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Hypnotized on DeviantArt


“Ohhh….” Connor released a quiet groan.

Dean stirred awake. He drowsily blinked until his eyes focused through the darkness of the bedroom. Dean was presently spooning Connor. “What’s wrong?” said Dean, absently rubbing Connor’s back.

Connor was lying on his side, partially curled around his large belly. It was massive. Bigger than a beach ball. Dean placed his hand against the heated mound, feeling it quiver slightly.

“I d-don’t want to give birth tonight,” Connor grunted out, his voice strained.

“Shhhhh…” said Dean, rubbing circles on the side of the mound, trying to sooth the infants within. Once Connor had calmed down, Dean helped him into a seated position. It wasn’t easy. Connor grunted throughout the strain of his body being heaved up, until the mound was perched heavily on the mattress between his spread legs, Connor panting as he tried to catch his breath.

Dean absently observed him. He took in Connor’s full thighs, his slight double-chin, and the massive ass protruding out behind him. Dean also took in Connor’s gigantic round breasts tightly stretching his T-shirt. The top could only pull down just past Connor’s large, erect nipples, which, in turn, were seeping into the overly-stretched material.

Connor groaned and held his belly. “Oh god Dean, they, they want to come out.” He wasn’t in labor, but was absolutely packed. Connor’s bottom trembled. Dean supposed that he had been greedy with Connor. Packing the young man until he was full to bursting with babies. Dean had turned Connor into a full-time baby-making-machine. But then, it wasn’t Dean’s fault that Connor was so hard to resist.

There was the sound of a baby crying in the next room. One wail turned into two, until there was a cacophony of noise. Connor looked in the direction of the sound. His face reddened, and his belly seemed to tighten. He grunted again.

“I’ve got it,” said Dean, getting out of bed. He walked out of his and Connor’s bedroom and into the large room across the hall.

It looked as though they had raided the newborn section of a maternity ward. The room was lined with cribs from wall to wall. Dean sometimes lost count of how many children they had. It must have been almost thirty by then. Connor had already had two pregnancies prior to this one.

Dean walked around, trying to isolate the crying babies, but it was impossible. They had all managed to wake each other up, and not one of them was pleased. This was turning into a nightly occurrence. Dean managed to lift a baby in each of his arms. He impatiently rocked the eight-month-old and seventeen-month-old. Taking care of his family was becoming a full-time job. It was a good thing that both he and Connor worked from home. He didn’t know how they would be able to do it otherwise.

As Dean zoned out through the rocking as well as the song of several crying babies, he wondered if he could try convincing Connor that they needed a nanny. Connor had been resistant to the prospect so far, but things weren’t getting easier. In fact, just the thought of the soon-coming fourteen babies in Connor’s belly put Dean into a cold sweat at times. The fertility drugs had had a long-term effect. Condoms did nothing for them. Dean scolded himself at times. Why couldn’t he just keep it in his pants.

“Deann…” Connor moaned from the next room.

Dean snapped out of his reverie. Carefully lowering the two crying children in his arms to their respective cribs, Dean walked out of the room and hurried over to Connor.

Connor was flushed and sweaty, his massive belly heaving with his heavy breathing. His plump breasts had bloated and popped fully out of the hem of his taut shirt, and his belly was subtly swelling, inch by inch, tightening and bloating as Connor strained to endure it. “Deannnn…ohh god.” Connor rubbed the mass.

Dean gulped. He knew what was coming next. Even then, he couldn’t deny that he was aroused.

“Nnnngghhhh…ahhhh…they’re coming!”


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