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Note: This is a female version of Bad Roommate.

Summary: Violet’s roommate secretly doses her with experimental drugs, causing Violet’s stomach to progressively transform into a giant breast. Violet is oblivious and horrified as to what is happening to her body. In the meantime, her roommate secretly documents the transformation. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, belly-breast, and more.

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A moan escaped Violet's throat. She felt herself reaching down to twist her fingers through Alex's hair, pulling her closer so that Alex was pressed firmly against the mound. The—the breast. Because that's what Violet's abdomen had somehow become. A giant breast.

It was still disturbing to think about. It seemed like some weird fictional story. Violet was rapidly distracted by the pure, searing pleasure that coursed through her body with every suck Alex took.

It just felt good. "Don't stop," Violet breathed, too turned on to be embarrassed by the twisted predicament she presently found herself in. Her dorm mate and friend was sucking her—her weird belly nipple. Violet's eyes fluttered closed and the rest of the issue was lost to her.


The next day was awkward.

Alex knew Violet's secret. She knew it and she was...into it.

God, this was weird.

That morning, Violet buried her torso under her several layers of shirts. She drew a deep breath as she gathered the courage to leave her bedroom. Once she exited, she was dismayed to see Alex lounged across the couch, as though nothing odd had happened the day before.

Resisting the urge to turn around and lock herself back in her bedroom, Violet started for the small kitchen area, intending to make a quick stop at the fridge. She had just opened the refrigerator door when Alex blurted—

"It was good."

Violet squeezed her eyes shut, certain she was hearing things, but Alex went on.

"I mean, it was delicious," Alex rambled. "It's freaky, I know, but you're producing actual food and—god that's hot."

Violet opened her eyes. She looked over to the couch, matching Alex's determined gaze with a puzzled one.

"This whole thing is insane," Violet said. "This has to be a dream or something." She frowned down at the swell under her clothes.

"It doesn't have to be a bad thing," suggested Alex. "I mean, it felt good...right?"

Violet swallowed.

“Good” was an understatement. The sensation of being sucked and devoured had offered her the most intense pleasure she had experienced in her life.

"I like this," said Alex with a nervous edge to her voice. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip then looked Violet straight in the eyes. "I like you."

"This is...some weird joke," Violet concluded. She closed the fridge and turned to leave empty-handed because for once she had lost her appetite.

But then Alex was getting off the couch and rapidly closing the distance between them. She put her hands on Violet's waist—Violet took a shuddering breath—then her hands just lingered there tauntingly, brushing near where Violet's flesh softened and bloated out, so terribly close, only a few layers of fabric standing between hot skin and hot skin.

"It's okay," said Alex. "I know this is weird. But you're fine. You're perfect. Bring on the weird." She allowed her thumbs to rub circles into Violet's flanks, causing heat to surge to the contact. "Let me make you feel nice."

Violet opened her mouth but released a groan in lieu of words. She felt herself weakly nodding. Violet tensed then relaxed as Alex grabbed hold of her shirt. Violet breathed evenly as she allowed Alex to peel away the layers. When they got down to Violet's thin, stretched tank top, from which several inches of her mound bulged out at the bottom, Violet slumped back against the counter, her breathing thinning despite that they had yet to start.

Alex slid the shirt up painstakingly slow. Violet shivered as the cotton dragged on the sensitive protrusion. Alex bunched the shirt up over the mound, and for a moment, just marveled. She stared at the swollen nub, hard, glistening, and pink.

Alex dropped down to her knees.

"Oh god," hissed Violet, gripping the counter behind her to brace herself from falling.


God this was so demented. Alex wanted to suck Violet's belly-tit and Violet wanted to let her. Violet tried to get back on top of her school work. Her panic over the transformation of her body had been replaced with an acute awareness of the way Alex looked at her.

Violet slowly got used to the—the breast.

It got progressively warmer as days passed, but also heavier and fuller. She could feel a growing bloated sensation and she could sense the way it bulged out larger and more firm than before.

She was filling. Filling with milk, and god, it was fucking crazy. Her gut was a tit and she was lactating.

She would sometimes catch Alex's eyes. The other student looked unmistakably hungry. Violet would gulp and Alex would lick her lips. Both knew how this would cumulate.


Alex could tell that Violet was filling up.

As the week went on, Violet was getting slower in her general movements. Her skin was flushed and dewy, Violet often mopping sweat off her face with her hand.

She was breathless and panting. Her belly was growing. Swelling, steadily pushing out as it filled more.

It began to stretch out her clothing again. More so than it had done previously. Violet was growing beyond her peak size just before Alex had first drank from her. It was like the milk was stretching her out a little more than before.

Alex surmised that Violet looked as though she was seven months pregnant by then. If someone paused to study her, they would probably assume as much.

Violet seemed more sensitive now. She moved around quite gingerly. Sometimes she would groan and pause in her movements just to breathe. Other times she would cup her abdomen gently. It was tender. Probably sore and tingling. Alex wondered if the heat of the milk could be felt radiating off it. Alex wondered if it was actually throbbing with fullness. The nipple seemed even more pronounced than usual, bulging visibly beneath the layers of shirts. And curiously, Violet absently rubbed her chest at times, though she was getting increasingly reluctant to make much hand contact with her belly.

