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Summary: Though he knows it is odd, Theodore desperately wants breasts. Through diet, drug treatments, massages, and more, he develops C-cups, and he thinks the size is perfect. They're not too extravagant, and he doesn't mind the stares he gets. He couldn't be happier. But someone in Theodore's life is really turned on by Theodore's breasts, and isn't satisfied, he wants them bigger. He proceeds to secretly drug Theodore, and Theodore has no idea why his breasts are suddenly starting to grow again. Contains: Male: breast expansion, weight gain, lactation, eventual pregnancy.

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When Theodore awoke the next morning, he was sprawled in bed, tangled up in his covers. He stretched out as he smiled lazily, his body warm, breasts tingling delightfully. God, he’d had no idea how good it would feel to have his nipples sucked. The sensation was amazing and just made his breasts ache for more attention. He could let Mike suck them all day. Theodore bit his lip at the notion, cheeks pulling into a grin.

A body stirred beside him on the bed. Theodore opened his eyes to see Mike sitting up as he yawned, sheets spilling around his waist to show off his lightly muscled chest and stomach.

Mike gave a sleepy smile. “Gonna be late for class,” he said hoarsely.

Theodore wondered how Mike knew that Theodore was a college professor. Maybe Theodore had drunkenly mentioned it at some point throughout their evening together.

“Yeah,” Theodore muttered, reluctantly sitting up as well. “This was fun, though.”

Really fun,” Mike agreed, his eyes bright and mischievous.

Despite that Theodore wanted to just tackle him so that they could resume their lecherous activities, it was true that he had to get to work. Reluctantly, Theodore swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Theodore got up and went to his closet, grabbing a clean shirt and blazer, both of which he tossed on his dresser. Next he picked up his compression vest and started the process of getting it on, which was proving more difficult than usual. Theodore groaned as he struggled to zip it up. From the bed, Mike watched him in amusement.

“I’m almost offended that you would want to hide those beautiful, beautiful sweater puppies,” Mike said.

Theodore offered him a grimace of a smile. “Yeah, well they’re not exactly professional.” He gasped as he finally got the zipper all the way up.

“Says who?”

“Just my cohort of cane-waggling seventy-year-olds.”

Mike chuckled, “You’re ridiculous.”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Theodore dismissively. “These babies are taking the day off.” He buttoned up his shirt, his face still twisted in discomfort.

Mike finally got up, finding his jeans and pulling them on. “Give me your number?” he inquired playfully.

Theodore smiled, but he restrained himself for some reason. “Maybe I’ll see you around,” he said coyly.

Mike barked a laugh, though Theodore wasn't sure what Mike had found so funny.

“See you around, then,” Mike echoed with a wink. He finished jamming his feet into his boots, grabbed his leather jacket, and left the room with a wave. Theodore heard the front door open and shut a moment later.

“God,” Theodore breathed as he zipped up his trousers. He honestly just wanted to fall back into bed and relive his evening with the sexy stranger, but he really did have to get to work. “Shit,” he muttered as he glanced at his watch.

Theodore finished knotting his tie, grabbed his blazer, then he, too, left. By the time he got outside, Mike was already gone.


Theodore wasn’t one for pleasantries. He got started as soon as he entered the lecture hall. “Today were going to examine chapter twenty-three in more depth,” he told the class as he dropped his briefcase onto his desk, then wrote out the date on the chalkboard. “And don’t forget that your essays are due online tonight. That’s twelve pages, double spaced. Over fifteen, and I’m going to start deducting points; there’s no need to be exc—” Theodore’s voice caught as he turned around. His eyes had just landed on one of the back rows, where seated there, politely attentive, was none other than —

“Fuck,” Theodore breathed.

Several students looked appalled as other snorted in laughter.

Theodore took several gulps from his water bottle. He blinked hard, but Mike was still there, looking puzzled and amused as the surrounding students gave Theodore odd looks. Theodore struggled to regain his composure.

“Sorry,” Theodore managed, his heart racing. “Just realized that I forgot to pick up my…dry cleaning. Everyone please turn to page 260. Fourth paragraph down. Can I have a volunteer to read? Yes, you — go ahead.” Over the course of two hours, Theodore did not meet Mike’s eyes. With nearly 50 students, it was easy enough to ignore him. By the time the lecture was over, Theodore was hurrying to his office, dropping into his desk chair, and wishing he had something stronger than water with a squeeze of lime.

