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Note: This is a story-prompt for Kush Destroyer.

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It was a week later. Chris’s weight had only surged and was truly getting out of control. And the more weight he gained, the more demotivated he became. He was getting softer, fatter, and more sedentary. His job hunt had become secondary to his indulgences.

His belly had gotten round and swollen, making him look as though he was six months pregnant, though it was not firm like in a pregnancy. It was fat. When Chris clutched his abdomen, his fingers sunk into several inches of softness.

The mounds on his chest — the breasts — had only become more perky and swollen. They were terribly sensitive, and had to be close to DDs in size, sitting full and high despite having no support of a bra. They were just oddly, uncomfortably, bloated. It was a continual distraction, Chris’s hands constantly gravitating up to them, rubbing and cupping at the tender heat there.

Most of Chris’s time these days was spent perched on the couch, eating. It was unbelievable how much he was able to eat these days, his appetite having skyrocketed.

At present, he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts that had grown several sizes too small on him. They were stretched at the seams and close to tearing apart against the huge bubble of an ass he had grown. His backside was simply immense, rocking and jiggling wherever he went. Even his largest sweatpants were shoved down and stretched taut on him. It was getting to the point that Chris needed a whole new wardrobe with the rate that he was growing.

And the more he grew, the more he seemed to eat. Even at that moment, Chris was sloppily shoving handfuls of food into his mouth. He had a large mixing bowl sitting on his lap as he feasted on what could only be described as gruel. Chris had pretty much grabbed everything that was left in his house and poured it all together in the huge bowl. A variety of condiments, jams, butters, oils, flour, peanut butter, cereal, bread crumbs, sugar, cornmeal, syrups, sauces, icing, and other things. It was objectively disgusting, though the tangy, sour, sweet taste had grown on Chris somehow. This would do for now, at least until his next grocery delivery got in. Chris stuffed another glob of it between his lips, moaning in pleasure as he sucked it down then licked his hand.

He had been having a lot of dreams lately. Weird ones that always seemed to involve those plump, voluptuous, shadowy figures, circling him, seeming to press closer with every encounter. They chanted and muttered indecipherably. Chris didn’t know what any of it meant.

His body was just so sensitive lately, tender and tingling all over. He couldn’t stop touching and groping his curves. When he wasn’t cupping his chest, his hands were reaching back to knead into his warm, swollen backside. Other times he was massaging his bloated belly, rubbing his hands into the plump flesh, often smearing it with the food that perpetually coated his hands.

Chris was eating double the amount he had been last week, and the portions were only increasing. He had become a bottomless pit, always feeling ravenous. He finished up his bowl of slop and took a moment to catch his breath before pulling over the large tray piled with donuts that he had been saving for dessert. Chris moaned as he stuffed a dense chocolate donut between his lips, chomping his way through it, gulping it down in only seconds.

As he began to reach down for a plump powdered donut stuffed with custard, a droplet of liquid spilled onto the tray. He blinked down at it in confusion as more white droplets fell, dampening the pastries. Chris’s gaze shifted. He followed the source of the liquid, and was surprised to see it coming him. His nipples, specifically. He was…leaking.

“Mmggpphh…” Chris moaned as he stuffed the whole custard donut into his mouth.

His free hand moved up to his left breast, cupping and squeezing as he groaned. Damn it was sore. He squeezed harder and milk started to squirt, actually squirt out of his nipple! It was so bizarre, so fascinating. He drenched the food while continuing to eat it.

“Nrrgghhh…” He felt his flesh tighten, and had to pause in his greed, arching his back as heat surged, not only to his breasts, but his belly and ass, then his whole body. It trembled as he grunted, flushed and sweaty. He could feel his shorts stretching more against him, before the fabric tore with an audible RIPPP, then his ass burst right out of the back. “Nrrgghhhh…” His breasts heaved and rose like dough as they continued to swell, his belly pushing forward as he struggled to bear it all.



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