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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Janet’s diet devolved almost entirely to those delicious lactation cookies as well as the milk her own body was producing. She was snacking on the cookies constantly, sometimes slapping away the hands of friends or colleagues who wanted to snag one of the tasty morsels. And her milk had only gotten more delicious. It was easily the most wonderful thing she had ever tasted.

Things had become so overwhelmingly good, she could hardly focus on anything else anymore. Not her friends, not her family, and certainly not her call center job.

One day, Janet was summoned for a sit-down with her boss.

Mr. White was seated behind his desk waving a piece of paper while pointing at something red on it. Janet was vaguely aware that she was being reprimanded. She had done something wrong, maybe during one of her calls. Yet this all seemed so insignificant and pointless. She bit her lip, her cheeks warm.

God, she was hungry.

She tried her best to focus, though her own body was posing as a significant distraction. She was just so full; full of milk. Her breasts had only gotten bigger and fuller, each the size of a honeydew as they strained the stretchy blouse she had on.

Sometimes her boss’s gaze would flicker down to her cleavage. Janet knew her neckline was too generous for the workplace, but she was always so hot these days. Heavy and hot, full and tight.

“Do you understand?” Mr. White asked one more time as he again pointed at the form he had been flailing around.

Janet nodded mechanically. “I sure do,” she said breathlessly as she wiped some sweat off her brow.

“Great.” He straightened in his seat. Again, his eyes flickered downwards. “Keep up the good work.”

Janet’s breasts wobbled as she stood.

Her lips twisted to one side, her eyelids fluttering as her blouse slid and pulled on her swollen, sensitive nipples. Her breathing shuddered as she tried to get a hold of herself. Her fingers twitched but refrained from cupping her swollen flesh.

It was almost lunchtime. She was tight and oversaturated, nipples aching for release. Yet she did her best to hold it all in. It wouldn’t do to make a mess.

Mr. White swallowed. “Is everything…alright, Janet?” he inquired.

She winced a little, her skin prickling. The mounds felt as though they were pulsating, her top truly straining. Her breasts heaved with her heavy breathing. “F-fine,” she managed as she walked towards the door. “Thank you.” And she left.

It seemed she was going to have to take an early lunch break. Janet knew she was already on thin ice at work, but this was somehow more important.

Within moments, she found herself locked in a bathroom stall, sitting on the covered toilet seat, clutching one of her plump, swollen breasts as she drank indulgently. It was just so good, she was practically addicted. Janet sucked and drank, her body growing warmer. When her other breast started to leak, she moaned and pulled up her shirt, not wanting to stain it.

Usually she had more restraint than this, but something came over her. She couldn’t stop. She just needed it all, every drop. Janet consumed what felt like a liter of milk from her right breast before quickly moving on to the left one without pause. She moaned and sucked in euphoria, the heat now pooling in her loins, her thighs squirming.

Pleasure assaulted every sense, leaving her in a dreamlike state, her body working by impulse and instinct. She only came back into herself when things ran dry. Janet opened her eyes to find herself cradling a pair of breasts that were noticeably smaller and did not have one more drop of milk left to offer.

She looked down at herself, rather amazed by what she had done. Her breasts had shrunken down at least two cup sizes, and were mercifully softer, now holding a tear-shape rather than being uncomfortably round and bloated.

Her belly, meanwhile, was painfully tight. Janet cupped the swell that had developed on her previously-lean torso. She couldn’t help staring. This was just odd. She looked as though she was five months pregnant out of nowhere, the milk drained from her breasts but now packed in her stomach.

Janet pressed her lips, uncertain of how everyone would react to her sudden change. What if they figured it out?

Swallowing her nerves, Janet planted her feet firmly against the floor. She heaved herself up with a groan, gripping the side of the stall. “I think I over did it,” she whimpered as she adjusted her blouse, tugging it down. Still, it strained, riding up in the front.

Drawing in a deep breath, Janet unlocked the stall and walked out.



Great concept, hope there's more.