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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

Previous Chapter 


The outfit the seamstress put together left a lot to be desired.

But Rachel supposed, she had done her best.

It was a long, tan maxi dress, which was the only thing the store had on hand that came close to accommodating Rachel. The seamstress had taken it out as much as she could, but it still wasn’t enough to prevent the fabric being skintight against Rachel’s heavily pregnant, voluptuous body. It was sleeveless and low-cut, the material hugging into Rachel. And unsurprisingly, there hadn’t been a maternity bra big enough for the honeydew-sized mounds bobbing on Rachel’s chest. So her breasts were left to heave and jiggle there, her huge, aching nipples pressing hard into the fabric. Rachel could feel how hot and bloated her breasts were, and was trying her best not to leak again, even as sweat beaded on her temple. In the end, she didn’t feel any less exposed, and the tight dress wasn’t much of an improvement on the outfit she had been wearing previously. It was practically spandex.

“Looks great,” said Lisa, grinning ear to ear.

The seamstress started, “If you put in a proper order for something custom, and gave us a week or so, we can put together something a little more suita—”

“I said it’sfine,” Lisa cut in. “She likes it tight. Wants to show off the babies. Isn’t that right, Rach?”

Rachel had managed to gobble down the last burger on hand, and was now breathing heavily, leaning one hand on the wall as the other cradled her over-packed belly. She was red in the face, too breathless to speak. But she forced a little nod.

“They’re growing like crazy,” Lisa continued as she rummaged in her purse, and before Rachel could react, Lisa had the remote.

“Nrrghhh…” Tension surged in Rachel’s core, blooming outward as her face grew hotter, her legs trembling beneath her. She stumbled a bit until she managed to lean her back against the wall, groaning and arching, both hands clutching her abdomen. The heat and pressure pushed and shoved, forcing the mound outwards.

Her abdomen was advancing, inching forward, the dress sliding and stretching, and growing unbelievably tight. “Errrgghhhh….gnnhhhhh…” Rachel’s hands scrabbled at her tingling belly as her breasts were pushed higher, her pelvis growing heavier as her burden increased. A stitch broke as the dress started tearing at the side.

“Four,” said Lisa as the growth spurt ended, Rachel left gasping for breath.

The seamstress actually stumbled back, looking shocked and terrified. Her eyes darted from Lisa to Rachel, and she looked certain that she had gone mad. “E-excuse me for a m-moment,” the woman stammered as she all but fled the room.

There was a long, satisfied silence, Lisa brimming with pleasure as she appraised her handiwork. “God, you look good,” she said softly, eyes dark and amorous. Then she took a deep breath. “Ready to go?”

Rachel was still panting, still struggling not to sink onto her plush ass. “J-just —n-need — a minute,” she squeaked.

Lisa was unimpressed. “Let’s go.”

Lisa walked out and Rachel knew she couldn’t dawdle, lest she wanted to be punished. It took every drop of her remaining strength to push herself off the wall.

One hand kept hold of it as Rachel was acquainted with her altered center of gravity. “Mmgghhhh…” She held her back, shifting her hips, trying to adjust the weight of the now-four babies packed into her straining body.

“Oh God,” she breathed, as she finally stepped forward in a heavy waddle. She pushed her way out of the curtained area and could see Lisa by the registers, paying for their purchases. Thankfully, the other girl hadn’t gotten too far.

“There you are,” said Lisa as she looked up from her wallet. “Thought you got lost for a minute. C’mon, this place is boring.”

To Rachel’s distress, Lisa wasn’t headed towards the exit outside to the parking lot. Instead, she was walking towards the entrance into the main shopping center. But any protest got caught in Rachel’s throat. She was far too aware of the futility of refusal. Lisa was in complete control, and she wasn’t letting anything stop her.

Shoppers stared as Rachel struggled her way along, people tripping and stumbling to get out of her way, as she gave pained, appreciative smiles. Did she really looked thatabsurd? By the gawking faces, it seemed that she did. She must have been the most pregnant person any of them had ever witnessed. Eight months along with quads, literally tearing out of the tight dress she had on.

