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Note: This is the female version of Fish Boy.

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Summary: Gina turns into an aquatic creature then starts to develop eggs. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, egg laying, animal characteristics.


“Be careful guys. I’m telling you, this is some serious shit,” Josh warned his and Gina's four male friends as he stripped down to his briefs. The four males gawked at the massive bulge in Josh's shorts.

From the water, Gina shrugged. “It’s true.” She grinned, unintimidated tomboy that she was.

The young men didn’t need to be told twice. They quickly stripped down to their boxers and hopped into the pool. Most gasped as they instantly developed erections, the pheromone-content of the tank having become so powerful. Some released before they could garner control of their bodies.

“Ew, gross, I live here, jerks,” Gina complained, as the guys chuckled awkwardly, everyone swimming back to the edge of the pool.

“You weren’t kidding,” one of them nodded to Josh, who grinned.

“Told you.”

“I’m getting out of here,” Gina grumbled, also swimming to pool’s edge. She pulled herself up so her torso was out of the water. But rather than climbing up, she hesitated, and lingered in the tank.

“Thought you were getting out?” said Josh, standing a few feet from the water, drying her hair with a towel. “You’re in a fucking sperm soup.” Josh couldn't help taking a moment to admire her tits. Had they always been that large?

“Yeah, I know, I just…” Gina didn’t know how to explain her sudden compulsion to stay in the water for the time being. Her subconscious was telling her not to move; that it was important to stay put. She was unaware of her body’s eagerness to absorb all the recent contributions. Once it had finished, and every wriggling sperm had made its way inside of her, the subconscious compulsion disappeared. Gina climbed out of the tank. “Eugh, gross.” She didn’t notice the slight belly she had developed in the few minutes she had lingered in the water.

“Hey, you seemed to be enjoying it,” Josh mocked.

“Well I need water, if you hadn’t noticed, I can’t breathe without it.” Gina tapped her gills. “Besides, it’s just cum. Nothing you haven’t been covered in,” Gina said, drawing laughter for the others and causing Josh to push her back into the tank. The laughter continued.

The perk of living in a tank of water was that Gina kept extremely fit from swimming around all day. Despite this, however, she had somehow started to develop a bit of a gut. The guys made jokes about it, but Gina ignored it. She supposed she was being a glutton with her meals of live fish lately. Her mother would put a week’s worth of sustenance in the tank for her, and Gina would go through it in just a day. She supposed there wasn’t much else to do than gorge herself, living life as a fish-person and all.

The guys continued to visit her through the side-door to the basement, without Gina’s mother’s knowledge. They came over a few times a week. It was nice to have some extra company. They joined her in the water as often as possible, trying to reap the benefits of exposure to Gina’s weird pheromones.

In fact, the guys as a whole became less reserved about group-masturbation. The group of them would do it together – Gina didn’t even care that they did it in her pool. Maybe a different fish-girl would have minded, but Gina was cool. Something in Gina’s subconscious told her it was okay, the guys could come over and they could jerk off all they wanted.

And for some reason, Gina seemed to be getting chubbier and chubbier.

The guys didn’t notice too often, as Gina was usually submerged in the water when they came over. But her mother started to take notice during Gina's daily lessons.

Sitting in the basement lab that afternoon, Greta read a textbook aloud as Gina lazily floated by on the other side of the glass dividing them. But every so often, Greta couldn’t help sneaking glances at Gina, intrigued by how full her belly had gotten in only the past week. Gina had taken to tugging her shorts higher, but this did little to disguise it. Her belly was rounded, bulging out like a woman’s in her fifth month of pregnancy.

Gina was certainly eating more, but not enough for such a significant development. Greta hoped that Gina wasn’t ill or anything. She supposed she could wait a few days. It could have been bloating, or a bad reaction to the fish. It could have been something to do with all the pheromones Gina had been producing. It might have been nothing at all.

Still reading the text as though her mind wasn’t racing, Greta made the final decision to hold off on doing anything, but still keep a close eye on her daughter. It would be safer to wait another few days than exposing Gina to unnecessary medical procedures.


Gina stopped coming out of the tank after her get-togethers, growing embarrassed by how much weight she was putting on. In fact, within a week, she had gotten quite…round.

At seeing Gina one day, her mother postponed Gina’s latest lesson and ordered her out of the tank for a check-up.

The girl’s belly had become spherical, while the rest of her remained the same. It was highly unusual, but no more unusual than a girl having gills, Greta supposed. Still, Gina looked almost like a pregnant person relatively far along.

Greta did Gina’s bloodwork, an abdominal exam, then finally, a sonogram.

Greta was stunned by what she found.

Gina’s stomach was brimming with eggs, fertilized eggs, each the size of a tennis ball. How could such a thing have happened? Greta stared at her daughter, at a loss for words.

“What is it?” said Gina uncertainly. “Is there something wrong?”

“No…” said Greta. “Um…no…of course not. Just another side-effect of the initial exposure. It will pass. I’d like to keep doing check-ups in the meantime.”

“Oh,” said Gina blankly, seeming neither pleased nor displeased about the information.

Greta watched Gina struggle to sit up. Greta didn’t have the heart to tell her Gina that she was pregnant. Gina had already gone through so much. Judging by the appearance of the eggs and size, Gina was carrying at least two dozen children and they would gestate for five days. Yet this contradicted the fact that Gina had been pregnant for over a week already, judging by the initial bloating. Greta knew that Gina would birth all the eggs in a single session once they all reached maturity. The fact that Gina had not gone into labor meant that all of her eggs had not yet reached maturity. She had to have been impregnated at least a second time since the initial fertilization over a week ago.

