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Note: This is a male version of Cow Girl III.

Summary: Sequel to Cow Boy. Decades following Lucas’s ordeal, the cow-person condition is becoming an epidemic. Taylor has the misfortune of contracting the gene. Contains:  Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, multiple breasts, udders, lactation, and more.

Previous Chapter


Taylor could hardly focus on his classes anymore. His nipples were hard and erect almost constantly. On the days he didn't wear a bra, the sensation of his nipples rubbing against the inside of his clothes left his body trembling and his dick twitching. Taylor did his best stay in control. Because for some reason his thoughts always seemed to drift to Jack.

His breasts were still growing, to his amazement. While getting ready for a group therapy session, Taylor could barely fit into any of the bras he had purchased at the mall. His fashionable joggers were stretched over his full hips and plump bottom. Taylor surveyed himself in the mirror for a while, examining the way his cleavage bulged over the too-tight tank top he had on, and how his nipples continued to evidently stick out, hard and almost painfully erect. His chest heaved as he breathed for a few moments, regarding himself. There was suddenly a tearing noise, and the tank top split against his chest, causing his breasts to push out, freed from confinement.

“Fuck,” he muttered, staring down at his mounds. He took a few moments to catch his breath.

His tits were getting bigger. They were round and full, and well—perfect. Which was an odd thought, especially considering that he wasn’t supposed to have them. He was still stunned by how quickly they were growing. Pulling open a drawer of his dresser, Taylor dug around for something else to wear.

He settled for a t-shirt that was again, too tight, but at least stretchy enough. He opted to go braless for lack of other options. After he had finished getting dressed, he stared at himself in the mirror. Taylor could not help glancing down at his abdomen.

Nowadays, his stomach chronically felt full, as though he had just eaten, even when he hadn’t. Well, he had been pigging out a lot lately. Taylor examined the subtle fullness of his midsection, barely perceptible to the eyes. He lightly shook his head. “I look fine,” he said aloud. “My stomach is flat.” With that, Taylor grabbed his keys and walked out of the room.

A half-hour later, Taylor was taking a seat in the therapy circle at the library for another one of his mandatory meetings. He had arrived late, as usual. A muscular male was talking.

Taylor barely heard the words coming out of his mouth, he was too busy staring at the way the guy’s muscled arms were stretching out the short sleeves of his T-shirt. His voice was deep, and he was minimalistic with his words. Maybe the guy was only here out of obligation, like Taylor was. He was brutish and tough, and probably tortured about his huge, infectious cock. Taylor would have definitely fucked him if he wasn’t a fucking cow. His eyes flickered to the two stubby horns protruding out of the guy’s hair.

“Thank you for sharing,” said Ms. Clark, after the cow boy had finished up. “That took a lot of courage, Jackson.”

Taylor’s gaze drifted over to the snack table. It was piled high with a variety of fattening foods. He had been pigging out nonstop lately. Every bite seemed to go to his tits and ass. And Taylor was still concerned about the subtle feelings in his stomach. If he kept this up, he was bound to pay for it. Taylor tried to divert his eyes from the table, but just the awareness of the food left his heart racing.

The professionally-dressed woman had gotten up, and was now picking at the snack table. She was waddling now, and she was really blowing up. She looked due with twins by then, her two pairs of E-cup breasts heaving where they were shelved atop her belly. Taylor thought her name might have been Tina or something close. The woman held her paper plate with her left hand, and was loading it up with snacks with the right, but every so often, her right hand would dart down to cup the round bowling ball-sized mound beneath her belly, her jaw clenching and a flush of red crossing her cheeks. She looked uncomfortable, though Taylor was not sure why. Taylor continued to stare at the way Tina’s belly gently swayed with her movement. She must have been due any moment by then.

There was a buzzing, and the woman lowered her plate to the table, lifting her cell phone to her ear. She began to talk in legal mumbo jumbo, as she often did, and she waddled out of the room, not before grabbing her plate. Tina seemed entirely preoccupied with her cellphone, and usually left the room several times per meeting. Taylor was not sure why she even came. She barely participated.

“Now who’s next?” Ms. Clark was saying.

