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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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Logan waited at arrivals, amused with himself for assuming the duties of a lowly chauffeur. Yes, he was a proper gentleman. He even held up a sign with MISS SAO printed across it in large, bolded lettering. It was cute. He plastered his face with his best smile. He would put on the charm to ensure that things went as smoothly as possible.

People started pouring out of customs. First Class and Business Class always disembarked first, Logan knew. He narrowed his eyes, looking out for anyone who seemed remotely familiar. He couldn’t say that he had met any of Mr. Oharo’s business associates. Logan had glimpsed an accounting guy at one point, maybe. But Logan’s trip to Asia had been largely about the atmosphere of the café, and meeting the waitresses. Business discussion had been limited to the negotiations with Kat and Oharo in Oharo’s quaint café office.

Then Logan saw her. Someone familiar. She stuck out like a sore thumb, and Logan was so confounded that he dropped the sign.


When she spotted him, she grinned broadly and started making her way over in a careful stride. She was wearing a formfitting black business dress with a bow belt that was propped atop her jutting midsection. It looked like a big red ribbon, as if she was a present. “Mr. Graham,” Sarah greeted breathlessly as she closed their distance and offered her hand, posing now as a businesswoman instead of some pregnant college kid.

It took Logan a moment to find his voice. He managed to shake her hand, his eyes compulsively darting down to her swollen midsection. At her size, she looked like she could have been due with twins, maybe even beyond it. “What are you doing here?” Logan blurted.

“I’m the company representative,” Sarah responded brightly. “Well, I was promoted. Mr. Oharo wants me more on the business side of things.”

Logan was stunned. This felt like a joke. How could Oharo send someone so…so indiscreet, to coordinate things? Sarah was young, unqualified, and terribly naïve, in Logan’s experience. On top of that, she was heavily pregnant. No one in corporate was going to take her seriously. Again, Logan’s gaze drifted downwards.

Sarah noticed. “Yes, I decided to keep them,” she said. “After all, OHO’s is a family company. Mr. Oharo helped me to see more clearly and do the right thing. The babies are doing well. They’re getting so big.

It was such a change of tune from the Sarah he had met in Asia. Only a month ago, she had still been trying to hide her pregnancy, and had been considering an abortion. She had been in complete denial of the possibility of multiples. But now, in contrast, Sarah was acting as content as could be.

“Should you even be traveling this far along?” said Logan uneasily. He wasn’t even sure how she had been granted allowance on the flight, let alone fit in a plane seat. (But of course, Business Class was seating was roomier.)

Sarah looked at him as though she thought he was kidding. “I’m only six months.”

Christ. Logan gulped.

And with nothing left to do but to…to proceed as planned, Logan tore his gaze away from her abdomen as he attempted to smile again. “Shall we get your luggage?”

After picking up Sarah’s three suitcases (Just how long is she planning on staying?), Logan personally drove through awful city traffic, like a proper host, to bring Sarah to the luxury hotel he had booked for her on the company card.

The drive was largely silent, but Logan could already feel his mind being corrupted, cognitive function declining as he was intoxicated by Sarah’s presence. And this was worse than it had been in Asia. Because right now, it was just the two of them. Logan wasn’t sure how he was going to get through working personally with Sarah in the coming days, or longer. She was practically sabotage. If he didn’t get into trouble for one too many stares, he was sure he would be fired for the variety of dumb business decisions he would undoubtedly make under her influence.

“We’ll take care of your luggage,” the concierge said after they had checked Sarah in. “You and your wife are welcome to go up to your suite.”

“We're not married,” Logan corrected, again. Two of the workers at the airport had made the same assumption. “We’re just business associates.”

The concierge blinked at him, perhaps confused as to why Logan would take the time to explain this.

Embarrassed, Logan turned back to Sarah. “I’d love to take you out to dinner, but I’m sure you want to rest after your long flight—”

“Dinner sounds great,” Sarah cut in. “I’ll just get changed.” She made her way towards the elevators, more poised than should have been natural, given her condition. Like she was taking lengths to move as smoothly as possible; graceful as could be.

