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“They put something inside of me,” said Tina, her voice thick with indignation. “In my breasts. I can feel it.” Tina gulped, and sat back down.

“In addition to our demands to reverse the experiment, my client is suing for $50,000 for lost wages and psychological distress,” said Jefferies, Tina’s lawyer. “My client’s trust was violated by her employer, and it has led to devastating repercussions. Because of the ongoing case, other companies have been unwilling to hire her as a lab tech. This has been detrimental to her career.”

There was some whispering going on at the defendant’s table, before the opposing attorney, Mr. Maroon, spoke.

“Ms. Brimson signed a contract with Larp Lab and fully consented to the experiment. She was informed that it would go on for an extended period of time. Now she’s suing because she wants to back out prematurely. Judge, I can provide you with proof of correspondence between…”

Tina’s mind wandered as the proceedings went on. She breathed and hugged her chest, against the tingling sensation that filled it. It was true that she had consented to the experiment, and signed off on the paperwork, but she had been told that she was being given an experimental hormone to help aid with sleep. The scientists had mentioned nothing of the tinging sensations that would take over her chest, or that her breasts would swell up from A’s to B-cups in just a few weeks. They had also failed to mention that they had apparently implanted her with something. She supposed that’s what she got for not reading the fine print.

“We did good today,” Jefferies told her outside, hours later, after the proceedings had ended. “The judge seems to be sympathizing with us. He gave us a new date for May.”

“May!?” said Tina in frustration. “Seriously? That’s a month away.”

“This is a good thing, Tina. Trust me. We have a case. Just keep your head up. I’m thinking of filing for additional damages…”

Tina could merely stare and nod as her lawyer went on.


By the next hearing, Tina’s breasts had surged to D-cups. They were plump and heated, leaving Tina’s face flushed. Jefferies had seemed impressed at seeing the plump mounds stuffed in her top, but Tina felt nothing short of miserable. The tingling sensation had turned to a weird fluttering, sometimes a prickling. Her nipples had gotten larger as well, and visibly bulged out, even though her bra.

Tina sat miserably at the prosecution table as the layers argued over contacts and clauses. The two Larp Lab scientists at the defendants table often stared at Tina, whispering amongst themselves, at times even pointing at her. It took all Tina had to ignore them.

She was just relieved when the judge ruled in her favor. Finally, this fiasco was over.

“Your honor, the defense will be filing an appeal,” said Mr. Maroon.

“As is their right,” said the Judge, as everyone stood to leave.

“What does that mean?” Tina whispered to Jefferies, who was packing his briefcase.

“It’s pretty standard. The defense has a month to appeal the judge’s decision. If appeals fail, they have no choice but to—”

“A month?” said Tina in a hushed voice. She was sweating now, but trying not to make a scene. “I can’t wait another month. Who knows what will happen by then. My tits are getting huge.” She motioned to the mounds on her slim, athletic frame.

Jefferies gave said mounds an appreciative glance. “There’s not much I can do, Tina. It’s standard court procedure. Just try to hold on for a little bit longer.”

With that, he left her there, feeling hopeless again. Tina was out of work and oblivious of what was going on with her body. She wanted to reach out to the Lab for help, but had been advised against communicating with them.

She waited two weeks as her breasts progressively grew. By the third, she started calling her attorney again. “Jefferies, things are getting really bad. My tits…they feel so weird. Please tell me this case is going somewhere.”

“Tina, I’m glad you called. Those scientists are some really pieces of work. They have me buried in paperwork. This may hold us up another three weeks.”

Tina was speechless. She allowed her phone to drop from her hand and onto her bed. She was at a loss of what to do. She had been advised against seeking medical help elsewhere—it could negatively impact her awards. It wasn’t as though regular doctors even knew what to do with her. She doubted that hospitals dealt with a lot of patients that had things growing inside their breasts.

Tina held her head in her hands. I won! Why is this happening?

Tina’s next court date was a month later. By then, she had fat FFF-cups stuffed into her pullover. Her breasts were round, plump, and bloated-feeling. She could feel weird lurches within them that made her face redden. Her skin was hot and sweaty, her nipples tender and flushed. They were the size of coke caps by then, protruding evidently within her top. Tina did her best not to cradle the mounds while in court. The scientists at the defendants table threw Tina pleased glances, and the whole thing just made Tina sick.

“Your honor, my client has been the victim of delaying tactics. We request that this experiment is reversed immediately,” said Jefferies.

“I’m incline to agree,” said the Judge, giving Tina an odd look.

There was some whispering at the defendant’s table, before Maroon stood. “Your honor, I’m afraid that is out of our hands.”

Tina stared at the attorney.

“Your honor—” started Jefferies.

“The client is simply too far along,” Maroon continued.

There was a moment of silence as everyone in the court tried to process what had been said.

“What are you talking about?” Tina snapped. She climbed to her feet, her breasts wobbling on her chest.

“If you could elaborate, Maroon,” said the Judge uncertainly.

Maroon nodded. “Ms. Brimson has been impregnated with a small alien species. It may be illegal to abort this late in the pregnancy. In fact, there are no known laws that would dictate whether we can intervene at all.”

Tina was sweating, her breasts feeling as though they were throbbing. Was this just another legal maneuver? Or was there more to it? Tina felt another lurch in her breast, and absently cupped the side of her mound. Alien creatures? In her breasts!? Her eyes rolled upwards as she felt herself swoon.

When Tina awoke, she could feel herself lying back on a medical table. She opened her eyes to see that she was in a small medical office, her pullover zipped down, and her breasts exposed. Above her, Maroon, Jefferies, and some doctors were arguing amongst themselves.

“It could be said that these creatures are parasitic in nature. As such, they must be removed,” Jefferies was arguing.

“But this species is complete unknown to us,” said a doctor. “I wouldn’t be comfortable—”

Sitting up, Tina grunted in discomfort, and all eyes turned to her. Her nipples visibly pushed out, throbbing, pointing outwards. She could feel her breasts tightening, swelling, her nipples twitching. Something was pushing—pushing against them from inside her! “Nnrrggghhhh…” Her face reddened as her nipples ached and strained. “Oh god…oh god…” Tina groaned out, as her nipples opened, and something suddenly sprayed out of her, splattering into the crowd of people before her.

“Ohhhhnngghhhh…” Tina groaned, hunching down, gasping for breath. Her nipples dropped slightly. She looked up at the stunned group of doctors and lawyers, horrified to see that they had been splattered with a thick cream and large, squirming grubs.

“I have to go,” said Tina, climbing off the table, the others in the room too speechless to stop her. She pulled the pullover around herself, but it could barely fit her anymore. She stepped out of the room to see that she was still in the courthouse. She hurried outside to her car.

Tina struggled to turn her car on, but her hands trembled, and the keys fell. She began to reach for them, but felt a growing pressure in her breasts that made her arch her back as the mounds plumpened in more growth. They were the size of volleyballs by then. Her nipples became hard and swollen again. “Ooohhhh…aaahhhh….” Tina cried as her dashboard was splattered with more of the creatures.

She hunched down, resting her head on her steering wheel, her large breasts heaving with her heavy breathing. Another grub idly popped out of her swollen nipple. She stared down at her breasts, utterly disgusted. What had they done to her?


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