Taylor’s focus drifted back to the snack table. He was getting anxiety just being apart from it. Oh, fuck it, he thought, about to stand.

“Taylor, we haven’t heard from you yet.”

Taylor’s eyes snapped up. “What?” The group’s attention had shifted to him.

“Why don’t you share your experiences? It's clear you've been going through some changes…” Ms. Clark went on.

Taylor was slightly offended for some reason. “I'll pass.”

“Come now, Taylor. Each of us is here for a reason.”

“Mine being a court order. I'll pass,” said Taylor firmly.

For a moment, the members of the group frowned at him, but thankfully, they moved on.

Taylor remained planted to his seat, sweating, but now refusing to get his fill of snacks. If he pigged out here, it would validate the rude implications.

“It started with weight gain,” a girl said, fidgeting in her seat. She was a thin, petite girl with a pair of A-cup breasts, but a massive belly overfilling her lap. Taylor wasn’t even sure how the girl was able to stand. “At first it wasn’t too bad, but then more and more of it just kept piling on. And my appetite—god, it was out of control. I knew that something was wrong…”


By the time the meeting was over, Taylor felt mentally drained and absolutely starved. He dragged himself back to his dorm, where he spotted Jack waiting outside, some bags in his hands.

At spotting Taylor, a smile crossed Jack’s handsome face. It abruptly disappeared at seeing the dead stare Taylor was sending his way.

“Your roommates wouldn’t answer the door,” said Jack sheepishly.

“Smart,” said Taylor, as he pulled out his keys. His eyes widened as he got a whiff of lo mein. His stomach clenched and audibly grumbled.

“I brought food,” Jack offered.

Taylor ignored him as he unlocked his door. Jack had been following him around a lot lately. Carrying his books after class—that kinda thing. Sad, pathetic, puppy-dog stuff. It was disgusting. But it wasn’t that great of an inconvenience.

As Taylor entered the dorm, he heard Jack follow behind him. The lights were out. It didn’t seem that anyone was home.

Jack lowered the bags to the counter and began to set the table, like he owned the place. What a prick.

Taylor wandered over and couldn’t help peeking into one of the bags. He spotted several large cartons of food, and lifted one, smelling beef with broccoli. Taylor opened a pair of chopsticks and began to dig in directly from the carton. He leaned against the counter and absently watched Jack work. It took him only moments to gulp the whole carton down. He reached into the bag and lifted a carton of pork fried rice, then began to repeat the process.

Jack looked up after he had finished setting the table. His face fell. “Taylor…”

Taylor raised an eyebrow.

“I thought we could have dinner together.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because we’re—well, you know why.”

“I actually don’t, Jack.”

Sighing, Jack walked over to the counter and began to reach for the bags, but Taylor gripped them firmly. Jack looked helpless. And so he stood there and watched as Taylor continued to eat through the cartons, one by one, standing there at the kitchen counter. Then Jack’s eyes drifted down to Taylor’s abdomen, and for some reason that was infuriating.

“Jack, there’s still something I don’t quite understand,” said Taylor, his cheeks puffed out from being stuffed with fried dumplings.


“Why the fuck are you still here!” Taylor snapped contemptuously, causing Jack to jump slight.

Jack looked momentarily stunned, but then his face hardened.

“Why do you think I’m here, Taylor!? Because I made a mistake! Because I’m supposed to be! But trust me, this is the last place I would ever willingly be!” he yelled, his volume causing Taylor to freeze.

Taylor recovered, clenching his fists. “Then get out!” He glared up at Jack as he closed their distance. “Get the hell out! What are you waiting for!? You are nothing to me Jack, in fact, you’re just a fucking—!”

They kissed, like that night, only this time, both were entirely sober. Taylor sucked Jack’s bottom lip as Jack’s hands slid down to his plump bottom, his fingers sinking into the fatty flesh there. Taylor could feel Jack’s hard cock through his jeans. It felt even bigger than last time, somehow. Taylor wrapped his arms around Jack’s neck, drawing him closer. “Move,” he urged as he started to pull Jack to his bedroom.

Next Chapter 


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