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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Janet had thought that pumping would be the solution, yet her consumption of her milk was only increasing. She could never bring herself to pour it down the drain, so she put the milk in containers in the fridge, silently obsessing over it. This culminated in her not only drinking it more often, but also integrating it into her meals and beverages. She would use her milk to make cream sauce for pasta, or to replace heavy cream for mashed potatoes. She would even put it in her breakfast cereal, slurping down every drop. She went so far as to purchase herself an ice cream maker, and made herself delicious soft serve out of her own milk. It was absolutely wonderful!

Milkshakes had become a diet staple. She poured them into large thermoses and water bottles, so that she could take them to work with her. There was hardly a moment that she wasn’t slurping one down. If she kept them on hand, it helped her get through the workday without taking dozens of breaks to suckle from herself directly.

Yet even this wasn’t enough. Because suckling directly from her own nipples truly was an indulgent treat. On the occasions that she did take a break, or in the hours after she got home from work, Janet still cradled one of her large, plump breasts between her hands, aiming the nipple to her lips, and drank.

Her milk was thick, dense, and heavy, packed with the fat and nutrients that would typically facilitate the rapid development of a baby. Instead, the calories were being channeled directly back into Janet’s body, and consequently, she was continuing to grow.

Now when she was at her fullest, usually in the morning, Janet’s breasts swelled up to the size of volleyballs, round and swollen as they bobbed on her chest, nipples like golf balls, practically staring at people. And people stared back. The mounds were just so big and bouncy, aching for release at every given moment. On one occasion, Janet overslept and had been unable to empty herself that morning. Instead, she was forced to endure a bumpy car ride to work. By the time she arrived, she was practically whimpering, as her flushed, sweaty breasts strained the blouse she was squeezed into.

Her belly was round, but still soft and squishy. She looked as though she could have been at term with child, even on a typical day. If she hadn’t had the chance to consume recently for any reason, Janet would wear a pregnancy girdle to keep the mound from jiggling around excessively. And when her belly was full — after she had a true and thorough binge on the contents of her breasts—she was big enough that she looked as though she was pregnant with triplets. Meanwhile, her breast size would go down a few cup sizes. She was stuck in a never ending cycle of expansion.

“Mgghhh…god…” Janet moaned as she struggled with the fastener on her maternity skirt in a bathroom stall. She couldn’t even see the waistband, fat as her gut had gotten. She had plumped up all over, face round, legs thick, hips wide, and backside just huge as it bulged out behind her.

She was flushed, skin pouring sweat, stomach tight and aching from her recent “meal” of several gallons of her own milk.

“Nrrgghh…c’mon…” Janet groaned as she finally got the fastener closed. She was left panting heavily as she leaned on the stall wall, trying to gather her bearings. God, the meals were getting larger. As much as she was loving it, it was certainly a lot to.

Janet ran her hand along the tight, prominent swell of her belly. “Just another hour,” she reminded herself, before she unlocked the stall, and waddled her way out.

She found herself back in the call center, straining to smile at coworkers who just gave her odd looks in response, wordlessly avoiding her.

It took a while for her to make her way back to her desk, her curvy body jiggling. She grunted as she plopped herself on her considerable ass, which could barely fit in the office chair she was now squished down into, her belly overfilling her lap as her breasts were shelved so high that they were now squishing into her chin.

Janet tried to roll closer to her desk, but her full belly repeatedly knocked into it, dividing her from her keyboard enough that it was proving very awkward and difficult to reach. Given her current state, she would have to make do.

In all her fidgeting and fumbling, she had failed to notice one of her colleagues gawking at her from several seats over. When Janet slowly made eye contact, he startled and immediately ducked back down in his cubicle.

Yes, everything was in excellent order.




This is great, love the way she's addicted to her own milk, and the focus on her considerable ass was very nice.