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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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Logan knew that they truly, desperately, wanted this deal to work out. But Mr. Oharo couldn’t actually expect Colton to —

Colton lifted a pastry. He shot Logan glare, as though this was somehow his fault. And as he brought it towards his lips, Logan realized that there was little Colton wouldn’t do to advance his career.

“I can’t deny that I’m interested in your foreign manufacturing techniques,” Mr. Oharo went on casually. “It’s clearly more efficient, but is the quality comparable?”

“Cam seems to think so,” Logan managed.

Colton took a bite. Not a timid one. A large bite, cutting his croissant in half, before he chewed, his right cheek bulging. He looked rather miserable as he looked off in self-resentment. Even then, he pushed onward, ripping another large chunk off the croissant.

What was one little food binge if it meant getting a career-advancing deal? Nothing, apparently.

Colton picked up another pastry and Logan could not deny that he was terribly, terribly turned on, in the context of things. Mr. Oharo was still talking with that calm but content air. The man was certainly accustomed to getting what he wanted.

“Yes, this is true. We’ll certainly have to sit down and look at the numbers,” Mr. Oharo muttered.

Colton was now lifting a plump éclair, looking uncomfortably upon it, but then just stuffing it between his lips.

“I hope that means you’re interested in a deal?” said Logan.

“You two have…certainly caught my attention.”

Colton was speeding up, perhaps wanting to get it over with. A binge was a binge and there was nothing classy about it. It was not socially acceptable outside of this context, and in this context, he really was meant to go all in. Under the guise of business negotiations, his actions would become the deal maker or breaker, strange and perverse as this whole thing was.

Colton ate with irritable ferocity, and Mr. Oharo correspondingly warmed, as Colton chomped his way through tarts, eclairs, macarons, and creampuffs. He tried to maintain a pleasant expression, but his disgust was apparent. Was he thinking about the baby, or just the calories? Either way, a lot of sugar, starch, and fat was being forced into Colton’s system as he took in pastry after pastry, breathing thinly between bites.

It seemed to go on for ages, this grotesque ritual, until finally the platter was clear, and Colton was sweating at his temples while inhaling forcefully through his nose.

Tense hands were gripping the table, his body hunched perhaps to hide the way his face was twisted in discomfort. Logan became aware of how strangely quiet he and Oharo had been over the last several minutes, as Colton ate, and they indulged in watching him.

“What do you think?” Mr. Oharo broke the silence.

Colton straightened up to look at the older man. He attempted a smile though he looked vaguely pained. “It was all — really – delicious,” he forced out.

Mr. Oharo gave a delighted laugh, turning to Logan. “I like this one.”

“He’s…something else,” said Logan, finding himself at an odd standoff between his physical attraction for Colton at that moment, and his jealousy of Logan’s growing favor with Oharo.

“I admire your commitment, Mr. Stevens. I’m sure your husband—”

“I’m—single,” Colton corrected him, uncomfortably. Perhaps he was expecting that favor to disintegrate at the clarification that he was unmarried.

On the contrary, Mr. Oharo’s pleasure only grew. “Whoever the man is, he’s missed out on something special.” Oharo nodded to Colton’s torso. “I have a good feeling about you and your potential. I think you could be just as committed to this brand as my very own workers.”

“That isn’t a question, sir,” Colton assured. “If you allowed me to helm this project, I would give it my all.”

Oharo was silent for a moment as he regarded Colton. “Yes, I think so. If we went forward, I would want you to lead, Mr. Stevens. Let’s see what you can do.”

“I know my way around baked goods, sir.”

Oharo laughed heartily, shaking his head. “You can call me Ben.”

“Likewise. Colton is fine.”

Logan was stunned. He had been so distracted by the eccentricity of the environment, Colton had slipped right past him to the forefront. “Me too. Just call me Lo—”

“Excellent,” Oharo cut him off with a clap of his hands. “I have a meeting now, I’m afraid, but perhaps we can resume this tomorrow and talk figures.”


When they met back at the café the following morning, Colton looked weary and bitter, and maybe even a little tiny bit…rounder? But probably not. It was probably just Logan’s lecherous gaze. That, and the fact that Colton was no longer being discreet about the pregnancy, at least not here in Asia. He had not bothered with a blazer and he wasn’t trying to hide anything. Rather, it might have been the opposite.

