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Summary: Olivia is faking a pregnancy, and it has to be convincing. She  proceeds to  continuously stuff herself with food to keep up the  appearance. Contains: Female: weight gain, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, eventual pregnancy.

Previous Chapter 


The fit of her desk was a little awkward these days. Olivia’s large belly sat in her lap, pressing up against the edge of the desk. Though the girdle offered the support she desperately needed when she was standing, it became constricting when Olivia was sitting, leaving her breathless. Which wasn’t to say it was necessarily too tight. The sitting position just made things awkward. Her hands regularly slid down and fidgeted, either rubbing against her belly, or playing with the hooks on the girdle. The adjustment band was fully extended. She was tempted to take the girdle off, but she knew the process of getting it back on would be time-consuming and necessitate her undressing, which made her fatigued just thinking about it. Besides, someone could stop by her office at a second’s notice. She would have to get accustomed to the feel of it anyway. It reminded her of a bra in its awkward placement and tightness, but she would get used to it.

Olivia tried to shift her attention back to her paperwork. It was piling up, but so was her income. Just last week, Olivia had gotten a generous bonus, though she still wasn’t certain what it had been for. And a few days ago, she had even been appointed her own receptionist. The benefits of Olivia’s “condition” were wonderfully ludicrous. She was even looking at houses to maybe quit renting. The concept still seemed outlandish to her. A couple of months ago, she would have never thought she would be able to afford to buy a house.

Olivia was just lifting her phone, intending to see if her receptionist would be willing to do a coffee (and donut) run, when the door burst open.

“What is the meaning of this!?” said Mr. Klein. He was one of her top clients, and was brandishing a fistful of rumpled papers, his face flushed in anger.

Cindy, the young new receptionist, hurried in after him. “I’m sorry Olivia, he refused to wait!”

“You’re shaving hours off my contract? And you notify me of this over email!?” Mr. Klein snapped. “I heard your company was struggling, but you’re seriously cutting corners with clients now!?”

Olivia was completely unprepared. “Sir, if you could just calm down, I’m sure we can figure out what’s going on here,” she said, trying to placate.

“Calm down!? Don’t patronize me! I’ve been with your company for seventeen years, and this how you treat me? I’m closing all my accounts. I moving all my business over to —”

Olivia stood up. Just the motion cut Mr. Klein off, leaving his jaw hanging as he stared at her huge abdomen.

The exertion of standing had left Olivia, meanwhile, breathless, one of her hands gripping the edge of her desk as the other cradled her belly. “I am so sorry for this, Mr. Klein. I must have lost track of things with, with the baby, and everything.” She pointedly rubbed her belly and even arched a little, pushing it forward. “Please just give me a couple of hours to sort this mess out. I’m not sure what notification you received, but I’m going to get the partners on the phone right now and have this all resolved.”

Mr. Klein opened and closed his mouth a few times, still staring at her orb. Olivia knew she was big, but she didn’t think she was that big. Eventually, he tore his eyes away.

“You have a day,” Mr. Klein said in a significantly calmer tone. He then turned and marched off.

Cindy was close to tears. “I’m so sorry Olivia, he just blew past me. Are you okay? Can I get you anything?”

Olivia sighed as she continued to kneed the sides of her swell. “No, everything’s fine Cindy. Actually, can you make a run to that café? Vanilla latte and a couple of pastries?”

Cindy nodded and hurried off.

Heaving of long sigh, Olivia eased herself back down into her chair.

She had to make some calls.


Olivia put a bid in on a house. She knew it was ballsy, but she couldn’t find any excuses not to anymore. She had a good life and a well-paying job. It was time to grow up and get investing.

Olivia also purchased a new car. She was putting in all this work, she might as well start enjoying her income and treat herself. After all, her older car, while not having mechanical issues, wasn’t exactly accommodating anymore. It had gotten truly uncomfortable for Olivia to squish herself behind the steering wheel. The small sedan was just  too small for her.

When people saw Olivia driving the new SUV, they complemented her on the vehicle’s sleek look and safety rating. They thought she was embracing the whole “mom” thing, getting a vehicle that would suit her coming “family.”

On the contrary, Olivia just liked the look of the car. It was spacier at the driver’s seat plus had plenty of storage space. She would no longer have to jam grocery bags into the passengers and back seats.

Olivia spent a lot of time at the grocery store lately. Even that day, she was wandering the aisles with her extra-large shopping cart, grabbing at anything that piqued her interest. Sugary cereals, peanut butter, marshmallows, jams, bread loaves, chocolate syrup, squeeze cheese, cartons of eggs, packages of cookies, a few roles of cookie dough, a tub of margarine, a couple blocks of cheddar, cake mix, some tubs of ice cream, premade cupcakes, several cartons of heavy cream, a few cans of cranberry sauce, icing, whipped cream, powdered mashed potatoes, and so much more. Her cart was piled high, items close to spilling over as she tried to tuck a bag of chips into a corner.

“Olivia?” said a disbelieving voice. “Is that you?”

Olivia slowly turned around. She blinked at the woman standing a little farther down the aisle. The woman was wearing torn jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, but the purse she had on her shoulder was designer.

“It’s me, Kim! Remember, from college? We used to hang out.”

Olivia swallowed.

“I haven’t seen you in ages. Didn’t we have economics together? And our chill session every Thursday night?” She grinned.

Oh yes. Olivia remembered her stoner days. “Kimberly. Hi…

“What in the world…” Kim now took the time to properly appraise Olivia’s body. “It really isyou. I would never have thought in a million years — I mean, congrats. I think? This is — so unexpected.”

