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This is the November/December SUBMIT-A-PLOT reward.

Idea submitted by pjPersona: A college student pledges to a popular fraternity.  Hazing begins with an eating contest. After weeks of stuffing his face and consuming strange concoctions; the remaining pledges stand before their new frat brothers with abnormally large bellies.  He knows something's off. Finding the frat's secret stash of growth hormones and fertility supplies should've been enough of a warning. However, his charming and attentive frat brothers know how to keep members like him around. Soon he'll realize their attention only grows alongside their pledges' gravid bellies.  Contains: Male: Weight Gain, stuffing, feedee/feeder, pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, butt expansion


Getting into Pi Kappa Kappa Sigma Pi Theta was the whole reason Ryan had applied to Felding University. It was the top frat on this side of the country, known to have the best booze, the hottest girls, and the wildest parties.

Of course, Ryan couldn’t expect all of these critical resources to just fall into his lap. There was the matter of initiation.

“The first stage is the eating contest,” shouted Jake over the chatter and chuckles of the hopeful pledges gathered in the broad living room that evening. Jake had one of those perpetual, mischievous smirks. He made the rules. He was the guy in charge, and had a hoard of sycophantic frat brothers at his beck and call. “Follow me,” he motioned, and the crowd of three dozen freshmen hopefuls followed him through a door, down a staircase, and into the frat house basement.

It was steamy and odorous, but not completely awful. There was a strong mix of aromas. Peeking out between two guys’ shoulders, Ryan stared in shock at the mountain food on the floor, piled there on a large spread of tarp.

It was a disturbing mixture of burgers, pizza pies, bacon, fried shrimp, scattered mac and cheese, meatballs, pieces of mashed potato, bacon slices, what looked like globs of fat, hotdogs, french fries, ground beef, wings, nuggets, spaghetti, cheese curds, burritos, sub sandwiches, chunks of ham, tortilla chips, fried chicken legs, sticks of butter, onion rings, and mozzarella sticks. Everything looked to be slathered in oil, mayonnaise, and a thick nacho cheese sauce. It was the type of stuff Ryan wouldn’t feed his dog. The sight of it frankly made him nauseous.

“Dig in,” Jake said with an evil sneer. “We’ll be watching. Pussies can go the fuck home.”

Two or three guys actually backed away and hurried upstairs, abandoning their hopes of brotherhood.

Ryan was even more surprised to see several guys dive right into the meal, headfirst, enthusiastically stuffing the slop into their mouths.

Hazing. Right.

Hesitating just a moment longer, Ryan hastily joined them, getting down on his knees and into the tarp, shoving food into his mouth and forcing it down. He tried not to grimace. Nearby, someone started gagging.

“This guy is weak!” Dean declared of the gagger. Dean was always at Jake’s side. He was the right hand man. “Get the fuck out of here!”

The guy scurried off.

Ryan continued to hurriedly stuff food into his mouth, his body working on autopilot, trying not to think about how awful this situation was and how bad it all tasted. Once he got beneath some thick layers of mayonnaise, some of the food was actually tolerable. Bite, chew, swallow; bite, chew, swallow, he cycled. He felt sick and the room was stuffy. Nearby, Jake was pulling someone up, laughing and patting his bloated gut as a guy tried not to hurl.

“Keep going!” Dean yelled. “You bitches haven’t even made a dent in this crap!”

It felt like hours that Ryan was hunched there forcing food down. The number of guys around him thinned as more people were sent home. Soon there were only scraps left on the tarp, and Ryan’s vision was blurring.

“Shit, look at this guy. He’s a machine,” Dean cackled, somewhere in his periphery. There was no food left and the frat bros were all giggling neurotically.

“Bro!” someone laughed.

Ryan belly gurgled. His stomach heaved. He tried to get up.

He passed out.


It was a couple of weeks into initiation. The group of contenders was down to about fifteen.

It was intense. On top of coursework and studying, Ryan was being watched from all angles.

Sometimes, when he was getting out of a class, or walking around campus, a frat bro would pop up out of nowhere. He had expected something along these lines. Like, “Drop and give me fifty!” That sort of thing. But instead, the bro usually had a huge bag of burgers or some pizzas, and would scream, “Eat it! You’ve got five minutes, pledge!”