The dour glare Colton was sending Logan’s way abruptly lifted into the brightest of smiles just as Oharo appeared to greet them. “Ben, how are you?” Colton enthusiastically shook Oharo’s hand, ass-kissing like a true pro. Colton was wearing trousers, his button-down shirt tucked in, hugging his bump, which was comparatively small next to those of the café workers, yet it remained present, evident, and somehow quite relevant. His condition had been anathema but was now working to his advantage.

Oharo had not cooled towards them. If anything, he seemed more enthusiastic than the day before. “Always so formal,” he said, motioning towards Logan and Colton’s business-wear. “This is a casual atmosphere. I want you to be relaxed here. Come this way. Let me properly show you around.”

Logan couldn’t help his gaze straying towards all the sexy pregnant servers around them. They had distracted him to his own detriment the day before. Now Colton was in the lead but Logan could still turn this around. He just needed to focus. Focus. Logan refused to play second fiddle to another hijacked project.

But then he saw Cam.

“Fuck,” Logan breathed under his breath.

The man was huge. His belly was a massive, jutting globe. It resembled a beach ball stuffed in his tank top as he cupped the side of it. His face was sweaty and flushed as he strained to smile at titillated customers who could hardly take their eyes off him. Cam just looked so big as he stood there cupping his belly, tits rising and falling with his heavy breathing.

Logan could hardly conceive how Cam was mobile, let alone working. But then Cam waddled forward almost in a stagger, making his way to a table, teeth grit from the effort. "Can I – take your — order?" he forced out arduously between gasps. Suddenly something registered on his face, his eyes widening and lips parting before he was arching, grunting, and clutching his belly as the mound gave a visible quake.

“Oh my gosh!” cried one of the customers, pulling out a phone to snap photos.

Jesus fuck. Logan averted his eyes before it was too late for him. He tried to focus his attention on Oharo’s angular face.

“Lou.” Mr. Oharo beckoned over a server that Logan had not seen the day before. The guy was wearing a midriff top and some overalls of that bluish gray color, the openings at the sides showing off the soft curve of his belly. He was blonde and pretty, giving off a strong twink vibe. Twinks were gorgeous but typically too confident for Logan’s tastes. He preferred the closeted-and-panicking sort of energy.

Lou looked no more than five months along, and was rather unremarkable compared to many of his colleagues, for which Logan was grateful.

“These are my guests, Mr. Graham and Mr. Stevens,” Oharo said.

“Colton and Logan is fine,” Colton assured Lou as Logan nodded robotically.

“I want you to give them a quick tour of the facilities.”

“It would be my pleasure,” Lou said, smiling seductively. “If you just come this way.” Lou rotated and sauntered for that door near the counter, the one Logan had snuck through the day before.

They followed.

“Here we have some of the management offices,” Lou drawled, flicking his hair. “Of course, Mr. Oharo keeps an office here himself. This one is Jay, our branch manager, this one is shared by our two financial…” He went on, pointing out several identical doors as Colton and Logan politely pretended to be interested. The trio continued to make their way down the corridor.

“Believe it or not, we have our own staff cafeteria.” Lou took that left turn Logan had noticed the day before. “Yes, I’m sure it seems odd, or even backwards, a café having a staff cafeteria. But, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, most of the wait staff here is expecting.” Lou patted his own bump with a crooked little smile. “And Mr. Oharo is adamant that we are all taken care of. He wants us comfortable, rested, and fed. So all the food here is free to us staff.” They walked into a large room with a couple of rectangular tables. There were a dozen or two pregnant workers scattered about on the benches seated in pairs or small groups. There was an exit door and a couple of windows on the back wall. Logan could see a parking lot just outside, probably reserved for staff members.

“Snacks are served 24/7, and meals are mandatory. You know, breakfast, lunch. If you’re on shift, you’re expected to come here and dig right in during your morning and afternoon breaks.”

There was a lunch line where staff members were being served meals on rectangular trays. Logan watched a man leave the line with a tray absolutely piled with food. A mountain of it. The guy couldn’t possibly think he could eat all that.

But as Logan looked around at the other employees munching away, he noticed that they had similarly absurd proportions. There were burgers, fries, mashed potatoes, pastas, pizza slices, fried chicken, and more. Logan sighted nothing that looked even remotely healthy. And it was all just served in a messy pile. As the men relaxed, talked, or looked at their phones, they were simultaneously stuffing their faces, eating fervidly yet in a routine sort of way.