She felt a little woozy, but maybe she could find a shopping cart she could hold onto. Lisa had wandered over to a stall and was admiring some diamond earrings. Rachel found a stray cart and grabbed hold of it. Panting, she looked up, her eyes catching a large poster advertisement for a toy store. It displayed a smiling woman, holding a happy, toothless baby. Rachel found herself absorbed in the image and wondered if she didn’t crave it. Not the sentimentality of it. She just couldn’t take carrying and growing anymore. Any alternative was better than this. She needed these things out of her.


Her gaze snapped in front of her, and she was stunned to see her former high school crush, Darren Marshall, standing there. He had graduated a year earlier. Rachel felt her face heat up.

“Is that really you?” He looked flabbergasted.

It took Rachel a moment to find her voice. “Y-yes,” she squeaked out, completely mortified. “Just doing a little — shopping. With a friend. You remember Lisa?” She motioned vaguely in Lisa’s direction.

Darren’s gaze swerved that way, registering the other teen girl. “Oh yeah, I remember Lisa,” he muttered darkly, before turning his attention back to Rachel. “I thought, erm…you’re a senior, right?”

Rachel nodded, only getting redder.

“You…er…you changed. Just — well. You’re…”

“Pregnant,” Rachel supplied in anguish. “M-multiples. Yeah, I guess, um, it just k-kinda happened.” This had to be the worst moment of her life.

For a long while, he stared at her huge belly, and maybe he could see the subtle nudges of movement on the surface. The mound as a whole seemed to throb out and in, so full and so packed with life. Darren seemed daunted. He tore his gaze away, meeting her eyes again.

“I just…” He looked a little sad, a little concerned. “…can’t believe…” His eyes again darted in the direction of the jewelry display. “Well, too much hanging out with Lisa I guess?”

“Excuse you?”

Rachel winced at Lisa’s sharp voice beside her.

“Heya Lisa,” Darren responded. “Sorry, didn’t mean anything by it —”

But Rachel could practically feel Lisa’s smoldering anger. She didn’t even have to look to know how the cheerleader would react. Because it was always the same.

Heat surged to Rachel’s breasts. Her eyes went wide as she felt a new pulse of fluid gush into her tissue, both mounds tightening as they ached and she groaned, sweat pouring down her forehead. She panted and arched, but struggled to keep it contained. Her nipples stung then swelled, pushing out visibly in her top. They had already been freakishly large, but now they expanded to the size of little limes, ludicrously huge and just as sensitive. They were hard and distended, her breasts hot, flushed, and sweaty as they surged to the size of volleyballs, her dress straining as the neckline dipped. The mounds jiggled and shivered as Rachel struggled to bear it all. But she couldn’t anymore. She couldn’t hold it in.

Milk exploded free. Her breasts popped right out of the neckline, and a burst of liquid splattered all over Darren who stumbled back and fell on his ass.

Rachel wailed as milk sprayed all over the place. Tears poured from the corners of her eyes, her body pulsing with both pleasure and anguish, as a gaping crowd formed around her, her humiliation bare for all to see.

She slumped against the shopping cart, gripping it tightly to keep from collapsing. One handedly, she feebly tried to tug up the front of her dress, once the release of her milk had decreased enough for her to do so. It was still pushing out of her nipples in powerful gushes, but no longer squirting all over the place. Rachel whimpered helplessly, her huge belly pressing into the cart while her breasts were perched atop it. She struggled to catch her breath, feeling jittery. She finally managed to tug the tight, wet dress over her nipples, but only barely. At the same time, this decreased the coverage of her thighs, the dress appearing to have shrunken several sizes since she had purchased it an hour ago.

Rachel didn’t know where she got the strength, but she part-wobbled, part-staggered away, clutching her belly as she sobbed and whimpered. She didn’t know where she was going, she just had to get away from the growing crowd of shocked faces. Darren was scrambling on the ground, but had failed to get up. He gaped after her, his jaw hanging. Rachel didn’t look back.

She didn’t know what she would do. She had nowhere to go. She didn’t care how Lisa would react anymore, she just…she couldn’t do this anymore. She fumbled in her purse, looking for some tissues. She must have accidentally turned her voicemail on because it went off on speaker, another message from her mother chastising her:

“I can’t believe you haven’t been answering my calls! Where are you, Rachel? Get home this instant! I don’t know what’s gotten into you! Maybe you’re spending too much time around that new friend of yours!”


