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Summary: A high school senior is blackmailed by a male classmate and forced to take a pill regularly under his supervision, though she has no clue what the pill does. Contains: Female: breast expansion & more.

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Jade was constantly cupping her breasts, trying to stabilize the huge, heavy mounds, at least when no one was watching. She often held or arched her sore back, trying to sooth the strain there. Her boobs were just so big. She felt like a cow. Albeit, a cute one.

People stared at her wherever she went, gazes shooting to her chest. She dressed in stretchy clothes, mostly. Her wardrobe as “Stacy” was supposed to be sexy, but she still needed room for all the growing she was doing.

Her breasts were disproportionately large on her otherwise slim body. Huge and jutting in her tight tops and dresses. Her nipples were large, swollen, and bulging visibly.

They were always erect, always aching for release, the sensation uncomfortably stimulating. Thankfully, Ted helped her with that a good deal.

She was wearing another strappy sundress that hugged her form, her cleavage bulging heavily against the low neckline.

“Muffin?” Ted offered as they entered his kitchen. He knew they were her favorite.

“Ted,” she chastised playfully. “I feel like you’re trying to fatten me.”

Ted was amused. “Wouldn’t mind filling you out a little more. Maybe get you a nice ass to match.”

“Oh, shut up.” She swatted him, then shook out her long hair behind her. “About those muffins…”

They sat down at the table, and he watched her take three of them, eating slowly and indulgently, sometimes pausing to giggle despite her full mouth. It was hard to be sexy while eating muffins, and hard to keep a straight face when she was trying.

Ted just smiled and brushed a crumb off the corner of her lip. His hand wandered, stroking her neck then her shoulder.

“It’s always nice to get you alone,” Jade noted, appreciating his presence while making a subtle jab at his frequent tendency to disappear with no explanation. Though it wasn’t like she didn’t know what he got up to.

Ted continued to rub her shoulder. “Being with you is the best part of any day,” he said, causing her to beam.

“I find that hard to believe,” Jade said despite herself. “Half the time I feel like you’re avoiding me.”

Ted barked a laugh. “Never.”

Her cheeks warmed.

Then he asked, “How have you been doing?”

Jade’s mind wandered a bit. She thought of the things she had planned to say, to simplify her story, and their relationship, a bit. She was still “Stacy,” after all. For the time being. But it would be nice to explain away certain parts of her backstory that were steadily getting inconvenient.

“Jeff got full custody.” Jeff, the fake ex and the baby-daddy. All her lies were piling up and she hated it. “The judge just thinks it’s a better living situation than my crappy little studio.”

“God Stace, I’m sorry,” said Ted, pulling her into an embrace as she sniffed against his shoulder.

“I guess it’s for the best,” Jade said.

“I wish I could help.”

“You’re helping,” Jade assured. “Just by being here for me.” She pulled herself away so she could look him in the eyes. “It means a lot.”

“Always.” Ted reached up to brush away one of her fake tears. Jade was proud of herself for being able to produce even one.

Jade gave a bitter smile as she looked down at her chest. “Now I have all this milk for nothing,” she said, trying to lighten the mood.

“I don’t mind it.” Ted grinned.

Jade rolled her eyes.

“Can I tell you something?” Ted went on. “I love watching you grow. I swear, it’s like nothing I’ve seen before. Sometimes you’re practically inflating. You’re so full of milk. Bigger every fucking day. You just don’t understand how hot you are. How big are these things going to get?

Jade was breathless and pink.

“I got you something,” Ted said, like an admission. He was a little bashful, but he got up, and walked into the next room. When he returned, he was carrying a narrow black box about the size of a tablet computer.

After he handed it over, Jade set it on the table. She carefully undid the ribbon and lifted the lid.

“Oh.” Lingerie. She ran her fingers over the transparent lace. It was a sexy, formfitting piece.

“To commemorate this…well…I figured we might want to officialize it. We’re good together. What do you say? Be my girl?”

Yes! Yes! “Yes,” Jade breathed.

Ted immediately leaned over to kiss her, Jade’s hands sliding up to cup his face. They were official. She was Ted’s girl. This was a dream.

