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Note: This is a story-prompt for Kush Destroyer.

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“Ron, is the ceiling…dripping?”

Ron shifted on the couch to look at the spot his wife was pointing at. There was a growing wet patch on the ceiling. Soon a droplet fell away to tap lightly on the coffee table where the whitish liquid was creating a small puddle there.

“Seriously?” Ron said in disbelief. He lifted the remote to pause the basketball game before scowling up at the ceiling. Ron and Sarah were newlyweds and had only moved in together a couple of weeks earlier. The fact that they were already having issues with the apartment just left Ron on edge. He got up and went to the closet to grab a bucket, which he subsequently put on the table to catch the leak. “This is ridiculous!”

Sarah shrugged, her attention already shifting back to her toenails, which she was painting a garish aqua blue. “Relax,” she urged, wriggling her toes. “Just call maintenance.”

“Yeah. Right,” said Ron, digging his cell phone out of his pocket.

“And tell them we need that bulb in the kitchen changed,” Sarah added, momentarily putting down the nail polish to lift her mug of tea.

As Sarah raised the tea to her lips, she failed to notice a droplet of white fluid that fell from the ceiling and directly into it, as she took a sip.

“What the hell is this anyway?” Ron grumbled as he peered at the fluid. “It’s definitely not water. Shit, no one’s answering.” He tried calling again. The white droplets were falling faster now, splattering into the bucket as the level started to rise.

Sarah stood and dipped her teacup into the bucket, causing Ron’s eyebrows to shoot up as she collected some of the white fluid then drank it. “Sarah, what are you…” Ron trailed off, only then noticing that Sarah’s clothing was suddenly looking tighter on her, and her body…softer. Ron’s mouth hung ajar.

Sarah was…changing. The previously slim woman was growing rapidly, a padding of softness growing progressively thicker as her body visibly expanded. Ron watched her belly surge forward as it shoved down the waistband of the leggings she had on. Her breasts doubled then tripled in size, her modest B-cups quickly ballooning to D, then DDs, and only growing larger. Her top slid upwards as it strained on her growing form. She must have doubled in weight and was still getting thicker, her backside bulging out behind her, her thighs squishing together.

Sarah moaned and sunk to her knees, arching as she continued to transform.

Her shirt dragged all the way up, a pair of massive breasts shoving out, exposed. Her nipples looked truly extraordinary, swollen, distended, and now… advancing. They were growing thicker and longer, wiggling as she panted, until they started to resemble cow teats.

Sarah groaned and clutched her voluptuous body, fingers sinking into her deepening softness. Her leggings burst apart as a cow udder sprung free! It swelled and bulged, spilling forward, four swollen teats springing out of it.

Ron stumbled as his transforming wife crawled towards him. Before he could react, she had him pinned to the ground. She shoved one of her huge nipples into his mouth, Ron’s eyes going wide, then dropping shut.

He drank.

He sucked desperately and greedily, filling his mouth with the warm, sticky milk. In only seconds, his own body was expanding, as he held Sarah close, squishing into her, feeling his gut surge and his shoulders thicken. His chest ballooned, nipples aching wonderfully as they shoved forward. He drank and drank, becoming submerged in adulterated pleasure. Little did either of them know, they were among the earliest victims of what would soon be known as the Cowdemic.


On the floor above theirs, Chris, Mike, and Nick were still piled together on the living room floor, their bodies having only grown more expansive. Chris—who would soon come to be known as the infamous ‘Patient One’—was panting heavily, his body sweat-drenched where he was sprawled surrounded by the seven plump babies he had given birth to just moments earlier.

As Chris and Nick nursed the newborns, Mike brought over a new pile of food they had ordered — numerous boxes of doughnuts. Chris moaned as he stuffed them into his mouth, one after the next, his body throbbing with heat and growth. His life had become a cycle of consumption and expansion and he couldn’t have been happier.

The End


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