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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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Unlike the other staff members, Kim’s dress was a burnt red color. It was tight and strapless, her sweaty cleavage bulging generously over the low neckline. The dress was short enough to display most of her curvy thighs, her huge belly perched against her lap as her navel pressed into the table edge. She covered her mouth as she hiccupped, cheeks reddening. “The staff breakfast was delicious this morning,” she told Mr. Oharo with a nervous smile. She seemed embarrassed in her own skin.

“I hope you left room for dessert,” he responded as he fondly pet her swell.

Kim’s blush deepened. “Of course.” She looked so young and overwhelmed. She had to be in her early twenties as most.

Then Kim reached out for some of the greasy pastries, and with a sort of elegance but little ceremony, she began to shove them into her mouth.

She ate quickly and efficiently, as if she had fine-tuned the ritual. One pastry after the next was stuffed into her mouth whole. She chewed only as much as she needed to before swallowing. She did this all in a rapid, repetitive cycle. Her cheeks grew full and round as they bulged with food, yet she never slowed. Logan was reminded of a professional eating contestant he had glimpsed once on the local news.

He watched the pile of Goop’ms gradually descend as he sat unmoving, his attention frozen on the girl. He felt his composure degrade with every pastry she consumed, as she squished each one whole between her lips. She was a machine, never slowing or stopping, just packing the food in, stuffing her belly. Yet she was already so huge, so full and tight. She was pushing her body to its limits right there as Logan, Kat, and Mr. Oharo spectated the bizarre performance.

Suddenly a hum escaped Kim’s throat, her eyes shuttering closed as she paused with her mouth still full. Her belly then actually trembled, causing her to grunt and squirm, clutching the side of the swell.

“Easy there,” said Mr. Oharo as he pet her bump again in idle amusement.

Kim audibly gulped down the food in her mouth. Then she gave another hum, almost a whine, though she tried to maintain her composure. Her nostrils flared as she breathed heavily, lips pressed closed and her belly heaving. Logan didn’t know how she kept it all down. Maybe she was used to this.

“Just…a moment…” Kim forced out, her face flushed as sweat formed on her brow. Suddenly her hands flew to her mouth just before a small belch erupted from her throat. “S-sorry!” she stammered, looking panicked.

Mr. Oharo was clearly displeased. “You know I want you to sample everything,” he muttered.

“Of c-course,” Kim managed. Her face was twisted, eyes almost wincing shut as she fidgeted, as though trying not to arch, fighting against the compulsion to push her belly out. But then she was, arching, pushing it forward, trying to relieve the discomfort, and her belly, it was shifting out…growing? Was it growing? She gave another hum but Logan knew she wanted to groan.

Kim’s hand fumbled to grab up take another pastry. She attempted a smile as she started eating again, one pastry after another. Shoving them down before she could stop herself, and before her body could register that it was just too much. Impressively, she finished off the plate of Goop’ms, and began to rapidly demolish the other pastry varieties.

It was an obscene show of gluttony. It was simply disgusting. And yet it was fucking erotic.

Her dress looked even tighter now, her belly almost pulsating as it was packed with more and more food. Her speed was only increasing as she ate almost frantically, desperate to get everything down before she just couldn’t anymore. Logan was almost scared that she would hurt herself. She was stuffing her body beyond capacity.

Then finally, she finished.

Composure fractured, Kim was panting open-mouthed. She cut off any grunt or groan by pressing her lips together, her face crumpling. It seemed that presentation was important here. There was not one smear of icing on her face, not a crumb spilt on the table.

Mr. Oharo reached up to wipe one of the tears that had formed in the corner of her eye. “Excellent, Kim. Now stand up and let us know what you think.”

A vein had risen on Kim’s forehead. Her makeup remained impeccable, if a bit dewy now in places. Her face was red, breasts heaving, and belly positively shuddering.

Logan didn’t think it was possible, but Kim started to get up. She fumbled to get her feet beneath her, before pressing them into the floor. She gripped the edge of the table tightly, and with clear effort, heaved herself up to standing.

“Nnnn…god,” she whimpered, clutching her belly with one hand while gripping the chair with the other. The mound was shifting, pushing forward, growing right before their eyes. Logan’s jaw was hanging. Wet stains blossomed on the chest of her dress. She was lactating.

Mr. Oharo frowned. “Don’t be rude, Kim.”

“Yes s-sir,” Kim gasped out. “Sorry.” Her dress was straining.

