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Summary: A high school senior is blackmailed by a male classmate and forced to take a pill regularly under his supervision, though she has no clue what the pill does. Contains: Female: breast expansion, eventual pregnancy.

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She probably looked like Jessica Rabbit with the formfitting dress and the generous line of cleavage. Well, a decidedly bustier, somewhat thicker, Mrs. Rabbit. After all, she had put on some weight even outside of her breast growth.

It was still astonishing to think about how much she had changed. Jade had been a skinny eighteen-year-old only a couple of months earlier.

The driver stared as he numbly opened the car door for her entrance.

“Thank you,” Jade said, as she eased herself down with a grimace and a groan.

When the car started driving, Jade couldn’t help herself, she reached up and cupped her breasts to keep them from wobbling too much, as she hummed and squirmed, the stimulation decidedly bothering. “God,” she huffed under her breath, trying not to sweat through her makeup. The ride would be over soon. She just had to get through it.

She could see the driver’s eyes consistently darting her way through the rearview mirror as he goggled. Jade couldn’t blame him. She just focused on breathing.

Finally, the car pulled up to the venue, amongst the line of luxury cars and limos, people in fine suits and elegant gowns getting out of their vehicles.

Jade’s door opened as one of the valets reached down to offer her his hand.

Flushed and breathless, Jade accepted it, and gingerly shifted her feet onto the pavement.

Her mounds were so uncomfortably tight, pulsing and throbbing, only getting more packed by the moment. The milk was heavy but she tried to keep it all in. As Jade stepped out of the car, her nipples swelled even larger, looking the size of golf balls as they bulged visibly against her tight dress. Jade groaned, clutching her lower back and arching by instinct. She was just so packed.

As she stood there panting, the valet froze, staring at her. Jade looked around to finally notice that many others had stilled to gawk. Her face heated, but then she saw Ted among the strangers, looking at her with pleased surprise. She was flooded with relief as he walked over, taking her hands, as he managed, “You — you look amazing.”

“God, I’m happy to see you,” Jade said as he kissed her cheek. He looked so handsome in the three-piece suit he had on.

“Let’s go inside,” said Ted softly, offering his arm.

Jade clung to it.

The party was even fancier than she had imagined, with a sumptuous banquet, glittering chandeliers, and waiters walking around with offers of outlandish hors d’oeuvres. Jade thought she might have really enjoyed it had she not felt so uncomfortable.

Gotta hold it in... She puffed out breaths, sometimes dabbing at sweat on her brow or chest with Ted’s handkerchief. Have to. She contrived a smile to yet another figurehead Ted was greeting. Oh god! She felt like she was going to burst. Her dress had shrunken against her, now pinching into her cleavage. Yet she had to stay composed because everyone was watching. Eyes were magnetized to her dimensions. She wasn’t the life of the party, but she was the main attraction.

And wasn’t that the whole point of all this? Drawing attention? Drawing Ted’s attention? She futilely tried to use his body as a shield, to hide behind. She could hardly comprehend what he was chattering about with the latest octogenarian.

“And this is my girlfriend, Stacy,” Ted introduced.

As usual, the stranger’s eyes bulged as they did a swoop over Jade’s body. He looked like he might keel right over. Jade strained to smile as she shook the elderly man’s hand. “It’s a p-pleasure,” she stammered.

After the man shuffled off (throwing Jade terrified glances as he went), Jade pressed her lips together to suppress another groan into a hum, as she gripped Ted’s jacket.

“You okay, Stace?” Ted finally seemed to notice her.

“No!” Jade puffed out immediately. Several people nearby threw more looks their way. It was happening. It’s happening! “G-gonna make a mess,” she whispered frantically.

Ted’s eyebrows shot up, his gaze moving from her face to her chest. He took her hand, leading her, “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I thought it was fairly obvious,” Jade whined back, struggling to smile at passerby.

He pulled her through a door, a passageway, and then into another room. It was small and stuffy — the coatroom. Hanging bags, coats, and jackets pressed against them from all sides.

“I can’t, I can’t,” Jade babbled, hands motioning frantically.

Ted closed in, wrapping his arms behind her, rapidly undoing the buttons lining the back of her dress. Jade whined as the material slid down, taking some of the pressure off of her hot, engorged flesh. She gasped for breath, feeling dizzy from all the tension and stimulation.