When Sarah came back down to the lobby thirty minutes later, she was wearing a tight black mini dress with spaghetti straps. Logan knew he shouldn’t have been surprised.

Hotel guests and staff alike sent astonished looks their way. Sarah hardly seemed to notice. She made her way over to Logan, her makeup perfect, her dark hair falling in waves around her shoulders. “Where are we going?” she asked him.

Logan brought her to the best restaurant in town. He didn’t have a reservation, but he had the right connections to ensure the they got the best table there.

He could hardly take his eyes off Sarah. She was truly gorgeous outside of OHO’s, not flustered and sweaty under the demands of being a waitress. Here, she was on her own. Here, she had some measure of power.

She had filled out some in the past few weeks. Not a lot, but she was no longer a stick. She had modest breasts and even a bit of an ass now. And she seemed more confident outside of Oharo’s purview.

“Did I order too much?” said Sarah, a bit facetiously. She already knew the answer. Logan would pull out all the stops for her.

“No, of course not,” he said.

She had ordered a lot. Five main courses and a shit ton of appetizers. Logan would have thought her to be crazy had he not already seen how much food she could throw back firsthand.

Her belly pressed into the edge of the table where she sat. She didn’t seem to notice it, as though this was normal for her these days. The neckline of her dress hugged against the cleavage of the perky little B-cups on her chest.

Logan watched her eat her courses as they were brought out one by one by baffled waiters. Logan tried and failed to pick at his sea bass. It was so much more fascinating to watch Sarah eat. This girl was unreal. Was she really that hungry, or was this just routine for her by then? Was she still under orders to binge at every opportunity?

She consumed her food with pleasure. Fast and efficient, but also a little sexual. Or maybe that was just Logan’s perspective as he watched her eat through another plate of truffle pasta and suck down what had to be her fifteenth crab leg. She poured the whole saucer of butter over her lobster then asked the waiter for more.

“It’s all so delicious,” Sarah said breathlessly between bites of chewy steak slathered in butter and chimichurri sauce. “I admit, I was expecting to sample some of the local cuisine here.”

“We don’t exactly have ‘local cuisine,’” Logan responded, as he watched Sarah lick some sauce off the corner of her lip. “It’s all just a mixture of international dishes. And inferior versions. The only thing we really originated here is cheap, crappy fast food.”

Sarah smiled, amused. “How is Kat?” She plucked a large ball of mozzarella into her mouth.

“Fine.” Logan responded. Still a pain in his ass, but Kat was well, he supposed. “She’s doing well. How’s college?” Logan countered. He didn’t want to stray too far into personal territory, but he didn’t want to get straight into how poorly his branch of the café was doing either.

“I left University,” said Sarah. She chewed, and swallowed. “After my promotion — it just seemed unnecessary. Of course, business is new for me. There’s a learning curve, but I’ll do my best.”

Oharo was certainly taking a gamble with this one. Of course, he favored Sarah. Speaking of… “How is Kim doing?”

“Oh,” said Sarah. “Kim went into early labor. We were all a bit disappointed...but the babies are doing well.”


“Yes, it’s…a lot for her. But she’s getting help, so…well, it’s an adjustment.” Sarah’s hand that wasn’t gripping her fork reached down to cup the side of her belly. She seemed to notice that her face had fallen, so she quickly put on a fresh smile. “But yes, it was unexpected. I must make sure to carry my own babies as long as possible. I have no intention of giving birth until I’m a term. Maybe even past it.”

“Some things…you can’t control,” said Logan awkwardly, his heart racing at the thought of what Sarah would look like at nine months pregnant. That was three whole months from now. She already looked as though she should have gone into labor several weeks ago.

