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Note: This is an alternate ending for Lucas.


Lucas was getting huge. By month eight, he was certain that he was the most pregnant person he had ever seen. His belly was just immense, looking like a beach ball in its massiveness. He was far larger than Matthew had been at term. Everywhere Lucas went, people marveled at him, amazed, offended, or a mixture of both.

Lucas’s growing breasts weren’t only full and large, but they were round. Too round. Bloated; like they were…filled up. They were always hot, practically radiating heat. They were only getting bigger by the day, but also tight and uncomfortable. It wasn’t long before they were the biggest breasts he had ever seen, fake or natural, and disturbingly enough, they were attached to his body.

His nipples were just out of control. They seemed to be getting larger constantly; more swollen, thicker, and longer. Now they just looked strange, protruding out like little teats. They were so sensitive, they left Lucas whimpering or squirming. He tried bras and layers of clothes, but nothing could conceal their definition, and by extension, their bizarreness. They were just huge. Always erect, tingling, and aching for contact. The sensation made Lucas breathless, flushed and hard. He was so horny he could cry.

So now he was stuck with a massive belly and cow tits, waddling about like a fucking penguin, having to shove his huge belly outward just to keep balanced on his feet. Always flustered and sweaty, panting like a bitch in heat. His life had devolved so rapidly. And on top of everything else, he had quints to look forward to. Lucas didn’t know what would be worse, pregnancy or parenting.

Lucas refused to stop going to work. With no paid time off, he couldn’t afford it. He was in substantial debt as it was with his freakish medical condition. And he had no support system either. He still had no idea what he was going to do with five babies.

To replace his too-small button-down shirts, he started ordering XXXL maternity blouses online, those for women with late stage multiples, though even those proved a snug fit. He chose the plainest ones he could find, hoping they could still pass as something he’d purchased in the men’s section. Because he was a man at the end of the day. Even despite everything.


Lucas snapped out of his reverie. He had been perched at his desk, staring down at paperwork, practically drooling in his flustered reverie. He looked up in shock to see Manny, of all people, standing in the doorway.

“‘the hell?” said Lucas, too fatigued to be adequately furious.

“Hey, uh, sorry to just pop in. The secretary let me through.”

“How do you even know where I work?” Lucas demanded.

“You don’t remember? You gave me your card, when we…heh…”

Lucas reddened. “Where are your dumb friends?”

Manny blushed. “We’re not, like, attached at the hip.”

“Fooled me.”

“Yeah…er…can I come in?” Manny slid into the office without waiting for an answer. He closed the door behind him.

Lucas glanced around. The two colleagues he shared the office with were gone, probably off to lunch. He hadn’t even noticed them leaving, probably too dazed and out of it.

“I just felt kinda bad. Wanted to apologize,” Many rambled.

Lucas was breathing heavily, something in him stirring. He tried to sit up; orient himself a little. His belly was pressing hard into the edge of his desk.

“I should have warned you. I mean, properly. Like, you did want it, but we were both like, really drunk. I guess that’s not an excuse, but yeah, my fertility thing…” Manny fumbled on.

Lucas managed to find his footing. He braced his hands against his desk, and with a grunt of effort, heaved himself up to his feet.

Manny stumbled back. “Woah…” he repeated.

“Impressive, right?” said Lucas contemptuously. “All your fucking handiwork.”

“Dude, I said I was sorry.”

“Well sorry doesn’t cut it—ohhhh…” Lucas moaned, clutching his belly. Something was happening. Something about Manny’s presence was just so…bothersome.

“Man, are you okay?”

Lucas’s chest felt unbearably hot. He sucked in a deep breath, trying to breathe through it. His nipples ached, feeling unbelievably hard. They started to push harder into his shirt, advancing, as though to tunnel through it. Manny gawked.

“Nnghhhh…” Lucas groaned as his breasts heaved, buttons straining as his breast flesh spilled against his neckline and bulged against it. Buttons popped, and his tits started to push free, absurdly round and bloated, nipples sticking right out. “Oh god…” Lucas reddened and arched as his flesh grew rounder and tighter, and finally it happened.

Milk positively sprayed, splashing right into a shocked Manny. Lucas whined, his hand sliding up to clutch his huge nipples. “Fuuhhuck,” he breathed, his legs trembling. It felt so good, and yet it made him feel worse. He was so horny right now, so horny it hurt. “Fuck me Manny,” he entreated.

Manny was gobsmacked. “What!?”

“G-get over here—nrgghhh—and fuck me, you prick!” Lucas demanded.

“B-but what if I—”

“You owe me, you piece of shit!”

Manny couldn’t argue with that. “But, I—it’s just…” As Manny bit his lip and stared at Lucas, Lucas could see his willpower draining away. “F-fine.”

“Get—over—here!” Lucas grunted.

Manny did. He fucked Lucas expertly, just like the last time. He hit all the right spots, pumping Lucas slow and long, as though Manny had been made just for this task, forged by gods to be this perfect machine of sex and fertility, with his big cock and huge load that left Lucas babbling indecipherably as his nipples sprayed all over the desk.

