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Summary: After being abducted by aliens, Tyler, who is  pregnant with multiples, is  fattened relentlessly, to be served as a delicacy at an upcoming holiday feast for alien royalty. Unfortunately, the heavily pregnant Tyler goes into labor a week before the feast, and the babies want out. Knowing that the moment he gives birth, he will  be of no value to the alien captors, Tyler struggles to contain the children, all while plotting an (increasingly hopeless) escape. Contains: Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, and more.

Previous Chapter 


Tyler’s eyes were squeezed shut from the unbearable pain and pressure. He was flushed red, pouring sweat as his belly heaved so forcefully he could only take in erratic gasps of air. When he managed to peel his eyes open enough to glimpse up at the hungry Zulians who surrounded him, he wished he hadn’t. Serse was gripping a large meat knife and was bringing it down towards Tyler’s belly. Tyler braced himself for the pain.

But it didn’t come.

He felt a heat encompass his whole body. Was this death? There were mutters and whispers. Tyler opened his eyes again, stunned to see that his skin was emitting a white glow. It reminded him of…of the Spaceforce transport beam.

“What is thisss?” said Serse, his face twisting in fury. “No!”

Tyler went weightless, the bright glow swallowing everything until whiteness was all he saw. It lasted only seconds, and suddenly Tyler was no longer sprawled across the alien banquet on the cusp of being eaten. He was somewhere else entirely.

A muddy pasture surrounded by grassy fields. A goat shrieked nearby. Even the unique pressure of gravity was startlingly familiar.

He didn’t have the opportunity to figure out how he had ended up on earth of all places, galaxies away from Zuul. The distraction of the transport had been brief, but now Tyler was acutely aware of his lurching, throbbing belly, his skin stretched thin and tight, babies lurching, body contracting forcefully, trying to eject them one way or another. He was going to split in two! He squealed out like a pig, the pain just too intense. He heard trampling feet, then the shocked voices of people, but he could hardly register anything other than his own quaking body. Bile came up his throat as his vision blurred, then everything went black.


Tyler surfaced. He felt a sense of déjà vu and wondered how many times he had been in and out of consciousness.

He found himself perched on a very large bed. In an…earth hospital? That was right, he was on his home planet. The pain was gone, replaced only with a mild discomfort, and a potent heaviness of his head that Tyler associated with sedatives, and perhaps painkillers. He blinked around until he was no longer seeing doubles. He was covered in sheets, but they were pulled down under his belly, so that it protruded out freely, covered in wires that connected to the many beeping monitors flanking the bed. Tyler belatedly noted that his body was no longer being wracked with forceful contractions. Perhaps this was a product of whatever drugs he had been given. Some medicine to slow or stop labor.

The door to the hospital room swung open. Tyler turned his head towards it, though his movements felt delayed. He blinked slowly at the human woman; the first human he had seen in a long time. Recognition trickled in but his reaction was disproportionate to the onslaught of emotion. “Mother.”

Tears filled her eyes. She approached, sinking into the chair at his bedside as she leaned over to take his hand. “Oh Tyler,” she rasped, looking over him with horrified eyes, before returning her attention to his face. “Oh Tyler…” It seemed the only thing she could articulate, repeating it again and again like a mantra.

He felt ashamed. Embarrassed. Relieved? It had been so long since he had felt…safe. Tears began to roll down his own cheeks. He squeezed his mother’s hand in his. “What…happened?” he whispered.

He had a lot to catch up on.


Earthling technology was still centuries behind that of the Federation and the greater universe. Frisk’s image on the cellular device was staticy, the connection consistently flickering, but it was the best they could do in terms of communication.

“Could be seen – act of war,” Frisk was saying, his voice turned robotic by the bad connection, words erratically breaking off then resuming so Tyler only caught every few. “Convinced Constable— transport override. Apprised— you were with child. Wasn’t easy— owed me a favor.”

Tyler sniffed. “I can’t believe…” He shook his head. “But why Earth?

