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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Sid took hold of Carrie’s hands as he strained to pull her free. For a guy who was probably one-hundred-forty pounds soaking wet, he at least tried. He pulled on her wrists until his face flushed and veins were bulging on his forehead. His body writhed and struggled as he attempted to dislodge her from the doorway, but to no avail. Carrie didn’t think they made even a centimeter of progress.

All the while, their classmates stood around gawking. Carrie could hear the crowd growing behind her, people whispering and muttering, some expressing their disbelief. She could feel the stares on her back, and was admittedly relieved that she didn’t have to see all of them behind her. Judging by the number of voices, it sounded like far too many people for them to just be members of this class. People were likely coming over from other rooms and classes just to gawk at her bizarre body and outlandish predicament.

“Ow, Sid, you’re hurting me,” Carrie whined as Sid’s sweaty hands slipped off her wrists for the third time. She rubbed her shoulder, which was aching badly now. If Sid pulled any harder, it was going to dislocate.

Sid leaned back on the wall for a moment gasping for breath and looking frustrated. Then he glanced around at the large crowd of students and professors that had formed around Carrie. “Well don’t just stand there,” he demanded. “Help us!” This time, Sid grabbed Carrie around her bloated waist and tried pulling.

There was a moment of hesitation, before Carrie started to feel numerous sets of hands on her. Several pressed into her back, trying to push her through the door frame from behind. But when this proved futile, a large number of people actually started pressing at the plump, squishy mass of her enormous backside. Collectively they pushed as Sid and some others pulled her from the front.

“Oh god!” said Carrie in panic. It was working. She could feel her body shifting, if just marginally. But all the pressure on her ass was causing some embarrassing consequences. “Ngghhh—wait!” Then it happened.

An enormous fart tore out of her ass, causing the whole mound to tremble. All the hands on her immediately retracted, and there was a moment of frozen silence, Carrie’s face beet red. It was absolutely humiliating.

“Ughhhh…” She could feel her backside swelling more, getting even more wedged in the increasingly confined space. It was becoming truly painful. “Ohhhh…” Carrie bit her lip, her eyes tearing.

“What are you waiting for!” said Sid. “We gotta get her out of there!” Then he resumed his efforts. After a moment of hesitation, the others resumed as well, perhaps fewer hands than before, but they were back to pushing on her backside as Sid and others pulled, and Carrie whined, trembled, and sweat. With each application of pressure, another fart shuddered out of her butt. Soon it became an endless cycle as she whined in discomfort and humiliation. This was the most mortifying moment of her life.

Carrie yelped as she suddenly popped free. It had worked! But her own weight left her off balance. She made a desperate swipe for the doorframe, twisting to hold onto it, but her hands slipped free. She was just too heavy. She ended up falling right onto her huge backside, yelping as her skin audibly slapped against the floor tiles. She moaned as she wobbled on the odd platform her own fat made. It felt like she was sitting on some fusion of a waterbed and a beanbag, though firmer. She couldn’t believe this was all her body.

Carrie’s legs wiggled as she whined, feeling terribly unstable. She attempted to stand, but couldn’t seem to get her footing. She braced her hands on her knees and made another effort to get herself onto her feet. Everyone stared as she struggled until she was red in the face and gasping for breath. Another fart tore out of her backside, making it quake. After failing several attempts, she just sat there gasping. She came to the grim realization that she could no longer stand on her own. She blinked helplessly up at her spectators, who were all watching her, slack-jawed.

“Help me,” Carrie pleaded pathetically.

Snapping out of his reverie, Sid hurried to aid her.


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