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Summary: Holly has the ability to possess other people’s bodies. In a scheme of jealousy and revenge, Holly sabotages Faye by possessing her and making her act recklessly - including but not limited to binge-eating, exposure to weird experiments, consuming strange things, fertility drugs, etc. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, belly expansion, birth denial, and more.

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Holly tossed and turned in her sleep.

She dreamt of an overwhelming, insatiable hunger. She was so hungry, it was killing her. She needed to eat; as much as she could. She needed to consume, to fill her stomach. She needed…she needed…

Holly blinked around the dark room. She felt drowsy, her legs weak beneath her. She was wearing her nightgown, standing in the middle of her kitchen, but wasn’t certain how she had gotten there. The last thing she recalled had been going to bed. Holly rubbed her face, feeling disoriented and confused. Had she been…sleepwalking? She looked down at herself, her eyes going wide.

She was covered in food. Belatedly, she realized that there was something in her cheek. Holly grimaced and reached into her mouth to unearth a soggy, half-eaten piece of bread. Her left hand was clutching a whole loaf of rye. She was standing right next to the refrigerator, the door hanging open.

It became clear to Holly that she had somehow been eating in her sleep. “What the hell…” she whispered to herself, dropping the bag of bread to the floor and stepping back. She groaned in revulsion.

She had never sleepwalked in her life. Maybe this was just some weird, one-time thing.

Evidently all her gluttonous behavior while inside of Faye’s body was carrying over.


Late one evening, Holly again possessed Faye. Faye’s body felt even hungrier than the last time Holly had possessed her, Faye’s big belly grumbling.

Holly knew this couldn’t go on—Faye’s inability to eat. It could cause medical issues. And if word got back home, their parents would likely detect the signs of magical mischief. It would only be a matter of time before they traced it back to Holly, and she’d be good as dead once her mother got through with her.

Holly went to Faye’s fridge where she loaded her arms with whatever food she could find. She then waddled her way over to the lush window seat—excessive and girly, just like Faye was. Holly lowered her bounty to a table nearby, before easing herself down, adjusting the throw cushions to support this fat, pregnant form.

Yet again, Holly attempted to get this body to eat.

She tried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one of Faye’s childhood favorites, but Holly couldn’t get it down. She just could not bring herself to swallow it no matter how hard she tried, and with no explanation. Holly grimaced and spat the chewed food onto a spare plate she had brought along with her. She repeated the process, attempting to eat a chocolate donut, some olives, a couple of crackers, an apple, some chips, maple syrup, a chicken leg, ice cream, and pasta. The result was always the same, this body refusing to consume the food, Faye’s mouth feeling as though it wasn’t meant to contain it. Putting food in there felt equivalent to slathering tomato sauce under one’s armpit. Just pointless and nonsensical somehow. This body refused to eat.

Holly slumped back against the cushions as she released an exasperated sigh. She didn’t know what she was going to do. Faye’s body felt so starved, she could hardly focus. The baby was squirming unhappily, belly consistently grumbling, and her hands were even trembling.

Holly absently rested those shaking hands against the huge swell of Faye’s midsection. She still couldn’t believe how big her cousin had gotten. Huge. She almost looked due. It was just bizarre. And amusing. Deserved, to boot.

But as much as Holly wanted to appreciate her handiwork, she knew she was in serious trouble. If she didn’t resolve this eating issue, she would have to go to her mother, and it was going to be a shit-show.

Her loins were throbbing. Well, Faye’s loins. They always were when Holly possessed her. This pregnancy was doing strange things to Faye’s hormones, this body always aroused now. Holly wasn’t sure how Faye could stand it. It made it even harder to focus, past the hunger and pregnancy, and everything else. It was just this perpetual, niggling thing, and Holly couldn’t tolerate it. Her hands shot down, under the stupid frilly nightgown, fumbling as they dipped between the moist lips there, but the angle was awkward with the belly, and as much as she tried, there was only so much she could do with Faye’s stupid, clumsy fingers.