Her large, swollen, milk-full belly. It would bob when Violet moved around. Violet's hand would slide down at times, carefully cradling the underside of the mass, as she panted and groaned, face flushed, and just the sight of it was enough to make Alex almost lose control.

Alex wanted to taste it. The milk was warm and thick with a subtle quality of sweetness. Alex thought she could drink it forever.

But another part of her just enjoyed the sight of Violet adapting to her increasing burden; seeing Violet grimace and grunt as she tugged down her ever-shrinking tops. How far would her milk stretch her? Was she at capacity? What would that look like?

Alex thought she had the answer one afternoon as Violet was easing herself down at the kitchen table with the utmost care. Her ass hit the seat, then she released a gasp as her shirt immediately began to dampen. It rapidly got soaked, the material becoming pasted against her, the bulging golfball-sized nipple that had become of her belly button bulging out evidently.

Alex couldn't hold back any longer. She went right over and pulled up Alex's layered shirts. Milk wasn't seeping, but actually squirting forward in a thick stream. Delightfully, some of it got on Alex.

Violet groaned and arched in her seat, trying to take some tension off the mound. "S-so...full."

Alex's heart was pounding. She continued to pull up Violet's shirt, removing it completely; Violet allowing it. Alex was rewarded with the sight of Violet's cleavage somewhat overflowing her small bra cups. She had grown there as well. Alex drew in a long breath.

"Nnnghhhh...god..." Violet cupped the side of her belly.

Alex sunk down to her knees, catching some of the stream in her mouth. She closed in and planted her lips around the large, hot, belly-nipple.

Violet groaned.

"Feels good?" Alex asked against the nub. She took a hard suck.

"Unnghhhhh..." Violet gave an indecipherable mumble.

"You got so full for me. You made so much milk," Alex murmured, allowing her forehead to rest against the soft, smooth mound, just enjoying the heat of it. She took another suck, filling her mouth, gulping down more and more until her stomach was uncomfortably full. Still, she drank. "There's just so much. Enough to feed a whole family. I can't believe how much you’re making." She tried to catch her breath, some milk rolling down her chin.

Violet's hand had risen to cover her own face, and she too was panting. Alex wondered if Violet was as wet as she was because this was so fucking erotic.

"How does it feel to be so full?" Alex asked.

"God, I...just wanted you," Violet managed.

The words went straight to Alex's libido. "Then why do you fight it?"

"I...I won't fight it anymore. Want you to drink me."

Alex did.


The following week, Alex got another generous bonus from her employer. She knew she should have felt guilty but all she felt was an immense sense of pleasure.

She had gotten the best of both worlds. She had revealed to Violet that she knew what was going on with her body while keeping her part in the whole scenario a secret and continuing to receive payments for it.

Alex's life was beyond perfect at that moment. Her most perverse fantasies—fantasies she hadn't even known she had—had come to fruition. She and Violet shared a dorm apartment, which meant that Alex had a front row view of the bizarre transformation of Violet's abdomen. She got to see it, feel it, even suck it. And Violet wanted it just as much as Alex did. The arrangement was mutually beneficial and Alex was living a dream.


"Oh my god, my appetite has been out of control lately," said Violet awkwardly after Alex had witnessed the other woman demolish four double cheeseburgers and a mountain of fries. Violet was presently sucking down an XXL chocolate milkshake, and she still had a whole pizza she hadn't even gotten started on. "God, I feel like I'm starving half the time. Can't stop eating." She took another slurp, seeming to have become complacent on this issue much like she had on her other changes.

"Hmm," said Alex as she snagged a stray fry off the kitchen table.

Alex had done some research. Apparently a nursing mother had to increase her food intake by 500 calories daily just for a newborn baby. Violet, in contrast, was producing massive amounts of milk, far more than a tiny baby's worth of nutrition. Additionally, the more milk Violet expended, the more she would make, and the more food she would eat. It was supply and demand. Violet was nursing, to a certain degree. The more milk Alex demanded, the more Violet's body would try to accommodate her.


Alex liked to wait as long as possible. She liked to see Violet huge; liked to make her ask for it.

There was a knock on Alex's bedroom door one morning. She opened it to find Violet standing there, one hand low on her swell, the other rubbing her back. Violet's belly was at what Alex considered its current peak size, Violet's pajama shirt taut against it. Diamonds of skin had appeared between straining buttons, fat nipple close to popping right out.

"Hey," said Alex, her eyes glued to the mound.

"Hey," said Violet. "Can I interest you in some breakfast?" Her voice was half-joking, half-entreating, and Alex was so tempted to say no. Maybe she could stretch this a little longer, make Violet a little tighter, see if they could get another inch or two of growth.

But Violet was just irresistible, the mound round and full, the huge nipple pushing hard into the shirt, already dampening the material with some leaking. Violet was flushed and panting, clearly feeling the weight of it.

"Sure," said Alex, opening her door wider.

Violet came in and sat carefully on the bed, the fat tit settling against her lap. She rested her hands behind her on the mattress, leaning back and allowing Alex to unbutton her shirt.

The nipple was dripping lazily, and Alex couldn't help reaching down to give the mound a squeeze, causing Violet to gasp as the nipple squirted.

Alex leaned down for a suck, groaning as creamy milk gushed into her mouth. She sucked and nibbled, then kissed the flesh, even leaning up to nip at the growing breasts on Violet’s chest.

Violet arched, trembled, and enjoyed it.

Next Chapter 


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