumped a little, his eyelids starting to lower. Dr. Geller continued to speak quietly.

“You will hear a bell ring,” she told him. “On that cue, you will turn off your consciousness. My voice will permeate the inner workings of your psyche. You will cede and accept. With my aid, you will embrace your true self. ”

“Okay…” murmured Jake. He wondered if this could actually work.

Then he heard a bell ring. And his mind turned off.


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