“Politics.” Frisk’s voice actually sounded irritated now. “Federation jurisdiction — mitigate risk of conflict with —”

“Zuul,” Tyler mused.

“Secondary to —”

But Frisk’s image skewed, words turning entirely to static. Grip tightening on the cellphone, Tyler tried hitting it with his opposite palm. The screen went black.

Tyler lowered it. He hadn’t had a chance to ask how Frisk and Sree were doing, or where they were, exactly. But they were alive. They were obviously in contact with the Federation, having convinced high command to initiate an illegal transport

to extricate Tyler from Zuul territory. He was surprised he had even survived it. A transport across galaxies was practically unheard of. It was a gimmick that littered old stories, but he had never taken it seriously. “Some favor,” Tyler mused quietly, shaking his head in continued disbelief. He had survived. He’d fucking survived.

“Ohhh…” He grimaced at the discomfort of one of the babies moving just beneath his taut skin. He had convinced his doctor to lower the sedatives enough that he was a bit more functional, though it did increase the discomfort. He had just one more thing to deal with. Tyler frowned down at his swollen abdomen, lightly rubbing the side of it. He doubted his native medicine and technology was equipped to handle his predicament, but this pregnancy couldn’t go on. It was just getting worse by the moment.

The door opened and a large vase of flowers preceded his guest into the room. Tyler had been surprised when Chloe arrived earlier that day, taking the place of his mother, as if to give the woman a break from fretting over him. Chloe had been his…girlfriend, up to the point of his employment with the Federation. Back then,  he and Chloe had presumed their relationship would continue when he returned to Earth. But Tyler had never returned.

“Sent from your aunt and uncle, with lots of questions,” said Chloe as she carefully placed the huge vase onto the table by his bed. Chloe sat down, and the two resumed the awkward silence that had been deferred by Tyler’s call with Frisk.

He didn’t meet her eyes, instead staring down at himself, breathing long, even breaths.

“What did you do to yourself?” Chloe said. He was surprised it had taken her that long. It was all his mother had wanted to know. “You were so proud to join that fucking – Spaceforce…” Chloe continued with clear resentment. “And — and they do thisto you. What are you, some sort of alien breeder? God, Tyler. What the hell were you thinking getting involved in this shit?”

Tyler hated it here. Earthlings had no understanding of the greater universe. No interest. Instead they feared it. His surroundings, even here at a high level medical facility, felt so antiquated, so outrageously backwards and slow. He started, “Getting accepted into Spaceforce is one of the highest honors —”

“You’re a blimp!” Chloe shrieked. “What’s honorable about that? They turned you into a freak!”

“It wasn’t them,” Tyler retorted. “I—” He broke off, flushing. “I messed up.” He couldn’t get into this. Not with Chloe. “Where’s my doctor?” Tyler said more quietly. It was time to get this handled, get it over with and move on. His face scrunched as another baby rolled, his belly bulging out to the right of his navel. He pressed his lips, refusing to groan. Chloe stared on in morbid fascination.

As the baby settled, Tyler was left panting. “Gods,” he breathed, desperately rubbing the mound. “Get the doctor,” he pleaded.

Chloe stared at him a moment longer before scrambling up to her feet and hurrying out.


“You have to let me give birth,” Tyler forced out through clenched teeth, breathing heavily.

“Again, we’re just not equipped to deal with this,” Dr. Morgan responded. “Further, we have to avoid conflict with whatever — alien entity implemented this, this…this pregnancy. The English government would never allow —”

“Government?” Tyler managed. A vein bulged on his forehead as he strained. Every little kick or squirm from the offspring left him feeling on the brink, muscles and tendons twitching, drawn to capacity. Tyler just struggled to breathe. “What does that have to do with anything!?”

His mother was back, currently in the seat beside his bed, gripping his hand again as she held onto the doctor’s every word. His father stood against the wall, arms crossed, body taut. Chloe was lingering not far from him. Her baffled looks alternated between Tyler and the doctor.

