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Story Summary: Following infection by an alien parasite, Chloe begins to hear a voice in her head that demands her to stuff her face with food, massage various body parts, insert food into her groin, and partake in other unusual activities. Chloe’s belly grows and grows as the parasite swells in consequence. Chloe’s efforts to balance her busy work life with the demanding voice of the parasite proves to be disastrous. Contains: belly expansion, breast expansion, possible egg-laying, and more.

Author's Note: Just a sharp reminder that there are no limits on the ridiculousness (that we all so love and crave). Let me know what you think of the following scene from my story, Parasite. Does it glorify or sensualize ra_pe and/or non-con sexual themes? Are there any solutions to such blithely written stories? Should we set it on fire? Would love some feedback.
(As a side note, I can't say I remember how this story progresses. If this turns out to be about tentacles or something, we have even more questionable themes to talk about.)


She walked to her kitchen counter and grabbed a banana from the bunch sitting in the fruit bowl. It was starchy. It should suffice. She unpeeled it and took a bite, unconsciously cringing as she forced the fruit into her already-full gut.

She was confused by the command that followed.


That was a new word. Chloe dropped her arm holding the banana, the peeled fruit now level with her waist.


She stood there stunned, not understanding the noise at all. The voice seemed almost…human…lately.


Chloe lowered the banana farther. She hesitated, and rested it on the table, somewhat relieved that she didn’t have to gorge herself anymore.

EATTT!!! the voice screamed.

Chloe jumped. Shaking now, she quickly lifted the banana back to her lips, and munched.


Chloe couldn’t understand. The voice wanted the banana…lower? But not on the table? She experimentally waved the banana, eventually lowering it along the length of her body, from her waist to her hips.


This whole situation was insane. Chloe hesitated, and pushed down her skirt, groaning in relief as her plump body popped out, free of constriction. Breathing, she pushed the skirt down to the ground, and stepped out of it, so that now she stood there, in just her blouse and panties.


Chloe shivered as a tingling iciness swept over her shoulders. Unthinkingly, she pushed down her panties, and aligned the banana with her groin.


This was insanity! But the voice hummed its approval as Chloe spread her thighs. “You want me…to put it…” The voice did not respond, it just continued to hum.

Chloe spread pressed the banana against her labia, shuddering. She felt entirely ridiculous as she spread herself farther, and pushed, and was shocked when her opening easily stretched to facilitate the passage of the banana, even though the banana should have logically been crushed. Instead it slipped easily inside of her, as Chloe groaned and fidgeted, pushing it as far as she could, until something inside of her seemed to…suck it up! Her eyes snapped open as the banana disappeared from the reach of even her longest finger. It was plain weird, and she was stunned.


Oh god, Chloe thought, looking at the remainder of the bunch of bananas, still sitting on her counter. Taking a gulp, she reached out, detached one, and began to peel it, almost mechanically. She then repeated the process of feeding the fruit to her groin. With a grunt, she squatted down to give it easier access, feeling strange, and aroused, and as though, perhaps she should visit the hospital after all.

Only when all of the bananas were gone, did the voice disappear. Panting a bit, Chloe clumsily climbed to her feet, feeling strange, and fully anticipating a horrid infection by morning time. She hesitated, before slipping her pointer finger into her opening, expecting to feel banana residue. But it was clean, except for her juices. There was no trace of what she had done to herself, except for a tingling, and an uncomfortable tightness in her gut.


Ryan Caday

I remember really liking this one when it came out, but never went back for a reread, Can't wait to read more. As for glorifying/sensualizing non-con themes, I guess somewhat, but I don't see the issue with that in these kinds of stories. These are very unrealistic and completely disconnected from reality.


I agree, but this one was deleted from DA. I guess this would be an example of one of my stories that are "unfixable" in terms of getting on any platforms that aren't as demented as AO3.


Writing is the escape from reality and while there are limits to what someone would be comfortable with, it's also the medium to explore. I recall liking this story and encourage the ridiculousness of it. Also a fan of tentacles so I wouldn't be upset seeing that become a thing.


I have no qualms with ridiculousness. If I did, I'd be a human contradiction and an objective lunatic. The issue is my careless sliding into offensive, potentially offensive, and potentially harmful themes that just aren't permitted on most writing platforms (and shouldn't be).


I feel it’s okay to explore non-con and other similar themes within fiction, for some it’s another kink. Seen plenty of stories like that on other platforms. So this snipet seems perfectly fine. As long as the reader is warned beforehand. I saw you felt you needed to change Due. What parts?


These themes are not allowed on all the main platforms I use or care to post on, which is why I've had to censor some stories or post on AO3. In the end, I think some stories just can't be "fixed" in this regard. I was hoping that someone would see something that I was missing, but I guess it just is what it is.