She couldn’t take anymore. Her nipples tensed and puffed. She stiffened and sobbed out, “G-gonna—”

Milk started spraying, just splattering all over the place, making a mess. Jade grunted and clutched at her mounds, trying to stop the dam, but it was useless. Ted closed in, planting his lips flush on her left nipple, sealing it off, sucking it down. Jade moaned, holding onto his shoulders for balance. It felt amazing. She wished he had more mouths. “T-Ted…” she whimpered.

He hummed and moved on to her right nipple as the other dribbled heavily, nowhere near sated. She was just stuffed.

“Oh my god, Stace,” he murmured. “Taste so good.” He planted a soft kill on her areola.

Jade slowly opened her eyes to find Ted marveling at her.

She couldn’t blame him. She slowly looked at herself, her heaving chest. Her trembling hands cupped the sides of her breasts as milk continued to splatter all over the floor. They were just massive. They look the size of basketballs by then. “Fuck Ted, I’m huge.”

Ted’s eyes were dark and amorous. He didn’t disagree, he just moved closer. His hands joined hers in cupping her breasts, gently. They were so fat, so plump and sweaty. Sometimes it was hard to believe that they were attached to her. They hardly seemed real.

“I can’t go back out there,” said Jade.

“Yes you can,” Ted countered, before he leaned down again, and drank, methodically, from one breast and then the other. Her hips twitched and she had to lean back on the wall not to lose her balance. She covered her mouth against the moans tearing up her throat. Her eyes fluttered, the stimulation dragging her all the way to the cusp.

She gasped out of her reverie when she felt Ted pull off with a wet pop of suction. He licked his lips, wearing a satisfied smile. “That should hold you over for a bit.”

They had to have been in that closet for at least a half-hour, but she didn’t feel nearly drained. It was an improvement, though. Panting, she looked down at herself, sheepishly clutching at the huge, hot mounds. She was no longer leaking. That was a relief.

“Let’s get back out there and show you off,” said Ted as he helped her slide her dress up.

She noticed that the neckline was still pinching slightly into her flesh.

Ted took her hand, the two of them returned to the party.


Maybe they’re getting too big…

It was a concept she was frequently considering now.

Jade was constantly clutching her breasts as she walked around, at least when no one was looking. She would cup the mounds, trying to stabilize them from bobbing too much. They were leaking all the time, and Jade had to take frequent breaks at the diner, at least every half hour, to drag Ted off to a closet or bathroom, so he could suck her. She liked to keep him close, because she was always sweaty and full, disheveled and breathless, always fixing her clothes, tugging and adjusting, stretching and outgrowing. She was just getting massive and people could hardly tear their eyes away from her outrageous transformation.

It felt like Ted was drinking from her constantly, but it still wasn’t enough. It was never enough. She was always engorged, always had more than was comfortable, always wanted more relief. And god, it was stretching her. She was getting bigger. Often, Jade thought about about getting breast pumps, but she didn’t know how to broach the subject. She didn’t think Ted would be happy with that.

Ted was living it up. He loved her body, loved the feel of it, love drinking from her, and loved showing her off to his friends. He was having them over more than ever, even when Jade was flustered, and straining, trying to smile politely as they whistled and teased. “You know how to choose ‘em,” they would say to Ted, slapping his back. Some were getting bemused. “What the hell is she eating?

She should have been pissed off that she was being objectified at every turn, but hadn’t she chosen this? Hadn’t she done this to herself?

“Mnnghhh…fuhhckk…” Jade whined as she waited impatiently. She was holding her back, arching against the strain, as she balanced the weight on her chest, two huge boobs perched there round and high, perky and fat. She was soaked in sweat just from the throbbing heat of her full batch of milk. Yet she stood there by the bathroom sink, panting as she waited.

She was wearing a custom bandeau she was bulging out of at every corner, her panties cutting into her wide hips and plump backside, her belly a rounded curve. She had gotten rather voluptuous in recent weeks, but she seemed to be a bottomless pit lately. Always starving, always eating and craving. And as usual, Ted happily supplied her with delicious, unhealthy foods.

“Mghh…” Her phone timer went off. Jade fumbled to silence it, then, with a trembling hand, she reached for the little plastic device sitting on the edge of the sink.

A pregnancy test was positive.

Jade felt dizzy.