Ryan forced himself into the routine of stuffing down insane amounts of food. It got a little easier over time. Maybe his stomach was stretching. It seemed like more and more every day.

And late every night, the fifteen pledges would have to go back to the frat house for the evening “feast.” The meal was always a sloppy pile of fattening foods, interrupted every fifteen minutes by an alarm and Dean shouting “FUEL!” before Ryan and the others had to chug a litter of a thick, buttery milkshake with a nasty aftertaste. They alternated between vanilla and chocolate, but both flavors were sickeningly sweet. This would usually go on for an hour or two, Ryan flushed, sweaty, and unbelievably stuffed.

During one of the “fuel” sessions, Dean slapped a guy’s gut. It was just too much. The guy spewed all over the place.

“Out!” Dean shrieked. “Get this pussy out of here!”

Ryan was just grateful that no one slapped him. His gut was rounded and tight, pressing into his shirt. One tap and he was sure he’d be puking as well.

“Down to ten!” Jake noted as he walked around, looking them up and down.


The parties were undeniably outrageous. But lately, Ryan just wasn’t feeling them.

He was a little uncomfortable. Maybe embarrassed, and tired. The only thing he had cared about for ages was getting into this frat, but now he just felt sort of numb. It was kind of late to back out now.

After weeks of contests and rituals, the pledges were down to five.

“Congratulations,” Jake shouted over the crowd of tipsy college students cheering them on. “You fucker’s are in!”

Ryan was just glad initiation was finally over. He looked around at the other four other pledges who had been accepted, each of them as exhausted as he was.

And Ryan could tell that they had all put on weight.

He himself had been slim and fit at the start of all this, but now he had a bloated belly sticking out in his shirt. It looked like a truly impressive beer gut for his age. He supposed it could have been worse.

Jay had a faster metabolism than the rest of them. He’d developed a gut as well, but it wasn’t huge. Steve, meanwhile, had embarrassingly grown kind of a big ass. Ryan didn’t mean to stare, but it was hard not to see it when Steve passed by. It was just fat, none of his pants really fitting him anymore.

Ethan was even worse off. Sure, Ryan himself had developed some chest flab, but Ethan had grown some serious moobs. Like, big ones. Fucking tits. It seemed like a serious case of gynecomastia, probably from all the processed crap they’d been stuffing down. And his were plump, like a girl’s. At present, Ethan was trying to hide them with a baggy shirt, but Ryan could still make out C-cups under there.

Miles was the last pledge. He had gotten kind of chunky all over — thick legs, thighs, gut, ass, some manboobs too. Nothing looked particularly bizarre because he was big all over. Nothing was disproportionate. He’d just turned into a lardass.

“Looking swole, my boys,” Dean said, deriving cackles from the others.

Jake good-naturedly shoved him aside. “My brothers — welcome home!”

For a couple hours, Ryan hung around the party despite his urge to go to bed. It was a celebration for him, after all, and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful. So he lurked around, watching as people drank, dance, chattered, and laughed. Some of the other new frats were really getting into it. Ryan saw Steve chugging one of those weird shakes again while being egged on by a clutter of people, and Jay was sitting with a senior named Tony, amusedly letting the older guy feed him cream puffs.

The party winded down in the early hours of the morning. Most attendees went home, others crashing on chairs and couches. Frat brothers went to their rooms, many tangled with another partygoer.

Happy to retire, Ryan headed to his new room in the frat house. Again he was relieved that initiation was over. This was kind of nice. At least he didn’t have to pay for the dorms anymore. Mentally planning to spend the rest of the semester and the campus gym, Ryan had almost entered his room, when the sight of an open closet door gave him pause.

The second floor hallway closet was always closed and locked. On his first tour of the place, Ryan and the other pledges had been prohibited from ever going inside it.

Now Ryan’s curiosity got the better of him. He walked in, turning on the lights.

The shelves were lined with liquor, ping-pong balls, keg funnels, some pipes and bongs, but also, lots and lots of pill bottles for some reason. Ryan went over to them, scanning the labels with his eyes.


Fertility drugs. Growth hormone. Appetite accelerants. A turkey baster.

Weeks had passed but Ryan couldn’t get it out of his mind. He coexisted with his frat brothers, weirdly paranoid.

