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Summary: Justin’s roommate secretly doses him with experimental drugs, causing Justin’s stomach to progressively transform  into a giant breast. Justin is oblivious and horrified as to what is  happening to his body. In the meantime, his roommate secretly  documents the transformation. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, belly-breast, and more.

Previous Chapter


“Sweatpants again, I see,” said Milton dryly when he got home from work that evening.

“It’s comfy,” Kyle responded, forcing a grin, his arms folded over his abdomen.

Milton rolled his eyes as he headed to the kitchen, Kyle trailing him. As Milton poured himself a scotch, Kyle went to a cupboard and withdrew the bottle of lactation pills. This was their daily ritual. Kyle always waited for Milton and Milton loved watching him do it; it turned him on.

Milton’s eyes darkened with lust as they always did as Kyle popped a pill into his mouth.

Kyle then took a second pill, just for kicks. Milton cursed quietly under his breath and finished off his drink.

“You greedy little thing,” said Milton as he approached and cornered Kyle at the counter.

“Oh yeah? I’m the greedy one?” said Kyle as he casually undid his top shirt button, allowing several inches of cleavage to be exposed. He felt a flush of heat spread down his face then his body. It must have been the drug, the anticipation, and the growing discomfort of all the milk he had been carrying for too long that day.

Milton closed in, kissing his throat as Kyle arched and groaned. Milton’s hands ran freely over Kyle’s body as his kisses trailed to the crook of his neck, then lower.

Milton paused.

“What’s this?” he muttered, looking down at where his hands laid on Kyle’s plump stomach.

Kyle reddened. “Er—”

Before Kyle could stop him, Milton unbuttoned his shirt, exposing Kyle’s newly outwards belly button. Milton’s brows furrowed in puzzlement.

“Yeah, that happens sometimes,” said Kyle quickly, pulling his shirt closed. “Weird, right?” Then he kissed Milton fiercely, and the two stumbled to the bedroom before the inquiry could go any further.


It’s just a little weight gain, Kyle reminded himself several days later. It was like a mantra he told himself whenever he noticed how truly plump his stomach was getting.

Kyle tore his attention away from it, instead looking at the two pairs of breasts stacked on his chest.

The lactation supplements were really kicking in.

His tits were filling up faster now, and seemed to be growing to accommodate the increased production of milk. Even his nipples were getting bigger, and they were so fucking sensitive lately.

Kyle had been appalled the first time Milton had called them udders, but now that seemed to be Milton’s little nickname for them.

“God, you’re a fucking cow,” Milton muttered when he got home that evening, unwrapping Kyle from his clothes like a present. “Look at those things.” He licked and taunted them, circling a nipple with his tongue, as Kyle grunted and squirmed, struggling to contain the overabundance of milk stretching him out.

“Nrggghhh…” Kyle groaned, then he just started squirting. Milk sprayed right into Milton’s face. Kyle’s eyes went wide as Milton’s jaw fell, then they both just started laughing, as Kyle made a mess, milk splattering everywhere. He couldn’t believe the volume. His body must have been completely packed.

Kyle’s laughter died on his lips as Milton caught a stream in his mouth, then closed in, pressing his lips flush to Kyle’s skin and sucking gently, as the other three nipples continued to squirt. Kyle hummed and sagged against Milton’s shoulders.

“Fuuuhhk, that feels good,” he groaned, eyelids sinking.

He hardly paid mind to the way Milton’s free hand stroked his stomach. But that felt good as well.


Kyle’s stomach was just getting more and more bloated. Round and full, and disproportionate with Kyle’s slim arms and legs.

“You’re getting chubby,” Milton remarked one day when they were making out on the couch.

Kyle reddened. “Yeah,” he said in embarrassment, then groaned as Milton cupped his gut. It was sensitive.

His belly button had gotten somewhat…pinker lately. And…and, a bit swollen. Kyle tried to keep it hidden, but Milton was bound to have noticed.

“Tell me what’s going on here,” said Milton as he continued to rub, Kyle biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut against the growing sensations of discomfort and pleasure.

