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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

Previous Chapter 


“I’m pregnant,” Kat told him, her voice flat but not defeated. Not yet.

Logan contained his thrill of hearing it aloud. And it wasn’t as if he hadn’t known. “That explains…a lot,” he said, giving her a once over. “Who’s the unlucky guy? Darn, you might have to say goodbye to that promotion.” He couldn’t help rubbing it in. “There’s no way Roger’s going to tolerate that sort of thing.”

Kat glowered at him.

“Unless…you’re not planning to get rid of it, are you? You know how conservative Roger is.” Roger was the company’s geriatric CEO. Both Logan and Kat spent many a day fervidly kissing the geezer’s alt-right ass. “This is a family company. You know it’ll get out.”

The redness of Kat’s face was deepening in color. But somehow she kept her cool. “It’s yours.”

Logan had been prepared for this. He kept his expression perfectly indifferent. “So you’re gonna play that card?”

She rolled her eyes.

“We hooked up once, and I barely remember it. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but there’s no way I sired whatever demon-spawn you’ve got incubating in there.”

“We would have to wait for a DNA test.” Kat appeared thoughtful. “But I guess we can mediate things with HR in the meantime. Keep everything in-house. How does that sound?” 

Logan bit the inside of his cheek. No one had ever threatened that before. Inter-office relationships were strictly prohibited, and Roger would not be happy that Logan had knocked up someone he wasn’t married to let alone even dating. This could cost them both their jobs. It seemed that if Kat went down, she was taking Logan with her.

“You’re bluffing,” he accused.

“Wanna find out?”

Logan inhaled, steeling himself. “You could get married,” he suggested. She could find some sorry schmuck to play house with her. He had seen some of the…the previous women try it. Some had even deluded themselves into thinking they could hold onto their careers. But of course, as the true natures of the pregnancies became clear, and they were overwhelmed by too many babies and their own swollen bodies — on top of the added relationship drama — they had all bowed out.

“Or you…” Kat said with an angry smile, “can figure out how you’re going to rectify this situation. Because if I’m going down, I will come after your career, your money, and your reputation. I will light your whole life on fire. And don’t think I’ll stop there. I like to dig, Logan. There isn’t a person at this company who doesn’t have seven fucking skeletons in his closet. I’m going to pick your whole life apart and I can’t wait to see what I find.”

Logan swallowed. “What’s your skeleton?” he inquired, a bit facetiously.

“You’re seeing it right now,” Kat responded, moving closer as she stared him down, so close that her nose nearly touched his chin. Logan unconsciously stepped away, his back hitting the wall. “I. Am fucking. Crazy!

Logan flinched.

Then she tugged down her shirt, turned, and walked off, leaving Logan to his reeling thoughts.


He fucking hated her.

Logan thought about how passionately and hatefully he had fucked her that night. He thought of the huge babies she was growing in consequence. Fifteen-pounders. They ran in his family.

What if she finds out about the other women?

No, that was impossible. Even he could hardly find them; could hardly keep up on the whereabouts of his countless children.

Still, Kat’s threat lingered in the back of his mind. This could be a problem.

He might be fucked.

It was a couple weeks later, and they were in Asia.

Logan smiled brightly through the jet lag even though he felt like hot garbage and was on his third cup of coffee at the late hour of 10AM.

Kat didn’t appear any better. She had dark shadows under her eyes and looked deranged in her fatigue. She was wearing one of those loose-fitting dress suits she had taken to lately, the ones that got her an odd glance or two back home at the office. (“Women in pants?” “The nerve.”) It wasn’t the most fashionable or classy, but Logan supposed it helped hide things. It was interesting to see her steady evolution. She used to burst onto every scene demanding everyone’s attention. Nowadays she tried to melt into the walls, hiding her form, her growing form. She had faded from the front lines and she was not happy about it.

It wasn’t as though Logan’s career had taken substantial strides forward. He was here, wasn’t he?

“This can’t be the place,” he remarked as he pushed down his sunglasses, looking out the tinted car window. He had expected a high-rise…not this.

It was turning out to be the business trip from hell. Over the past forty-eight hours he had traveled across the fucking globe, seated side-by-side with his corporate rival and the veritable antichrist as she fidgeted, squirmed, mumbled curses, and incubated his babies. There was seldom a moment that she wasn’t sending him hateful, threatening looks. Even worse, she was always wearing these ugly, oversized clothes, hiding her form, distorting everything. Logan was frustrated, tired, and frankly, over Asia.

