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Note: This is a story-prompt for D F.

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Two weeks went by.

One afternoon, Claire found herself standing in her full-length bedroom mirror, biting her bottom lip while she studied her reflection. She found herself doing this daily. Presently, Claire was wearing only a bra and panties as she frowned down at the curve of her belly. It was too firm and perfect a shape to just be flab. The mound made her look as though she was four months pregnant.

Claire still couldn’t figure out what to do about all the weight she was putting on. She had cut back on partying significantly, which meant the gain had slowed down, but not stopped completely.

Over several days, Claire had sent some text messages to Violet, but had gotten no response so far. Claire hadn’t seen her friend since the party.

It was kind of suspicious. In the past, Claire and Violet would text all the time, responding to each other within minutes. Violet’s sudden digital silence just wasn’t like her.

Claire’s thoughts wandered back to her last sighting of Violet – when Violet had been standing in that bathroom, gripping the sink as she groaned and her belly visibly expanded. Claire felt herself getting turned on by the sheer memory. Half the time, Claire told herself that she had just imagined it. Yet intrinsically, she knew that it had been real, and thus it had been…quite something.

Claire blinked several times as she came out of her reverie. Sighing, she finally turned away from her mirror and approached her dresser where she retrieved her cell phone.

Let’s go out tonight, she texted Brad. Wanna check out that party at Delta Kappa Phi?

Within seconds, Brad responded with a series of emojis, including a thumbs-up, a grinning face, and some multi-colored hearts.

Claire rolled her eyes with a smile. Pick me up at eight, she responded, with a winking emoji.

That evening, Claire had difficulty finding an outfit that actually fit her. She settled for a blouse that was too-tight like everything else, but she worked it to her favor. The buttons strained against her rapidly growing breasts, so she unbuttoned the blouse low enough to give herself an extremely deep V-neck that showed off a generous amount of cleavage. She paired it with a skirt. Brad did a double take when he saw her.

“Look at you,” he said as he closed in, playfully cupping the swollen mounds.

Claire giggled as she slipped free, instead wrapping Brad’s arm behind her as they walked to his car. Soon they were both buckled in, cruising around the sprawling campus as Claire fidgeted in her seat, adjusting and readjusting her top, which was not only straining at the chest, but at her belly as well. The little bump was just growing out of control.

Brad’s gaze strayed down, and he finally seemed to notice. His eyes widened and his lips parted, but thankfully, he didn’t comment.

At the party, Claire saw various friends and classmates, but there was no sign of Violet. It wasn’t like the taller girl to miss out on a frat party.

“I swear, she’s avoiding me,” Claire complained as she poured herself a third cup of punch from the large glass bowl on the snack table. “Something’s up.”

“Maybe she’s just busy,” Brad countered, nursing a drink of his own.

Claire rolled her eyes. “Yeah right.”

“Enough about Violet. We came to have fun.” Brad downed the rest of his punch, then offered his hand.

Claire smiled as she accepted it, a laugh coming up her throat as Brad spun her around, then guided her to the dance floor.

They spent the rest of the night kissing and swaying, completely absorbed in each other and the warm, rhythmic environment. Every so often, some shirtless pledger would come by with a drunken grin and a tray of that cheap punch. Claire always made sure to snag a cup. It was quite delicious.

By the time the party was winding down, Claire and Brad found themselves stumbling into a closet as they fumbled to get their way through each other’s clothes.

“God, you look good in that blouse,” said Brad as he clumsily unfastened her skirt.

“Imagine how I look without it,” Claire teased between kisses as she gripped onto his shirt, pulling him close. They fell back against the wall together, one of her legs curling around him.

The music was still blaring, pulsing with the beat of Claire’s racing heart. She couldn’t believe how good this felt; this increasing tension surging from her veins to her core. Her bra cups pinched into her plump breasts and she could feel her nipples swelling to nearly double their size, as her skin tingled and her insides bloomed.



This one has replaced Remote as the one I'm most excited for! That, and Abstinence.