The house was comfortable, but not the best environment to shed pounds. Someone was always bringing in large portions of fast food on the way back from work or classes. Additionally, the fridge seemed to be packed with cake and ice cream at all times, and a couple of the rooms even had free vending machines packed with chips, chocolate, and other packaged snacks.

There wasn’t a day that Ryan wasn’t being handed some burgers or offered some pizza.

“Eat up, man,” Dean would encourage. “Don’t act like a bitch,” he would laugh.

And frat culture didn’t leave room for much protest. Ryan didn’t want to make a problem. He had to be obedient to his superiors as they watched his every bite. He always accepted the food and stuffed it down.

“Fuck,” a voice hissed, a figure walking by.

Ryan looked up to see Ethan passing in a baggy shirt. It wasn’t hiding anything. And christ, he had really grown in recent weeks. His tits had to be E-cups by then, now accompanied by a swollen belly. His shirt was wet at the chest, and — were those his nipples bulging out? They were fucking huge. Ethan cupped his boobage and something was dripping onto the floor. He cursed again as he hurried up the stairs, presumably to his bedroom.

There was a whistle. Ryan turned to see Jake and Dean walked into the living room, both of them sniggering as they watched Ethan’s retreating form.

“That’s on me, I got him squirting,” said Dean, causing Jake to snort.

The two seniors noticed Ryan on the couch, threw him grins, then walked off together, now whispering.

This was just weird.

Ryan felt like someone was messing with him. This had to be some hoax. Because it was just ridiculous. It couldn’t really be…Ryan stared off, cupping his belly. He had been going over it again and again in his head, and was almost certain he’d gone crazy by now. He grimaced as his stomach gurgled, and then there were those weird sensations again. Gas, probably.

Sure, the five new bros were all getting really fat at the midsection…though Jay wasn’t that bad. He had put on some weight, but not a hugeamount.

Being in this frat was a huge opportunity. All partying aside, it was a renowned national society. Alum had the greatest connections, got the best jobs, and particularly thrived in politics. Ryan should have just been grateful.

“Shit.” Ryan looked at his watch. He was on grunt duty that evening.

He heaved himself up with effort, groaning as he got to his feet. The shirt he had on was stretched beyond capacity, inches of his gut pushing out at the bottom. “Fuck,” he moaned, clutching his belly. He was the biggest of the five new bros, at least in the belly department. If male pregnancy was a thing, he would’ve probably looked almost at term. Good thing it wasn’t. Ryan gave a nervous chuckle as he waddled over to the sporting equipment display in the corner.

A few minutes later, he was bent uncomfortably, fervidly scrubbing Jake’s hockey stick with a toothbrush.

Someone walked over. “Christ Ryan, what are you doing?”

“Oh.” Ryan looked back. He felt Jake behind him, pulling him upright. Jake’s hands settled on Ryan’s belly, making Ryan’s face heat up.

“You should take it easy,” said Jake. “Let’s order food. How do tacos sound?”

Ryan gulped, turning around to face him. His belly pressed against the other student’s lean torso.

“I, um…” Ryan dithered. “I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but I’m starting to think that maybe…maybe frat life just isn’t for mmm…”

Jake has started to rub Ryan’s belly, and it felt really weird, but also really…nice. Ryan’s eyelids fluttered as he lost his train of thought.

Jake’s hands trailed to his chest, causing Ryan to wince. It was sore there.

He too had grown…fucking…tits. They had to be Ds, and they had gotten weirdly full, sore, and round in recent weeks. Jake stroked again causing Ryan to groan out.

“Shhhh…” Jake urged, way too comfortable with all this. He pressed himself against the wall, pulling Ryan with him, so Ryan’s back was leaning against his chest, and Jake could wrap his arms around him.

Jake continued to fondle Ryan’s nipples through his shirt, now squeezing. Ryan grunted.

“Hold on,” Jake murmured.

Another squeeze.

“Nrrgghh….” Moisture.

Ryan was panting as he stared in shock at the damp patches steadily spreading over his shirt, his nipples bulging hard against the material. He was…he was lactating.

“Feels good?” Jake asked, with lazy amusement.

Ryan gulped, completely stunned as he watched his shirt get wetter and wetter.

“You know what would feel even better?” Jake started to push down the waistband of Ryan’s sweatpants.

