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Summary: A high school senior is blackmailed by a male classmate and forced to take a pill regularly under his supervision, though she has no clue what the pill does. Contains: Female: breast expansion & more.

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The two lingered by the door. She almost didn’t want to leave, but they had spent a whole day and a half together.

“I can’t believe how big they’re getting,” Ted mused aloud, staring at her chest. “Is this…normal?”

Jade forced a laugh. “Trust me, it’s no cakewalk. I just can’t wait till I don’t have to nurse the baby anymore.” Still with the fake baby story.

“It looks good. I mean…I don’t mind it.” His large, callused hand gently cupped her left breast, causing her to gasp as it jiggled. “I’m a boob guy.”

“What? Really?” said Jade sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She tugged at the large T-shirt he had given her to wear. The prominence of her large breasts had caused it to ride up enough that some of her lean midriff was exposed. “See you, Ted.” She started for the door, but then he grabbed her arm, spun her around, and brought them together in one more kiss.

Jade smiled as she pulled away, enjoying as his hand slowly ran down her back.

“You know, I think I’m falling for you,” said Ted.

“Shut your mouth.” Jade lightly swatted him but she was smiling fondly. “I’ll text you later.”

“You have my number.”

Finally, she left his apartment.


On her way home, Jade stopped at a wireless shop and picked up one of those old flip phones. She knew that all her calls and texts on her primary phone were regularly monitored by the detectives. If she called Ted only from this flip phone, the two of them could talk with relative privacy.

By the time Jade got back into her apartment, she was flushed and panting. Her breasts felt unbelievably tight. Both of her nipples were swollen and seeping, but not to the degree that she would have expected. She felt backed up somehow. She gingerly made her way to her breast pump, which are sitting, clean, on the bathroom counter. She quickly pulled up her shirt, attached both suction cups, and turned the device on. As it got started, she leaned back against the wall with a groan, slowly sinking down to the floor as the anxiety-inducing sensation of being tight to bursting slowly mitigated, taking with it the pain and discomfort.

The non-pasteurized milk had really done a number on her. Jade looked down her chest to stare at how much her breasts had swollen up just in the past few days. At least Ted had liked it. If anything, he was becoming obsessed with her. All she had to do was hold his focus as she slowly eased them away from his life of crime. She would use her own body to distract him as long as she could. Once she locked him down, the thought of putting himself or her at risk ever again would be unthinkable to him.

A long sigh escaped Jade’s throat as she sunk lower against the wall. Her two swollen breasts throbbed gently with each pump of the device.

The melodious ringing of her smartphone snapped Jade out of her reverie. She reached out beside her, fumbling with her purse, before withdrawing her phone and bringing it to her ear. “Hello?”

“Jade, this is Detective Reed.”

Jade immediately tensed. She drew in a deep breath before calmly responding, “Hi.”

“Is everything all right? I was told that you didn’t show up for your shift at the diner today.”

Jade bit her lip. “Yes, I just had a headache. Nothing serious.”

There was a pause on the other line, before Reed said, “Rumor has it that you left the diner with Bryson yesterday.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Jade said quickly, her heart pounding. “We just left at the same time. I guess we were chatting — isn’t that why you hired me? To chat him up and learn his secrets? Anyway, we talked a little in the parking lot, but he went his way and I went mine. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.” She was being too defensive. Jade held her breath.

“Hmmm…” said Reed.

“Anyway, wasn’t there or sting operation? Didn’t you catch him yesterday?”

“No,” said Reed coolly. “He didn’t show up. Several of his accomplices were apprehended, but for whatever reason, he sat this one out.”

Jade felt a bit gleeful knowing that her seduction had saved Ted from being thrown into a jail cell. “Maybe he’s turning over a new leaf,” Jade mentioned before she could stop herself. She bit her lip when Reed didn’t immediately respond.

“Doubtful,” said the detective. “Be careful, Jade. Don’t go soft on me. This man is a conartist and a manipulator. If you think for a second that he’s cleaning up his act, you’ve already fallen for whatever act he selling these days. Now are you going to stick to the plan, or is it time to pull you out of there? You wouldn’t be the first CI who’s been compromised.”

“No,” said Jade quickly. “I mean…of course not. Everything is fine. Te—Bryson—he’s nothing.”

“Indeed,” said Reed evenly. Jade wasn’t sure the detective had been convinced. “I don’t want you having any interaction with Bryson outside of the diner. Not in the parking lot, not anywhere. This is for your own safety. Understood?”

“Understood,” said Jade weakly.

As Reed hung up, Jade heaved a long sigh. As much as she respected Detective Reed, the woman was oblivious. People were capable of change. Sometimes they just need a little push.

If Jade was being removed from this case, she had every intention to take Ted with her. She knew that he would come with her, happy and willingly. She knew that she could convince him. She just needed a little more time.


Before she saw Ted again, Jade made sure not to pump. She went over to his place fully engorged, trying to look casual and not overwhelmed as she stood at the door with a half-smile. “Hey,” she said as he answered.

She was wearing a little sundress with spaghetti straps, the cotton stretching and straining against her chest. Her cleavage was bulging heavily from the low neckline. The swollen expanse of her breasts was display, mounds pressed together, sleek with sweat. She still couldn’t believe how round they were. They were certainly hot, generating heat like a furnace. It left her dewy and breathless, but she kept a smile on her face and her back arched.

“Hey,” said Ted belatedly, his eyes glued to her heaving cleavage.

She had only gotten bigger since he had sucked her dry two days earlier. She thought her breasts resembled honeydews by then. They were certainly the biggest natural breasts she had ever seen. They were plump and soft, not looking weirdly hard and angular like the ones on the woman who got surgery to achieve this cup size.

