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Note: This is a story-prompt for Wyld.

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It became his routine. Daily…sessions of him, on camera milking himself as he tried to ignore the mortifying commentary from his viewers. James didn’t know how this had become his life in only the span of weeks, but it was like he was a different person, with a different job. It wasn’t about online modeling anymore. It was about…this new thing. And everyone could see it.

Any remaining modeling contracts or offers evaporated. No one wanted anything to do with him anymore. And he couldn’t blame them.

James chugged a shake that morning, as usual. As he finished it up, he grimaced at the chemical aftertaste but licked his lips.

He couldn’t deny that he had gotten used to them. Sometimes he craved the shakes a little, even. Maybe not the shake specifically, but the sweetness. The creaminess. Or so he told himself, when his thoughts lingered on it.

It took James half the day to will himself into doing his nightly live stream. The money was compelling, and practically made the decision for him.

James always made sure that he was well-hydrated before he started. That he was full and tight, his tits ready. He made sure they were packed with fluid, round and practically aching with tension. And he make sure not to leak a drop.

James was flustered and sweaty by the time he turned on his camera that evening. “Hi,” he managed, with a shaky smile as he watched his viewer numbers progressively increase, then start to leap.

He was wearing another tight semi-transparent, white shirt, this one a zip up. Making sure that the camera was focused on his chest, James steadily pulled the zipper down, revealing his swollen, sweating mounds pressed together, and the deep line of cleavage between them.

Holy fuck!


hot, hot, hot

the hell is this guy eating???

He getting huge!


This is so weird but I can’t stop watching.

squeeze em

“They’re really — growing,” James managed, trying not to sound as awkward as he felt. His breasts had already shot up to EEs and showed no signs of slowing down. Engorged as they were, they were really round, and always uncomfortable. His nipples were swollen and sensitive. He couldn’t believe what the shakes had done to him.

Chest bare, James slid his hands up to cup them. His eyelids fluttered closed, and he could no longer see the flood of commentary. His breath caught in his throat as he finally reached his nipples, pinching them.

Milk absolutely sprayed. His whole body trembled and clenched as milk burst from his nipples in forceful spurts. “So full…” he moaned, cheeks red.

And it felt really, really good. He was almost disturbed by how good it felt. This was disgusting. It was horrible and weird. But it felt amazing, and James was beginning to truly like it, but he didn’t know what to think of it. How could he like his huge, milky, pornstar-tits? He arched and groaned, releasing another forceful spray.

When the livestream session ended, James was boneless. He slumped forward against his desk, panting and groaning. A glance at his computer screen made him curse under his breath. 9 already? Rent was due at midnight, and if he wanted to avoid another late fee, he had to deposit his check.

Going out in public with becoming a dilemma. His breasts were too sore to bound, especially with them continuously producing milk. James pulled on a baggy T-shirt, but it did little to hide them. It would just have to do, though. He donned some jeans, a jacket, and a baseball cap before walking out of his apartment. Absently, he hunched, trying his best to conceal his shape through the discomfort of his cotton shirt rubbing on his hyper-sensitive nipples.

After depositing his check at a nearby ATM, James turned to leave, but nearly bumped into a man standing right behind him in the otherwise quiet shopping center.

“It’s you,” the guy blurted. He looked a few years older than James, and sturdier. Certainly fitter than James was these days.

“Sorry?” said James.

“You’re James Grant, that influencer! The model. And…and with the livestreams. I actually watched the stream you did tonight.”

James’s face heated up with embarrassment. “You must have me mixed it with someone else.” He tried to take his leave but the guy blocked him.

“Please, I just… I never thought I would actually meet you. This is insane. I – I have to see them. God, I have to.”

James’s heart was racing. “You have me mixed up with someone else,” he said firmly.

The guy reached out towards James’s chest. By instinct, James caught his wrist, but James didn’t react in time as the man’s other hand shot out. It roughly grabbed at James’s left breast, James gasping as he was shoved back into the building wall.

The unexpected surge of pleasure left James groaning. It was nearly paralyzing. He grunted and trembled as the man squeezed, shoving James’s jacket off his shoulders for better access.

“Jesus,” the stranger muttered. “They’re so warm. So f-full. How can they be so full you just milked them?”

The guy was in for a real treat. James moaned as he felt himself starting to leak. He unconsciously arched, flesh pulsing.

Then finally, James regained himself. What the fuck? he thought in disgust. Shoving the guy off him, he ran as fast as he could for his apartment building.



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