Ryan didn’t resist. He breathed through the thrill, the arousal, and the utter conflict as one of Jake’s hands held Ryan’s belly and the other slowly aligned them. Ryan groaned and Jake quickly covered his mouth. Ryan could hear two pairs of footsteps walk into the room. Jake pulled him farther behind the concealment of the display.

“I’m sorry Jay, me and the others discussed it. We’re disappointed with your progress,” Ryan heard Dean saying somewhere nearby. “We thought you could bring more to this frat. You’re out.”

“Fuck this,” Jay muttered as he stormed off.


There were four of them left.

Ryan couldn’t believe how huge he was. All the bros seemed really impressed.

“You’ve done the best of the pledges,” they would say.

And Ryan’s frat brothers were constantly watching him. Watching him like a time bomb. Like he was gonna blow at any moment.

“I’m rooting for Steve to last the longest,” Tony was saying one evening in the basement as several of them hung out play ping-pong, eating pizza, or smoking pot.

Ryan was leaning on the wall trying to stretch his sore back. He honestly wasn’t sure what they were talking about.

“Yeah, my money’s on him,” another bro said.

“No way, I’m rooting for Ethan!”

“Man, he was squirting since the beginning. You know he’s gonna be earlier than the others.”

Steve, Ethan, and Miles were also present, but seemed as oblivious as Ryan was. And like Ryan, they were too distracted to care much.

Ethan had given up on hiding his leaking, honeydew-sized tits, probably too distracted by his hugely round belly that made him look like he had a basketball under his shirt. Steve’s gut was just as big, his accompanied by his insanely fat ass sticking out behind him. He had a pair of C-cups on his own chest.

At present, Steve was restlessly rubbing his swell, breathing heavily, his flushed face twisted in discomfort. Which wasn’t that unusual, to be honestly. They were all pretty uncomfortable these days.

Miles had gotten monstrously fat. His belly was huge like the rest, but it was somehow made less extreme by his swollen, squishy body that strained every piece of clothing he had on.

While Ryan’s ass and hips had definitely gotten plumper, and his tits had blown up to round, milky DDs, his belly was fucking huge. Bigger than any of the others. He felt like a blimp, his belly the size of a beach ball, and eclipsing his waist. It shifted or shuddered at any given moment. He swore, he was getting bigger every fucking day.

“God,” he puffed, clutching his swell, leaning back harder on the wall. It was just so full, so tight.

“Guhh!” There was a splash of fluid. Ryan opened his eyes to see Steve hunched over, clutching his belly with one hand and gripping the back of the couch with the other, a wet stain on the back of his pants and a puddle of fluid growing around his feet. He looked completely shocked.

“We’ve got a splasher!” someone laughed.

“Yo, Steve popped!”


Ryan, Miles, and Ethan stared at the scene in silent horror. Then Miles groaned as Ethan grimaced, both hugging their bellies. There were two more splashes and two more puddles.

“Oh shit, it’s a trifecta!” Tony declared.

“Damn, I had my bets on Miles holding out the longest.”

Ryan was completely overwhelmed. He watched his fellow freshmen groan and grunt as they clutched their big abdomens, Miles whining out as he bent over. Steve had crumpled to all fours, his belly brushing the ground, while Ethan pulled his shirt up over his bare orb, hands desperately rubbing. “Fuck…” he groaned. “Ngghhhh…no…”

Miles released a roar of pain, the back of his basketball shorts starting to tent out. Ryan stared in complete terror.

“Look at you,” Jake remarked, suddenly coming over, blocking Ryan’s view of the others. “Completely fine. And fucking huge. I don’t think you’ve even started to drop yet.” He roughly cupped the underside of Ryan’s belly, Ryan grunting.

“Whyyy…” Steve moaned from the floor.

“Shit Ryan, do you think you have another week in you? More? Fuck, how many babies have you got crammed in there?” Jake’s hands rubbed the swell. “You’re the last one. I was so sure you’d be the first. It’s just – you’re fucking huge. Just—fuck. You’re a monster.”

“I told you, brah. This guy is one of a kind,” Dean came to stand by Jake’s side.

“You're right, Dean. He’s easily the best pledge of the batch.”



Is there going to be a female version of this


Kompera for the win! Love everything you did with the promt; from the douchey frat bros to the expanding pledges. Thanks for writing this!