He took another swig.

There was a knock on the office door.

“Come in,” Theodore called.

When Mike walked in, Theodore felt a surge of anger. “What the hell you doing here?” he demanded.

Mike gave a confused smile. “What?”

“Just showing up at my workplace – how did you even know —?”

“Theo, I’m a student.”

Theodore froze.

“I’ve been in this class since the start of term,” Mike when on. “Wait…you didn’t know?

Theodore’s mind was reeling. “So when you approached me at the club…”

“I mean, I thought we recognized each other. I figured I’d say hi.”

“I introduced myself,” said Theodore.

“Yeah, I thought you were just inviting me to use your first name instead of ‘Professor.’”

“Why would you even—what the fuck? I can’t be involved with a student,” said Theodore tensely. “What were you thinking!?”

“We were just having fun. Out at the club. Buzzed. Didn’t seem like a big deal.”

Theodore put his face in his hands as he muttered obscenities under his breath.

“And why is this my fault?” Mike added. “I figured you might not know my first name, but how did you not even recognize one of your students?

Mike had him there.

Fuck,” was all Theodore could say.

“Hey, chill out. I took a gap year. We’re probably the same age.”

“That’s not the point,” Theodore snapped, dropping his hands to glare up at Mike again. “This is a serious conflict of interest. I could get fired.”

“Assuming we get caught.” There was something debauched about Mike’s tone now, as he stepped closer to the desk. Theodore suddenly felt a little breathless.

“Yeah,” Theodore managed.

“Sorry,” Mike added. “I didn’t mean to…compromise you.”

Well you did! Theodore would have retorted, had he been able to find his voice. And had Mike not come around the desk, leaning against it as he took Theodore’s chin. Theodore knew he should’ve pulled away. He should have reprimanded the student.

Instead, he didn’t.


Mike liked to grip Theodore’s tits when he was fucking him from behind, Theodore gasping and rocking through the discomfort and euphoria.

When Mike mentioned that he was bisexual, it very much explained his enjoyment of Theodore’s sizable endowments. The two would get together at the club, at Theodore’s house, or even Mike’s studio apartment. They hooked up a couple of times right in Theodore’s office on campus. It was highly illicit, and if anyone found out, it would result in both of their dismissals from the University.

Even knowing this, they continued to meet. Theodore tried to fight it, but Mike was always cornering him, and enticing him, and Theodore was just addicted to Mike’s skillful lips and fingers. Before Mike, Theodore had had no idea how truly stimulating his breasts could be. With just his tongue, Mike could drive Theodore to the most hair-raising pleasure he’d ever felt.

Sometimes Theodore tried to stimulate his nipples on his own, but it just couldn’t compare to when Mike did it. Theodore almost felt guilty for using his student in such a way, but then he realized that it was entirely mutual. Mike derived just as much pleasure from the arrangement as Theodore did.

“Fuck,” said Theodore breathily.

They were tangled together in Theodore’s bed, Mike again teasing Theodore’s nipples so delightfully as he circled one with his tongue, sometimes nipping playfully as Theodore arched and groaned, trying not to lose himself so tragically early.

But then Mike started sucking, sucking hard, as Theodore grunted and struggled, because it was the best feeling ever. Theodore twisted his fingers through Mike’s hair, groaning as he came, and Mike continued his magnificent abuse to leave Theodore panting, practically whimpering, as he stared dazedly at the ceiling and Mike chuckled against the lovely cleavage Theodore had formed.

“Why do you have to be so fucking good at that?” Theodore half-praised half-chastised the other man. It still amazed him that Mike could make him come just with nipple-stimulation.

“It’s a gift. And a curse.” Mike winked as Theodore reluctantly pulled away from the soft sheets and Mike’s warm body.

Theodore cupped his plump breasts. It was fascinating to see and feel his physique becoming more supple, more sexual with these new developments. His nipples were so tender and sensitive lately, even on the occasions when they hadn’t just been thoroughly fondled. They were swollen too, much bigger than seemed normal, always erect and protruding, looking so fat and pinchable. It wasn’t as though Theodore didn’t love them, but it was getting to be a bit much.

Theodore went to his dresser. Getting dressed was becoming increasingly tricky. Most of his clothes didn’t quite fit anymore.

