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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Doing her best not to groan, Janet walked over to her cubicle. She was surprised to see one of her supervisors standing there.

“Hiya Janet,” Tina greeted as she gave Janet’s body an odd look. Despite that, Tina maintained a professional demeanor. “I’ve been asking some of the staff to help out with the trainees today. What do you say?”

It wasn’t really a question. Janet doubted she could say “no,” especially with all the trouble she seemed to be getting herself into lately. “S-sure,” she said, still a bit flustered. As Tina gave her yet another once over, Janet self-consciously folded her arms against her swollen stomach.

“Great!” said Tina. “Follow me.”

Tina led Janet to the other side of the call center, where numerous trainees were taking easy inbound calls while half-a-dozen senior staff members hovered around, monitoring them, sometimes getting a headset and listening in on a call. Janet joined her colleagues in supervising. She had done this a time or two before and it was easy enough. Unsurprisingly, her colleagues stared at her. After all, her body was noticeably different than it had been that morning.

Janet was embarrassed. Folding her arms against herself again, she leaned down, pretending to be looking at a trainee’s screen. Thankfully, his back was turned on her. The trainees were too focused on their computers to pay Janet any mind, but her coworkers kept giving Janet stunned looks, their gazes shooting from her noticeably smaller breasts to her newly swollen belly.

Janet’s face flamed as one of her coworkers actually snickered.

“What the hell happened there?” Mary Pryce indiscreetly whispered to Tony Watkins as Janet checked in on another trainee. Janet did her best to ignore them but Mary was obnoxious, as always.

Mary came over and confronted Janet, clearly affronted that everyone was playing polite obliviousness to the change. “Sorry Jan, am I going nuts, or have you gone from showing up here with those huge, inflating mega-tits to now randomly looking pregnant since this morning? And your boobs are smaller now too. Is this some crazy prank or something? Do we need to get HR over here?”

Janet was sweating. She might have accused Mary of lacking professionalism had Mary not been accusing her of the same. “N-no,” she stammered. “Not a prank.” She tried to keep her words hushed but everybody was watching now, even some of the trainees, who had swiveled around in their seats, faces stunned.

Janet’s blouse was truly straining, gaps of bloated flesh bulging between her buttons, which, in turn, looked close to popping right off.

Then Mary reached out to touch the swell. Mary’s eyes widened as she registered the realness of it. But still, she pressed her hand against it, pushing a bit too hard.

A loud belch erupted from Janet's throat.

Even those who had not been in the immediate vicinity had frozen to stare at the small group of employees. Several of their supervisors were gawking. Janet was positively mortified.

“I-I have to go,” she stammered, looking around at the stunned faces glued to her body. “N-not feeling well. S-sorry!”

With that, Janet fled. She hurried to the nearest exit as quickly as her feet could carry her, even with her changed balance. She didn’t stop until she got to her car.

Janet cursed under her breath as she clambered inside, feeling close to tears in her embarrassment. She just wanted to forget this whole day had ever happened. She drove home, sniffing and steadily calming herself down.

Now that she had an unexpected half-day, Janet was in drastic need of some comfort. That and her gurgling belly brought her straight to her kitchen. She found a large box of donuts in the pantry, and began to tear through them voraciously. The food was fast and easy to get down, all soft, and sweet, and starchy. She followed it with some gulps of milk that had newly developed in her breasts since her last indulgence, but it wasn’t nearly enough. As Janet put together some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to take the edge off her relentless hunger, she balanced her phone between her ear and her shoulder as she put in a food order. “Yes, I’ll have three extra-large meatlovers pizzas.”

She went on a full binge, eating greedily, filling herself up. As she ate, her belly grew fuller and tighter, but she didn’t care, even as her blouse strained more and a button finally snapped off. She gasped for breath as other buttons followed, popping off one after the next as she looked down at her rounded belly. She appeared as though she was seven months pregnant! She couldn’t believe how full she was getting.

Coming out of her reverie, Janet looked around at the empty food wrappings and pastry boxes littering her kitchen table. Two of the pizzas had been consumed and she still had one left. Janet gasped for breath as she cradled her swollen abdomen, reflecting that she had really pigged out.

Wincing against the pressure and strain in her gut, Janet groaned and reached out for another slice of pizza.



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