Ike wanted the two of them to partner together on this meeting for some unknown fucking reason. Maybe because they had both agreed on the idea of gearing the product towards pregnant women. There were few demographics left to lure. The Health-Conscious weren’t bending. Better to hook them while they were pregnant, vulnerable, and craving things as nasty as Goop’ms. Then they could push it onto their kids and spouses. This shit was a fucking contagion.

Still, it was hard to see the relevance of this idiosyncratic Asian magnate. Maybe these potential new establishments would incorporate pumping rooms and baby-changing stations. Logan scoffed at the thought.

Yes, the goal here was to woo some rising CEO, Ben Oharo, into a partnership that left options for buyout later. The guy owned a popular coffee brand that had about fifteen shops scattered throughout Asia, and the business was growing at ludicrous rates.

“Oho’s Café,” the driver announced curtly. “This is the first and most popular location. Mr. Oharo would like you to experience the brand.”

“Experience?” said Kat dubiously as she too peered out the window. “Well, it must be some coffee.”

The line was going out the door and around the side of the building. Clearly Mr. Oharo was doing something right.

As they got out of the car and approached the establishment, Logan couldn’t help noticing that most of the people waiting in line were men, many of them wearing merchandise. There were T-shirts, hats, and socks pulled up to their knees, all with a cartoon cow logo and the word ‘OHO’S’ slapped on them. Several of patrons were clutching thermoses and mugs with the cow logo as well. It was clear that Mr. Oharo had built a strong brand and a very dedicated following. A glance at Kat told Logan that she was equally impressed.

Ignoring the line, Logan and Kat walked up to the broad double doors that led inside. Passing by the people waiting in the queue, they pushed their way through the free door, into a large, cozy venue, where Logan’s legs abruptly stopped working.

Kat blinked hard several times. “What the f—”

There were pregnant women all over the place! Each was wearing a name tag and a provocative, formfitting uniform. There were rompers, cat suits, and mini-dresses, all low-cut and comprised of the same tight white cotton.

Most of the tables and booths were packed with patrons, all of them bright and merry, grinning and laughing. They beckoned and teased the pregnant waitresses, giving them tips at every opportunity.

The women, in turn, were cheerful and flirty as they flaunted their big tits and round bellies. It was the most strange and wonderful thing Logan had ever seen. Suddenly he realized that he very much liked Asia. He began to work out the logistics of just moving here.

“You must be Mr. Graham and Miss Stevens.”

Logan was startled out of his reverie by a server with long eyelashes and a plump swell which she cradled innocently as she gazed up at them. She looked as though she was seven months or so into her pregnancy, her round breasts high and perky on her chest.

“W-We—y-yes,” Kat stammered. Eyes darting around, she looked positively appalled.

The server beamed. “Mr. Oharo is waiting for you. Right this way,” she purred as she turned on her heel and sauntered off with surprising grace given her size.

Logan and Kat looked at each other then belatedly followed the woman to a large round table right in the middle of the bustling café. A middle-aged man in an unimposing suit was standing there, waiting.

Logan shot out his arm. “Logan Graham,” he blurted before he could forget his own name.

The man simply nodded, leaving Logan’s outstretched hand ignored.

“Katlyn Stevens,” said Kat quickly. “You must be Mr. Oharo. It is an honor, sir.” She gave a little bow.

Another nod. “Please, take a seat.”

Gratefully, Logan did so. The chair was pleasantly soft as he shifted, trying to cool down.

A different server, who was arbitrarily wearing a pair of black costume cat ears, came over to pour them tea. “Meow,” she greeted. The girl had a cute little belly bulging in the body suit stretched over her curvy body. Yet another server came by with a large basket of pastries. Kat gingerly reached out and lifted one of the treats, almost as a diversion as her eyes continued to dart around. She was attempting to make sense of everything; trying to temper her reaction.

Logan was just trying to get his dick to relax.

“Go ahead. Try it.” Mr. Oharo nodded to the tea.

Logan belatedly acknowledged his beverage. “T-thank you,” he stammered as he cradled the hot teacup. When he took a sip, his eyelids sank on their own. Though he typically took his tea black, he couldn’t deny that this was delicious. It was not excessively sweet and had a very creamy, almost buttery undertone that warmed him to the core. “Amazing.” Logan had never had anything like it.


Logan opened his eyes. Mr. Oharo who was watching him with a sort of wariness.

“Our tea is the best in the world. No one else comes close,” the older man said.

It was a bold claim.

“You have a lot of pride in your product,” said Kat, who seemed cooler now. Focused and relaxed. She took a sip of the tea, her eyes going wide as she too discovered its palatability.