Holly withdrew the hand, panting and just grinded against the seat now, attempting to reach some measure of pleasure through friction. Her eyes squeezed shut as she rolled Faye’s hips, grimacing against the awkwardness of the heavy abdomen. Her hands fumbled on the table beside her, grabbing at one of the food items she hadn’t attempted to consume yet. An unpeeled banana. Unthinkingly, she shoved it down, between her thighs, and pushed the tip against her opening. She was just trying to get some contact, some pressure on the clit, just a little deeper—

The banana slid. Her mouth opened in surprise as it sank past its intended destination. Now there was as different brand of pleasure, Faye’s pelvis twitching, her passage almost seeming to pull the banana through, deeper inside, skin and all, squeezing as she gasped, thighs quavering. Her neck arched, a long, broken grunt coming up her throat.

And then the banana was gone. Holly was left gasping, slumped back against the cushions, wondering what the hell had just happened. She threw a dazed glance around, and as her gaze crossed the window, her whole body froze.

The curtains were open—not much, but enough. And through the darkness, Holly could see that the light was on in one of the apartments across the courtyard. In the window stood one of the neighbors: a young man. And he was gawking at her.

Holly jerked the curtains shut, her heart was racing in panic. “What the fuck,” she whispered to herself. She had just lost a banana in her—in Faye’s vagina. And one of the neighbors — he had been looking at her!

Belatedly, Holly shot her hand down and fumbled, trying to retrieve the piece of fruit she’d just shoved into her cousin’s body. She couldn’t even touch anything. It was gone, just—entirely gone.

And oddly, she no longer felt so painfully hungry. It was as though her body had consumed it.

Holly stared off in complete befuddlement. “What the fuck,” she repeated.


“I just feel really out of it,” Faye was complaining a few days later. “I haven’t been able to eat in like, forever. I mean, I’m less dizzy today, but I still feel really weak.”

Holly was hardly paying attention. She stirred around the spaghetti on her food tray.

“I finally went to the OB/GYN,” Faye sniffed out. “There’s nothing medically wrong. She says I have an eating disorder.”

Holly gave an acknowledging hum for a lack of having anything else to say. The food dilemma had continued to oscillate in her head for days. That, and the banana thing. Oddly, Faye had made no mention of it. Shouldn’t shave have, like, noticed it, or something? Because, it was, like, a whole damn banana!

“She literally wants to have me committed,” Faye went on in clear distress. “And that’s not even the worst of it. The doctor — s-she says — there’s f-five!”

Holly took a long sip of her coke. “Five what?”


Holly froze.

“Five babies! I thought it was a joke!”

Holly was stunned. Well, that would explain Faye’s size.

“I don’t even know how this is possible,” Faye said, her hands wringing at the hideous pink maternity dress she had on. “The doctor was asking me if I was on like fertility drugs or something. It’s like I’m some freak. How the hell does someone end up with five babies? And what am I going to do with them all!?”

Some guy was walking by their table and he caught Holly’s attention because of his familiarity. She couldn’t quite place him for a moment, then a jolt of recognition hit her.

It was a guy from the window.

Her eyes shot down to her lap.

“Holly, are you even listening to me!?” Faye demanded, her voice getting hysterical.

“I think you’re blowing this whole thing out of proportion,” Holly responded in a way that she knew would infuriate.

Faye sputtered.

“I’ll go get you some water,” Holly added with a long-suffering roll of her eyes, before quickly getting up and heading towards the campus shop before Faye could get in another word. Holly’s mind was racing. She could hardly believe how well the fertility drugs had worked. Five? That was just crazy.

She walked idly through the campus store, grabbing a bottle of water and a couple of sodas. When Holly got in line, she noticed some chocolate bars on a stand by the register. She wasn’t usually one for sweets, but the craving had been pestering her lately. She reached out to grab one of the bars, unintentionally brushing shoulders with the person in front of her. “Sorry,” Holly said as she straightened.

The guy turned around and Holly choked. It was the guy from the window again.

He was around her age, average looking, maybe even attractive. His lips were chapped.

Holly averted her eyes.