“I…uh…” Kyle regained himself. “I don’t want to talk about it.” He abruptly pulled himself out of Milton’s arms, getting off the couch and stumbling to regain his footing.


But Kyle was already halfway out of the room. He locked himself into a bathroom then leaned against the door, trying to catch his breath. “Fuck,” he hissed under his breath. What was he going to do?


Kyle managed to avoid the issue for another few days, but he was just getting rounder in the meantime. He couldn’t believe how much his stomach was growing. His belly was now bulging out in any sweater or shirt.

He and Milton were kissing one day on the bed, when things took an uncomfortable turn. Milton was on top of him, with Kyle caged in his arms, but Milton slowly climbed down, his nips and kisses trailing from Kyle’s shoulder, to his chest, and then his belly. Milton mouthed Kyle’s belly button through the thin tank top Kyle had on.

Then the nub actually swelled and hardened, so that it bulged prominently in Kyle’s shirt.

Kyle was mortified.

Milton looked up to meet his eyes and Kyle was out of excuses.

“Y-yeah, it—it’s—” Kyle stammered. “It’s another breast,” he forced out in a very small voice.

Milton stared at him for a full moment.

“Un-fucking-believeable,” said Milton as he went back to mouthing and kissing. He pushed up Kyle’s tank top to kiss the nipple directly, then he leaned back to admire it for a moment.

Kyle tried to squirm away, but Milton held him there.

And he kept at it. Kissing, licking, mouthing, rubbing. He pinched it, cupped it, massaged Kyle’s belly as a whole as Kyle struggled to breathe through the onslaught of stimulation.

Soon it was just too much. He pushed Milton’s hands off him. “P-please, don’t,” he managed breathlessly.


“So what is this?” Milton asked one day. “You just grow tits at random?” He looked intrigued but not at all bothered.

Kyle didn’t humor that with a response. It wasn’t as though he even knew the answer, himself. All he knew was that he had four tits on his chest, and now this—this belly-boobthing.

It was still tingling from Milton’s treatment days earlier.

Kyle thought it best to avoid Milton, despite that he was living with the man. Kyle took his gaming to the next level, staying up at night to play, before inevitably falling asleep on the couch. He would wake up late in the mornings after Milton had already left for work.

His belly was getting fuller and heavier. It felt odd now—the sway and jiggle of it. Kyle reddened whenever he even thought of it. And as much as he wanted to pretend it didn’t exist, the mound demanded attention, in its weight, movements, and sheer sensitivity. When Kyle’s shirt brushed over his navel, he would be left stiff and shivering.

Soon Kyle found himself going online, doing some awkward web searches.

He bought one of those things Justin had purchased when he had been having similar issues. A—girdle. A maternity girdle.

It was weird, embarrassing, uncomfortable, and also…supportive. Kyle even thought he could get used to the constriction. He started to wear it daily under his clothes, and the developments on his abdomen could finally be forgotten.

The couch shifted. “Hey.”

Kyle looked up from the TV screen. He had been absorbed in another video game as his breast pumps emptied his upper two breasts. He had been so absorbed in both sources of stimulation, he hadn’t noticed Milton’s return home from work.

“Hey,” said Kyle, lowering the game controller. It had been several days since they had talked.

Milton reached over to gently pluck the pumps off Kyle’s chest. Kyle felt heat creeping up his throat. He knew what Milton wanted.

“We good?” said Milton.

Almost before Kyle got out the “yeah,” Milton was on him, kissing him, pressing him into the arm of the couch. Kyle groaned as Milton kissed his chest.

“Hope you saved me some,” the older man muttered.

Milton’s hands were roaming, freely exploring. They slipped under Kyle’s t-shirt, encountering the girdle.

“Wait,” Kyle protested as Milton started to unclasp it.

But Milton’s fingers were quick and deft, and in no time, the girdle was hanging open, and Kyle’s belly was pushing outward, all soft, plump, and unwieldly.

Yet Kyle couldn’t deny how good it felt. Milton’s calloused hands, massaging it, rubbing into the swell again and again. Kyle groaned and sunk under the attention, allowing Milton to lean over him, his lips working Kyle’s breasts as his hand worked his belly.

