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Note: This is a story-prompt for Onyx. It is based on a plotline submitted previously by Smidgeon.

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At first, Kathleen thought they were joking. “Very funny,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

But when Jack and Jade showed no amusement, and Kathleen looked down at her bulging abdomen, her face opened with realization.

There was denial. Indignation. It was quickly followed by fury. Jack and Jade made sure to maintain neutral expressions for the full five minutes that Kathleen screamed at them. Finally, she stormed off, and the two newlyweds looked at each other, their faces breaking into grins.

For a full, blissful week, there was no sign of Kathleen. She didn’t visit or call, and if this was the only outcome of their little experiment, Jack definitely thought it was worthwhile. He hadn’t felt this relaxed in ages.

Then, finally, they got the dreaded call.

“Mom said she’s stopping by,” Jade said as she strolled into the kitchen, tucking her cell phone into her back pocket. She snagged a carrot stick off the veggie platter Jack was putting together.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

Frowning, Jack went to answer it. As he swung the door open, he was surprised by the sight of his mother-in-law in a skin tight button-down dress, her feet bare, and a pair of heels in her hand. He was astonished by how much she appeared to have grown since he had last seen her. She looked at term with one child already, her buttons straining to contain her swell. Her hips had chunked up, and her breasts had swollen another cup size. He could see the outline of them bulging over the cups of the bra she was squeezed into. As Kathleen waddled inside, Jack got a full few of her plump backside. The woman had completely transformed and it couldn’t be more satisfying.

Kathleen was scowling at them, red lips turned in a scowl. “Made a complete fool of myself,” she groused nastily. “I was just at the mayor’s charity event. I couldn’t not show my face. I’m a donor, for godsakes. Everyone was looking at me like some hussie.” She was breathing heavily, cleavage rising and falling where it was displayed by the deep neckline created by the dress’s tightness. Jack belatedly recognized the frock as one Kathleen wore occasionally. It had been quite loose the last time she’d had it on.

“You may need to stop in a maternity store,” said Jade flippantly.

“Don’t act like I signed up for this,” Kathleen fumed. Her body seemed to be working on autopilot as she made her way into the kitchen and lifted a sandwich from the large pile of them Jack had been preparing for his football game viewing with his buddies. Kathleen chomped away, eating through three submarine sandwiches with shocking speed. “To think, you could do something like this to your own mother!” Her mouth was full and voice, muffled.

“Well you really wanted a baby,” sang Jade.

“That’s not funny.”

Jack couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from the swell.

“This child is huge,” Kathleen went on, still eating away. “It must be time already. God, I don’t think I could go through another delivery.”

Jack snapped out of his reverie. “Well, you actually still have a good ways to go.”

Kathleen gave him a long-suffering look. “You have to be kidding.”

The doorbell rang again. Jack opened it and in walked three of his friends, still laughing about whatever they had been discussing outside. They started to greet everyone, but had to pause at the sight of Kathleen. The older woman reddened.

“Er, hi Mrs. Baker,” said Scott, and Jack’s other two friends quickly echoed him.

“Hi boys,” said Kathleen in clear embarrassment.

Jack led his friends to the living room. When he got back to the kitchen, Kathleen had lifted the whole pot of chili he had made, and was gulping it down like water. It had to be several pounds of ground beef and a gallon of tomato sauce, and she was sucking it in like a vacuum! Jack didn’t know whether to be irritated or impressed.

Kathleen lowered the emptied pot with a belch. “Oh god.” She cupped her belly, then belched again. Jade snorted in amusement.

Kathleen groaned and rubbed her abdomen, and she was…growing!

Jack could see it as she massaged the swell. Her dress was getting tighter without her notice. It was fascinating.

“Maybe you should cut back on the calories, mom,” said Jade nastily.

“You shut your mouth,” Kathleen snapped back, then groaned. “The level of disrespect —”

“Why don’t you have a seat, Kathleen?” Jack suggested.

“Oh no, I was just stopping by. I don’t feel welcome here, or safe, for that matter.”

“Don’t be dramatic,” said Jade, clearly enjoying herself.

Jack reached into the fridge. “Can I offer you a beverage?” He withdrew an unmarked glass bottle with a milky fluid. “It’s a supplemental drink. Loaded with prenatal vitamins.”

Kathleen looked like she was about to refuse, but the moment he unscrewed the cap and she got a whiff of the buttery, vanilla aroma, her resolve cracked. “I’ll give it a try,” she sniffed.

Much the way she had the chili, Kathleen chugged it, sucking it down in seconds. She was peacefully unaware that the drink was loaded with fat, hormones, and appetite enhancers that would just make her hungrier and heavier.

Jack studied the woman, noting that she was sweating quite a bit. Kathleen backed into the wall, leaning on it for support. As Jack watched, he saw her nipples become more defined under the dress, as though they were becoming erect. But then they continued to distend, lengthening and fattening, then her chest as a whole sort of bounced suddenly quite a bit rounder. Kathleen grunted. It looked like her milk had abruptly come in.

“It was…fine. I’m just surprised it wasn’t poison,” Kathleen managed, her face flushed.

“Le sigh,” Jade verbalized.

“Maybe I should just be grateful someone’s actually pregnant,” Kathleen ranted bitterly, while compulsively rubbing into her midsection, and Jack could tell it was growing. Diamonds of skin were forming between her buttons. “You were always so ungrateful, Jade. Always the delicate princess. You couldn’t handle a pregnancy anyway. If you break a nail it’s an ordeal. Heaven forbid you have to—” She belched. “Ohhhhhh…”

It was as Scott walked in to grab a beer out of the fridge that something unleashed in Kathleen’s belly. It rolled forward, her face reddening as it broadened and advanced until her buttons were popping off in quick succession.

Kathleen gave a nasally wine and hugged her exposed flesh as it shuddered another inch outward. By then she looked past due with twins, huffing and puffing like she was already in labor.

Jade gaped, her jaw hanging. Scott blinked hard, like he thought he was already drunk.

And Jack was thrilled. “Another shake?” he suggested, a smirk spreading across his lips.




I couldn't be happier with how this is turning out!


There's something so sexy about a girl being forced to become pregnant when they don't want to that is just so fucking sexy. Stories like surrogate, or culinary arts, piglets they're just fucking sexy because the girls are in denial about their conditions and they become just massive baby factories.