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Note: This is a story-prompt for imposter_dude.

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“No, please!” Emma cried as she was shoved towards the oven. Her hands were now bound in front of her, her feet scuffling against the floor as Annette pushed her towards the flames.

Emma could feel the heat pressing into her flushed, sweaty body. She could hardly maneuver at her size and had no hopes of escape. Her belly was like a boulder, huge; practically bigger than she was. It was wider than her flanks, a swollen ball of fat that bobbed relentlessly as she struggled to catch her breath. She was so full, so tight. Emma groaned as a sharp ache shot through her core—as if she didn’t have enough problems—her belly prickling, seeming to incrementally tighten from her recent, heavy binge. She felt weak and dizzy.

“Move along, dear. Another step,” Annette said in that kind, grandmotherly way of hers, even as she pushed Emma towards her death.

“Please, I’ll do anything,” Emma pleaded desperately.

“After all the work I’ve put into fattening you? I don’t think so,” Annette responded in a tone one might use to reprimand a child.

“Nghhhh…god…” Emma whined, her belly positively throbbing. She was struggling not to collapse forward, right into the huge oven. By then she could hardly keep her balance. She fumbled and struggled to push herself back, regretting that she hadn’t escaped when she’d had the chance. If only she hadn’t been so damn greedy. Even then, was still mildly hungry, still peckish, and she wouldn’t say no to a couple donuts... Maybe she could use that. “Can I just have one more…nghhh…snack?”

Annette cackled. “Oh, we’re beyond that. Another bite, and you might just pop, dearie.” Annette happily patted Emma belly to emphasize her point. Emma grunted out in discomfort, instinctively arching. So…tight…

With her posture shoving her belly even further out, her abdomen was so close to licking the flames. Emma’s skin started to burn. “No, no, no…” This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be how things ended for her.

“That’s it,” Annette murmured into her ear. The older woman was right behind Emma, aged fingers clasping Emma shoulders firmly. “Just one…more…push!”

Emma screamed as Annette shoved her forward. She tumbled into the oven, and her body was consumed by white, hot pain.


Emma cried out and fumbled, fighting with her sheets. As she regained herself, she looked wildly around, her chest heaving and heart racing. It took her a moment to properly register her surroundings. She was…at home? Emma looked down at herself.

She was sprawled in bed against some pillows, a book of fairytales lying open on her lap. Still, all she felt was confusion. There was just no way… “It was a dream?” It had felt so real. Every detail.

Finally, a nervous chuckle erupted from Emma’s throat. “Oh my god,” she breathed.

It had been a dream.

On further analysis of the situation, how could it nothave been? A house made of treats and desserts? Her belly growing to those massive proportions? And the woman — Annette – actually intending to eat her? The whole thing had just been ludicrous. Emma shook her head as she dropped back against her pillows.

“What a ride,” she murmured, again looking down at the book in her arms. She sighed and pushed it aside, onto her nightstand. She wouldn’t be reading that again. At least not anytime soon.

It was astounding, how relieved she felt. She had been in a hopeless predicament, anticipating her own death. But none of that had been real. Despite it, Emma had a new lease on life. She glanced at her wall clock. 3AM, yet she felt wide awake. She gazed down at her dog, Moose, curled asleep on his little bed in the corner. No more excursions, she decided, smiling fondly down at him.

Emma stomach grumbled. As she slid her hand down to her flat torso, she finally registered that her belly was gone. It was odd to her. It had become such a fixture… She felt strangely empty with its absence. Honestly, she had quite enjoyed being round and plump, soft and happy. It had fostered a warm, domestic radiance. She had felt soft and sexy, big and impressive, and on top of that, just full. She missed the fullness.

Emma climbed out of her bed, pushing her feet into some slippers. She slipped out of her room and headed for the kitchen, deciding that she might as well indulge in a midnight snack or two (or several).

The End


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