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King Bee on DeviantArt


Ryan awoke. He hadn't done so in a while. He was curled up in a hole built into the floor. He didn't know how long he'd been unconscious but he suspected it had been a while. He had vague memories of being rubbed, massaged, fed, and shifted by spindly limbs.

With difficulty, Ryan climbed up onto his knees. He panted as he adjusted to the awkwardness of body.

Everything around him was shades of yellow and orange, hexagonal cells built into the massive honeycomb that contained him. Some of the cells held honey, and others, eggs, large eggs, clutches of cantaloupe-sized eggs. Had all those come out of him?

Ryan groaned as his stomach lurched. He gripped the wall of the especially large honeycomb cell that held him. He leaned over the edge, continuing to pant.

It must have been months since he had first become pregnant with his human/bee children. His belly resembled a beach ball in sizes as it pressed against the golden honeycomb wall. And yet it was nowhere near its previous, glorious size. The eggs were bigger than ever inside of him. Ryan grunted as they again shifted. Plump as he was with child, he knew that his fertility was fading. No longer were there new eggs to replace the ones that he produced. He should have known it would happen eventually. There were only so many pregnancies that one body could withstand. Looking around at the massive, buzzing hive, Ryan knew that he had produced hundreds—maybe thousands of young!

Ryan released a mournful hiss as his belly tightened, his bottom bloating to indicate that another egg was ready to be born. Ryan didn't want to. With every egg he laid, he knew that he was another step closer to failing his hive. He could already see that his young were starting to withdraw from him, sensing his dwindling fertility. Workers and drones buzzed around, seeming uncertain of what to do.

Ryan groaned as the egg pushed against his opening. He unconsciously fluttered his wings as he struggled to birth the especially large egg. He cried out as his bottom quavered and bloated more to help accommodate the orb's advanced size. Gasping, Ryan clutched at his belly. The downside of no longer being in his jelly-induced haze was that he was now fully conscious of every del of pain and discomfort reverberating through his system.

He had been a good king.

Ryan released a strangled cry the egg finally began to crown, his ass widening to make way. It plopped down, Ryan releasing harsh gasps as fat dollops of honey dripped from his bare chest. A worker bee dove behind Ryan to collect the egg but left Ryan otherwise ignored.

Ryan dropped to his side and rested for a while, before he slowly got back up. He heaved himself out of his honeycomb cell and slowly crawled through the hive, towards the opening on the far end. Ryan knew that it shouldn't have been of concern to him, but he wanted to see the outside world. Gripping his belly, Ryan climbed onto his feet and staggered out of the hive. Once he had stepped out into the cool forest air, he eased himself back down to his knees, and then his bottom, as he rubbed his heated belly mound with both hands.

The hive took up all of a large forest clearing, even growing out between some trees. The forest was empty and unoccupied except for some human skeletons that littered the ground. The trees looked thinner than Ryan recalled, and he could catch glimpses of the city beyond it, where the streets were vacant despite it being the middle of the afternoon. Buildings that had been shining and new now looked unmaintained and dilapidated.

The only presence seemed to be Ryan's children. They flew through the air as far as he could see, in every direction, as though in search of something.

Just as Ryan began to ease himself onto his back in preparation for another session of birthing, he heard a shuffling in the trees. Peering through them, Ryan could see a figure stumbling forward. A human man was babbling. Pleading.

A young man finally appeared in the clearing. He was surrounded by Ryan's offspring who had taken to tugged him forward or shoving him with their bodies. He was slim and short, and looked utterly terrified. "P-please don't kill me," he pleaded to the bee creatures. A particularly hard shove caused him to fall forward on his front, his arms cradling his head. As he tried to get up, he caught sight of Ryan, and stared at him in shock. He stared at Ryan's black orbs of eyes, protruding antenna, translucent wings, and large belly littered with shifting masses. He watched Ryan's round EE-cup breasts drip honey and his bottom quaver, and how Ryan's distended dick jabbed at the bottom of his belly because of how his condition left him in a state of chronic euphoria.

Ryan groaned and rubbed his tensing belly. He knew that another egg was coming soon but he was still curious of what his children had in store for the young man.

More and more of the bee creatures began to swarm the stranger. He couldn't have been anything over twenty. He sat up and hunched forward, covering his head with his hands in fear. He cried out as one of the bee creatures stung his thigh. Then Ryan understood. A replacement King had been chosen.

Things moved faster than Ryan could have ever imagined. The young man released a strangled cry before dropping to his back, twitching and writhing. He curled in on himself in a fetal position. Then he gained enough composure to try to get up, try to get away.

But soon enough he was back on his knees, his arms hugging his torso as he released pained grunts. His gender was erect and swelling by the moment, tenting out the front of his pants as the young man tried to endure it. His chest was softening, bloating up, as his nipples grew erect and visibly stuck out.

Ryan could already see the young man's abdomen filling out, growing in pulses with its first clutch of eggs. The young man clasped at it as he cried out, his face contorted in distress.

He dropped to back, and was soon cradling his swollen package, his face red as he released moan after moan. Another litter of eggs pushed his belly forward. He already looked six months pregnant, his shirt sliding up to give way to the mound. "Oh god, oh god," the young man cried, tears streaming down his cheeks as he grew. He gave Ryan a helpless look, before he grunted, and went back to desperately jamming his hands into his pants. He rubbed and rubbed his gender, his face reddening more, to finally release, "Nrrrrgggghhhhh!"

But his seed now flowed inside of him and not out, resulting in another surge of belly-growth, softball sized mounds rising up against his belly. The mound pulsed and heaved. The young man attempted to crawl again, but collapsed to his side. He sobbed and shivered, his hands in his pants, still desperately rubbing, in search of relief. But there would be none.

The young man's belly continued to surge with growth. He was quite fertile. His breasts bloated to C-cups, his nipples finally starting to release his growing burden of honey. He was so uncomfortable, so afraid.

The bee creatures prodded, rubbed, and nurtured him. A proboscis was shoved into his mouth as he was fed his first dose of royal jelly. His cheeks puffed out, tears freely rolling down his cheeks now. There was a ripping noise as his pants began to give way to his bloating bottom. He continued to cry despite it all, his at-term-looking belly popping completely free of his shirt.

Ryan was left ignored but he couldn't have been prouder or more envious. He groaned as he went into labor, and took to rubbing at his mound. His term as King would be ending soon but the young man would make a good replacement. The boy was fertile, plump with child already! And he would be laying his first eggs soon. Ryan wanted nothing more than to witness it all but he knew that he had to focus on birthing the remaining eggs inside of him. Shifting from his bloated ass to his back, Ryan finally started to bare down.



Would love to see a Queen Bee version too!


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