When Manny came, something odder happened. Lucas’s insides tightened and squeezed, electricity blooming and spreading until his gut shuddered and his back arched. “Nrrgghhhh…!” His belly was advancing, pushing harder into the desk, knocking all the air out of Lucas’s lungs as his body swelled by inches with heaves.

Then Lucas was boneless, slumped there, sweat soaked and gasping for breath. “’the fuck?” was all he could manage as he and Manny gaped down at his massiveness.

“I uh—shit—I gotta go.” Manny fumbled to pull up his pants then made a hasty retreat.


As if in consolation for how thoroughly he’d been screwed over, both figuratively and literally, Lucas was awarded employee of the month.

He could hardly walk. He clutched his back as he wobbled forward, belly bumping into objects and people, sometimes knocking things over. He was huffing and puffing, sweat drenched. He felt flustered and disoriented. He swore, he was the size of a blimp by then.

Every so often he would stop and grunt as his belly tremored. Other times it would heave or throb. People would look at him and quickly back away, intimidated. He was just obscenely huge, and there was nothing he could do about it.

And all the while, Lucas was still unbelievably horny. He was almost painfully erect, dick jabbing at the underside of his belly, where it was at least concealed by the mass. As he made it to the conference room, Lucas held the wall with one hand, a whimper escaping his throat. His eyes teared. In the center of the room, several of his colleagues were gathered around a large cake. They threw him uneasy glances.

Frank Everett found the courage to approach. “Lucas, you look great. How’ve you been doing?”

Lucas tried to swat him away.

That’s when Matthew, of all people, made an appearance.

Though still technically on maternity leave, he strolled in, looking slim and graceful, while clutching a gurgling infant in his arms.

Everyone immediately gravitated towards him, like moths to a flame.

“Oh my gawsh, she’s so cute!” the office secretary squealed.

So, fucking, typical. Matthew couldn’t give up the spotlight even when he was on leave. Some tall, handsome guy sidled up beside him. The husband, no doubt. He took the baby, all doting and supportive, as Matthew smiled gratefully back at him.

Fuck this, Lucas thought, dragging himself towards the huge cake. He groaned and panted as he made his way over, then allowed his huge belly to perch against the table, causing the legs to creek ominously at the burden of his weight. The mass was just huge, Lucas’s shirt straining to contain it. It looked like a boulder, wider than the rest of him. Practically bigger than the rest of him. Lucas groaned, one hand clutching his swell as the other reached futilely for a cake slice. But with his belly in the way, it was out of reach.

“Lucas?” said a shocked voice. Matthew glided smoothly over. “Oh my gosh.”

Lucas glared at him. “Yeah, it’s me. Still pregnant. Go ahead, laugh it up.”

Matthew blinked. “What? No, I’m not laughing. I’m just – wow. You’re really—erm, can I help you with that? Let me get you a chair.”

“I’m fine!” Lucas snapped, his heart pounding. His belly gave a sharp jerk, causing him to grunt and redden. It is just so tight, the babies just packed in there. “I’ll have you know, I’m carrying multiples. Probably the first man to do so. You wouldn’t believe how rare it is. The doctor says I’m incredibly fertile. I’m a fucking baby factory.”

“Well…congrats,” said Matthew awkwardly. “I never saw you as the parental type, but…you must be, uh, really happy.”

“Fucking ecstatic—”

“Can I have your attention!” Jim’s voice cut them off. “This little celebration is to honor all Lucas’s hard work these past couple weeks.” Every clapped awkwardly as though they just knew this was just a literal pity-party. Jim came over to stand beside Lucas and the cake. “What do you say Lucas, how about a speech?”

Matthew smiled and backed away as a small group of employees cluttered around. “Speech! Speech! Speech!” they chanted, encouragingly.

Lucas, who had finally managed to get a fistful of cake into his mouth, went pink. She gulped, then coughed a bit. He shifted awkwardly, and caught his breath. “Oh, uh…I don’t really want to…”

But they kept chanting. He fidgeted.

“Well, I’d just like to say, uh…”

It was happening again. Maybe it was all the noise and stimulation, but the babies were writhing. His nipples started aching and distending, absolutely inflating until the chanting died down and his colleagues just stared at him. His shirt was getting tighter, the pressure surging as his belly rolled forward. The table creaked more.

“Ngghhhhh…goddddd!” Lucas groaned, as his shirt tore open, his belly surging with growth. He arched and screamed, his hands shooting down to his backside. “It’s coming!” The back of his pants started bulging out, and he scrabbled desperately with his belt. His belly gave a vicious heave.

Fuck Matthew. Fuck Manny. Fuck Jim. Fuck everything!

His nipples sprayed. His colleagues ran around in a panic, as his belly continued to swell.

“OH GOD, IT’S HUGE!” Lucas screamed.

The End


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