“Fuck…” she whimpered. Her nipples squirted. She moaned, gripping the sink. This was just…it wasn’t the right time. It wasn’t what she wanted. Not now, with everything. But now her breasts were gushing. A…baby? Her breasts tightened, her face reddening. She couldn’t do this now, not with her crazy body and this—this lack of stability. She was living a double life. And with a man who was still deeply immersed in crime. It wasn’t that she didn’t want children someday, but not now, not in all this chaos.

Yet she had been gaining weight like crazy, and her breasts were surging. There were bouts of nausea and missed periods. It had all pointed at one thing.

“Fuck,” she whined again.

The timing wasn’t ideal, but…maybe they could figure this out. Maybe…maybe this could be the incentive Ted needed to clean up his act, and get an honest job once and for all.


Pete couldn’t stop gawking. His lips moved wordlessly, then he just let his jaw hang as he continued to ogle her, his hands moving down cup at the growing bulge in his shorts.

“Ew!” Jade threw her water bottle at his head, followed by a compact mirror, causing him to stumble and snap out of his reverie. “I get it. They’re huge,” she said snippily.

“Each of your boobs are bigger than your head,” Pete said in a breath. “How the fuck – I mean – jesus!” He resumed drooling.

“I’m pregnant,” Jade deadpanned.

“You’re what?” For the first time his eyes darted down, moving on from her breasts, to take in the curve of her belly. It was fairly visible in the tight waitress dress she had on. “No way.”

“Yes, way,” Jade retorted sarcastically. Only a week had passed since she’d found out, and the curve was definitely bigger; more round looking. Ted was sure to start suspecting any day now. Jade gulped. “I just need to know if — if any of the drugs in my system are gonna cause any, um, negative effects on the, the b-baby…ohhhh…” Her breasts tightened. Just thinking about it seemed to have an effect on her.

Pete’s lips moved wordlessly. It seemed a struggle for him to get his brain to work. Finally, he managed to meet her gaze. “Negative effects? N-no, on the contrary, the drugs may have caused…” He trailed off as Jade raised her eyebrows. “Some of the pills were off-market fertility drugs. The stuff is crazy potent. Like, crazy potent.”

“And you didn’t think that was worth mentioning!?” Jade snapped, fists curling.

“Shit, I didn’t know you were gonna get it on—” Pete stumbled back to dodge a swipe, now falling on his ass in trademark fashion.

Jade was breathing heavily, boobs jiggling.

“Easy there Bess, think of the babies.”

Babies?” said Jade.

“I mean you’re already, like, showing,” said Pete, eyes nervous and crazed, excited and daunted. “You’re probably — well, you should see a doctor. Like I said, that stuff was really strong.”

“Fuck, Pete!” Jade snapped. But she drew in a deep breath and tried to calm down. Then she kicked up some dirt. “Fuck!”

Pete was fumbling on the ground, looking like he might flee.

“Okay…okay.” Jade took in another long breath. “I can handle this.” Her hands cupped her stomach. “Ba-babies…P-Pete…nnggghhhh….” Her nipples started leaking heavily into her dress, instantly soaking the dress through. It wasn’t unusual lately, the sudden spills. The material hugged even more tightly against her, as the buttons started to strain. “God, what am I gonna dooo…” she groaned as milk started dripping off her, splattering into the hay, yet she was only getting tighter as she gasped for breath and tried not to think about the possible litter she was incubating. Her breasts heaved and tightened, as though to escape her straining uniform.

Pete puffed out all the air in his lungs. He fell back into his vacant staring, saliva pooling at the bottom of his mouth. She was a fucking cow.

Jade stumbled back against the barn wall, leaning against it for support as she tried to clear her mind. “It’s okay…it’s okay…” she lied to herself as she cupped her throbbing mounds.

Next Chapter



"Maybe they’re getting too big…" Good joke, Jade! Good joke. They're only going to get bigger. This story is always such a treat when it updates, the comparison to Jessica Rabbit but far plumper immediately gives us a strong mental image. The descriptions throughout of her struggles with her engorged breasts are what I' m here for. Can't wait to see how she messes up her body next! "She was a fucking cow." ""It's okay..." she lied to herself." Such perfectly darkly erotic and foreboding lines!!!


Glad you're enjoying! It's always fun to write self-induced expansion! Jade is a hot mess, haha