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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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During lunch that day, Janet was having a difficult time finding her milkshake in the break room fridge. It was a huge, two-liter bottle. The fridge contents were scant, so it wasn’t hard to see that her milkshake was gone.

Flustered, Janet left the break room and headed back to her cubicle. As she passed Mary’s workstation, she was surprised to see that Mary had an identical water bottle to hers. It was filled with a white, milky fluid. Presently, Mary was on her own break, laughing and chattering with a colleague between sips of the beverage.

That’s mine! Janet thought in silent fury.

But she knew better than to confront Mary. Most of Janet’s interactions with the audacious woman usually turned out getting one or the both of them in trouble. Mary was just so loud. She was always making a scene.

Now Janet was truly troubled. She stumbled slightly as she made her way back to her chair, feeling breathless from anxiety, belly gurgling. She really depended on those milkshakes. They were just so damn addictive. Her hunger was rapidly exacerbating, make her sweaty and distracted. Absently, she rubbed the plump swell of her abdomen. She was already starting to feel sick without her little snack.

There was nothing else for it. Janet got back up, now waddling towards the women’s lavatory. She was surprised to see a plastic cone in front of it, and a sign on the door—

Out of Order

Janet groaned. This just wasn’t fair. Why now? Her only other option was the bathroom downstairs, but she didn’t think she could last that long. Her stomach was grumbling louder now, people throwing her odd glances. Janet was so hungry for her milk, she felt like she could pass out.

Janet threw a desperate glance around the facility, and saw that the lights were off in John’s office. John was a manager there. She promptly waddled her way over, glancing around, hoping that no one would notice or care what she was up to. She was relieved to find that the door was unlocked. Janet slipped inside and quickly closed the blinds before turning on the light.

She just needed five minutes. It would be fine. Five minutes, then she would get out of here, and everything would be alright.

With shaking fingers, Janet unbuttoned her straining blazer, groaning as her breasts were freed. They were full and tight, just packed with milk. Her skin was hot, sleek with sweat, as the heavy mounds heaved on her chest.

Janet made her way over to John’s desk, leaning her plush ass against the edge. A few papers fell to the ground, but she couldn’t care less. Her knees fidgeting in the too-tight pencil skirt she was crammed into, her hands gingerly cradled her left breast and directed it towards her face.

“Mmmmgghhh…” she hummed as she took that first, wonderful suck. Her mouth was immediately flooded with milk as her eyes rolled upwards and she drank indulgently. She knew that if John caught her doing this in here she would certainly be fired, but she just needed this one, quick fix.

The door opened. Oh no! Janet yelped as she dropped her breast. She found herself staring at another person, but thankfully it wasn’t John.

It was Mary.

“So that’s what you’re up to…” said Mary snidely. She didn’t look disgusted, like Janet thought Mary would at seeing Janet’s bizarrely swollen, supple body. Instead, Mary looked rather… intrigued.

“Had no idea what a freak you were…” said Mary as she stepped closer. “You mean to tell me that you made all that milk?” Mary waved the now-empty two-liter water bottle that Janet only just noticed that Mary was clutching.

Weakly, Janet nodded.

“Look at you,” said Mary, now closing in. “You’re just so round. It’s bizarre.” She didn’t speak with her usual maliciousness. It was more like she was teasing.

“Yeah, it’s just…it’s getting really out-of-control,” Janet managed, her face pink.

“Can I…” Mary trailed off, and before waiting for a response, she was touching Janet’s big belly. It felt so nice! Experimentally, Mary applied pressure, pushing into it. Janet’s eyes went wide.

A large belch erupted from Janet’s throat. She covered her mouth, her face going from pink to red as Mary looked at her in amazement.

“Sorry,” Janet stammered. “It just –”

But Mary was still pushing, pushing harder, causing Janet to belch again, before a loud fart tore out of her backside. She gasped for breath, completely mortified.

“Geez, Janet,” said Mary, amazed, looking amused and shaking her head. “You’re a mess.”

Janet might have agreed had she not been covering her mouth in fear of belching again.

“That milkshake you made,” Mary continued. “It was really good.”

Janet couldn’t disagree.

Now Mary was staring at Janet’s breasts, licking her lips. “I want more of it.”

And before Janet could register just what that meant, Mary was leaning down, cupping Janet’s right breast, closing her lips around the pink swollen nub and—

Janet gasped.


Janet’s eyelids fluttered. She gripped the desk behind her.

It felt amazing.


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