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Slugs on Deviantart

Summary: Connor is impregnated with a massive, mutated slug. And unfortunately for those around him, the condition proves contagious. Contains: belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, bug expansion, unbirthing.

Slugs II - Female Version


Connor had to admit, his new apartment wasn’t ideal.

But the rent was ridiculously cheap. There was no security deposit or anything. A basement one-bedroom, it was a bit on the dingy side, but the cheap rent gave Connor the opportunity to save for a down payment on a house.

The main downside was the weird landlord, as far as Connor was concerned. As Connor was renting the basement of a house, the owner lived upstairs. His name was Gary, and he was always looking shifty and nervous. Connor took lengths to avoid him, often citing work as an excuse. Connor left in the early morning and returned in the evening, and generally wasn’t one to fraternize with neighbors.

Work kept Connor busy. At only twenty-seven, he had started his own accounting firm. Upkeep often necessitated 12-hour work days. And when Connor got home, he could usually do little more than collapse in his bed. He doubted that even an earth quake could rouse him.

It was unfortunate for Connor that he was such a heavy sleeper. It was 2AM one morning, during Connor’s second week in his new apartment, that his sheets shifted slightly, a plump slug working its way within it. Wide as a tennis ball at its greatest width, the beige slug was the last survivor of the mutated slug creatures that had once infested the apartment. And it was desperate for a host.

It squirmed closer and closer to the sleeping Connor, looking for an entryway into the young man’s body. Connor shifted, only slightly, as the slug connected with his thigh. The slug proceeded up the back of Connor’s leg, leaving a trail of slime in its wake. Finally, the slug slid to Connor’s opening, and began to proceed—

Connor tensed in his sleep. He released a groan. “Simon…” he mumbled the name of his ex, his face contorting, and his groan raising in pitch. “Wait…oohhhhhh…”

Connor gasped awake. He instinctively reached behind him, but there was no one there. He slid his hand down to his bottom, but again found nothing. It had almost felt like something had…entered him. But there was no trace of anything being there, except a faint soreness, and a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. Connor shifted uncomfortably. What did I eat today? he wondered, and he pulled his sheets back up over his head and closed his eyes.

The next few days were largely the same. Connor would leave for work at six in the morning and return home around seven at night. But Connor noticed an unprecedented slowdown. He wondered if he was getting sick or something. He just felt drained and sluggish, his body no longer wanting to heed his commands.

He supposed his eating habits weren’t helping. His daily breakfast of a spinach and egg-white omelette had promptly been replaced with donuts. His lunch of chicken salad had been replaced with pasta dishes, pizzas, heroes, or whatever other monstrosities the local pizza joint had on their delivery menu.

Connor’s formerly lean body was slowly getting softer. His pecs were getting flaccid, his ass was developing a padding, and he was starting to get a beer gut. He blamed it on his busy schedule, but Connor knew he was letting himself go. As the weeks went on, his appetite only seemed to surge, and the weight continued to pile on.

Connor climbed out of his car one evening. He avoided looking at the front upstairs windows, though he could feel the landlord watching him from the blinds, as he often did. “Creep,” Connor muttered under his breath as he walked to his apartment and unlocked the door.

Connor entered and was relieved to be able to unbutton his black peacoat. It had gotten tight on him in recent weeks. Connor pulled it off and hung it up, trying not to look at his stomach, not wanting to think about how much it had grown.

But there was no avoiding it. He had already gone up a shirt size, but diamonds of skin were beginning to appear between his buttons again. As he undid his shirt, Connor couldn’t help frowning down at his beer-belly of a mound. His gaze shifted to his chest, where his softened pecs now more closely resembled A-cup breasts. He’d had to go up a pant-size as well. His ass had plumpened up like a woman’s. It just didn’t look right on a man. Connor nearly cringed at himself, mournful of the loss of his formerly lean, attractive form.

Groaning, Connor entered his bedroom and stripped off his work clothes. He replaced them with a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. It was less confining than his work clothes, and more comfortable.

Connor walked into his kitchen and opened the refrigerator where he eyed a container of food he had prepared for himself early that morning. Chicken breast, some vegetables, and brown rice. Connor’s stomach grumbled as he lifted the container and stuck it into the microwave. He stood, waiting impatiently until the warming cycle finished. He then pulled it out, grabbed a fork, and sat down at his small kitchen table.

