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Note: This is a story-prompt for Visorelle and a continuation of Bug II.

Prompt Directory


Rhonda trailed out of the examination room, gasps following her as she proceeded. She felt rather disoriented, and yet incredibly…good. She was barely conscious of the horrified faces that stared at her, or the people who protectively clutched their children against them. Rhonda felt renewed.

Her four hands trailed over her body, two cradling her belly, and two examining the sac, allowing it to freely protrude from her sweatpants, fully exposed. It wasn’t as though her clothing could do much to hide it anymore. It was getting bigger, plumper, thicker, longer. Rhonda supported it gently as it rocked. The sac had come to be truly fused with her body. It was the size of a melon by then, though still the shape of a lemon. Rhonda could feel it pulsing with the life she had pushed into it.

Rhonda found herself walking through her front door, though she was barely conscious of how she had gotten home. Her breasts tingled with sustenance for her soon-coming litter. Rhonda headed towards her bedroom, but she had to stop in the hall, gripping the wall as her belly pulsed with yet more life. She grunted as it gently pushed outwards, her stretched T-shirt sliding upwards so that more of her abdomen became exposed. By then she looked as though she was seven months pregnant.

Rhonda trailed into her bedroom. The sac was firm and full, but nowhere near as tight as her belly. She gently released her hold on it, allowing it instead to protrude down between her legs, poking out behind her a bit. She didn’t mind the awkwardness of the mass. To her, it felt nothing but natural.

Instead Rhonda cradled the two round C-cups on her chest. They felt tender and bloated. Her second pair of hands felt the skin on her chest directly beneath her breasts. It was heated and sensitive. She had developed two lumps of fat, with a pinkened nub on the center of each. They almost resembled…breasts. Rhonda massaged the skin with her fingertips, allowing it to develop with her encouragement. She groaned as her skin bloated more, the nubs distending and becoming more defined. She kneaded the skin, until it was full of the tingling sensation of growth that filled the breasts above them.

Rhonda sighed as she finally lowered her hands. She admired the four breasts now protruding against her top, the lower ones smaller, but they would catch up soon enough.

Rhonda examined herself in her bedroom mirror. She admired the way she was progressively outgrowing her clothing. Her eyes had changed as well. Now, not only had her iris’ overtaken the whites of her eyes, her eyes themselves were at least twice as large, taking up more space on her face than they had previously. Her lips were paler, now the color of her skin. Her nose seemed smaller and less-defined, as though it was sinking into her face. Her antenna were thicker, and even longer. They twitched atop her head. She almost grinned at her reflection, when her eyes widened. She felt a strong pulsation, deep within her.

Rhonda hugged her abdomen just as it swelled with more growth. She hunched down, her face reddening as her body tightened yet more. Rhonda sunk down to her knees, the sac laying on the floor between her legs and protruding out behind her. She panted as pulse after pulse of pressure slammed into her stomach, her belly button popping out as her abdomen pushed out visibly. Inch after inch of growth left Rhonda sweat-soaked, as she tried to keep up. She felt eggs popping into her sac as it tightened, swelled, and distended beneath her. As her belly popped completely free of her shirt, Rhonda’s hands trailed over her mass, hoping to ease the growth spurt. She looked as though she was due with twins in a normal pregnancy. Her breasts tingled and surged as well, the bottom ones pushing into the top ones. Her new breasts had quickly grown to Cs, while the upper ones were approaching D-cups. Both pairs felt heated and full, her nipples aching as they contained the sustenance developing within.

Rhonda breathed as her sac stretched and pressed into her, coming to resemble a large, plump slug that she was straddling. The tip burned and her face reddened. “Oh…” she groaned out, as uncomfortable as she was aroused. Something was coming. Something was coming! “Nnnrrgghhhh…” Rhonda bared down as the tip twitched, and out popped her first egg.



how I do I request a prompt?


Lovely as always! ^^


Currently prompt requests are part of the $25 reward. Next month I will be making a reward change, and will be picking three random people out of the $20 reward to do prompts for.