“And it’s gorgeous,” Jade murmured as she gently pulled back. She admired the lingerie.

“I put in a custom order,” said Ted. “Heh, I hope it fits.”

“Let’s find out.” Jade grabbed the lingerie, stood, and walked to hallway that led to Ted’s bedroom. “Five minutes,” she told him as she disappeared around the corner.

“I’ll give you three,” Ted called back huskily.

As it turned out, the fit was perfect.


Jade woke up the next morning to the sensation of being squeezed. She looked down to see that her breasts were bulging heavily against the lingerie neckline, overflowing it. The fragile material was close to tearing.

“Ted,” she whimpered, lightly shaking her new boyfriend. “Help me out of this thing.”

Ted awoke with a groan, blinking the sleep from his eyes. It took him a hazy moment to register her dilemma. After that, his eyes went wide and he swore under his breath. “Jesus.” He proceeded to just stare at her.

Cupping her chest, Jade turned her back on him. “The buttons,” she pleaded.

After another beat, Ted belatedly fumbled with the back of the piece. Jade moaned in relief as the material loosened and slid down her chest, freeing the swollen globes. She gasped to catch her breath.

They were the size of volleyballs and wider than the rest of her torso. She felt Ted reach around her, cupping the sides of them. “You’re growing so much, baby.”

Jade chuckled. “I noticed.” She barely lasted a few hours between draining them lately. And every time they filled up, she swore they were a little bit bigger.

“You are something else,” Ted kissed the side of her head as he continued to stare at her huge breasts. After a while, he said, “Why don’t I make breakfast?” and reluctantly withdrew his arms.

Jade turned to face him. “Right here,” she murmured, pulling his face down to her chest, guiding him to her nipple. Her breathing thinned and her eyelids sunk as a deep flushed crawled over her cheeks.

After Ted finished sucking her dry, he gave a wolfish grin, and actually did go to get started on breakfast.

Jade sighed as she leaned back in the bed, her breasts no longer sorely tight, but still plump and fat. She looked down at the mounds, which had acquired more of a tear-shape now that they had been drained. But she could already feel that wet, warm sensation of new milk coming in, steadily filling them out. She would be engorged again in no time, but she could hold out until Ted was ready for the next round.

With a contented smile, Jade climbed out of the bed. She found some of her leggings tucked into a drawer Ted had given her previously, and pulled on one of Ted’s big t-shirts.

Unsurprisingly, the shirt stretched tightly at the chest, and left most of her midriff exposed because of her sheer largeness. Her huge nipples bulged hard again the crisp cotton, and the sensation was terribly arousing, which was something she’d be sure to mention to her new boyfriend in the kitchen.

Absently clutching her back, Jade walked into the hallway, arching and acclimating to her steadily increasing dimensions. It had hard to believe how big she had gotten. And naturally. Ted loved them. She had probably set a record or something. No one had boobs like hers. They gently bobbed as she turned the corner into the kitchen, then she froze.

Ted had company.

“Oh, sorry darling,” Ted said, looking up from the three men seated around the kitchen table with coffee mugs. “I wasn’t expecting visitors. But you know how it is. Business never sleeps.”

“…right,” said Jade, looking around at the gruff men in Ted’s kitchen. She suddenly felt indecent, and unconsciously tugged at the hem of the shirt, which was so tight it came close to displaying some of the underside of her breasts.

“Hey, lighten up,” said one of the men, grinning cheekily. “We don’t bite. Much.

“Damn Ted, she’s a beaut.”

“Ted wasn’t kidding when he said she was special.”

All three chuckled. Ted smiled lazily as Jade felt her face heat up.

“This is Stacy,” said Ted. “Stace, this is Bernard, Mateo, and Frankie.”

“Hi,” said Jade meekly as the shady-looking guys grinned at her.

“Do you mind giving us a minute? Just finishing the details on a delivery,” said Ted.

“Sure,” Jade managed, feeling her chest wobble gently with her heavy breathing. “It was nice meeting you all.” Then she edged out of the doorframe without waiting for a response. She leaned heavily on the wall, chest heaving.

“Is she gone?” one of the guys in the kitchen asked.

“You can trust Stace,” said Ted unconcernedly.

