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Note: This is a story-prompt for imposter_dude.

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Emma looked as though she could have been overdue with triplets, at the size she was.

Her belly was a round, heavy globe attached to her torso.

Her stride had devolved to a heavy waddle, and Emma could feel herself getting slower as the days passed. Simply moving between the living room and the kitchen would leave her panting, flushed, and sweaty. Her hands were constantly clutching at her massive mound as it rocked with her struggled movements.

She woke up one morning, breathing heavily, as she blinked, grimaced, then finally shifted herself so that her weight was less against her torso. She panted as she rubbed the side of her large belly. She was still bloated from her late night snack, which had been classic: chocolate chip cookies, about three dozen of them. Each bite had been sweet and buttery. Emma was salivating just at the memory. A sleepy smile spreading across her face, she sighed then planted her hands firmly against the mattress.

It took a good deal of effort just to get herself upright. Afterwards, she was back to gasping for breath, cupping her girth. Slowly, she inched forward, easing herself to the edge the bed so that her legs dangled off it. Even this action required a few moments of recovery, as she waited for her racing heart to steady. Finally, Emma planted her feet firmly against the ground, gripped onto the dresser which was just within her reach, and with a prolonged grunt, heaved herself to her feet.

She groaned as she leaned more heavily on the dresser, her belly pressing into it as she used it for support. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe how big she had gotten, all filled up with food and fat. Shaking her head with a small huff of a laugh, Emma finally began to move, one foot at a time. It was a struggle to stay balanced, even as she edged along the dresser. She found herself arching, shoving her abdomen even farther outwards. It helped somewhat.

Just in a cotton nightdress Annette had gotten for her and a small pair of shorts, Emma slowly eased her way forward, panting and waddling, leaning her hand on the wall when she ran out of furniture. She felt like a penguin, her body swaying left and right as she made a painfully slow procession forward. She gripped her belly tightly with her free hand, puffing out breaths of air as she grew increasingly flustered. Yet still, there was a certain comfort to being so fat and free.

“Oh dear,” a voice said, and Annette was suddenly beside her, offering some support.

Emma gratefully leaned into the older woman’s contact.

“You’re a big girl now,” Annette teased as the two of them slowly made their way towards the living room.

“Heh.” Emma could feel Annette’s hand supporting her belly, fingers cupping it. Soon Annette’s hand began to rub as well, as though to comfort as she explored the sheer immenseness of the curve. It had become quite difficult to maneuver herself around, so Emma appreciated Annette sort of steering her. She still couldn’t believe how far her belly spanned out now.

Soon the two of them made it to the couch. Emma slowly eased herself down, feeling jolted when her abdomen knocked back against her, pushing some of the air out of her lungs. Emma clutched what she could of it, where it sat perched on her lap, heaving out and in with her gasping breaths.

“You don’t move an inch, dear,” Annette insisted. “I’ll bring your breakfast right here.”

Through her fluster, Emma nodded in appreciation. “Thanks,” she managed. Her belly chose that moment to release a loud grumble, causing a small blush to color Emma cheeks.

Annette laughed fondly. “Just another moment,” she said as she reached down, lightly patting Emma belly. With that, Annette turned and marched off towards the kitchen. Emma could hear pots and pans clanging around, but wasn’t deceived. Annette always had something hot and ready. If she was cooking now, she was likely just getting an early start on lunch.

Emma sighed and sunk back, deeper into the soft, comfortable sofa. She noticed that her belly was overflowing her thighs, and wondered if it had grown wider than the rest of her.

At times like these, when she was so bloated round, she really did look pregnant; beyond pregnant, really.

The large, cotton nightgown should have been knee-length, but was already beginning to ride up, exposing a few inches of belly. Emma just smiled and shook her head at herself. Her life had changed quite drastically, and in just a couple of weeks.

A large belch tore up Emma throat, her mouth filling with the flavor of chocolate chip cookies. She groaned and rubbed her belly as it grumbled again. How could she feel so hungry and so stuffed simultaneously?

“Time for the first course,” Annette said as she emerged from the kitchen, a huge pan in her arms.


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