“Come on in,” Ted said, taking her hand to escort her inside. It was very gentlemanly considering they were just going into his apartment. Jade couldn’t help chuckling.

“Love the outfit,” Ted added.

“It’s a little tight,” Jade pouted. “My chest, eugh, it just keeps growing.”

“Fuck, Stacy,” he reprimanded, inhaling.

“They’re really heavy.” Jade reached up to cup her breasts. She couldn’t help the moan that escaped her throat. They were so full and tight, and so sensitive. She fell out of her act, her face twisting in discomfort. “Sorry Ted, I think I’m gonna make a mess.”

“Let me help,” Ted said.

“Yeah? You don’t think I’m some freak? ” She placed her arms around his shoulders, allowing her breasts to press into his chest.

“God, no,” Ted said. “You’re fucking beautiful. It’s driving me crazy.”

“I…ngghhh…I try to pump them every six hours,” she told him. “If I miss one session I just get huge.”

Ted kissed her, like he had been struggling not to up until that moment. He pressed into her, causing a whine to escape Jade’s throat. Then he pulled back and gently slid her spaghetti straps down her shoulders so he could tug down the front of her dress, allowing her breasts to push free.

There were almost too round; bloated with engorgement. Her nipples were big and swollen, bulging prominently as her breasts gently wobbled. She was breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed. “I c-can’t,” Jade stammered, just before her right nipple started squirting. It splashed right into Ted, but he hardly seemed to care. “Mggghhhh…godd…” she breathed as her left nipple started squirting as well, seeming to swell somewhat in the process.

“Does that feel good?” Ted asked, gently sliding his fingers over the side of her right breast.

Jade shook her head. “It’s not enough,” she groaned out. “It’s not like when I pump them, or when you — when you suck them. F-fuck —p-please — I’m gonna blow,” she whined, arching and pushing out her breasts even farther.

He leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth, causing Jade to groan in relief, twisting her fingers through his hair.

They stumbled to his bedroom, between his sucking her nipples and just kissing her flesh. Soon she was sprawled back on the mattress, beneath him.

“Keep going,” she pleaded, gripping his shirt. “Feels so good, oohhhh…keep drinking…”

He nursed from her for hours with the enthusiasm of someone who was starving. Even after he finished draining both of her breasts, Jade could already feel the gradually increasing heat of her body making a new batch of milk.

She lay back in his arms as he cupped and fondled her breasts idly. “Damn, they are perfect,” he mused aloud.

Jade was still struggling to catch her breath. “All the stimulation doesn’t help,” she admitted wearily. “But the alternative is even worse. I’m just caught in a cycle.”

“It’s not a bad cycle,” said Ted, giving her left nipple a gentle pinch that made her shudder. It produced a stray droplet of milk.

“Maybe not,” said Jade breathlessly, looking up to meet his eyes.

Jade climbed up so that she could sit beside him and face him more evenly. Her breasts felt lighter, and had taken on more of a teardrop shape. It was a relief to not feel heavy, off-balance, and completely overheated. She thought Ted did a better job than the pumps at milking her. She took his hand, tracing his palm. “We can’t let anyone know about us,” she told him. “I could get fired.”

Ted frowned. “Is your boss that strict?” Little did he know, Jade was more concerned about the detectives than she was about the elderly diner owner who barely cared about the case let alone the personal life of a CI.

“Yes,” Jade insisted. “Ted, I really need this job. Promise me you’ll keep this between us.”

Ted brushed back her hair. “I have to admit, I’m disappointed. I kind of wanted to flaunt it. I got the sexiest girl in the whole neighborhood.”

Jade flushed pink, a smile tugging at her lips.

“But sure. I promise.”

She leaned over to kiss him, her breasts pressing between them. “Thank you.”

As she dozed off in Ted’s bed, Jade couldn’t help musing about how significantly her life had changed. She had gone from being a straight-A high school student on the verge of graduating, to working undercover as some ditzy waitress name Stacy. But somehow, Ted made the whole thing well worth it. She knew her relationship with Ted was built on a lie. She would tell him the truth eventually, when it was safer. Someday, Ted would know the real her, and they could start a whole new life together.


Jade woke up in the middle of the night, her body aching. She hissed as she pulled herself partially upright, her breasts bloated, hot, and tight.

She reached out to Ted, but only made contact with sheets. She fumbled to reach for the reading lamp beside her, before turning it on, and finding that she was alone in Ted’s bed.

He was gone.

Jade panted as her eyes darted around. She listened for noise, but the apartment was silent. It was only then that she noticed a rumpled sheet of paper on the pillow beside hers. She lifted it to her face, scanning it with her eyes.

Just stepping out, it said. Be back in a few hours.

“Seriously?” she muttered, her eyebrows furrowing. Through the discomfort in her chest, Jade crawled over to the other side of the bed, and reached into the bottom drawer of Ted’s night table. It was unlocked. Her hands gripped around, but couldn’t find anything inside it.

Ted said he always kept his gun right beside him, in that night table. Evidently, he had taken it with him.

“Dammit,” Jade murmured in frustration. She felt as though every time she took a step forward with Ted, she took another two steps back. He was out in the middle of the night, up to no good, with his gun. Probably meeting up with his criminal accomplices or even committing some crime. She just wished he would stay out of trouble for once.

“Ughhhhh…” She was so uncomfortable. And worried. What if he got hurt? Or arrested? “Ohhhh….” He should have been there to help her. Safe, at home, against her breasts. Jade grimaced, holding the sheets low on her chest. She wanted to go home to pump, but instead decided to just wait a little longer and see if he came home. She leaned back against the pillows, her breasts positively pulsing. Looking down at her cleavage, she knew she was getting huge. Yet some small part of her wanted to see what her body was capable of.


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