As the days passed, things went back to normal. Or “normal,” with the incorporation of the mind-numbing belly massages. As much as Kyle tried to resist, the contact felt amazing. It left him groaning, shivering, and pushing harder against Milton’s fingers. It felt good physically, but also rather soothing, as though Milton was pacifying Kyle’s conflict with the mound’s sheer existence. Every day after work, Milton would suck his tits and rub his belly. And Milton was probably doing more harm than good. Kyle’s stomach always tingled for hours after Milton stopped. As time passed, there was a growing tightness, and soon Milton started asking—

“Let me.”

“No.” Kyle was flushed pink that Saturday morning. He was fumbling to wrap the girdle around himself, but Milton pulled it away from him.

“Let me. You’re full there. Fuck, you’re so full. Your belly is ripe, it’s packed.”

Kyle was breathing thinly. This was too much to process, and he was overwhelmed. He turned away, cupping his abdomen, but immediately froze up, groaning at the tenderness. His belly was bloated and hot, so fucking hot. He knew it was engorged. He felt ready to pop.

With a sense of dread, Kyle pulled up his shirt, really looking at his navel, now a fully-developed nipple complete with a puffy areola. At present, both were a darker pink than they should have been, and the nipple was swollen. His belly as a whole looked like the abdomen of someone who was six months pregnant, albeit more plump and soft.

Kyle’s breath caught as he felt Milton come up behind him, Milton’s chest pressing into his back. The belly-nipple hardened and distended more, causing Kyle to grunt, his face twisting. Milton gently turned Kyle around, and got on his knees, nuzzling the swell with his nose, and Kyle couldn’t take it anymore. “Nghhhhh…fuhhck…j-just do it!”

Milton didn’t need to be told twice. He closed his lips around Kyle’s belly-nipple and sucked.

Kyle threw his head back, groaning. He panted and sweated as Milton sucked again, harder. “It’s not…coming…” Kyle grunted out, face red.

Milton kept sucking for what felt like minutes as Kyle whined and twitched, clutching Milton’s shoulders for support. When Milton stopped, Kyle’s belly-nipple was even darker and more swollen. Milton began to massage it with his fingers as Kyle moaned and cursed. Kyle’s eyes were tearing as he puffed out breaths like a woman in labor.

“It’s okay,” Milton consoled.

But Kyle felt awful. He pulled away, and somehow managed to drag himself to the bedroom, where he laid back, cupping his abdomen, which felt even tighter and more uncomfortable now. “Fuck your stupid fucking ideas,” he hissed as he closed his eyes and tried to relax.

Kyle wasn’t sure how he fell asleep, but when he awoke, Milton was looking down at him.

“Morning,” said Milton, where he sat beside him on the bed.

“Fuck,” said Kyle. He didn’t know how, but he felt even worse. He shifted and whined, looking down to find that his belly was even more swollen. “What the hell,” he moaned. It looked as though it had bloated by several inches.

“Sometimes it takes a few attempts,” said Milton calmly, though Kyle could see the hunger in his eyes. “Let’s try again.”

“I d-don’t—” Kyle stammered. “I don’t think—”

But Milton pushed him against the mattress, leaned down, and planted his lips against Kyle’s belly-nipple. He sucked gently this time, as Kyle groaned and squirmed.

“Fuck,” Kyle whimpered, his hands finding Milton’s head.

Milton gave a sharp pull that made Kyle yelp. Then soft again. Soft. He found a sucking rhythm. Soft, soft, sharp.

“Fuhhhhh…” Kyle was dizzy.

Soft, soft—


Kyle felt it. The sting, the heat, then the wetness. He panted as Milton pulled back and milk began to trickle down the underside of Kyle’s rounded belly. The sense of relief made Kyle’s eyes water.

Milton gave him a smug smile. “Look at you, you fucking cow.” Milton leaned back down, and sucked keenly, he sucked Kyle’s milk, as Kyle dropped back against the pillows, breathing through it, chest heaving and dick stirring, because it felt really fucking satisfying, and it was only getting better.

“God Milton,” Kyle murmured, his hips twitching. “Oh fuck.”



Hmm I wonder if a third pair of breast may pop up 😅