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Note: This is a female version of Farm Boy.

Summary: A high school senior, Megan noticed that her older sister has been dipping into the chemical on their parents' farm, and has been gaining a lot of weight. A bit disgusted, a bit curious, Megan tries the chemical hormones herself, and experiences the best high of her life. She quickly introduces the chemical to her two best friends, and the three progressively get addicted, all while experiencing incidental changes, such as butt growth, breast development, belly expansion, in addition to other, stranger, things. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, multiple breasts, breast-belly, butt expansion, weight gain, and more. Also, issues of drug addiction.

Previous Chapter 


Megan stripped down all the way to her tank top, which was stretchy, and hugged her torso. Every curve of her upper body was on display, and once Megan dumped her coat to the ground, Sam was left gawking at her for seconds…minutes.

Megan knew she was red. “I grew more boobs,” she blurted out, ludicrous as that sounded. Her lungs felt compressed, like she couldn’t get enough air in. “I’m a mutant,” she added with a shaky laugh.

Sam was still staring, her jaw hanging slack. “Shit,” Sam huffed out after the longest time. “This is crazy. It—it kinda looks good on you.”

“What?” said Megan, completely astonished. It was one thing for Roger to say it, and another for her subscribers to tell her, and then even for Paige to intimate it—but now even Sam thought it looked good?

Sam shifted awkwardly beneath her massive swell, then sighed and slumped back as though resigned to the weight. “Yeah, girl. It’s weird. They’re huge. But it kinda looks—good, somehow. Like, it suits you. I mean, it’s sorta hot.”

Megan’s face heated more. “I was so scared to tell you,” she blurted out. “It’s why I’ve been avoiding you. It’s weird, and freakish, and god, it’s getting so hard to hide them. They just keep growing. And Roger’s no help—”

“Chill out,” said Sam, as she idly rubbed her hands into her belly. She laughed a little. “They’re just boobs. What, did you think I would freak out?”

“Kind of,” said Megan weakly.

From there they talked and talked. They never ran out of things to discuss about the past few months. Talking to Sam was easy. Sam was laid back and kind, and Megan found herself truly admiring her friend for the first time, even when Sam would pause to appraise Megan again, and Megan’s feelings of vulnerability would surge a little.

“It’s cool,” Sam said with an easy smile. “Kinky as hell.”

Megan just laughed.

“Ohh…” Sam’s belly quivered and she tensed somewhat, panting.

“You okay?” said Megan.

“Yeah... just, just the pressure,” said Sam. There was a subtle roll of her belly. She panted quietly, continuing the rub the mound. She looked so huge and weary. She released a grunt, and her belly bounced slightly. “Nrrgghh…never get pregnant.”

Megan gave a nervous chuckle. “I don’t plan to.”


“You gonna put a baby in me?” said Megan shamelessly that night as Roger fucked her.

“Fuck yes,” he answered.

“H-how many?” Megan asked.

“One for each tit. No, five or six, to keep you on your toes.”

“Five or six?” Megan groaned. Sam was pregnant with four, and she was huge. If Megan had six, she would be massive. Her voice quavered. “I’ll be gigantic.”


“A fucking pig.” And she could imagine it. Herself toting a huge stomach as she waddled around, struggling not to drop.


“I’m gaining weight,” Roger mentioned one day, a wry look on his face.

Megan looked at Roger. She didn’t see a difference. Still, she found herself weirdly amused and turned on by the idea. “No one told you to swallow.”

“Ha, ha,” said Roger sarcastically, joining Megan on the bed, and he never did stop. He always swallowed.

Over the days that followed, Megan paid attention, and she did start to notice the little gut Roger was developing under his jerseys and jackets. Megan rubbed it every chance she got. She saw how Roger’s belts had begun to strain. And for some reason, Megan wanted him to get fatter. She wanted to make Roger fatter, knowing that it was her milk that did it. It was just a turn-on.

Roger went away for a few days to visit home, and when he came back, he seemed a bit miserable.

“What did your parents say?” Megan couldn’t help asking.