Mr. Oharo wasn’t nearly satisfied with the apology, but he sighed and nodded, “How was the product?”

“T-the b-babies like it,” Kim managed, her voice nearly a sob. Somehow she mustered a smile. “They l-like it very m-much.” Her belly throbbed forward another inch, causing her to unintentionally groan and hunch, clutching it.

Logan had never been so hard in his life.

“Hmmm,” said Mr. Oharo, looking off thoughtfully. “Thank you, Kim. That is all.”

“It was a p-pleasure,” Kim said, meeting Logan’s, and then Kat’s, stunned gazes.

Logan sputtered, “Right — of c-course. A p-pleasure.”

Kat opened her mouth as though to respond, but could produce no words. Frankly, she looked horrified.

Mr. Oharo gave a backhanded wave. Several servers appeared instantly to flank Kim then guide her off, through a door near the register that seemed to lead deeper into the building. For a moment, Logan and Kat sat in stunned silence.

Mr. Oharo clapped his hands together, snapping them both out of their reveries. “You have received high praise from Kim.”

There was another bout of silence, Logan and Kat just staring at him. Logan knew they were being rude. Parting his dry lips, he tried to think of something to say.

“She’s very young,” Kat squeaked out.

“Yes, Kim is almost twenty. She has changed so much these past couple of months. You know young people. Always going out, partying. I suppose not anymore.” Oharo looked amused.

“When…when is she due?” Logan managed.

“In about a month.”

“What!?” Kat snapped.

Logan and Oharo turned to her in surprise of the outburst.

“I – I mean –” Kat fumbled. She cleared her throat. “I would just think…s-sooner.”

“Yes, she is quite plump,” Mr Oharo said with that fond smile of his. “She has such an appetite. The babies are quite large.”

“Babies?” said Kat weakly.

“Oh yes, multiples. It is such a precious gift for someone so young. You see, Kim is our top employee here. Soon her pregnancy will come to an end but she is already looking forward to having more.”

Kat swallowed, looking disturbed, and Logan just couldn’t sit still anymore.

He stood up, making sure to use his briefcase to conceal his very prominent erection. “Can you direct me to the bathroom?”

Oharo pointed him in the direction of the lavatory, but once Logan disappeared into the throngs of customers, he veered off towards the door Kim had been escorted through.

He didn’t know why, or what he intended to do, but Logan found himself slipping inside.

He stepped into a dimly-lit corridor lined with rooms. A few were labeled with the names of staff members and management — their offices, he presumed. Other rooms were unlabeled. At the end of the hall, there was a sign that read CAFETERIA that pointed towards an adjacent corridor, which was odd. A café having its own staff cafeteria seemed paradoxical somehow. Logan spotted what had to be a break room, which was devoid of any staff at this busy hour but had several industrial refrigerators, a large sink with counters, some cabinets, and a couple of vending machines as well. Beyond a closed door, Logan could hear a couple of people discussing some bookkeeping issues, voices rising as things edged towards an argument. Two more doors down, there were chattering female voices. Logan curiously approached the unlabeled room. The door was ajar. Surreptitiously, he peeked inside.

It was a dressing room, judging by the various uniforms and costumes hanging on racks outlining the room. There were a couple of counters along a wall, each with a mirror and styling chair, like in a beauty salon. Kim was seated at one of them with two somewhat older women standing over her, fretting.

“Stop sweating,” complained the woman on the right who was dressed in a tight romper as she tried to fix Kim’s makeup. She had a cute little baby bump, though nothing noteworthy. Her fingernails were ridiculously long; they look like claws to Logan.

“And stay put. Stop fidgeting,” said the woman on the left, who was wearing tight white leggings as she fixed Kim’s hair. With her lean torso, she did not appear pregnant, but she had an insanely fat rack. Her eye makeup was eccentric and definitely drew what attention wasn’t focused on the huge honeydew-sized jugs practically spilling out of the bandeau she had on.

Both women looked to be in their mid to late twenties. They were hastily trying to clean up Kim’s disheveled appearance.

Kim was huffing and puffing like she was doing lamaze. She was still flushed, still struggling to catch her breath. Her hands were desperately rubbing circles on the huge belly perched in her lap. They had changed her outfit, Logan realized. It was a similar minidress, but this one was ruched. It was again strapless and skintight, hugging every contour of her bloated body.

“And don’t you dare leak again,” the woman with the Claws warned Kim. “I can’t believe you did that in front of Mr. Oharo and his guests! Hold it in! We want those puppies looking ready to pop. You have to be back out in fifteen to serve whatshisname.”

