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Baby Elephant on DeviantArt


John fidgeted at work now, sometimes unconsciously rubbing his bottom. Cona could see how much it had grown in the past couple of days. She sipped her coffee from her spot in the corner of the break room.

Subject 12 still has yet to realize that he’s been impregnated, she scribbled down on her chart.

John glanced her way and Cona quickly directed her gaze to the television, pretending to be absorbed in whatever was on the news. Some of the interns were beginning to realize just what Cona’s new position entailed.

John hesitated, and returned his attention to the microwave as it beeped. He removed his lunch and walked out of the break room, his enlarged bottom gently rocking as he headed for his cubicle.

In his absence, Cona turned back to her chart and continued to scribble down her notations on John’s progress. He was still in the early stages of his condition.

Cona was beginning to understand the appeal of being a bystander. Depraved, it seemed. But it was also…empowering…in some strange, demented, way. As she gazed over her notes, she wondered how long it would take John to figure out that twin wombs had been implanted in the plumpened flesh of his backside. Another week? A month? Surely sooner than that. All his pants were already getting quite tight on him.

Maybe he knew and was in denial. It wouldn’t be the first time that had happened. Or maybe he was plotting things, much the way some of the other hosts had. But that would be pointless. No one ever beat the lab.

Cona gathered up her things and stuffed them back into her briefcase. She then left the break room and headed for her office. Though Cona’s appointment with Lana wasn’t for another half hour, Cona was pleased to see the girl in question waiting outside of Cona’s office door.

“Lana,” Cona greeted the intern. “You look well.”

Tom’s assistant was flustered and sweaty. Then again, she always was these days. “Thanks,” said Lana tensely.

“You’re early,” Cona remarked as she unlocked the office door.

“I’ve been looking forward to this meeting all week,” said Lana. She followed Cona inside.

Lana was heavily, heavily pregnant. In fact, she looked like she might pop at any moment. It didn’t help that she was so tall and slim, her custom blouse stretched to capacity to accommodate her overdue-with-septuplets-looking belly. She staggered slightly to support her mass, her pleated skirt dancing around her knees as she made her way to the chair in front of Cona’s desk. Lana examined the chair for a moment, as though uncertain that it would be able to accommodate her. She then slowly eased herself back into it. Her belly rested in her lap and Lana took several moments to catch her breath.

Cona tilted her head to the side. “Well?” she said. “What is it? You obviously have something to say.”

Lana continued to pant, her belly gently rising and falling as she did. Finally, she took a deep breath, and said, “Let me give birth.”

Cona frowned.

“I feel like I’m about to explode, Cona,” her voice quavered. “I literally think I might burst.” She rubbed her hands upon the heaving mound.

“Don’t be so dramatic,” said Cona. “You’re nothing compared to—”

“You. Yes, pregnant with three baby elephants. I know,” said Lana. She gulped as an irritated expression crossed Cona’s face. “I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I just—I’m just asking…ohhhhh…” Lana groaned as Cona watched.

This tended to happen when a pregnant intern got overexcited. A chemical reaction to their adrenaline caused growth spurts. In a way, it was…beneficial for the lab. It kept the dissidence to a minimum.

Lana gripped her belly as it trembled. “Nngghhh…noo…” she groaned out as her belly inched forward, bigger, wider. “Unggghhhh…” Her face flushed, Lana tried her best to calm down. “Hoo…hooo…” she breathed in puffs. A shirt button popped off, and Lana’s belly button pushed out into the open. It bobbed slightly, and visibly throbbed. It was massive by then, and protruding obscenely through the opening to Lana’s stretched blouse.

“Are you done?” said Cona flatly. She rubbed her temple. “Lana, you still have a ways to go.”

That was a lie. Only Cona knew that Lana was overdue. Cona had tried drugging Lana with a variety of medications through Lana’s food and water supply, but none of them had been able to induce labor. Cona hadn’t let this on to Lana. If she caused Lana to panic, it would only make matters worse. Cona hadn’t let it on to Tom either. Cona liked Lana, and didn’t want the intern’s pregnancy to be declared unviable. Cona had seen what happened to hosts whose pregnancies didn’t go successfully.

Cona absently bit her bottom lip. Perhaps she had made an unfair standard when she had given birth to the baby elephants.

Lana’s growth spurt seemed to have subsided. “Hahhhh…hahhhhh…ca…can you at least tell me what’s inside of me?” she panted out.

Cona shook her head. “You know the protocol. Now can I get back to work? I think you have some records to file, yourself. And do remind Tom that the two of us have a meeting at two.”

By then, Lana looked beyond frustrated, but she was doing her best to remain her calm. Lana opened her mouth, but then closed it, and glared at her belly in resignation. Cona watched her struggle to stand, and Cona was tempted to offer to get her a wheelchair, but that would imply that Lana was not capable of doing her job without accommodation—Tom would not be pleased by that.

“It will be your time soon enough,” said Cona.

Lana just gave her a miserable look.

Cona watched as Lana grew redder and redder till she managed to heave her body out of the chair. Once she had balanced herself, Lana waddled off, panting heavily as she did. She looked as though she was holding back tears. She was so young…so simple. Cona held herself from requesting for Lana to bring her some coffee. Maybe it wasn’t the best time.

Lana had to navigate her belly through the office door, the mound now brushing the frame on both sides. She was getting truly massive.

Releasing another sigh in Lana’s wake, Cona shifted her focus to the files on her desk. She leafed through her notes on another experiment. She had high hopes for this subject. She was sure that he would be a good breeder.

Subject 18 had responded well to the fertility drugs added to his water supply. His skin was softer and rosier, his chest fuller, and his hips might have even widened some as well. She didn’t have exact measurements, but she was good at eyeballing things. Subject 18 was at peak fertility, and he was just about due for full integration into the program. Of course, he didn’t know it.

Cona unlocked a drawer of her desk to eject a refrigerated compartment. She removed a syringe from a pile of them there and raised it to her face to gaze at the squirming content within. With her free hand, she pressed the intercom on her desk phone to reach her secretary. “Can you have Dean Smith to report to my office?”


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