“They weren’t impressed,” he responded wearily. “I’m gonna have to start hitting the gym more before lacrosse season starts.”

But Roger continued to indulgently drink Megan’s milk, and he continued to get fat.


Megan was weirdly gaining confidence.

Since the initial budding of her second pair of breasts, she had seen herself as a freak, and had been determined to hide it. But suddenly she was getting praise and admiration at every turn. People told her she was hot, gorgeous, and the object of their wildest fantasies. All of the positive reinforcement must have been going to her head because Megan found herself going out one night without her many layers.

To say that she was comfortable in her own skin was an overstatement, but she was definitely…progressing somewhere. She was trying to fight through the self-resentment and mortification, at least for the night.

She and Roger took a bit of a road trip. It was a few hours, but Megan thought it would be worth it. Megan had an oversized cardigan strewn over her shoulders, though it didn’t conceal much. The tight fit of her tank top was visible, the way it dipped low into the cleavage of her upper breasts. At one point, Roger had pulled over just so he could bury his face in it. The plump outlines of both pairs of Megan’s breasts were readily apparent in the top. Megan had finished off the outfit with a pair of black leggings, and she felt a strange mixture of excitement and terror.

Roger couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off Megan, much as he tried to focus on the road. “How are they doing?” he asked, licking his lips.

“Okay, for now,” Megan said.

“God, you look so good.”

Megan gave a shaky smile, and just tried to shift her attention away from the amorphous black coat she had lying in the backseat, just in case she lost her nerve.

Roger pulled up to the club. He got out, and after an internal countdown, Megan convinced herself to as well.

“God, this place looks sleazy,” said Megan.

“It’s a strip club. What did you expect?” Roger laughed.

They went to the entrance, and the bouncer made a perfunctory grunt for their IDs without really looking at them, instead eying some bums on the corner. Megan and Roger quickly provided their fake IDs, and the bouncer gave them a rapid once-over, then his eyes bulged.

His eyes were pinned to Megan’s huge tits. And huge they were. They wobbled gently with Megan’s breathing, all four stretching out the tank top she was wearing. Megan felt flushed and tense, and suddenly regretted ever coming out like this—

“G-go ahead,” said the bouncer, choking slightly.

Megan gave a nod and ducked inside. She could hear Roger following.

Megan’s nipples were stinging. It was the stress. She suddenly wanted the comfort of feeling Roger sucking her. There had to be a bathroom somewhere. “Want a snack?” she asked. Megan glanced back at Roger, pointedly cupping one of her lower breasts, lifting it slightly.

But Roger’s eyes were ahead, wide and rapt. Megan could see something bright reflecting against his pupils.

“Meg, look.

Megan turned forward and finally paid attention to the stage ahead, and the various strippers of varying genders dancing half-nude or bare naked for the two dozen or so patrons that littered the club.

Megan saw Jane for the first time in a while, and her friend had certainly changed.

Jane was wearing only a bikini top and a small, tight pair of shining silver shorts, showing off her lean body and her huge bouncing ass that strained the pants and must have doubled in size since high school.

It was huge. Bouncy, juicy, absolutely ludicrous in the way that it bulged out behind her, bobbing with her every move, about ready to blow out of her shorts. It looked completely insane yet gorgeous and strangely alluring. Megan suddenly wondered if this was what people felt when they saw her.

“Woah,” Roger managed, and nothing more, seemingly mesmerized by Jane’s pole dance and huge bubble-ass. Megan was gawking, her face frozen in a stunned expression. Thankfully, the venue was dark. Jane had yet to see them.

“Yeah,” Megan heard herself respond weakly. “She…grew.”

“Damn,” Roger breathed as he dropped himself into a seat.


They were allowed backstage after the show, and Megan suspected it was because the bouncers thought she was part of the entertainment. Everyone was ogling her, eyes wide, jaws hanging. Their fingers twitched as though they wanted to touch, but thankfully, no one ever did.

