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Note: This is a story-prompt for iluvfoodbabies.

A spin-off of Surrogate.

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Amanda screamed.

She found herself staring at two large, slimy, squid-like creatures. She felt her back hitting her bedroom door as she tried to get away, but they had her cornered there. The two monsters had round, gaping mouths, and were making odd sputtering, sucking noises, between human vocalizations.

“This won’t hurt a bit,” said the creature on the left.

That was Charles’s voice. Amanda had to be dreaming. There was no way this could be happening.

Yet everything was just too real; too vivid. She could feel the door behind her, and the hairs standing on end along her arms. She could feel the heaviness in her stomach from her binge at the party. Dreams were supposed to be vague, blurry, and devoid of sensation.

Amanda cried out as three tentacles shot out from the body of the alien squid with Charles’s voice. The wrapped around her limbs as she struggled fruitlessly. The creature dragged her with ease into the living room and to a doorway she had never really noticed in the corner beside a shelf. She was forced down some old, creaky stairs, as the air cooled and her surroundings became darker. The only source of light was a dusty bulb on the ceiling, yet Amanda regretted that she could still fully make out the tentacle monsters that had taken hold of her.

She had always been amused by Barbara and Charles’s idiosyncrasies. Their eerie, almost synthetic, behavior. Things were finally starting to add up. They were alien monsters and now she was their prisoner!

“What do you w-want?” Amanda stammered out between her sobs. She could only assume she was about to be dissected or eaten. “Just l-let me go, I –”

Amanda was cut off by the very abrupt and startling sensation of a tentacle plunging itself right into her mouth.

She choked and gagged as she stumbled back, but more tentacles shot out, wrapping around her. The one in her mouth plunged down her throat where it started…producing something. Secreting some substance, pumping it down, nearly causing her to aspirate. She started coughing violently, then soon gulping reflexively, drinking it just to avoid choking. The tentacle slid deeper down, all the while producing more of the substance and pumping it forcefully into her stomach.

Amanda grunted and whimpered, but could produce no words, with her mouth stretched wide and her throat occupied. Instead, she stared at the creatures in absolute terror. All the while, she could feel herself getting uncomfortably full, and then tight. She could feel her belly stretching and growing as she was filled beyond capacity. She struggled against it, but the tentacles just shoved her to the ground, as she grunted and squirmed. She didn’t know what was going on, but these creatures were determined to fill her.

Her jacket hung open, nowhere close to being able to accommodate her swollen belly anymore. The mound made her look as though she was at term with child already. And her straining t-shirt was sliding upward, exposing the naked swell.

A stray tentacle coiled around her waist, coating it in slime as it stroked the expanding curve.

Amanda could hardly breathe, her face heating and reddening as she grew unbearably tight. Just when she was certain she might burst, the tentacle abruptly retracted. She coughed several times, clutching her throat. She was sprawled on her back in a puddle of sweat, gasping as her free hand clasped her huge abdomen.

She was mistaken in thinking the abuse was over. She tried to scramble back on jittery limbs, when two new tentacles shot out, taking hold of her again. This time it was the other creature...Barbara? Amanda wailed as she was dragged so close that she was squishing against the creature’s soft, sleek body. She whimpered as slime dripped against her skin, her limbs trembline violently. “No!” she protested.

As with George, this time Barbara — or rather the creature posing to be a human named Barbara – forced its way into her mouth. Amanda was expecting another flood of thick fluid, but her eyes went wide as she felt something firmer force its way down: a round object that had to be nearly the size of a golf ball. It ached along her throat and was quickly followed by another mass. Amanda trembled as the masses heavily popped into her belly, one after the next, in an endless cycle of round, firm, objects.

“Eggs, dear.” It was odd to hear Barbara’s voice coming out of the creature, though it was wetter now; garbled. “You should be proud. You are the perfect carrier for our new litter.”

Amanda moaned as her belly pushed entirely free of her clothes, rendering her top a belly-shirt. She was stunned to realize that she looked as though she was due with triplets by then, and was only getting larger.

“Once you’re done there, we have a little snack for you,” said the George-creature, his sinuous limbs wavering, seemingly in excitement. One of the tentacles motioned, and Amanda’s gaze followed it to several large barrels that lined the wall, a hose protruding from each.

“Industrial barrels of fat,” Barbara informed.

Amanda gagged around a particularly large egg. Then she moaned helplessly, feebly writhing. She felt as though her belly was pinning her down by then. It was getting huge, as it throbbed above her, heaving and growing. She was being stuffed to bursting!

“Just…a few…more…” said Barbara, voice strained as a new surge of eggs shot into Amanda’s stomach in quick succession, making Amanda gag some more.

Amanda strained and struggled, veins rising on her forehead as she tried to endure. Her belly jerked forcefully, causing a choked whine to come up her throat. It was just — too much — pressure!

Muscles going limp, her vision started to blur.