Still sprawled back on the bed, Mike watched in amusement as Theodore struggled to get his compression vest on. Theodore was breathless and flushed by the time he got the garment zipped part-way over his chest, as he grimaced.

“Need help?” asked Mike cheekily.

“No,” Theodore managed, tugging the zipper the rest of the way up. He groaned. It felt awful, but he had to do it. He couldn’t be the “guy with tits” at work.

As Theodore gingerly reached for his blazer, there was a tearing noise, and his compression vest burst right open. He yelped as his breasts bounced free. He clutched them, panting, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Mike abruptly sat up with rapt attention as he licked his lips. “Fuck Theo, did you do that on purpose?” Theodore could already see Mike’s growing arousal.

“Of course not,” Theodore retorted. “Why would I – I have to get to work,” he said, looking down at the compression vest, where the zipper had torn apart at the chest. “Fuck.”

Mike got up and walked over. “I think you’re up to Es,” he said, reaching out to cup the mounds.

Fuck. It was all Theodore could think. That hadn’t been part of the game plan. The goal had been modest Cs.

“Christ, they’re getting bigger,” said Mike, utterly delighted. “How much more do you think they’re gonna —”

“This is over.”

Mike’s gaze snapped up to Theodore’s face. “What?”

“We can’t do this anymore. It’s over,” Theodore repeated as he grabbed Mike’s clothes and pushed them into his arms.

“Seriously?” Mike stumbled as Theodore practically shoved him out the door.


Obviously all the stimulation was the problem; it was making them grow. That had to be it. Theodore groaned.

He could hardly tolerate the sensation of his nipples rubbing against his cotton shirts. He tried putting on one of the bras he had purchased, and it helped, but it proved a tight squeeze, the cups pinching into his flesh in a way that made Theodore’s heart sink.

Hanging out with Mike was fun, but it was obviously detrimental to Theodore’s…highly volatile body.

Theodore donned a tank top with a ridiculously baggy sweater.

When he got to work, he did his best to avoid other professors as he shuffled to his class, hunched, with his suitcase clutched to his chest.

He ran the class in a similar fashion—hidden behind his desk, and hunched down somewhat. It might have been excessive, but Theodore still felt an odd glance or two (or several) on the occasions he got up to point out something on the chalkboard.

Between classes, he found himself locked away in his office, staring at his phone as he appraised those videos he usually obsessed over. He gazed down at beautiful women with their perky tits bouncing so delightfully.

And Theodore was surprised to realize that his were better. Bigger, rounder, fuller, and perkier. He had the perfect pair of breasts, and yet life…was still the same, somehow.

There was no longer that obsession factor. Maybe that had been part of the appeal. The intrigue. The fantasy. He had achieved what he’d wanted, and now he was just…content. The reality of the situation was just so much more…grounded, than he had expected. The weight, the sensation, the looks he got when he went to the club in a low-cut top, not trying to hide them.

It was all fine. Fun, even. At times.

Theodore didn’t have any regrets, but he didn’t have that drive anymore, either. There was no more of the mystique that had fueled his endeavors for big, round breasts. Growing then naturally had seemed practically impossible. It was almost anticlimactic, now that he’d gotten what he’d wanted.

It brought to mind that old saying. The journey is better than the destination.

Theodore lightly shook his head, closing the web browser on his phone. Instead he opened a popular shopping app and did a search for ‘compression vests.’

There were a lot of options, conveniently enough. Theodore looked for a larger size than the one he had torn, and put in an order. Shipping was 5-7 business days. That should be fine… He would just have to be discreet for the time being.

With that settled, Theodore lowered his phone. His next class was in fifteen minutes, and he had yet to eat that day. Most mornings, he just made himself a quick protein shake for the sake of convenience. Theodore got up and headed to the faculty lounge across the hall to retrieve it from the fridge. He shrugged his shoulders as he walked in, folding his arms over his chest and nodding awkwardly to the three or so other professors in the room without meeting their eyes.

Fortunately, Theodore wasn’t particularly popular with his colleagues, and no one so much as threw him a wave.

Quickly retrieving his thermos from the faculty refrigerator, Theodore turned and hurried off.

Theodore didn’t notice the curious way that the Math professor, John Cohen, was staring at him.

Next Chapter


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