“How is this even sustainable?” Logan wondered aloud.

“It’s an investment,” Lou piped in behind his shoulder, startling him. “Us preggos are kept big and healthy. The customers like us preggos, they even like watching us grow.” Lou gave a deranged little giggle. “Everyone’s happy. It all works out.”

“Right,” said Colton stiffly. He honestly looked disturbed by the entire operation.

“We get bonuses,” Lou added. “based on the weight of the food and the number of calories we can get down. Cam is our current record-holder. 14,000 calories in one sitting. Could you believe it?”

Logan could, just based on seeing what Cam could do firsthand.

“Mr. Oharo really rewards us based on our performance in this avenue. But it’s not all work. The perks are endless! He gives us plenty of freebies to take home. Goodie bags, treat baskets, take-home dinners.”

Every time Logan thought he couldn’t be anymore stunned by this business, insane new details emerged.

“And you're all…you’re okay with this?” said Colton carefully.

“Oh yes. It’s part of the hiring contract.”

Colton looked at Lou as if he was insane.

“Oh look, Tim’s here,” Lou said, nodding towards the door in the back.

Through the broad windows, Logan could see that a SUV had pulled into the parking lot. A young man stepped out from one of the back seats, a baggy overcoat draped around him. A couple of other guys were hanging out the windows, laughing, motioning, and calling out to him. They looked like college kids or something. The guy who had exited waved at the car, still chattering and laughing as he backed towards the building. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there!” Logan faintly heard the guy call to his friends. “See you fuckers later!”

As the guy, Tim, stepped inside, his jaunty demeanor fell and he suddenly looked fatigued. He closed the door securely behind him, watching through the window as the SUV sped off.

“I’ll introduce you,” Lou said, and before Colton or Logan could react, Lou was happily walking towards this new arrival. So they followed him.

“Hi Tim!” Lou chirped.

Tim jumped slightly, quickly turning to face them. “Oh…hi.” He forced a smile, seeming a little breathless. “I ended up running late today. My friends can be dicks. Fuck, its hot.” He began to unbutton the baggy overcoat, the sides parting as a belly emerged. Logan found his eyes magnetized to the bulge. It was quite a large swell for such a slim guy. He looked at term — no — beyond it.

“Oh my, did someone have a growth spurt over the weekend?” Lou teased.

Tim reddened. “You think so?” He frowned down at himself, his free hand self-consciously cupping his belly.

Lou snorted. “Oh, honey, why don’t you go into fitting then you can tell me.”

Tim swallowed. “Right,” he said, looking troubled. “Well, it was nice meeting you —uh —?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, these are Mr. Oharo’s guests. Logan and Colton.”

Logan snapped out of his reverie. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, quickly offering his hand.

“You too.” Tim shook Logan’s hand, and then Colton’s. Still looking overwhelmed, he distractedly removed his overcoat, his belly becoming even larger and more pronounced once its entirety was displayed in the undersized T-shirt he had stretched over it. He was even bigger than Logan had thought.

It was almost fake-looking on his skinny build. The guy hadn’t filled out yet. He was all belly.

“Well, I better get dressed.”

“Let me know how things go with that uniform,” Lou teased with a wink, causing Tim’s flush to deepen.

“Ha ha,” Tim deadpanned, giving a nod to Colton and Logan as he walked off with a careful stride and a very slight waddle to his step.

Logan stared after Tim as Tim exited the room. “New hire?” Logan said hoarsely.

“Oh, Tim’s been here a couple months. Heh, he’s a little awkward but I think he fits in well enough.”

“I’m sure he’ll do fine,” said Colton stiffly. In Oharo’s absence, he didn’t bother to hide his distaste with this whole thing.

“Oh yes. Stubborn thing. I call him the backup plan.”

Logan eyebrows rose. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well lately Cam needs more breaks, you know, he can’t really keep up with things anymore. Can’t blame him. His size, and all. Sure he does a couple tables during the day, but he’s more of a greeter now I guess. Customers are just happy to see him. Soon he’ll have his babies, but Tim is really stepping it up.”

“So he’s being groomed to be Cam’s replacement?” Logan felt heat pool in his groin.

“That’s the theory.” Lou grinned.

Next Chapter


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