Logan threw a glance around the café. He still wasn’t 100% sure that this whole set-up wasn’t some insane joke, but they were professionals. He got back on task. “The tea is great. I’d love to learn more about it…or is it a secret recipe? Do you use a local herb here?”

“Our most popular teas incorporate human breast milk.”

Kat choked on her latest sip as Logan froze. For the second time, this obscure entrepreneur had snatched their composure away effortlessly.

“Pardon?” Logan squeaked.

“Yes, it is all natural. We have our producers follow very strict and specific diets. Impressive, yes?”

“It’s — g-great.”

Mr. Oharo turned his attention to Kat, who was still coughing a bit. At noticing his gaze, she froze, looking panicked. Then she overcorrected, downing the rest of her tea. “W-wonderful,” she spluttered.

“I am aware,” said Mr. Oharo. He was neither eating nor drinking, only surveying them, really. “Things are doing quite well with my business. Which begs the question--what could you possibly offer me?

Proposing a deal. This, at least, was familiar territory. “An expansion into Western markets,” said Logan, his eyes momentarily straying as a busty blonde server passed their table. “You’ve been making waves here in Asia, and you certainly caught our boss’s attention. You have strong brand recognition, and both our companies can capitalize on that. We want to offer you a partnership—your beverages, our pastries. It’s a perfect match. Boddims has been looking to enter the café space for a while.”

“Your company may have higher production, but your quality couldn’t possibly compare —”

“We sent samples,” Kat cut in. “Have they arrived?” She was trying to redirect. Mr. Oharo seemed all but interested in their proposition and Logan was starting to wonder if Ike had forced this meeting. One wrong move, and this whole trip would have been made for nothing. Logan desperately needed a win since his last project had fallen through. A partnership with Mr. Oharo could even facilitate his Asian expansion plan.

Logan glanced at Kat, knowing that she was just as hungry for a deal as he was. She was looking for anything to make herself less expendable if her pregnancy got out. Scratch that. When it got out.

Mr. Oharo sighed. “I appreciate you two coming here, however I just don’t think you have much to —”

Kat started taking off her blazer.

The loose, ugly, amorphous thing was doffed button by button, until she had pushed it off her shoulders, and Logan’s eyes were straying again.

She had grown. Logan was surprised by just how much she had grown, her rounded belly stretching against her blouse, which seemed a bit sloppy for her given her pay-grade. Why not upgrade to a maternity piece?

But then Logan realized that it was a maternity blouse, something she had to have purchased recently, which meant that she was already outgrowing it. She was growing faster than she could keep up with things.

That realization was terribly, terribly arousing. Logan found himself entranced by her cute little bump. She looked as though she was midway through the second trimester even though she was still in the first. God, she was growing.

Mr. Oharo trailed off, as he too was staring at the swell. Finally, he tore his gaze away, meeting Kat’s bright, determined eyes.

“I…” Oharo lost his train of thought. “Well…yes, that would seem appropriate. We should sample this product of yours before we make any decisions.”

He gave a vague wave of his hand, and several of the pretty, pregnant servers appeared instantly, carrying with them plates piled with — with fat-cakes. The Boddims products looked cheap and out-of-place, every variety stacked high in artistic arrangements. The Goop’ms were, as always, the star of the show, taking up a whole platter in a pyramid of pastries. In only seconds, the table was covered.

Logan had no idea of how the slim Mr. Oharo intended to eat all this crap, but then the Asian magnate gave another hand gesture, and a new server stepped out from behind the counter. And she…

Logan stared. He did not know how he had failed to notice her before now.

Maybe the high counter bar had managed to hide the…the extent of things, but...

She was huge.

People tripped and stumbled to get out of her way. Her belly was wider than the rest of her torso, and it preceded her as she walked carefully through the establishment.

The woman had long wavy hair and perfect makeup accenting her pretty face. She had round hips, a big ass, and round DD-cups breasts that were shelved high on her chest by a massive belly – likely the biggest one Logan had ever seen. She looked as though she was overdue with triplets as she waddled over, clutching her mass with both hands. The tight dress she was wearing was practically pasted against her. Her face was flushed and dewy with strain, back arched for balance, as she finally made it to the table.

Mr. Oharo quickly got up, pulling out a chair for her. “Kim will sample,” he said as she eased herself down with a strained smile.

“It’s a p-pleasure to meet you,” the woman, Kim, gasped out as she blushed.

Kat sat there, her jaw hanging.

And Logan was about to explode.

Next Chapter 


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