“Yeah, well…”

“Your huge!” Kim blurted. “I mean, seriously, what have you got in there?” Her eyes darted over Olivia’s overflowing shopping cart. “I mean, you hate kids. You hate people. Hell, you don’t even like animals. You wouldn’t watch my dog for an hour. You’re a recluse and a wino – you know I mean that lovingly. But, just —how?” Kim went back to gawking at Olivia’s belly.

Olivia grimaced. “Well, people change…”

“Yeah right, Liv! You once said kids should be used as slaves until they’re old enough to be useful. And you were serious.”

Olivia reddened.

“This has to be a gag or something, right? You look like you’re about to pop out a football team.”

“Well, this was nice,” said Olivia curtly. She awkwardly tried to navigate her shopping cart away.

“That’s a prosthetic!” Kimberly called after her. “What are you, wearing a fake belly to get a discount or something discount? You and your sketchy antics! I know you, Liv! I’ve seen you fake cancer to get a free side of fries at Manny’s.”

Olivia covered the side of her face as she continued to shuffle off, though it didn’t offer any discretion.


So she wasn’t the most noble of personalities. She had traded her body for a decent salary. And it was worth it.

At least once daily now, Olivia made herself a smoothie. She combined ice cream, lactation cookies, heavy cream, cookie dough, butter, sugar, and three spoonfuls of lard in a blender, mixing it all into a geletinous gunk which she subsequently stuffed into her coffee thermos and brought to work with her every day. Sipping the concoction through an extra-large straw usually kept her firm for about six hours or so, and it was quite tasty as well. It helped keep her insatiable hunger at bay, and when necessary, she could always add a spoon or two of lard for a more potent effect.

That morning, Olivia made a stop at Mommy Madness on her way in to the office. Once again, all of her professional attire was getting uncomfortably tight on her. With her promotion came a lot more exposure to clients and investors, so it was critical that she always looked neat. She couldn’t go to meetings with buttons straining and shirt hems sliding up over her midsection. Hands cradling her belly, Olivia waddled through the clothing aisles. She grabbed up a few pieces in the section for woman in the more advanced stages of pregnancy, then headed to the fitting rooms, lightly panting from the exertion of walking.

Olivia took a moment to lean back on the wall, resting her sore spine. Errands and chores were certainly getting harder these days. Lightly shaking her head, she began to try on clothes.

There were a couple of dresses which weren’t bad, though most were snug at the belly, her bellybutton bulging visibly as the cotton stretched thin against her abdomen.

Olivia stepped out of her stall to examine herself at different angles in the large mirrors that littered the fitting room. She really liked the latest dress, and it even fit her abdomen decently, but it was tight at the chest, breasts bulging against the neckline, cleavage on display. It didn’t look close to professional. Olivia tried to readjust it, but nothing seemed to work. Then again, her breasts had somehow swelled up to FF-cups in the past few weeks. They were big, even for a “pregnant” person. She still couldn’t believe how huge they were getting. Her nipples were swollen large and bulging out prominently, and Olivia had stopped wearing bras. She was just too sore and sensitive to tolerate them anymore.

At this rate, she might have to get custom-made clothing. “Damn…” Olivia muttered as she rubbed her flanks. Another expense, though she supposed she could afford it.

“Can I help you find anything?” inquired a passing employee.

“Not really,” Olivia grumbled. “You don’t seem to have my size anymore.”

The store clerk gave Olivia a onceover. “Can I ask how far along you are?” She stared unabashedly.

“I…um...I’m due?” Olivia responded, more as a question. At the clerk’s increasing puzzlement, Olivia added, “with twins?”

“Let me get you a seat,” said the clerk. “You really shouldn’t be on your feet. As for clothes, you might want to try an online specialty store. I’m afraid we just don’t get a lot of multiples cases around here, certainly not so…advanced. Fortunately, it doesn’t look like you have long to go, so you might not need to invest in much clothing at all.”

Olivia huffed. “Right, thanks,” she said curtly before waddling her way back into the fitting room to take off the dress that didn’t quite fit.

Olivia ended up buying it. She figured she could get it altered to wear until she had the chance to arrange for something more customized.


When Olivia got to the office, her work day started off on a stressful note.

“You can’t keep avoiding me, Olivia,” Mike said after barging into her office, proving once again that Cindy was entirely useless. “This is my child too. I want to be part of this. And I want to be at the birth.”

The topic of conversation only proved to remind Olivia of the monumental hole she had dug herself into. Compulsively, she stuffed another Italian rainbow cookie into her mouth. Her Nana had sent a whole box of the delicate pastry, the flavors of chocolate, almond, and jelly saturating her mouth. It was so fucking good, and it gave Olivia the briefest reprieve from her dilemma.

“Are you even listening to me!?” Mike demanded.

Olivia looked up from the pastry box. “I…have to go to the bathroom,” she said, planting her hands against her desktop and heaving herself out with a loud grunt of effort. As her belly popped up into the open, Mike stumbled back slightly, seeming startled or intimidated. Olivia waddled out of the office and made her way to the bathroom a few doors down.

She locked herself in and went to a stall, finding it smaller than ever before. Turning around was terribly awkward, her belly pressing and squishing against the sides as she fumbled. Finally, she sat down on top of the closed lid of the toilet, and huffed out a breath, rubbing her belly by compulsion. She felt weird and tense, her insides throbbing. She breathed through it and fanned herself, chest feeling terribly hot.

Just what the hell was she going to do?


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