Rachel stiffened. She turned her head just enough to see Lisa standing there to the side, a little behind her shoulder.

“I…well…I overreacted, Pilgrim,” Lisa murmured in her usual bored drawl.

Rachel wondered if this was some approximation of an apology. She sniffed as Lisa stepped closer, then moved to face her. Lisa’s expression held no amusement. She was calm; inquisitive. Slowly, Lisa reached out to touch her face. Rachel’s eyes shuttered closed.

“You look amazing, you know. You’re like — so full and fertile. You’re full of…well, they’re my babies, right?”

Rachel’s ears burned. She didn’t open her eyes. “I’m —h-huge,” she managed.

“You look hot,” Lisa countered. “You’re a baby machine. You’re like five people in one. You’re a blimp, and I love it. How big can you get?

Rachel’s breath caught in her throat. She blinked her eyes open as Lisa laid her hands on her belly. Rachel looked down at her abdomen, so huge and round, skin visibly twitching with movements. Her huge breasts were still pouring milk, soaking her dress until the material was dripping. Rachel found herself arching hard, straining to stay balanced.

“We can counterbalance some of that weight,” Lisa murmured as she observed Rachel’s present issue. She pressed a button on the remote, causing Rachel to groan as her backside advanced behind her, growing rounder and heavier, until it was just huge.

“Guhhhhh…Lisa…” Rachel wheezed.

“It’ll help,” Lisa countered as she went back to idly stroking Rachel’s belly. “Let’s go home.”

Rachel couldn’t argue with that.

Rachel could barely walk herself to Lisa’s car. She still hadn’t adjusted to her sharp increase in weight. To her surprise, and relief, Lisa linked arms with hers, and helped her stay balanced. It was kind of sweet.

Rachel just breathed.

“Oh!” Rachel said, once they had gotten back to Lisa’s car, and Rachel had tried to ease herself down in the passenger seat.

She didn’t fit. Not nearly.

They tried adjusting the seat back as far as it could go, though this still didn’t leave enough room for Rachel’s enormous belly.

Rachel was almost tempted to suggest that Lisa decrease the LITTER setting, for the sake of practicality.

Lisa had a different idea. She adjusted the seat forward, pushing it right up to the dashboard, then had Rachel sit in the back, which was a tight squeeze, but Rachel managed to fit when she sprawled herself sideways, squirming and panting clutching her belly as a rocked and she had only her arms to keep herself steady.

By the time they got back to Lisa’s house, Rachel was breathing like she was doing lamaze. She didn’t know how pregnant women did it. Granted, most pregnant woman weren’t carrying quads to eight months.

Rachel slumped down on the couch, resolving not to move, even if Lisa demanded that she did. She was exhausted.

“You know, you’re making a mess,” Lisa mentioned as she crept over.

Rachel lifted eyelids she hadn’t realized had dropped. Lisa got onto the couch, drawing her legs up to curl up beside her.

“Sorry,” Rachel practically slurred. Between all the growths, all the milk expulsion, and being on her feet all day, she doubted she could lift a finger, let alone clean herself up.

“I can help with that,” Lisa murmured.

Rachel wasn’t certain what Lisa meant.

Then Lisa was touching her, shoving the failing neckline of Rachel’s dress down to free her swollen breasts. They surged up like dough, huge and heaving. Rachel couldn’t believe how full and round they were, how tight with milk, how the leaking hadn’t let up since the shopping center.


Lisa swooped down, closing her lips around one of Rachel’s swollen, seeping nipples.

Electricity shot through Rachel’s veins. All her muscles contracted as a sharp gasp escaped her throat.

As Lisa took a long suck, Rachel whined and writhed, the pleasure taking her right to the cusp. It felt amazing. How could it feel this good? Her groin tingling, she felt an odd sensation deep in her pelvis. A shift. A pressure. By impulse, she closed her thighs.

“I knew it,” Lisa murmured, throwing a grin. “Fucking delicious.” She took another long draw, filling her mouth.

Rachel whimpered. Her eyes rolled upwards.

It was all too much.

She passed out.



I wonder if Lisa's new taste for Rachel's milk will have any bearing on how she uses the remote in the future... 😇

Joshua S

You know.. I'm willing to bet Rachel would produce a lot more milk if she had.. a little bit larger a litter. Hehehe