“Well, there are strategies. Diet, exercise, meditation. Even willpower. We have more control of our bodies than we realize. I will just have to work hard. I think Mr. Oharo will be quite proud.”

Logan could only hum in response, his mind running away with him.

“This is my first time traveling so far,” Sarah went on in a lighter tone as she resumed eating. “Mr. Oharo says I will gain loads of weight on this trip. He says the food here is so fattening.”

“Right,” Logan managed.

“I wonder how much I’ll put on. I might be a blimp by the time I go home,” she laughed.

Logan gulped.

“If I put on enough, Mr. Oharo promised me a big bonus.”

This conversation was proving torturous on Logan’s cock. But rather than excusing himself to the bathroom, he couldn’t help asking, “Is that what you want?”

She was caught off guard. “Um…” Sarah nipped her bottom lip in thought.

Logan had noticed the designer purse she carried that had to be in the range of ten grand. She was also wearing a diamond bracelet she certainly couldn’t have afforded on a waitress salary. Clearly Sarah had a taste for expensive things. She absently rubbed her belly with both hands, flushed and breathless.

By the time Sarah finished dessert, she was a little flustered, but not fazed. The quantity of food had not overwhelmed her. But then, she had more capacity than most.

Logan found her ambivalence about her pregnancy to be interesting. She didn’t like her condition, but she liked the money she got for it. She was overwhelmed by the thought of being a mother, but again, she just couldn’t turn away the money, gifts, and career opportunities.

The drive back to the hotel was quiet. It was late, so traffic had improved. Logan tried to keep his eyes on the road and not the little dress Sarah was crammed into.

The confidence of the outfit contrasted with Sarah's reticence, and fatigue, at moments like these ones. Logan wondered if that confidence was manufactured. Forced by habit and duty and whatever other depraved things Sarah's employment demanded.

“Will you take care of me?” Sarah asked suddenly. “Mr. Oharo said that you would make sure that I am well taken care of while I’m here.”

“Of course,” Logan choked out, mortified. Eyes on the road. He couldn’t let his thoughts dive into dangerous territory.

They finally got back to the hotel. Logan pulled up to the curb at the entrance, but then they sat in silence for a while. Sarah didn’t move.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her.

She was biting her lip and twiddling her thumbs, her belly looking so big where it was perched on her slim thighs. He watched the mound heave gently with her breathing. “I…er…”

“Are you still hungry?” said Logan incredulously.

Cheeks reddening, Sarah nodded.

“Nothing’s open,” said Logan.

“I’m not picky,” Sarah insisted. “The babies just want to eat,” she added entreatingly, rubbing her belly.

Logan tried to think through the surrealness of the predicament. Nothing would be open, not now, unless…maybe…

He brought her to a popular fast food chain. The interior of the restaurant was closed, but the drive-through stayed open all night.

It wasn’t the type of place he would want anyone at the office to know he had brought their important guest. But Sarah seemed content, at least.

They sat in the car in the empty parking lot of the restaurant as she chomped her way through a bag of double cheeseburgers, and with none of the etiquette she had honed when they were out in public. “Mgghhhh…so gooood…” she moaned as she gobbled burgers down, one after the next. Logan could only watch her, speechless. Staring at her in morbid fascination.

“Fuhhck, this is so yummy,” Sarah said, voice muffled by the latest greasy sandwich packed so tightly in her mouth that her cheeks were bulging. “Mmm…more, Logan.”

“W-what?” Logan stammered.

“I want more,” Sarah insisted as she crumpled the oil-soaked paper bag in her hand.

They did another run through the drive-through, this time ordering even more food. And again, Sarah gobbled down burgers, fries, and chicken sandwiches between squirming and panting and rubbing her abdomen.

“So tight,” she whined. “They’re gonna get bigger. You’re making me so big,” she groaned, arching, shoving her belly forward.

And maybe her belly was getting a little bit bigger, right at that moment, inching outward, a little fatter. It was hard to tell. Logan was just trying to regain control of himself.

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