Watching her childhood friend twerking her hugely swollen ass on stage had been a very different experience. As Megan spotted Jane backstage, up close, she felt even more awkward. Jane was breathless and sweaty, and had yet to notice them. While talking to another dancer, one of Jane’ hands had reached down to cup her own ass, supporting it somewhat. The booty-shorts looked painfully tight, and offered little in terms of coverage. Up-close, Megan could see that the huge wobbling ass wasn’t the only oddity Jane was displaying. Jame’s hips looked much fuller, and there were two—horns?—protruding out of her hair.

“Jane,” Megan blurted.

Jane stiffened, and turned in Megan’s direction. She looked completely shocked. “Meg.”

“Hey,” Megan managed, her face flaming as Jane’s astonished gaze took in Megan’s form.

“God, Sam wasn’t kidding.”

“She told you?” said Megan.

“I thought she was fucking with me.”

“Yeah…this is all…”

“Weird shit,” said Jane. “But the money’s good.” She was still indulgently staring at Megan’s four breasts.

It was uncomfortable. “Your show was great,” said Megan. “Roger thought so. Didn’t you Roger?”

“I…er…” was all Roger could say.

“Yeah, you liked it?” said Jane with grin. She was shameless, as always. God, this was so fucking weird.

An older guy was passing by, and Jane waved him over. He was somewhat beefy and wearing a cheap suit.

“Boss, this is Megan,” Jane said. “The friend I was telling you about.”

Jane told her boss about me? Megan thought, completely disturbed as Jane’ boss took his turn to eye Megan up.

“Meg, this is Ted,” Jane added.

“Megan, great to meet you. Take my card. I have work if you ever need it,” said Ted, weirdly unfazed by the dimensions of Megan’s body. “You look very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?”

“No—er—no,” said Megan, her thoughts immediately going to her video channel. “I just have one of those faces.”

“Hmm,” said Ted, looking amused and self-satisfied. “Jane, you’re back on in three.”

“Yeah,” said Jane. “Fuck, Megan. It was good to see. We have to catch up properly some time. When I’m not at work.”

“Yeah, of course,” said Megan feebly.

Then Jane walked off towards the stage as the others watched Megan seep heavily into her shirt. Megan gathered just enough energy to drag Roger to the bathroom.

The reunion had been more than her body could handle.


One day, Megan did a Q&A. She was constantly changing things up and adding new things. It kept people interested, and kept her income increasing.

“Yeah, it does feel good to release the milk,” Megan said awkwardly in response to one of the messaged inquiries. As usual, she was only visible from the lower half of her face downwards. “It even looks good to some people, but all the growth is obviously an issue in my personal life.” Megan was flushed while talking. She felt flushed most days lately. And full. She rubbed the side of one of her breasts gently, breathing evenly, arching slightly. She was dressed in a tiny, skimpy, double-breasted bikini top. Another gift from Roger. She didn’t know why, but she wanted Roger to suck her. She wanted Roger to permanently be sucking. Megan released a low sigh. “Next question,” she managed, her eyes trailing down to a short sentence submitted by another one of her top supporters. Megan immediately regretted reading it aloud before reading it silently: “Are you going to have a baby?” Megan blinked a few times, face reddening. “Er…I’m not…”

Now comments were trailing down the screen, people enthusiastically voicing their thoughts on the query.

when? when?

ur getting a little belly.

i think, I think she’s having a bb.

“Of course not,” Megan said coolly. “No plans. It’s not on the agenda.”

You can tell us.

yr all glowing

are you preg?


Megan’s bikini top was feeling incredibly tight. She dragged it down, all four of her nipples squirting hard. She grunted. “Have I…have I really gained weight?” She must have been distracted with the video channel, school work, Roger, and everything else going on. Now her tits felt close to bursting, still releasing forceful, erratic squirts. “Well, this wraps up the Q&A,” she said quickly, closing her laptop, and staggering to her bed. She dropped back and hastily connected her breast pumps. She turned on the machine, her whole body shuddering. She covered her eyes with her hand, releasing a long moan, and came untouched, hips twitching.

There were tears on her cheeks. She didn’t know whether it was the pleasure or the fear. Her free hand slid to her stomach and indeed found a curve there.

Next Chapter 


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