All of this perplexed Greta. She had seen no indication that Gina was sexually active.

“The air’s getting a little thin. I’m going to head back into the water,” said Gina, still peering at her dazed mother.

Greta nodded and flashed Gina a strained, but reassuring smile.

As they were in the lab, Gina went to the stairs and headed up to the first floor where the surface of the tank was. She walked with a slowness that revealed how heavy she felt, how unbalanced she was, and how unaccustomed she was to walking on dry land.

Greta watched her go, before hesitating, and following Gina upstairs. Greta got to the top just as Gina was lowering herself into the water.

Gina sighed as she became weightless again. Greta crouched down by the pool’s edge, watching Gina’s head bob above the water’s surface, her burden concealed beneath it.

“Take it easy, okay? At least until this passes,” Greta said nervously.

Gina gave her an odd look. “What am I gonna do? Drown?”

Gina began to do laps around the pool as though she wasn’t plump with offspring. Greta sighed, raised herself, then headed back down to the basement. She had a lot more research to do.


The guys came over two days later, sneaking in through the side door, as usual, to avoid Greta’s reservations about their visits.

By that point, all the boys had experienced a good amount of dick-growth, and couldn’t have been happier. They called the tank “lucky.” They wanted to visit as much as possible.

Gina had no qualms with her friends coming by and masturbating in her pool. In fact, she invited them to come by more often.

Little did any of them know, Gina’s pheromones were conditioning her friends to be ample breeders. The more they grew, the more sperm they released, and the more eggs Gina’s body developed.

At present, several of her friends were having a session, some of them groaning as they released. Initially, Gina had reached down to her groin, intending to join them, but instead her hand made contact with her rounded belly. She could feel it slowly tightening the way it did sometimes. It was relaxing. It actually felt good. Her body welcomed the growth, her subconscious telling her it was a good thing. Besides, her mother had said it was nothing to be concerned with. It was all temporary.

Gina grunted, her friends thinking because she had orgasmed as well. In actuality, it was because she had experienced a considerable growth spurt. Beneath the water, her belly felt absolutely huge. She must have resembled a pregnant woman overdue with child.

“That was intense,” said one of Gina’s classmates. “It was like something was pumping it out of me. I never released that much juice in my life.”

“Guys,” Josh said, laughing. “I’m still hard. I think I can go again.”

Josh began stimulating herself again, and at seeing this, the others tried it too, everyone quickly falling into grunts.

“Guys, I don’t think that’s such a good idea…” said Gina uncertainly. Her body was telling her she had reached capacity. She didn’t know what it meant, but the whole thing made her uneasy.

The first of her classmates released. Gina couldn’t see it so much as she could feel it. Her belly trembled uncomfortably, then tightened and swelled. A second guy released. “Guys, stop, I don’t…ahhhh…don’t think…I can take any more,” Gina panted. Josh moaned, signaling when she came. It was one after the next. Gina was so overwhelmed, she could hardly stay afloat.

She could feel her stomach tightening uncomfortably, slowly pushing forwards, and bulging out to her sides till it was wider than she was. Bigger and rounder it grew. She wanted to get out of the pool, but something in her subconscious wouldn’t allow it. It was telling her to stay put despite it all.

That’s when her mother walked into the room. She stared in shock at what was going on. “Out! Everyone out!” she ordered.

Quickly pulling their shorts back up, Gina’s classmates hurried out of the pool, some laughing, others bowing their heads in shame. Josh threw Gina a “See ya,” before she hurried off with the others.

Greta walked to the edge of the pool. “Gina, what on earth is going on?”

But Gina was still distracted. “We were…we were being stupid,” she gasped out, before groaning and sinking below the water’s surface.

Keen to see what was going on, Greta hurried downstairs into her lab where she could view Gina through the glass wall.

Greta covered her mouth as a shocked gasp escaped her throat. Gina was huge, and she was growing.

Gina was clutching her belly as it approached the size of a beach ball, desperately rubbing it as though to sooth the young developing within.

Her body curled and tightened every so often in her discomfort, bubbles escaping her mouth as though she wanted to grunt or moan. She appeared as though she wanted to curl into a fetal position, but it just wasn’t possible in her condition. Greta watched Gina’s belly slowly push outwards, inch by inch, looking like it would pop.

Finally, the growth spurt ended, and Gina sank to the bottom of the tank. Looking exhausted, she lazily rubbed circles on her plump midsection, then finally looked up, to notice Greta watching her. The expression Gina gave her was guilty, and pleading. Greta suspected Gina had figured it out by then.

Greta’s gaze shifted back to Gina’s round abdomen. By now, she had fertilized more eggs than her body seemed capable of handling. Would her body adapt to the condition, or would something bad happen?

It would only take five days for the newest eggs to reach full maturity, then Gina would be able to give birth to them all. But would Gina even last that long? If they wanted to act, they would have to do it today. Greta could try to selectively abort or…

Greta continued to observe the way Gina rubbed and cradled her belly despite that the growth spurt had ended. It was almost protective. Even if Gina didn’t understand everything that was happening to her, she seemed to have an idea. After all, she had done this to herself. It may have been an unconscious enterprise, but Gina had single-handedly gotten her body to the point of bursting with babies. Greta had serious doubts about Gina’s willingness to abort even one of her eggs.

Next Chapter



I just finished reading this for the second time, this is Brilliant! Please, keep it up!!!