“No worries,” said the guy. He hesitated, still facing her, even as Holly attempted to pointedly look away. “Hey…the girl you’re sitting with—is that your sister or something?”

“Cousin,” Holly responded, a little affronted that someone would make such an assumption. She didn’t think she and Faye were particularly similar in appearance or manner.

“Oh. Cool,” said the guy, trailing into an awkward silence. “Uh, I’m Matt,” he added.

“Holly,” she responded so quietly she doubted he heard it.

“Cool,” the guy repeated. “So, yeah, what’s up with your cousin?”

“What about her?” said Holly, trying to sound defensive so he would get the hint to leave her alone. “She’s pregnant.”

“Yeah, just…”

“Next!” chirped the receptionist, a bubbly blonde student-worker.

Matt spun to face the register and Holly considered abandoning her items and absconding, but then Matt continued talking to her.

“Yeah, your cousin, she seems, I don’t know, kind of funny.”

“Funny?” Holly parroted, watching as he dumped binders, notebooks, and pencils onto the register to be rung up. She wondered if he knew he was getting ripped off. He could get better deals on school supplies at the stationary store around the corner.

“Yeah, uh…” He wasn’t the most eloquent. Matt threw a glance at her over his shoulder. “Hey, I’ll cover that.”

“What —?”

Before she could react, he was grabbing up her drinks, two chocolate bars, and the large bag of chips she had grabbed from another stand nearby. He shoved them onto the register, adding them to his order, and after the clerk scanned them, he handed them back over to her. Holly found it entirely bizarre that someone would arbitrarily pay for her purchases, as though it was something as casually polite as holding the door.

“It’s just that, um…” Matt hedged as he dug his wallet out of his jeans pocket. He handed a credit card to the cashier and Holly took the opportunity to flee with her snacks.


Late that night, Holly woke up to find herself standing in her kitchen, evidently in the process of stuffing her face with whatever she could find in the fridge. She was halfway through sucking down a container of mayonnaise when she came to.

She looked down at herself, aghast, fumbling and spitting, while dropping the plastic mayonnaise container to the ground at her feet where crumbs and food wrappings were already littered around her.

“What the hell?” she cried to herself, hurrying to the sink where she grabbed a glass and filled it with water. She rinsed her mouth out twice, then tried to cough up the remnants of the oily mayonnaise taste that sat in her throat. Then she just gulped down several glasses of water back to back, completely disgusted with herself. She slammed the empty glass onto the counter, gasping for breath.

All this body-hopping was really messing with her head. And she was starting to suspect that she was sleep-eating more often than she had first realized.

Sometimes in the mornings, Holly would wake up with a peculiar taste in her mouth or a smear of some food across her face. Sometimes she would just feel bloated, or even nauseous.

Her hands moved to her abdomen, cupping at her waist, fingers pushing into a layer of softness that had never been there before in her life. She was putting on weight.

Holly grimaced and folded her arms against herself. She needed to take this seriously. It wasn’t going away on its own.

So she downed one more glass of water, shook her head at the mess she had made in the kitchen, then padded towards her bedroom through the darkness. Rather than climbing back into bed, she took a seat behind her desk and turned on her laptop. She then spent the next few hours researching the topic of sleepwalking and holistic treatment options. She didn’t want to get doctors or anyone else involved.


The main approach to sleepwalking seemed to be stress-management.

It was kind of a steep aspiration when one’s cousin was, yet again, proving a bane on their existence.

Holly sighed as she turned off her stove, looking down into the pot of eggs boiling there. About a dozen.

It was 10PM and she was planning another visit to Faye’s apartment. Sure, the late-night shenanigans and erratic sleep schedule probably wasn’t helping with Holly’s own issues, but there was something Holly really wanted to try. The banana incident had left her baffled, but also intrigued. It had almost been—sating—sort of? It had almost taken the edge off the hunger.

What if that last spell had changed Faye’s whole anatomy?

Holly intended to figure that out. And so, she brought the pot of eggs to the sink, filling it with water until the eggs were cool enough for her to handle. She then began to pick the peel the shells off, one by one.


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