Connor munched on his carefully-portioned, flavorless, meal, but it had none of the fat or calorie content that his body craved. Even as Connor finished the meal off, his stomach continued to growl.

I’m getting too accustomed to junk food, Connor decided as he washed his plate and went to bed. He tossed and turned for a while as his stomach grumbled and ached. He tried his best to fall asleep.

But within an hour, Connor was back up and pacing his living room, holding his belly with one hand while gripping the phone to his ear with the other, ordering food, more food than even seemed rational. Cartons of Chinese. He waited anxiously for thirty minutes until it arrived, the delivery man awkwardly handing over several bulging bags.

Connor opened the cartons and set them on his circular kitchen table. In fact, they could barely fit on the surface and threatened to spill over.

The various aromas were tantalizing. Connor paused to take a deep breath, try to grasp onto just what was going on.

But then his stomach lurched, and he couldn't wait a moment longer. He dug through cartons of lomain, egg foo young, fried rice, and fried chicken wings. He scarfed down oily beef with broccoli, sticky coconut shrimp, syrupy sesame chicken, and the plumpest dumplings he'd ever seen. He finished things off with several more cartons of fried rice followed by half a gallon of milk he had in the fridge.

When he was finished, he collapsed to the couch, gasping for breath as he held his belly, which looked even plumper than it had been before.

He hadn't eaten Chinese in years, holding a distaste for the fattening way it was prepared in his country. But it had been the only venue open that late on a week night, and he'd felt absolutely desperate.

Still panting, Connor stared at the way his belly had begun to stretch out his T-shirt.


Connor called a staff meeting at work a few days later. Unconsciously holding his belly with one hand, he paced the front of the meeting room as he discussed charts, diagrams, and projections with his staff. His belly bobbed gently in the skin-tight button-down straining to contain it. The buttons looked ready to pop right off.

If judging by pregnancy standards, Connor looked six months along. But on his slim frame, it just seemed far worse.

On top of that, his man-boobs only seemed to be getting fatter. His posterior was rounding out and was now quite snug in all his trousers. In fact, all of his pants were severely ill-fitting at that point, pushed down in the front, pumped out in the back, and he could barely get the buttons closed on the ones he could still get on.

“Any questions?” said Connor, as the meeting started to wind down.

There was a period of silence, Connor’s young group of employees simply staring at him.

Finally, the newest hire, Zack, raised his hand. “Just one.When is the baby due?”

The room filled with muffled giggles as Connor scowled, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. He lowered his hand from his belly as he coldly said, “I appreciate you noticing my weight gain.”

At seeing Connor’s icy reaction, Zack wiped the grin off his face. “Just joking around, sir.” He awkwardly coughed.

“Great show of professionalism,” said Connor, which roused a new bout of giggles. “I’ll be sure to notate it on your performance review. Are there any serious questions?” He looked over the room.

There were none.

“Meeting adjourned.” And Connor walked off.


A few days later, Connor awoke to a strange, squirming sensation within his belly. His eyes widened as he held the mound. For some reason, his dick began to harden. Connor felt around his stomach, but the sensation had already disappeared. It was probably just indigestion. A glance at the clock told Connor that it was 4AM. He supposed he might as well get an early start on the day.

Connor climbed out of bed and walked about his room, getting ready for work. He pulled on socks, a pair of briefs, and a white undershirt, before walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he did, he felt a lurch within his stomach that caused him to gasp, his toothbrush clattering to the floor. Hunching down, Connor clutched his belly as the pressure inside of it grew. “Ohhhh…” Connor groaned, regretting the several pounds of Thai food he had eaten as a midnight snack. Connor’s face reddened as the tension within him grew and grew, his usually-soft mound becoming firm in his hold. There was another lurch, the pressure peaking at his navel. Connor yelped as he felt a popping sensation. Gasping, he looked down at himself, rubbing his hands over his mound. He blinked, and slowly slid his shirt up over his usually “inward” belly button.

It was now protruding outward.

Next Chapter


Big bun

fuck that was a good start ^.^


Awesome! Nice to see this idea keep going, this is great stuff.

Joshua S

Way to excited for this to continue.