“It’s that local governor, Sano or whoever,” the woman with the Jugs said. “Mr. Oharo wants to butter him up, maybe get a tax break.”

“Let’s pray Kim doesn’t mess this one up.”

“I’m just hoping she doesn’t bust another dress.”

Kim groaned, her face contorting as her belly jumped. “Nrrgghhh…goddd…” She clutched it like she was trying to contain the pressure, but it popped forward at least an inch, and then another! Kim arched and wailed, but Claws quickly covered her mouth, muffling the cries.

“Jesus, Kim!” Jugs hissed. “Quiet down! And get those babies under control!”

Kim’s breasts were bubbling against her sweetheart neckline, flesh bulging and outgrowing it. Her belly pulsed again then there was a tearing noise. Logan could see where the seam had burst at her side, a hole growing in her dress as the fabric strained and pulled apart.

“Dammit, Kim,” said Jugs as Claws let go of Kim’s mouth to throw her arms up in disbelief.

Kim was back to huffing and puffing, eyes panicked as she struggled to breathe and her belly crept outward, advancing, swelling.

“What does Oharo expect us to do with this?” Claws groused as she motioned irritably to Kim’s struggling form. “He does this every time. Stuffs her like a pig and then we have to clean her up.”

“Well she is the favorite.” Jugs rolled her eyes. “Top employee since she hit six months and couldn’t fit into any of the largest-sized uniforms.”

“I just can’t stand that she gets paid more than us.”

“You know she could eat both of us under a table.” They continued to talk about Kim as though she wasn’t even there.

“Can’t wait till it’s her time to squat,” said Claws, patting Kim’s belly while giving a wicked grin. “You know the boss only allows natural birth. No scarring. Looking forward to it, hun?” she said directly to the younger girl.

Kim groaned again. The dress tore more.

“This has to be some record or something,” Jugs said, idly snapping a picture of Kim’s belly with her smart phone. “I mean just look at her. Fucking huge. She can barely even walk. How far is he gonna pushher?”

“Not our problem. Just get Pablo on the phone. She’s not gonna fit into anything we have on hand and it’s gonna be our asses if she’s not back out there by the time Sato gets here.”


“Just get on the phone.” Claws lightly shoved Jugs who rolled her eyes and dutifully walked off, tits bobbing. Then Claws leaned down to a dazed Kim. “Jesus fuck, you’re a blimp. What do you need, superstar? A drink? A snack?”

Logan didn’t want to tear his eyes away but he knew he had been gone for far too long. Regretfully, he backed away, his intense state of arousal having only exacerbated.

He made a stop in the lavatory where, practically untouched, he had one of the most powerful orgasms of his life. Even afterwards, feeling warm and heavy, he couldn’t help thinking about how hot this all was. Images of Kim groaning and arching as she swelled left him slumped on the stall wall, feeling helpless with desire.

Logan tried his best to stamp those thoughts down. He needed to focus. So he exited the stall, washed his hands, and straightened up his clothes. Wiping some sweat off his brow, he returned to the café.

As he approached the table, Logan put on a politely neutral expression. He was surprised to see a fresh platter of pastries set there, Kat staring at it with uneasiness.

These were not Boddims pastries. These ones actually looked appetizing. They were more of the fancy breads, cakes, creampuffs, and éclairs the servers had brought over to the table earlier.

Rather famished after his little self-care session, Logan reached out to grab one, but yelped as Mr. Oharo slapped his hand aside.

“Apologies Mr. Graham,” said Mr. Oharo, not bothering to look at Logan. “I know this meeting was informal, but your colleague here has proven quite savvy. I am particularly interested in her opinion of our products.” His attention was focused on Kat.

It took Logan’s brain a moment to compute what was going on.

The platter of pastries was nowhere near the size of even the one platter of Goop’ms Kim had consumed, but it was still quite a lot for one person. There had to be close to two dozen desserts. They weren’t cheap, not like the Goop’ms, but they looked sweet and heavy all the same.

Logan’s gaze shifted to Kat who was contemplating the food, looking terribly, terribly troubled. Mr. Oharo wanted her to gorge the pastries the way Kim had consumed the Goop’ms. He wanted her to stuff them down; fill her belly. And he wanted her to start blowing up just the way Kim was. The shock of this realization went straight to Logan’s cock.


Joshua S

God this is getting exciting!