“You sure know how to pick them.”

There were more chuckles.

“Gotta tell me your secret, Bryson.”

“Those things were insane.”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Ted good-naturedly. “Let’s talk the exchange.”

Jade crept back to the bedroom, carefully closing the door behind her. She just didn’t know what to do anymore. By compulsion, she went to where her purse was sitting on the dresser, and rummaged through it, unearthing those cow pills Pete had given to her. She popped two into her mouth and gulped them down.


Several days later, Jade absently brushed some sweat off her flushed face. She then carefully plucked up another of the delicate Italian pastries Ted had sent her. She took a bite and groaned in pleasure.

Ted was a better boyfriend than she ever could have imagined. He always surprised her with gifts of flowers, jewelry, chocolates, and various other snacks. She was particular for the snacks, and Ted knew it. There was seldom a day that he didn’t bring her a large box of fancy pastries, or just have one delivered when they weren’t together in person. Besides that, he kept his fridge very well stocked with all her favorite indulgences and lots of milk.

Jade had jokingly accused him of trying to lure her. She felt as though she lived at his apartment by then.

Ted had shrugged in admission. “You got me,” he’d said with his easy smile.

Her cell phone chimed. Jade looked up from where she had been alternating between snacking and doing her making at the vanity Ted had gotten her. She reached down, accepting the call and putting it on speaker. “Hi.”

“Hey,” Ted’s voice responded, a little weary. “Stuck at a work thing. Is it okay if I meet you at the hotel?”

Jade blinked. “I um…okay,” she said, a little thrown off.

“Thanks, Stace. You always cover my ass.”

Jade smiled, rolling her eyes. “It’s a nice ass.”

She loved the sound of his laugh, always so full and hearty. “I’ll send a car. Can’t wait to see the dress.”

“I can’t wait to see you,” Jade countered, knowing that she was hopeless. “Later, Ted.”

“See you soon.”

Jade hung up, her smile slowly falling.

She had been truly touched when Ted had invited her to the black tie charity event. It was a fundraiser for Tilden, the orphanage system he had grown up in. It was just so…personal. She had been looking forward to this all week.

It was just…

They had planned to arrive together. Ted was supposed to come to the apartment to meet her. He was supposed to—well, she had been hoping he would help her out with her latest batch. She was just about saturated, both breasts full to their bloated maximum, skin pricking, nipples bulging and aching for release.

She had gotten good at holding the milk in over the weeks, but to last through the whole event was asking a lot of her. She was just so engorged. People would…they would certainly notice…

Jade lightly shook her head. This event was important. It meant a lot to Ted, and it meant the world to her. She was dying to go, and she wasn’t going to miss out over a little milk. Plenty of women went through the same thing, and they didn’t let lactation dictate their social engagements.

Leaning her hands against the dresser, Jade stood carefully. She quietly panted, wiping another bead of sweat from her brow.

Slowly, she made her way to the closet, trying not to move her breasts too much. She opened the door and looked at the dress she had gotten custom-made just for tonight.

It was a long strapless red gown—strapless because Jade had torn enough straps to know better by then. The style would accommodate her at the off chance she experienced an unexpected bought of growth, and the long red gloves just made the outfit all the more elegant.

Jade gingerly eased the dress on, then zipped the back, hissing as it enclosed her. But it wasn’t too tight. She studied herself in the full-length mirror, keeping her back straight and her chin high. She turned slightly, studying her profile.

All the pastries were certainly catching up on her. She could see the new fullness of her hips, thighs, and backside, though it looked kind of nice. Of course, it didn’t come close to detracting from the prominence of her breasts. The mounds were just huge, always rocking and bobbing, nipples always sticking out prominently. Jade had gotten used to the stares. She loved the way Ted stared every time he saw her, like he was seeing them for the first time.

They were heavy. She gripped the edge of the closet doorframe, slumping to take a break from supporting the globes. Just a couple hours, Jade told herself. She would get through this event, and Ted would be ecstatic.



This story is so good! I love all the descriptions of her ludicrously swollen breasts, and everyone constantly commenting on them. Great to see the rest of her body catching up. I'm hoping those "cow pills" might eventually make her more cow than she bargained for.