Dr. Morgan was silent for a moment, seeming to deliberate his next words. “This isn’t simply a human matter. There are…other species’ involved. There are outside customs and laws we must respect in this situation. We have been…contacted.” The physician shuddered at his own words.

“Contacted?” said Tyler in confusion.

“An alien authority,” Dr. Morgan elaborated. “They call themselves…Gorrk.”

“Glork,” Tyler corrected, his pronunciation fluid. He stared off, feeling stunned. “W-what do they want?”

“They asserted custody of the, ah, children,” the doctor said. “And notified us that they consider it highly illegal for their young to be born off their home planet. The goal is to avoid conflict. We are expected to hand you off at sundown, otherwise the English government intends to get very intimately involved, and I expect, to the same consequence.”

Tyler’s breathing thinned. This new information was decidedly overwhelming. But it all made sense. “The children are earthlings too, they can’t just—” His mind was reeling. “Glorkians are a peaceful people,” he assured.

“Shall we just take your word for it?”

Tyler leaned back on his pillows, staring at the ceiling. So they were just going to give him up? What would the Glorkians do to him? Would he be punished for his epically poor choices of indulgences? Would they be spiteful towards him, a human diluting the genetics of a famously isolationist society?

It was pitifully ironic that he had survived the savagery of Zuul only to be thrust back into the unknown. He almost preferred this dirt pile he called home. “Fine,” Tyler whispered.

Someone released a ragged breath. Tyler could see his mother crying in his periphery.

“I just want this thing out of me,” Tyler choked out in explanation. “I c-can’t take anymore.”

And the hunger. It had never ceased. It just grew by the moment, and the plate of earthling eggs and toast he had been served for breakfast hadn’t helped, it just made him want to cry from how empty he felt.

Chloe’s shoulders went stiff, her eyes stony when they met his. “You chose this,” she accused. “You chose to go to space. You’ve always chosen them over us.” Then she stormed off, and Tyler suspected it was the last time he would see her for a while.

His father looked just as tense, though he at least stayed.

“I’ll let you say your goodbyes,” said Dr. Morgan quietly as he walked out as well.

All was silent for a moment. Tyler didn’t think he could meet either of his parents’ eyes. He was just so fucking ashamed, and had never thought he would have to face them like this, his perversions exposed. He had bent down for aliens and become this fattened breeder, just wailing to push out his overgrown offspring. It didn’t help that he had never divulged his less than heterosexual proclivities before this mess. Space had been an escape in many ways.

“I can’t survive like this much longer,” Tyler weakly said. “Glork…they have the technology to help me. I just c-cann’t…ohh…nnggghhh…” As his belly heaved, Tyler tore his arm free of his mother’s grasp to clutch the mass with both hands. Veins rose and sank on the heaving orb. It was bigger than a boulder. It dwarfed him, actually biggerthan the rest of him, bulging up from the mattress, practically crushing his waist and thighs. He couldn’t believe how huge it had gotten. It was miraculous that he could even support this with his own feeble body system. Glork offspring were something else.

“Tyler!” his mother cried.

His father just shook his head in silent denial.

Tyler arched and groaned, hands scrabbling at his abdomen, urging it to settle. It gave another forceful throb, causing him to whimper then wheeze. His limbs squirmed, and he desperately tried to change positions, but he couldn’t even lift his torso on his own. He was just too heavy.

Then he was slumped back, boneless, hardly able to catch his breath. But he tried, dragging in one breath after the next. He had five minutes of dizzy reprieve before his father finally spoke.

“Tyler, what the hell?” His hands were clenched at his sides, knuckles white. “What the hell happened to you?”

Tyler often asked himself the same thing.

To his mortification, he could see that his nipples were now leaking profusely in the thin, stretched hospital top he had on. Each breast was close to the size of volleyball, nipples like coke caps, bulging hard against the thin cotton. He tried to cover up. Everything about him was obscene.

“I’m s-sorry,” Tyler managed.

Then his father left, and Tyler could not blame him.



I think this is my favorite story of yours... Can't wait to see how it concludes! Fingers crossed for a good birth scene!